

1 CHD 新型コロナワクチンのDNA汚染は癌を引き起こしヒトゲノムを改変 世界保健評議会

2023年10月12日 12時56分48秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO

1 CHD 新型コロナワクチンのDNA汚染は癌を引き起こしヒトゲノムを改変 世界保健評議会









1 コロナ倫理医師団 COVID-19 mRNAワクチンには過剰な量の細菌DNAが含まれています:証拠と意味

2 コロナ倫理医師団 COVID-19 mRNAワクチンには過剰な量の細菌DNAが含まれています:証拠と意味

荒川央博士 RNAコロナワクチンへのDNA混入スキャンダル

CHD 新型コロナワクチンへのDNA混入 その危険性 発癌性SV40 プロモーターなど

ファイザーのmRNA新型コロナワクチン 1回の接種で2000 億個の DNAを注入

コロナワクチンへのDNA汚染についてのBuckhaults博士の証言 (米国) そしてJürgen O. Kirchner博士の追試報告 (ドイツ)


1 新型コロナワクチンのDNA汚染が科学者に衝撃を与える

2 新型コロナワクチンのDNA汚染が科学者に衝撃を与える




1 CHD 新型コロナワクチンのDNA 汚染は癌を引き起こしヒトゲノムを改変 世界保健評議会



10/11/23 Childrens Health Defense、2023年10月11日、子供の健康防衛

‘Probably the Most Important Topic of Our Time’: DNA Contaminants in COVID Shots Can Trigger Cancer, Alter Human Genome

「おそらく現代で最も重要なトピック」:新型コロナワクチンに含まれる DNA 汚染物質はがんを引き起こし、ヒトゲノムを改変する可能性がある

A World Council for Health panel of international scientists revealed that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are contaminated with plasmid DNA from the manufacturing process.


This not only can cause inflammation and cancers but can damage DNA, perhaps even pass genetic alterations to children. Experts say regulators ignored the risks and urge a recall of all mRNA vaccines.

これは炎症やがんを引き起こすだけでなく、DNAに損傷を与え、場合によっては子供に遺伝子変異を及ぼす可能性もあります。 専門家らは、規制当局がリスクを無視していると述べ、すべてのmRNAワクチンのリコールを求めている。

By  Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.


The World Council for Health on Monday convened an international panel of scientists and medical experts to discuss recent revelations that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are contaminated with bacterial DNA plasmids that can harm human health.


Describing the findings as “probably the most important topic of our time,” the panelists addressed “#PlasmidGate” and its implications “for all people of the world.”


The hearing addressed the discovery of bacterial DNA left over from the microscopic plasmids used for multiplying DNA in the mRNA vaccine manufacturing process.


One of the gene therapy tools discovered in COVID-19 vaccines is SV40, which is known to be cancer-promoting.


These foreign substances may also be responsible for the high numbers of severe adverse events and deaths following COVID-19 vaccines — but health regulators across the world have thus far ignored the connection, participants said.



World Council for Health steering committee members Dr. Mark Trozzi and Christof Plothe, D.O., moderated the hearing, which included the following participants:


・Australian lawyer Katie Ashby-Koppens.


・German-Thai microbiologist Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi.


・Viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle of the University of Guelph in Canada.


・Geneticist Alexandra Henrion-Caude, Ph.D., former director of research at the French National Institute of Health.


・Microbiologist Dr. Brigitte König, head of the Department of Molecular Diagnostics and Molecular Microbiology at Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg, Germany.


・Toxicologist Dr. Janci Chunn Lindsay, executive editor of the Journal of Toxicology Current Research.

・毒物学者ジャンシー・チュン・リンゼイ博士、Journal of Toxicology Current Researchの編集長。

・Cardiologist Peter McCullough, M.D., MPH.


・Researcher Kevin McKernan, CSO and founder of Medicinal Genomics.


・Biologist and biochemist Jessica Rose, Ph.D.



Plothe opened the hearing, describing the issue of DNA plasmid contamination in mRNA vaccines as “probably the most important topic of our time.”


Trozzi described efforts to raise awareness of the issue as “a David versus Goliath fight,” referring to the World Council for Health’s limited resources in comparison to the WHO’s “$7 billion budget.”


Bhakdi told The Defender, “We feel that the plasmid discovery could be the game-changer,” because genome alteration leads to the creation of genetically modified humans, which he said “will not be tolerated by the world.”


