

1 CIA「マネシツグミ作戦」コロナ情報の検閲 嘘とプロパガンダ

2020年12月06日 09時12分41秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO

1 CIA「マネシツグミ作戦」コロナ情報の検閲 嘘とプロパガンダ




Children’s Health Defense, The Defender


‘How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship, Hate Journalism’


By Dr. Joseph Mercola 著者 ジョセフ・メルコラ博士





・多国籍企業、特に製薬業界も、特定の利益に関連するコンテンツに強力な影響を及ぼします。 医薬品広告がメディア企業の主要な収入源になるにつれて、健康と医療に関する彼らの報道はますます偏ったものになりました。


・健康の面では、COVID-19の報告は、検閲とメディア操作をまったく新しい高みに引き上げました。 すべてのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームは、ウイルス、特にその起源と治療についての反対意見を公然と検閲しています。 称賛された医師や科学者でさえ、世界保健機関によって指示された望ましい物語に反対して話すことを恐れています。




























Children’s Health Defense, The Defender


‘How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship, Hate Journalism’


Social media platforms are openly censoring dissenting views about COVID, particularly its origin and treatment, says author Sharyl Attkisson in her new book on media bias and the deterioration of objective journalism.


By Dr. Joseph Mercola 著者 ジョセフ・メルコラ博士


Story at-a-glance 


・In the 1950s, the CIA ran a covert campaign called “Operation Mockingbird,” in which they recruited journalists as assets to spread propaganda, and while the campaign officially ended in the 1970s, evidence suggests the project never really stopped.


・In her book, “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism,” Sharyl Attkisson addresses one of the most pressing issues of our time: media bias and the deterioration of objective journalism.


・Multinational industries, and the drug industry in particular, also wield powerful influence over content relating to their particular interests. As drug advertising became a major income stream for media companies, their reporting on health and medicine became increasingly biased.

多国籍企業、特に製薬業界も、特定の利益に関連するコンテンツに強力な影響を及ぼします。 医薬品広告がメディア企業の主要な収入源になるにつれて、健康と医療に関する彼らの報道はますます偏ったものになりました。

・Big Tech companies are also masters of censoring anything that might hurt themselves or their technocratic allies.


・In terms of health, COVID-19 reporting has taken censorship and media manipulation to brand-new heights. All social media platforms are openly censoring dissenting views about the virus, particularly its origin and treatment. Even lauded doctors and scientists have been axed for speaking against the desired narrative dictated by the World Health Organization.

健康の面では、COVID-19の報告は、検閲とメディア操作をまったく新しい高みに引き上げました。 すべてのソーシャルメディアプラットフォームは、ウイルス、特にその起源と治療についての反対意見を公然と検閲しています。 称賛された医師や科学者でさえ、世界保健機関によって指示された望ましい物語に反対して話すことを恐れています。


Sharyl Attkisson is an award-winning investigative journalist with uncompromising integrity. Her latest book, “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism,” was released Nov. 24.

Sharyl Attkissonは、妥協のない誠実さを備えた受賞歴のある調査ジャーナリストです。 彼女の最新の本「偏向:ニュースメディアが検閲を愛しジャーナリズムを憎むように私たちに教えた方法」は11月24日にリリースされました。

In this, her third book, she addresses one of the most pressing issues of our time: media bias and the deterioration of objective journalism — a topic on which she has first-hand experience.


A former anchor at CNN and CBS News, Attkisson now produces her own Sunday television news program, “Full Measure,” as well as two podcasts: “Full Measure After Hours” and “The Sharyl Attkisson Podcast,” in which she covers the kinds of stories that mainstream news no longer touches.

CNNとCBSニュースの元アンカーであったアトキソンは、現在、独自の日曜テレビニュース番組「フルメジャー」と、「フルメジャーアフターアワー」と「シャリルアトキソンポッドキャスト」の2つのポッドキャストを制作し、 主流のニュースがもはや触れない物語をカバーしています。


Slanted media変更メディア

Propaganda through media certainly isn’t a new thing.


Starting in the late 1940s, the CIA ran a well-documented but at the time covert campaign called “Operation Mockingbird,” in which they recruited journalists as assets to spread propaganda — news slanted in one way or another.


While the program is always referred to in the past tense, as it is said to have been ended in the 1970s, evidence suggests it never really stopped.


“There are all kinds of ways the Intel community has, and can, manipulate the news,” Attkisson says, “but we reached a new level in 2016, 2017, because they don’t even have to whisper in our ear to get us to report stuff.


We hired them. Meaning, Brennan, Clapper, Comey — all of them were hired as consultants. They were invited on the news directly.

