

Levy p.118百日咳

2020年08月29日 15時45分55秒 | Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Thomas Levy氏の著書に記載されている各種のウイルス・細菌に対するビタミンCの適用の記事の翻訳リストは、次のブログ記事にまとめてあります:

Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本の効果のまとめ


Levy p.118百日咳


Thomas Levy、ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins (英語) ペーパーバック – 2011/8

治癒不可能なものを治す: ビタミンC、感染症疾患、及び毒素

Thomas E. Levy  (著)




Pertussis (Reversible and Preventable; Curable-?) 百日咳 (元に戻せる、予防できる: 治癒可能?)


Pertussis, commonly known as whooping cough, is a bacterial respiratory illness that occurs most commonly and most severely in infants and young children.

Pertussis百日咳は、一般にwhooping coughと呼ばれ、乳児および幼児において最も一般的かつ最も重篤な細菌性呼吸器疾患である。

The common name derives from the Sound of the prolonged, distressed efforts to take a breath that follows repeated coughing.


Even today, pertussis is estimated to cause 500,000 deaths yearly, primarily in infants.








Antibiotic treatment of this disease is primarily directed at rendering the patient non-infectious to others.


Even when the microbes are eliminated by antibiotics in an infected infant, the remaining course of the illness is typically unaltered.


Pertussis is somewhat prolonged, with an incubation stage of one to two weeks characterized by fever, runny nose, and cough.



The severe phase of the illness, with the frightening episodes of coughing and whooping, lasts another three to four Weeks.



The convalescent stage, marked by a slow recovery with a gradually lessened frequency of whooping episodes, can last another four to 12 weeks.


Following this final stage, for many more months, even a mild, unrelated respiratory infection can induce a return of the characteristic pertussis cough and whoop.


Pertussis is also another disease with an associated toxin even though no traditional antitoxin treatments have been developed for it.


However, the pertussis toxin is not considered to have the severe, body wide effect of the diphtheria toxin.



Unfortunately, no evidence could be found indicating that Klenner had the opportunity to treat pertussis.


Other investigators and clinicians have had some success in treating pertussis with vitamin C, but it has been qualified by the use of significantly smaller doses than would have been used by Klenner.


However, as should be apparent from the evidence already reviewed, there is no good reason to believe that Klenner-sized doses of vitamin C would not be as effective in the treatment of pertussis as in the treatment of so many other infectious diseases,



訳注: 麻疹の経口投与による治療のように、1時間おきに2gから1gを投与して、それを症状が出なくなった後も3~4日間続ければ良い。




Otani (1936) found that pertussis bacteria seemed to be especially susceptible to the effects of vitamin C in the test tube, with a high enough dose having a killing bactericidal effect.


It was also demonstrated that a culture of pertussis bacteria in which vitamin C had been added possessed a "strongly reduced" infectivity in test animals,


Furthermore, when the vitamin C-treated bacteria were injected by vein into test animals, a lessened white blood cell response resulted.


Most likely, this was an indication that the treated bacteria were less infectious and toxic than the untreated bacteria.



Because of these results, Otani proceeded to use vitamin C in the treatment of children with pertussis,


Otani's treatment ranged from 50 to 200mg of vitamin C once or twice daily, and total injections ranged from five to 12.

オータニの治療は、ビタミンC 50から200mgを1日に1回から2回投与し、総注射回数は5回から12回の範囲であった。

Otani reported that in 81 patients treated in this fashion, 34 showed a clear improvement of symptoms or "perfect healing," 32 showed a lesser symptom improvement, and 15 showed an "indeterminate" response,



It appears that Otani got fairly dramatic responses in many pertussis patients with vitamin C doses well below what Klenner would have routinely used.


It would also seem that the neutralizing effect that vitamin C has on pertussis toxin is an additional reason why symptoms responded so well to its administration, since eliminating the bacteria with antibiotics has long been noted not to effect the duration or severity of the clinical illness,




One hypothesis, advanced by Brown (1936), is that the symptoms of pertussis are prolonged because the pertussis toxin becomes bound to the nervous tissue that involves the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, thereby maintaining a prolonged irritability.



Otani (1939) later reported on the treatment of 109 pertussis cases.


He found "some efficiency" to "remarkable efficiency" in over 80% of the patients treated.


Some of the less responsive patients had had additional infections or other medical complications that would be expected to require increased amounts of vitamin C in order to show a good clinical response.





