

2 Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies第19章 がんと自然感染症

2024年03月28日 19時47分28秒 | ワクチン薬害・副作用: 自閉症・発達障害の原因

2 Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies第19章 がんと自然感染症



Measles and other childhood infections protect against cancer of the lymph system


"Our findings provide additional support to the hypothesis that infections by most common childhood pathogens may protect against Hodgkin lymphoma.... In addition, our study shows that measles may provide a protective effect against non-Hodgkin lymphoma."


Montella M, Maso LD, et al.

Do childhood diseases affect NHL and HL risk? A case-control study from northern and southern Italy.

小児疾患はNHLおよびHLのリスクに影響しますか? イタリア北部および南部での症例対照研究

Leuk Res 2006 Aug; 30(8): 917-22.

Scientists compared 225 people with non-Hodgkin lymphoma and 62 people with Hodgkin lymphoma to 504 people without cancer of the lymph system.


This paper provides evidence that contracting measles in childhood reduces the risk of developing lymphatic cancer in adulthood.





Alexander FE, Jarrett RF, et al.

Risk factors for Hodgkin's disease by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) status: prior infection by EBV and other agents.


Br J Cancer 2000 Mar; 82(5): 1117-21.

"These results support previous evidence that early exposure to infection protects against Hodgkin's disease.”


Scientists compared 118 young adults (16-24 years of age) diagnosed with Hodgkin's disease to 237 gender- and age-matched controls.


  • Infection with measles during childhood was significantly protective against developing Hodgkin's disease (OR = 0.53).
  • 小児期の麻疹感染は、ホジキン病の発症を有意に予防しました (OR = 0.53)。
  • Infection with two or more childhood diseases (measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox or pertussis) was significantly protective against developing Hodgkin's disease (OR = 0.45).
  • 2 つ以上の小児疾患 (麻疹、おたふく風邪、風疹、水痘、または百日咳) に感染すると、ホジキン病の発症が有意に予防されました (OR = 0.45)。




Lymph cancer is more likely in adults who were not infected with measles, mumps, or rubella during childhood


“Our population-based data...showed some evidence that childhood infections delayed to an older age increased risk of Epstein-Barr virus- positive Hodgkin's lymphoma in young adults.


Glaser SL, Keegan TH, et al.

Exposure to childhood infections and risk of Epstein-Barr virus-defined Hodgkin's lymphoma in women.


Int J Cancer 2005 Jul 1; 115(4): 599-605.


Hodgkin's lymphoma (or Hodgkin's disease) is a cancer of lymph tissue, which is found in the lymph nodes, spleen, liver and bone marrow.

ホジキンリンパ腫 (またはホジキン病) は、リンパ節、脾臓、肝臓、骨髄に見られるリンパ組織のがんです。

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is found in some lymph tumors. (Infectious mono- nucleosis is delayed EBV infection.)

エプスタイン・バーウイルス (EBV) は一部のリンパ腫瘍で見つかります。 (伝染性単核球症は遅発性EBV感染です。)

This study was designed to investigate whether common childhood infections influence the risk of developing Hodgkin's lymphoma, and whether the risk varies when EBV is detected in lymph tumors.


Scientists compared 268 women diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma to 325 gender- and age-matched controls without the disease.

科学者らは、ホジキンリンパ腫と診断された女性 268 名を、性別と年齢が一致したこの疾患のない対照者 325 名と比較しました。

Having at least one of three common childhood illnesses (measles, mumps or rubella) reduced the risk of EBV-positive Hodgkin's lymphoma in women 19 to 44 years of age (OR = 0.30).

3 つの一般的な小児疾患 (麻疹、おたふく風邪、または風疹) のうち少なくとも 1 つを患っていると、19 ~ 44 歳の女性における EBV 陽性ホジキンリンパ腫のリスクが減少しました (OR = 0.30)。

Having a history of measles before age 10 versus after age 10 (delayed) provided significant protection against EBV-positive Hodgkin's lymphoma (OR = 0.04).

10 歳以前に麻疹の既往歴がある場合と、10 歳以降(遅発)に麻疹の既往歴がある場合とでは、EBV 陽性ホジキンリンパ腫に対する有意な防御が得られました(OR = 0.04)。




Hodgkin's disease is more likely in adults who were not infected with pertussis, measles, mumps, chickenpox or influenza during childhood


“Risk ratios of Hodgkin's disease tended to be lower for men who had experienced various common contagious diseases in childhood."


Paffenbarger RS Jr, Wing AL, Hyde RT.

Characteristics in youth indica- tive of adult-onset Hodgkin's disease.


J Natl Cancer Inst 1977 May; 58(5): 1489-91.

This study compared 45 men who died of Hodgkin's disease to 180 controls.