“Physicians around the globe face the decision whether they want to save themselves or go down in history as accomplices in the greatest crime against humanity. We believe that here lies a real chance,” Bkahdi said.

「世界中の医師たちは、自分自身を救いたいのか、それとも人道に対する最大の犯罪の共犯者として歴史に名を残したいのかという決断を迫られています。 私たちはここに本当のチャンスがあると信じています」とブカディ氏は語った。


Up to 35% of mRNA vaccine contaminated with bacterial DNA



Data and testimony presented Monday centered around McKernan’s finding, replicated by other researchers, that up to 35% of the content of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines consists of DNA plasmids.


Plothe described plasmids as “a circular ring of DNA in which elements, via genetic modifications, have been put in, in order to produce the mRNAs.”


“Logically, [plasmids] should not be in the vaccine, because they’re the production sites of mRNA and you certainly don’t want them to be lasting in your body,” Plothe said, adding that such plasmids contribute to antibiotic resistance.



Henrion-Caude said, “The most frequent antibiotic-resistant genes are plasmid-born and are thus easily transferred [into DNA].”

Henrion-Caude 氏は、「最も頻繁に発生する抗生物質耐性遺伝子はプラスミド由来であるため、容易に [DNA に] 移入されます。」と述べています。

Bacterial plasmid DNA is “a really well-known danger signal for the immune system,” Bridle said, describing how it activates the immune system’s bacteria-fighting agents and causes inflammation.


“Plasmid DNA is very robust, and it can last a very long time,” Bridle added, noting that if these DNA plasmids are further modified, this “opens the door to exacerbating another problem, which is potentially prolonged expression of the spike protein” in the body.

「プラスミド DNA は非常に堅牢で、非常に長期間持続する可能性があります」とブライドル氏は付け加え、これらの DNA プラスミドがさらに改変されると、これは「体内でスパイクタンパク質の発現が長期化する可能性があるという別の問題を悪化させる扉を開くことになる」。

Trozzi said there are “at least six or seven methods” by which foreign DNA can potentially be incorporated into human chromosomes, adding that “it’s not in any way hyperbolic to talk about the genetic invasion of innocent people without their knowledge.”




How mRNA is made with plasmids



Bhakdi explained how this process takes place within the body.


“The genome is the entire set of DNA instructions found in a cell … the books of life that are safeguarded in the cell nucleus,” he said, describing mRNA as “the copied recipe” of these instructions.


“Vaccines are such short-lived copies of chromosomal recipes that direct the production of selected antigens like the spike protein.”


Because mass production of mRNA requires mass availability of the DNA templates, “more than 1 billion copies are administered with each injection into the human body.”

mRNA の大量生産には DNA 鋳型が大量に入手できる必要があるため、「人体への注射ごとに 10 億以上のコピーが投与されます」。

Bhakdi said this is achieved through “the billions and trillions of copies of the DNA” derived from bacteria.


The “recipes” for viral proteins are contained in minute bacterial chromosomes that are inserted into plasmids, which then multiply.


Subsequently, “The plasmids are harvested and used as templates for production of the RNA copies,” Bhakdi said, describing how the RNA molecules are then packaged into tiny fatty globules termed lipid nanoparticles (LNP).

その後、「プラスミドが採取され、RNA コピー生成の鋳型として使用されます」とバクディ氏は述べ、RNA 分子がどのようにして脂質ナノ粒子 (LNP) と呼ばれる小さな脂肪小球に包装されるかを説明しました。

“The packaging material is essential to protect RNA from destruction, so that it can travel in the bloodstream to reach all organs of the body,” Bhakdi said.


The LNP act as “Trojan horses,” according to Bhakdi. “They’re taken up by the cells, their cargo is released … and the ‘recipes’ direct [the] production of the gene product,” he said.

バクディ氏によれば、LNPは「トロイの木馬」として機能するという。 「それらは細胞に取り込まれ、その積荷が放出されます…そして『レシピ』が遺伝子産物の生産を指示します」と彼は言う。

Rose likened this process to a “fast delivery” system.



The COVID vaccine ‘bait and switch’



McKernan noted that vials of COVID-19 vaccine used in clinical trials and later approved “are not the vials that were given to the public.”


The clinical trial administered a vaccine made with “process one,” which used PCR to make the DNA that was then turned into the RNA to make the spike protein, McKernan explained.