私たちは彼らを雇いました。 つまり、ブレナン、クラッパー、コミーです。それらはすべてコンサルタントとして雇われました。 彼らはニュースに直接招待されました。

“You didn’t have to put them through a filter and anonymous sources, although plenty of anonymous sources were also used. But daily putting forth their propaganda, much of which, obviously, was proven false, particularly on the Trump, Russia narrative.

「多くの匿名ソースも使用されていましたが、フィルターや匿名ソースを通過させる必要はありませんでした。 しかし、毎日彼らの宣伝を発表し、その多くは明らかに、特にトランプ、ロシアの物語で間違っていることが証明されました。

“But every day, we allowed them to plaster the airwaves, even after they were proven admittedly wrong … After two years of spewing this false information, they’re still consulted by the media. They’re still used. So, it’s so easy for an intel operation if they wish to use the media towards whatever goal they may have …

「しかし、明らかに間違っていることが証明された後でも、毎日、私たちは彼らに電波を塗りつぶすことを許可しました…この誤った情報を2年間吐き出した後も、彼らはまだメディアから相談を受けています。 それらはまだ使用されています。 ですから、彼らがどんな目標に向かってでもメディアを使用したいのであれば、情報活動の操作はとても簡単です…

“I firmly believe that there have been ongoing [propaganda] campaigns that continue today. Maybe separate operations by intelligence agencies and officials to manipulate the news, and certainly have things reported a certain way to try to push for certain outcomes in politics here at home and internationally.”




Big industry also influences the news巨大産業もニュースに影響を与えます

Multinational industries, the drug industry in particular, also has a similar level of influence over content relating to their particular interests. In 1996, direct-to-consumer drug advertising was legalized, and as drug advertising became a major income stream for media companies, their reporting on health and medicine became increasingly biased.




The reason is simple. They cannot afford to “bite the hand that feeds them.” If an advertiser doesn’t want the public to know about a particular finding, all they have to do to influence the reporting is to threaten to withdraw its advertising, which will hurt the media company’s bottom line.

理由は簡単です。 彼らは「彼らを養う手を噛む」余裕がありません。


Drug companies have also become major sponsors of medical education; thus, doctors are taught to prescribe drugs for all ills, but they’re not taught about the side effects and drawbacks of those drugs.

製薬会社も医学教育の主要なスポンサーになっています。 したがって、医師はすべての病気に薬を処方するように教えられていますが、それらの薬の副作用と欠点については教えられていません。

Today, the drug industry also controls fact-checking organizations such as NewsGuard, as it is funded by Publicis, which is supported by drug companies. When feeding from the Big Pharma trough, how could they possibly be objective in their fact-checking? Reality shows us they can’t because they aren’t.


ビッグファーマの餌桶から給餌する場合、事実チェックで客観的になる可能性はありますか? 現実は、そうではないのでできないことを示しています。


Big tech — master manipulators of minds


Big Tech companies, of course, are also masters of censoring anything that might hurt themselves or their technocratic allies. As just one of countless examples, you can no longer post a link to Mercola.com on Twitter.



First, they added a false warning that made it look like my site contained dangerous malware when readers would click on a posted link. After a while, they simply blocked the ability to post links to our site altogether.




“This started, and I traced this in my second book, ‘The Smear,’ to Media Matters … the left-wing propaganda group that supported Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and is a big smear organization,” Attkisson says.

「これが始まりで、2冊目の本「The Smear中傷」でメディアマターズにたどり着きました…ヒラリー・クリントン、バラク・オバマを支援し、大きな中傷組織である左翼のプロパガンダグループです」とAttkissonは言います。

 “They acknowledged going to Facebook about the time when they were worried that Donald Trump was going to get elected.


“They really felt that the only thing giving him a leg up, and they still believe this today, is his social media outreach. They tried to think of a way to control, with the kind of social media and news people could get, so Media Matters lobbied Facebook and tried to convince them — and did so successfully — to taking a fact-checking brand-new role that nobody had ever asked for.



“We’re not begging for our information to be curated. That was a pretend demand created by the propagandists who wanted to control the information.


They had to make us think that we needed a third party to step in and tell us what to think and sort through the information …


The fake news effort, the fact-checking, which is usually fake fact-checking, meaning it’s not a genuine effort, is a propaganda effort …



“We’ve seen it explode as we come into the 2020 election, for much the same reason, whereby, the social media companies, third parties, academic institutions and NewsGuard … they insert themselves. But of course, they’re all backed by certain money and special interests. They’re no more in a position to fact-check than an ordinary person walking on the street …


“They have interests. They make sure certain things are not seen, even if true. And I think this is the most serious threat that I’m looking at right now to our media environment.

「彼らは利害関係を持っています。彼らは、たとえ真実であっても、特定のものが見られないようにします。 そして、これは私が今私たちのメディア環境に対して見ている最も深刻な脅威だと思います。

“I’m afraid that our kids will be telling their kids of a time when you used to be able to go on the internet and find most, any, information you wanted, because we are increasingly being pointed only to that which they, people who control the information, wish for us to see.”