この研究では、ホジキン病で死亡した男性 45 名と対照 180 名を比較しました。

Men who died of Hodgkin's disease had fewer common contagious diseases in childhood than controls.


A history of pertussis, measles, mumps, chickenpox, or influenza reduced the risk of dying from Hodgkin's disease.





Gutensohn N, Cole P.

Childhood social environment and Hodgkin's disease.


N Engl J Med 1981; 304: 135-40.

“Risk (of Hodgkin's disease) is associated with a set of factors that tend to decrease or delay early exposure to infections."


This study compared 225 people with Hodgkin's disease to 447 controls.

この研究では、ホジキン病患者 225 名と対照 447 名を比較しました。

Individuals with five or more siblings had nearly half the risk of Hodgkin's disease compared to those who had only one or none. The risk was also reduced in persons of a late birth order.

5人以上の兄弟がいる人は、1人しかいない人、または兄弟がいない人に比べて、ホジキン病のリスクがほぼ半分でした。 遅生まれの人でもリスクは減少しました。

Individuals with Hodgkin's disease were twice as likely to have lived in single family homes rather than multiple-family homes and had fewer playmates than controls during childhood.





Early exposure to common infections develops and matures the immune system, significantly reducing the risk of lymph cancer


“Early exposure to other children at nursery school and daycare seems to decrease the risk of Hodgkin's lymphoma in young adults, most likely by facilitating childhood exposure to common infections and promoting maturation of cellular immunity.'


Chang ET, Zheng T, et al.

Childhood social environment and Hodgkin's lymphoma: new findings from a population-based case-control study.


Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2004 Aug; 13(8): 1361-70.


This study compared 565 people with Hodgkin's lymphoma to 679 controls.


People 15 to 54 years of age who attended nursery school or daycare for at least one year during early childhood had a significantly reduced risk of developing Hodgkin's lymphoma (OR = 0.64).

幼児期に少なくとも1年間保育園またはデイケアに通った15〜54歳の人は、ホジキンリンパ腫を発症するリスクが大幅に減少しました(OR = 0.64)。




Rudant J, Orsi L, et al.

Childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and factors related to the immune system: the Escale Study (SFCE).

小児ホジキンリンパ腫、非ホジキンリンパ腫、および免疫系に関連する要因: Escale Study (SFCE)。

Int J Cancer 2011 Nov 1; 129(9): 2236-47.

"An abnormal maturation of the immune system may play a role. in childhood Hodgkin's lymphoma or non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.'


This study compared 128 children with Hodgkin's lymphoma and 164 children with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma to 1,312 children without cancer of the lymph system.


  • Children with cancer of the lymph system were significantly less likely than controls to have had common infections in early childhood (OR=0.30).
  • リンパ系がんを患っている小児は、対照者に比べて幼児期に一般的な感染症に罹患している可能性が有意に低かった(OR=0.30)。

They were also less likely to have attended daycare or to have had two or more older siblings, conditions that are proxies for exposure to infections.





Early exposure to infectious disease significantly reduces the risk of childhood leukemia


"This analysis provides strong support for an association between exposure to common infections in early childhood and a reduced risk of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


Urayama KY, Buffler PA, et al.

A meta-analysis of the association between day-care attendance and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.


Int J Epidemiol 2010 Jun; 39(3): 718-32.

This paper analyzed 14 studies, including 6,108 cases, to determine whether early exposure to infection is protective against acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


Daycare attendance and social activity were proxies for exposure to infection.


The combined result of the 14 studies confirms that exposure to infection in early childhood, as measured by daycare attendance and/or social activity, is associated with a significant reduction in the risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukemia (OR = 0.76).

14件の研究を総合した結果により、保育園への出席や社会活動によって測定される幼児期の感染症への曝露は、急性リンパ性白血病の発症リスクの有意な減少と関連していることが確認された(OR = 0.76)。




van Steensel-Moll HA, Valkenburg HA, et al.

Childhood leukemia and infectious diseases in the first year of life: a register-based case-control study.

生後 1 年目の小児白血病と感染症: 登録ベースの症例対照研究。

Am J Epidemiol 1986 Oct; 124(4): 590-94.

This study investigated whether infectious diseases in the first year of life are associated with acute lymphocytic leukemia.


In the Netherlands, scientists accessed a nationwide register of children with leukemia and compared them with gender- and age-matched controls.


  • Infants who contracted primary childhood infections had a 20% reduction in the risk of childhood leukemia. Infants who had serious infectious diseases (requiring hospitalization) had a 40% reduction in the risk of leukemia.
  • 小児初感染症に罹患した乳児では、小児白血病のリスクが 20% 減少しました。 重篤な感染症(入院が必要)に罹患した乳児では、白血病のリスクが40%減少しました。




Infants with the least exposure to common infections have the greatest risk of developing childhood leukemia


"These results support the hypothesis that reduced exposure to infection in the first few months of life increases the risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukemia. We conclude that some degree of early exposure to infection seems to be important for child health.