However, “Once the trial was complete, they [performed] a big bait and switch,” he said.


“They moved to a production process that manufactured this DNA in E. coli.”

「彼らはこの DNA を大腸菌で製造する生産プロセスに移行しました。」





“With that comes a different risk,” McKernan said.


“When they switched to scale this up, … now you had to get the DNA out of E. coli and not have any of the parts of E. coli come with it.”

「彼らがこれをスケールアップすることに切り替えたとき、大腸菌から DNA を取り出さなければなりませんでしたが、大腸菌のどの部分もそれに付随する必要はありませんでした。」

McKernan explained that parts of E. coli are known endotoxins that can cause anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction.


Bhakdi said, “Contamination of mRNA vaccines with plasmid DNA … must be expected to be the rule and not the exception.”




SV40 DNA ‘the most striking revelation’

SV40 DNA「最も驚くべき発見」


McKernan discussed “the most striking revelation”: SV40 cancer-promoting components found in the Pfizer monovalent vaccines. These were “not disclosed to the regulators,” he said.

マッカーナン氏は、ファイザーの一価ワクチンに含まれるSV40発がん性成分という「最も衝撃的な事実」について論じた。 これらは「規制当局には開示されていない」と同氏は述べた。

This is important, McKernan said, because “SV40 is a well-published tool for gene therapy.

マッカーナン氏は、「SV40 は遺伝子治療用のよく知られたツールであるため、これは重要です。

If you want to get DNA into the nucleus, this is the shuttle that you use to get it done.”

DNA を核に取り込みたい場合、これを実行するために使用するシャトルが使用されます。」

According to McCullough, SV40 stands for Simian Virus 40.

マッカロー氏によると、SV40 は Simian Virus 40 の略です。

“These are known commercial enhancers to upregulate the production of a gene in E. coli to produce a product,” he said.



The SV40 genetic code is well-known to be taken up into human cells and to potentially cause cancer.

SV40 の遺伝コードはヒトの細胞に取り込まれ、がんを引き起こす可能性があることがよく知られています。

“It promotes proto-oncogenes to turn on and actually become cancerous within cells,” McCullough said.



Lindsay called SV40 a “super promoter,” explaining that SV40 is “great at driving gene expression and if that should sit above an oncogene, of course you could have an explosion of an amplification in a cancer gene.”


McKernan added, “If you have lipid nanoparticles that are encapsulating this material, you now have a Trojan horse to get into the cells.”




mRNA vaccines ‘by any and all definitions are gene therapies’



According to Bridle, documentation revealed last week by Health Canada through a Freedom of Information request showed that plasmid DNA is not listed as an ingredient in mRNA vaccines.


“Anybody who’s received plasmid DNA in these shots, they have never given informed consent for that,” he said.


“Those of us who know the manufacturing process … were assured that there would not be plasmid DNA present.”

「製造プロセスを知っている私たちには、プラスミド DNA は存在しないだろうと確信していました。」


Bridle said this should have been easy for regulators to notice.


He described serving on the advisory committee of a master’s student working on producing a preclinical messenger RNA-based vaccine.

彼は、前臨床メッセンジャー RNA ベースのワクチンの製造に取り組む修士課程の学生の諮問委員会の委員を務めたことについて説明しました。

“One single rookie scientist” had “no problem getting rid of these bacterial DNA contaminants,” he said.

「一人の新人科学者」は「これらの細菌性 DNA 汚染物質を問題なく除去できた」と彼は語った。

“There’s no excuse [for] companies like Pfizer and Moderna, with all of their money and all of their expert scientists” to leave the plasmid DNA in the vaccines,” Bridle said.


“The fact that they didn’t get rid of this is egregious.”



Rose said that since we have evidence that there is DNA in the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines, “then these products, by any and all definitions, are gene therapies.”


“Even if this wasn’t the intended design, this is the result that we’re facing right now,” she said, adding that such therapies have proven to have “lethal autoimmune effects” and to cause “latent cancers” that often did not appear until two to four years later.



“What happens when the plasmid DNA from these plasmids, broken up or intact, gets into the nucleus of the cell?” Lindsay asked.

「これらのプラスミドからのプラスミド DNA が、壊れていても、そのままであっても、細胞の核に入ると何が起こるでしょうか?」 リンジーは尋ねた。

“You can get DNA mutation and that can occur through substitutions, through deletions.”


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