

2.アメリカ: コロナワクチン12月に死者13人以上、深刻な「健康影響イベント」2.3%、インフルエンザワクチンの80倍の重度のアレルギー

2021年01月17日 21時09分24秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO

2.アメリカ: コロナワクチン12月に死者13人以上、深刻な「健康影響イベント」2.3%、インフルエンザワクチンの80倍の重度のアレルギー


Serious allergic reactions重篤なアレルギー反応

Critics familiar with VAERS’ shortcomings — and the ways in which officials can manipulate its data — bluntly condemn VAERS as “nothing more than window dressing, and a part of U.S. authorities’ systematic effort to reassure/deceive us about vaccine safety.”


As an example of the “effort to reassure,” one need look no further than the Jan. 6 CDC news release about post-vaccination anaphylaxis and non-anaphylaxis allergic reactions.


In this report, the CDC’s tally of the hundreds of VAERS reports received per day during the first 10 days of the Pfizer vaccine rollout totaled 4,393 adverse events from December 14 to 23 — including 175 incidents flagged by CDC “for further review as possible cases of severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis, based on descriptions of signs and symptoms.”



Following its review, the CDC chose to include only 21 cases, excluding 154 cases either because they did not meet narrow criteria defined by the Brighton Collaboration (a global group that publishes “standardized case definitions” for countable adverse events); or because symptom onset occurred “later than the day after vaccination”; or because CDC judged the events to be “nonallergic” despite signs and symptoms to the contrary.



Based on the 21 cases, the public health agency then produced an estimate of 11.1 cases of anaphylaxis per million vaccine doses, whereas including all 175 events reported as severe allergic reactions would have yielded a rate of 92.4 cases per million doses.



Even so, the CDC’s conservative estimate of the anaphylaxis rate for experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is roughly 10 times greater than for flu shots, including in individuals with no prior history of allergic reactions.

それでも、実験的なCOVID-19 mRNAワクチンのアナフィラキシー率のCDCの控えめな推定値は、アレルギー反応の既往歴のない個人を含め、インフルエンザの発作の約10倍です。

(訳注: CDCが除いたものも全て含めると、インフルエンザワクチンの約80倍の重度のアレルギー反応の発生率)


News reports have added to the frightening picture of post-COVID-19 allergic reactions that is emerging.


These include the “hundreds” of Israelis describing “severe anaphylactic shock,” other allergic symptoms such as tongue and throat swelling, tingling sensations, dizziness and weakness; the two health workers in the UK who suffered “anaphylactoid reactions” on the first day of the Pfizer vaccine rollout; the two hospital workers in Alaska who experienced allergic symptoms — a serious anaphylactic reaction in one case and “eye puffiness, light headedness and scratchy throat” in the second case — within 10 minutes of getting the Pfizer jab; and the “mild to moderate” side effects from the Pfizer injection, including pain and dizziness, reported by four Bulgarians.






Reactions have not been confined to allergic symptoms, however.


Additional descriptions of adverse events include:


・A “rare, multisystem inflammatory syndrome,” including heart damage, developed by a 23-year-old male social worker in Israel 24 hours after receiving the Pfizer injection.


・The seizures and encephalomyelitis (brain and spinal cord inflammation) experienced by 32-year-old Mexican internist Karla Cecilia Perez hours after getting the Pfizer shot.


・The Bell’s palsy developed by a U.S. nurse within three days of her injection. On YouTube, she warns Americans, “Do not take this vaccination,” saying “I would not wish this on my worst enemy.”



Adverse mRNA vaccine reactions — no picnic

有害なmRNAワクチン反応 - ピクニックではない

Setting the stage to “manage expectations,” The Atlantic told readers in mid-December that while COVID-19 injections have “a kick” and involve “more than the usual unpleasantness of getting a shot,” they are still “nowhere near as bad as COVID-19 itself.”

「期待を管理する」ための舞台を整えて、The Atlanticは12月中旬に読者に、COVID-19注射には「キック(蹴り)」があり、「注射を受けるという通常の不快感以上のもの」を伴うが、それでも「COVID-19自体ほど悪くはない」と語った。

Some of the individuals described above and others submitting reports to VAERS might beg to differ.



For example, in a write-up accompanying one VAERS report (available through MedAlerts), a 36-year-old female who received the Pfizer vaccine on Dec. 17 was described as experiencing “disabling” light-headedness and dizziness 15 to 20 minutes post-vaccination, followed by an elevated heart rate and “really high” blood pressure.