Gilham C, Peto J, et al.

Day care in infancy and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: findings from UK case-control study.


BMJ 2005 June 2; 330: 1294.

Scientists compared 1,286 British children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia to 6,305 children without cancer. Social activity and daycare during infancy were used as proxies for early exposure to infections.

科学者らは、急性リンパ芽球性白血病を患う英国の子供1,286名と癌を患っていない子供6,305名を比較した。 乳児期の社会活動とデイケアは、早期に感染症にさらされる代用として使用されました。

Infants with informal daycare outside the home were significantly protected against acute lymphoblastic leukemia (OR = 0.62).

家庭外で非公式の保育を受けている乳児は、急性リンパ芽球性白血病に対して有意に防御されました(OR = 0.62)。

Infants who attended formal daycare at least twice a week (with at least four children) had a 52% reduced risk of developing acute lymphoblastic leukemia (OR = 0.48).

少なくとも週に 2 回正式な保育園に参加した乳児 (少なくとも 4 人の子供がいる) では、急性リンパ性白血病を発症するリスクが 52% 減少しました (OR = 0.48)。

Infants who started daycare in the first 3 months of life had greater reductions in risk than infants who started daycare after the first 3 months of life.





Jourdan-Da Silva N, Perel Y, et al.

Infectious diseases in the first year of life, perinatal characteristics and childhood acute leukaemia.

生後 1 年目の感染症、周産期の特徴、小児急性白血病。

Br J Cancer 2004 Jan 12; 90(1): 139-45.

"This study supports the hypothesis that early common infections may play a protective role in the etiology of childhood leukemia."


This study compared 473 French children with acute leukemia to 567 controls. Infants who attended daycare starting before 3 months of age had a significantly reduced risk of developing acute leukemia (OR = 0.60).

この研究では、フランスの急性白血病の子供473人と対照の567人の子供を比較しました。 生後3か月前からデイケアに通い始めた乳児は、急性白血病を発症するリスクが大幅に減少しました(OR = 0.60)。




Early exposure to infections is protective against leukemia


"Evidence from a growing number of studies indicates that exposure to common infections early in life may be protective against childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.'


Urayama KY, Ma X, et al.

Early life exposure to infections and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.


Int J Cancer 2011 Apr 1; 128(7): 1632-43.

This study compared 669 children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and 977 controls to assess potential risk factors.


Non-Hispanic white children had a reduced risk of ALL if they attended daycare by the age of 6 months (OR = 0.90) or had an older sibling (OR = 0.68). Both of these conditions are proxies for exposure to infections.

非ヒスパニック系白人の子供は、生後6か月までに保育園に通っていた場合(OR = 0.90)、または年上の兄弟がいた場合(OR = 0.68)、ALLのリスクが減少しました。 これらの状態は両方とも、感染症への曝露の代用となります。

In Hispanic children with ear infections before 6 months of age, there was a significant protective effect against ALL (OR = 0.45).

生後6か月未満で耳感染症を患っているヒスパニック系の小児では、ALLに対して有意な予防効果が見られました(OR = 0.45)。




Petridou E, Kassimos D, et al.

Age of exposure to infections and risk of childhood leukaemia.


BMJ 1993 Sep 25; 307: 774.


“Our results are compatible with previous suggestions in indicating that early attendance at creches reduces the risk of childhood leukemia, presumably by reducing the age of exposure to infectious agents.'


This study compared 136 Greek children diagnosed with leukemia and 187 controls to assess potential risk factors.


Children who attended a creche (nursery) for at least 3 months in the first 2 years of life were significantly protected against childhood leukemia (relative risk, RR=0.28). (Attendance at creches where children are crowded together enables effective transmission of infectious agents.)

生後 2 年間に少なくとも 3 か月間託児所 (保育園) に通った子供は、小児白血病から大幅に守られました (相対リスク、RR=0.28)。 (子供たちが密集する保育園に出席すると、感染病原体が効果的に伝染する可能性があります。)






MMR, DPT and hepatitis B vaccination increase the risk of childhood leukemia


Buckley JD, Buckley CM, et al.

Epidemiological characteristics of child- hood acute lymphocytic leukemia. Analysis by immunophenotype. The Children's Cancer Group.

小児急性リンパ性白血病の疫学的特徴。 免疫表現型による分析。 小児がんグループ。

Leukemia 1994 May; 8(5): 856-64.


This study compared 990 children with acute lymphocytic leukemia to 1,636 cancer controls, and 404 cases matched to 440 community controls.


Children who received MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination had a significantly elevated risk of acute lymphocytic leukemia (OR = 1.7).

