


2020年12月20日 15時14分49秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO



ロバート F. ケネディ Jr氏のThe Defenderに、新型コロナワクチンは、一部の人のHIVリスクを高める記事が掲載されました。

医学雑誌The Lancetに掲載されたレターの中で、研究者たちは、SARS-Cov-2に対するワクチンを開発するために世界中で使用されているアデノウイルスベクター技術が、HIV感染を発症するリスクを集団に与える可能性があると警告しています。




Cautionary Tale: This COVID Vaccine Could Heighten HIV Risk for Some, Scientists Warn


In a letter published in The Lancet, several researchers raised questions about the potential for adenovirus-based vaccines to increase the risk of HIV for some recipients.

The Lancetに掲載されたレターの中で、何人かの研究者は、アデノウイルスに基づくワクチンが一部の接種者のHIVリスクを高める可能性について疑問を投げかけました。


By Richard Gale and Gary Null 著者リチャード・ゲイル及びゲーリー・ヌル


In a letter published in The Lancet, researchers warn that the adenovirus vector technology being used around the world to develop vaccines against SARS-Cov-2 could put populations at risk of developing HIV infections.

The Lancetに掲載されたレターの中で、研究者たちは、SARS-Cov-2に対するワクチンを開発するために世界中で使用されているアデノウイルスベクター技術が、HIV感染を発症するリスクを集団に与える可能性があると警告しています。





The Lancet  VOLUME 396, ISSUE 10260, E68-E69, OCTOBER 31, 2020

Use of adenovirus type-5 vectored vaccines: a cautionary tale

Published:October 19, 2020DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(20)32156-5





The researchers — from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, the University of California at San Francisco and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases — said the use of adenovirus 5 vector (Ad5) vaccines could have a devastating impact on regions in the developing world that are still plagued by high HIV rates.


People with pre-existing immunity to adenovirus are most susceptible for contracting HIV, the researchers said.



The ModernaPfizer and Sanofi’s mRNA-based vaccines are a novelty in vaccine development.


But vaccines based on recombinant viruses, such as the Ad5 vaccine being developed by the Chinese firm CanSino, have been underway for more than a dozen years. Ad5 is a human adenovirus vector.

しかし、中国の企業CanSinoによって開発されているAd5ワクチンなど、組換えウイルスに基づくワクチンは、12年以上にわたって進行中です。 Ad5は人アデノウイルスベクターです。


According to Global Data, 38 companies are now developing adenovirus vector vaccines against SARS-Cov-2, or COVID-19.


The Ad5 human adenovirus vector technology was used in several failed efforts to develop a vaccine against HIV.


The technology is also employed in vaccines against anthrax and Ebola. 



In 2007, two trials of Merck’s Ad5 HIV vaccine were cancelled. Rather than provide immunity, the vaccine actually increased the risk of HIV infections.

2007年、メルクのAd5 HIVワクチンの2つの試験がキャンセルされました。ワクチンは免疫を提供するのではなく、実際にHIV感染のリスクを高めました。

In 2013, Nature reported, “Overall, people who had received the vaccine were significantly more likely to be infected than those who had received the placebo.”



After analyzing the data, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center estimated that Merck’s HIV vaccine raised the HIV risk by 41 percent.


Increased risk of HIV is one of the problems associated with adenovirus-based vaccines, but there are also others.


In June, Clinical Trials reported that COVID vaccines being developed by AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson and CanSino were at a disadvantage and could “be tripped up by pre-existing antibodies to the vectors used.”

6月、Clinical Trialsは、AstraZeneca、Johnson&Johnson、CanSinoによって開発されているCOVIDワクチンが不利であり、「使用されているベクターに対する既存の抗体によって惑わされる」可能性があると報告しました。


Adenoviruses, often mistaken for flu viruses, are estimated to account for 5% of all respiratory infections in the U.S.


During the 2018-2019 flu season there were five major adenovirus outbreaks on college campuses. 


Immunity for adenovirus can last many years, and about 40 percent of Americans already have neutralizing antibodies for the viruses.



AstraZeneca/Oxford and Johnson & Johnson are using vectors that are non-human — a chimpanzee vector and the Ad26 vector respectively.

AstraZeneca / OxfordとJohnson&Johnsonは、人間以外のベクターを使用しています。それぞれチンパンジーベクターとAd26ベクターです。

The assumption is that these vaccines have an advantage because recipients would not have preexisting neutralizing antibodies against the vector.



But this seems to be a false hypothesis. Hildegund Ertl at the Wistar Institute estimates that between 10% – 20% of Americans and Europeans have Ad26 neutralizing antibodies, and that in parts of Africa, 90% of the population have the antibodies.


WistarInstituteのHildegund Ertlは、アメリカ人とヨーロッパ人の10%〜20%がAd26中和抗体を持っており、アフリカの一部では人口の90%が抗体を持っていると推定しています。


Another issue with the adenovirus-based vaccines?


 According to Vanderbilt Medical School professor Kathryn Edwards, administering any more than two doses of these vaccines over the course of a lifetime might “generate neutralizing antibodies to attack the vector.


If this were to occur, it would greatly increase the risk of triggering an autoimmune illness.”



Despite these and other concerns, a COVID adenovirus vaccine is already being developed by AstraZeneca, and is in phase 3 trials.


Don’t be surprised to see it being rushed through the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in the near future.



We are entering into the new territory of bioengineered viral vector vaccine technology, and we have a long way to go before we fully understand the long-term consequences.


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