

2 mRNAによる血管・臓器損傷 因果関係の証拠 コロナ倫理医師団

2022年08月27日 21時20分10秒 | mRNAによる血管・臓器損傷 因果関係の証拠 コロナ倫理医師団

上左: 6. 感染者はヌクレオキャプシドタンパク質 (およびスパイクタンパク質) を発現する

上右: 7. 注射された人は、ワクチンに関係するスパイクタンパク質のみを発現します

下左: 8. 細い血管壁内でのスパイクタンパク質の発現

下右: 9. ワクチン接種後の内皮剥離および小血管の破壊


2 mRNAによる血管・臓器損傷 因果関係の証拠 コロナ倫理医師団


6.Infected persons express the nucleocapsid protein (and also the spike protein)

6.感染者はヌクレオキャプシドタンパク質 (およびスパイクタンパク質) を発現する


This slide simply illustrates that the method works: lung tissue or cells from a nasal swab of a person infected with SARS-CoV-2 stain positive for nucleocapsid expression, whereas cultured cells exposed to the vaccine do not (but they stain strongly positive for the spike protein; see inset at the top right of Slide 3).


SARS-CoV-2 に感染した人の肺組織または鼻腔スワブからの細胞は、ヌクレオキャプシド発現について陽性に染色されますが、ワクチンにさらされた培養細胞はそうではありません (しかし、それらはスパイクタンパク質に対して強く陽性に染色されます; スライドの右上の挿入図を参照してください) 3)。


7.Injected persons express onlythe spike protein, which implicates the vaccine


Here, we see immunohistochemistry applied to heart muscle tissue from an injected person.


Staining for the presence of spike protein causes strong brown pigment deposition.


In contrast, only very weak, non-specific staining is observed with the antibody that recognizes the nucleocapsid protein.


The absence of nucleocapsid indicates that the expression of the spike protein must be attributed ot the vaccine rather than an infection with SARS-CoV-2.

ヌクレオキャプシドが存在しないことは、スパイクタンパク質の発現が、SARS-CoV-2 による感染ではなく、ワクチンに起因しているに違いないことを示しています。

We will see shortly that the strong expression of spike protein in heart muscle after vaccination correlates with significant inflammation and tissue destruction.




8.Expression of spike protein within the walls of small blood vessels


We see spike protein expression in arterioles (small arteries; left) as well as in venules (small veins) and capillaries (right).


Expression is most prominent in the innermost cell layer, the endothelium.


This makes the endothelial cells “sitting ducks” for an attack by the immune system.




9.Endothelial stripping and destruction of a small blood vessel after vaccination


We now turn to the evidence of immune attack on the endothelial cells which produce the spike protein.


On the left, a normal venule, delimited by an intact endothelium and containing some red blood cells and few white blood cells (stained blue) inside.

左側は正常な細静脈で、無傷の内皮によって区切られており、内部にいくつかの赤血球と少数の白血球 (青色に染色) を含んでいます。


The image on at the centre shows a venule that is being attacked and destroyed by the immune system.


The outline is already dissolving, and the spindle-shaped (and swollen) endothelial cells have peeled off from the vessel wall.


Furthermore, we see lymphocytes—the small cells with dark, round nuclei and with very little cytoplasm around them; a single lymphocyte (at much higher magnification) is shown on the right.

さらに、リンパ球も見られます。これは、核が黒く丸い小さな細胞で、周囲に細胞質がほとんどありません。 単一のリンパ球 (はるかに高い倍率) が右側に示されています。


Lymphocytes are the backbone of the specific immune system—whenever antigens are recognized and antibodies are produced, this is done by lymphocytes.


Also among the lymphocytes we find cytotoxic T cells and natural killer cells, which serve to kill virus-infected cells—or ones that look to them as if infected, because they have been forced to produce a viral protein by a so-called vaccine.

また、リンパ球の中には細胞傷害性 T 細胞とナチュラル キラー細胞があり、ウイルスに感染した細胞、または感染したように見える細胞を殺す役割を果たします。これらの細胞は、いわゆるワクチンによってウイルスタンパク質の産生を強制されているためです。


A crucial function of the endothelium is to prevent blood clotting.


Thus, if the endothelium is damaged, as it is in this picture, and the tissues beyond it make contact with the blood, this will automatically set off blood clotting.



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