MMR(麻疹、おたふく風邪、風疹)ワクチン接種を受けた小児では、急性リンパ性白血病のリスクが著しく上昇しました(OR = 1.7)。




Innis MD.

Immunisation and childhood leukaemia.


Lancet 1965 Mar 13: 1(7385): 605.


This study compared 59 children hospitalized with leukemia to a control group of 343 children without leukemia.


Children who received DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) vaccination had a significantly elevated risk of leukemia.





Ma X, Does M, et al.

Hepatitis B vaccination and the risk of childhood leukemia.


Presented at the 93rd Annual Conference of the American Association for Cancer Research, 2002, San Francisco, CA, USA.


The authors of this (unpublished) paper compared 167 children with leukemia to matched controls. Data was accessed from the Northern California Childhood Leukemia Study (NCCLS).

この(未発表)論文の著者らは、167 人の白血病の子供を対応する対照と比較しました。 データは北カリフォルニア小児白血病研究 (NCCLS) からアクセスされました。

Children who received 3 or more doses of hepatitis B vaccines had a signifi- cantly increased risk of leukemia (OR = 2.6). Infants who received hepatitis B vaccines were approximately 5 times more likely to develop leukemia.

B 型肝炎ワクチンを 3 回以上接種した小児では、白血病のリスクが大幅に増加しました (OR = 2.6)。 B型肝炎ワクチンを受けた乳児は白血病を発症する可能性が約5倍高かった。






Measles infections can reverse cancer; the measles virus may be used as a treatment against human cancers

麻疹感染は癌を回復させる可能性があります。 麻疹ウイルスは人間の癌の治療法として使用される可能性がある

"This study demonstrates the efficacy of the measles virus against human melanoma."


Donnelly OG, Errington-Mais F, et al.

Measles virus causes immunogenic cell death in human melanoma.


Gene Ther 2013 Jan; 20(1): 7-15.


Measles infections have been known to cause spontaneous cancer remissions.


This study shows how the measles virus magnifies anti-tumor activity and provides evidence of its potential as a treatment against human melanoma.





Touchefeu Y, Schick U, Harrington KJ.

Measles virus: a future therapeutic agent in oncology?


Med Sci (Paris) 2012 Apr; 28(4): 388-94.

Tumor regressions have occurred after measles infection. This paper reviews the therapeutic use of attenuated strains of measles to kill cancer cells.

麻疹感染後に腫瘍の退行が起こりました。 この論文は、癌細胞を殺すための麻疹の弱毒化株の治療的使用を概説します。




Russell SJ, Peng KW.

Measles virus for cancer therapy.


Curr Top Microbiol Immunol 2009; 330: 213-41.

"Oncolytic (cancer destroying) viruses hold considerable promise as novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of human malignancies.


Attenuated measles viruses can be engineered to enhance their naturally occurring anti-cancer properties and target specific tumors.


Measles viruses are currently being tested to treat ovarian cancer, brain tumors and cancer of the bone marrow.







Measles, mumps and chickenpox viruses have cancer-destroying properties


"Tumor-bearing mice treated with one thousand times the vaccine dose of each of the three [measles and mumps] viruses responded favorably to therapy with significant prolongations in survival.”


Myers R, Greiner S, et al.

Oncolytic activities of approved mumps and measles vaccines for therapy of ovarian cancer.


Cancer Gene Ther 2005 Jul; 12(7): 593-99.

In this study, scientists sought to measure the oncolytic (cancer destroying) properties of two measles viruses and one mumps virus by treating tumor- bearing mice with high concentrations of these viruses.

この研究では、科学者らは、2 種類の麻疹ウイルスと 1 種類のおたふく風邪ウイルスの腫瘍溶解性 (がん破壊) 特性を、腫瘍を有するマウスを高濃度のこれらのウイルスで治療することによって測定しようとしました。

The measles and mumps viruses killed malignant tumor cells allowing the treated mice to live longer than untreated mice.


This study supports data showing the anti-cancer benefits of previously common childhood diseases, measles and mumps.





Leske H, Haase R, et al.

Varicella zoster virus infection of malignant glioma cell cultures: a new candidate for oncolytic virotherapy?


Anticancer Res 2012 Apr; 32(4): 1137-44.


"Varicella zoster virus exhibits an intrinsic oncolytic potential in malignant glioma cell cultures and might be a novel candidate for virotherapy in glioblastoma multiforme.'


Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common and highly aggressive type of brain tumor.


This study investigated the cancer-destroying potential of the varicella-zoster virus in malignant glioma cell cultures. Rapid destruction of the tumor cells occurred in vitro.

この研究では、悪性神経膠腫細胞培養物における水痘・帯状疱疹ウイルスのがん破壊能力を調査しました。 腫瘍細胞の急速な破壊がインビトロで起こった。

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