Ormerod and Unkauf (1937) also reported on the treatment of pertussis with vitamin C.


They found that vitamin C"definitely shortens" the severest symptoms of pertussis, particularly if relatively "large" doses are used shortly after the first symptoms of the disease appear,

Nine children and one adult were treated.


The oral dosing was somewhat minimal, ranging from 150 to 500mg of vitamin C daily over an eight-day to 15-day period.

経口投与は、幾分少なく、8日から15日間に渡り、ビタミンC 150から500mg/日であった。


備考: この投与量は少なすぎると思う。麻疹の経口治療のように1時間おきに1~2gを毎日続ければ良い。


Woringer and Sala (1928) had earlier reported that in a number of infants seen for pertussis in their clinic, four of them developed scurvy as a result of their infections.


This is further evidence that the combination of infection and toxicity is an especially effective way to rapidly and completely deplete the body's limited stores of vitamin C.


It is also an important additional reason to add vitamin C therapy to the treatment of any infectious disease, regardless of cause.


A recurring theme throughout this book is that infection and stress of any sort will significantly increase the rate at which vitamin C is metabolized and utilized.


As a result, unrecognized acute Scurvy is a relatively common complication of many fatal diseases, infectious or otherwise.



Ormerod et al. (1937), in following up the earlier work just mentioned, presented their results on the treatment of 17 more cases of pertussis with oral doses of vitamin C.


Although they acknowledged the likely superiority of giving vitamin C by vein, they especially wanted to evaluate the oral route since it would provide a less expensive treatment with wider applicability.


The oral schedule was a prolonged, tapered regimen.


A 350 mg dose of vitamin C was given on the first day, and on subsequent days 250,250, 200, 200, 150, 150,125,125, and finally 100mg were given.

ビタミンC投与量350mgを初日に投与し、引き続く日には、250, 250, 200, 200, 150, 150, 125, 125, そして最後に100mg投与した。

A 100 mg daily dose was then maintained until there was a "complete remission of symptoms for two days."


The average total dose ended up being about 2700 mg.


This vitamin C treatment protocol was found to "markedly" decrease the intensity, frequency, and length of the characteristic pertussissymptoms,



約注: なぜこのような投与量を低下させる治療計画を作ったのか、その根拠が不明。最初から350mgを続ければ良いのではないか。あるいは、あの当時のビタミンC価格が影響しているのか? (訳注終わり)



Vermillion and Stafford (1938) reported on the vitamin C treatment of 26 infants and small children with pertussis.


They appeared to be particularly interested in trying to duplicate the earlier work of Otani, Ormerod, Unkauf, and White, already cited.


The first 16 patients were treated with 150 mg of oral vitamin C daily for the first three days.

最初の16人の患者は、最初の3日間に経口投与のビタミンC 150mgで治療した。

Then 120mg daily was given for the next three days, and finally 90 mg daily was given until symptoms entirely subsided.


The remaining patients were given comparable but variable oral doses of vitamin C.


The researchers concluded that vitamin C appeared to be "strikingly effective" in the relief of symptoms in all but two patients,


They further concluded that vitamin C should be given in all cases of pertussis regardless of patient age or the length of time elapsed since the onset of symptoms,



Two other researchers who utilized injectable vitamin C in treating infants with pertussis also reported success in controlling the disease symptoms.


Sessa (1940) reported that injecting 100 to 500mg of vitamin C daily appeared to reduce the convulsive coughing and accelerate the overall rate of recovery.


Meier (1945), using both injectable and oral doses of vitamin C, found that coughing was reduced with a quicker restoration of appetite and disappearance of vomiting.


The benefit appeared to be especially pronounced in infected infants.



The evidence clearly supports a beneficial role for vitamin C in the treatment of pertussis,


Doses probably adequate to achieve a complete and rapid cure, as used routinely by Klenner in other infectious diseases, were not found in the literature for the treatment of pertussis,


However, much smaller doses consistently had positive effects in lessening both the intensity and duration of symptoms, and often the duration of the illness was also clearly shortened.


The bacteria causing pertussis can be killed in culture by vitamin C, and the effects of the pertussis toxin also appear to be lessened by vitamin C.


Furthermore, scurvy has been shown to be precipitated by pertussis infection.


Vitamin C needs to be administered in pertussis and all infectious diseases, and adequate regular dosing of vitamin C should prevent pertussis from ever being contracted.


It remains to be seen what Klenner-sized doses of vitamin C would do for the acutely infected pertussis patient.




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