Presidential treatment takes on a new meaning


In her book, Attkisson also spends an entire chapter dissecting the highly-biased treatment of President Trump, and how the media have, through their own admission, suspended traditional journalistic ethics simply because they consider him “uniquely dangerous.”


“Therefore, you don’t have to follow the normal rules and guidelines when it comes to fair and accurate reporting, which I think is one of the most absurd things I’ve ever heard in my life, from someone in our profession, because the standards exist precisely so that we report on everybody the same way,” she says.




“In other words, using the same standards, whether we like them or not. Particularly, perhaps, if we don’t like or agree with the candidate — that’s when the standards become most important. But you need only look at Politico, for example, during the last election.


“I interviewed them shortly afterwards. Someone in charge of some of their coverage … in almost every answer to a question, she brought up President Trump and something negative about him.

「私はその後すぐに彼らにインタビューしました。 彼らの報道の一部を担当する誰か…質問へのほとんどすべての答えで、彼女はトランプ大統領と彼について否定的な何かを持ち出しました。

“One of the things she said was how many lies he tells per minute. She said, ‘We actually had a team that calculated the number of lies per minute that President Trump told.’ And I asked the obvious question, ‘Well, what was that compared to Hillary’s supposed lies per minute?’ And she actually said, ‘Oh, we didn’t have the staffing to do Hillary too.’”

「彼女が言ったことの1つは、彼が1分間にいくつの嘘を言うかということでした。 彼女は、「トランプ大統領が言った1分あたりの嘘の数を計算するチームが実際にありました。」と言いました。そして私は明白な質問をしました、「まあ、それはヒラリーの1分あたりの想定された嘘と比較してどうでしたか?」そして彼女は実際に言いました、 「ああ、ヒラリーをやるスタッフもいなかった」


“Can you imagine a national news organization that purports to cover something fairly and we’ll fact-check the lies per minute of one candidate and not the opposing candidate and pretend that that qualifies as fair news?


“I also interviewed some noted liberals who have noticed the same thing: That they look at things from a fair-minded viewpoint and are no fan of President Trump, yet are appalled at how the media has dishonestly treated certain topics and information, which should make everybody wonder, “Are we getting the truth when it comes to things that don’t have to do with President Trump?




“If the media can report so many things out of context and incorrectly when it comes to somebody they don’t like, what else are we getting that’s not in context or that’s not fully true?’”



The invention of lying嘘の発明

Prior to President Trump, virtually no one in the media would accuse someone of lying.


The standard was to question an individual’s statement or point out a discrepancy to another source, but not call it an outright lie, because it’s easy to get confused on specifics.


A lie is a very specific allegation that implies an intent to deceive.


Just because you misremember a fact doesn’t mean you lied.



“[In the book] I talk about the fact that … I know I’ve probably been lied to many times, but I don’t believe I’ve ever reported that somebody lied to me in a hard news report.


Why? Well, a lie is a specific thing that requires you to know the mind of the person.

どうして? まあ、嘘はあなたがその人の心を知ることを要求する特定のものです。

And you as a journalist have to withhold, even if you think something is true without the evidence, you really can’t say it’s true.



“I’ll use the example I used in the book: Ford and Firestone tires.


The executives consistently said there was no evidence that these tires were dangerous prior to the scandal around the 2000 time period where there were a lot of deaths.


I had documents from a source that showed this very danger many years before.



“It appeared that they were lying, but I didn’t call it a lie because there are many other explanations someone could give.


They could say, ‘Well, these guys weren’t there at the time.


So, they didn’t know that these discussions had been had.


They didn’t have access to the emails, their subordinates didn’t tell them.’


So, you don’t know whether they’re mistaken or lying.



“And from a journalistic standpoint, we used to always take the objective road and say something like, ‘Their testimony contradicts the documentary record.’


That’s good enough. People at home can make up their own mind.

それで十分です。 家にいる人は自分で決心することができます。


“But there was a turn taken, specifically, to target President Trump, whereby the media started frequently calling things that he said, lies — even when there was simply something that was a matter of opinion, or could not be proven, or a mistake, none of which are lies.




“The New York Times was proud of this when it did it.


And I recount in the book the first time they made a headline where they talked about President Trump lying, and how that was cheered on by others in the media who then followed suit.



“They were even cheered on by a journalism professor who wrote a big op-ed about how it was time to stop doing this objective reporting and that we needed to call out President Trump’s lies frequently and often.


It’s just, again, from a journalistic standpoint, ridiculous …


I think this is a new and dangerous tactic that has really destroyed our objectivity in the eyes of the public. And rightly so.”

これは、一般の人々の目には私たちの客観性を本当に破壊した、新しく危険な戦術だと思います。 そして当然そうです。」


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