たとえば、1つのVAERSレポート(MedAlertsから入手可能)に付随する記事では、12月17日にファイザーワクチンを投与された36歳の女性がおり、次のように説明されました: ワクチン接種後15〜20分で「無力化」の頭がおかしくなり、めまいがし、その後心拍数が上昇し、血圧が「非常に高く」なりました。


After several hours in a monitoring station, where health workers gave her Benadryl and “lots of water” along with measuring her blood pressure “every five minutes,” she spent another four hours undergoing “continual monitoring” in the emergency room, followed by “a few more hours” in the ER the following day and a recommendation to start taking blood pressure medication.


By Dec. 20, her blood pressure still had not normalized, and she had developed a bad headache.


The health provider who submitted the report to VAERS on the woman’s behalf concluded that a causal association between Pfizer’s vaccine and the event could not be ruled out “based on a compatible temporal relation.”



Among Pfizer vaccine recipients with reactions categorized in VAERS as “life-threatening,” there are many other disquieting write-ups, often concerning young women in their 30s:


・Female, age 31: “40 min after injection my throat and tongue started to feel weird and tight, pharmacy…gave me [Benadryl and Tylenol].


At about 1 hr 45 min after injection my throat got to the point of so swollen and itchy I couldn’t swallow.


I went to nearest emergency room….”



・Female, age 35: “5 minutes after getting the vaccine began itching that quickly developed into rash/hives to face, neck, chest, abdomen.


At 20 minutes post vaccine developed severe leg weakness with lightheadedness, chest tightness, and [shortness of breath].


22 minutes out collapsed to the floor unable to bear weight…and had severe cramping and tingling in legs, still unable to move them.


Was rushed to the ER….”



・Female, age 30: “Approximately 2 minutes after injection, felt flushed and tingly.


This subsided, but developed a cough.


Felt fine enough to leave the vaccination area after being monitored for 15 minutes.


Cough continued, and developed a scratchy throat that eventually led to swelling of the throat at approximately 30-35 mins post administration.


Sought care in the ED, where I was tachycardic and hypertensive…. Discharged home, but symptoms returned around 2pm.

私が頻脈と高血圧であったEDでケアを求めました…。 退院して家に帰りましたが、午後2時頃に症状が再発しました。

Sought care in a different ED, where I remained hypertensive and tachycardic.”



What’s next? 次は何か?

An objective analysis of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout necessarily raises serious questions about product safety and the assessment of risks versus benefits.


The VAERS reports submitted through December indicate that over half (53%) of those affected by mRNA vaccine reactions are 17-44 year-olds in the prime of life.


More than one in five (n=877) adverse events resulted in an emergency visit, 140 were rated “serious,” 100 led to hospitalization, 41 were “life-threatening” and 5 produced permanent disability.

5人に1人以上(n = 877)の有害事象が救急訪問をもたらし、140人が「深刻」と評価され、100人が入院に至り、41人が「生命を脅かす」、5人が永続的な障害を引き起こしました。


Supplementing VAERS, the CDC has been encouraging COVID-19 vaccine recipients to use a smartphone app called v-safe to “quickly tell CDC” about mRNA vaccine side effects.


On Dec. 19, v-safe tallies for the first five days of COVID-19 vaccination showed that among 215,362 vaccine recipients registered with v-safe, 5,052 individuals self-reported serious “health impact events” following their first dose of vaccine — events requiring care from a fellow health professional and rendering the person unable to work or perform normal daily activities.


This, too, is concerning, translating into a one-in-43 injury rate (2.3%) for the v-safe group.



In the new year, many states are planning to aggressively scale up distribution of both the Pfizer vaccine and the even more reactogenic Moderna vaccine, including at drugstoressupermarketsbig-box storesdental offices and temporary sites like stadiums and even Disneyland.


This has prompted concerns among allergists, in particular, who question whether drive-thru sites and under-trained personnel will be able to recognize and handle the sudden adverse reactions that the two mRNA vaccines seem capable of eliciting — especially since both contain the notorious allergenic ingredient polyethylene glycol (PEG).

これは、特に、ドライブスルーサイトと十分な訓練を受けていない担当者が、2つのmRNAワクチンが誘発できると思われる突然の副作用を認識して処理できるかどうかを疑問視するアレルギー専門医の間で懸念を引き起こしました - 特に両方に悪名高いアレルギー誘発性成分ポリエチレングリコール(PEG)が含まれているため。

In the U.S., some allergists are recommending that consumers with known allergies be “proactive” and ask prospective vaccination venues “pointed questions” about their emergency training, equipment and ability “to respond swiftly if something goes wrong.”


A growing number of healthcare experts are going even further, with one Wyoming public health official describing the injections as “biological weapons of mass destruction,” and many others urging the public to “just say no” to experimental injections that health officials and the vaccine makers admit aren’t proven to prevent COVID or stop transmissibility, but could do long-lasting harm.



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