

2 CIA「マネシツグミ作戦」コロナ情報の検閲 嘘とプロパガンダ

2020年12月06日 09時13分46秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO

2 CIA「マネシツグミ作戦」コロナ情報の検閲 嘘とプロパガンダ


Massaging COVID-19 messages


In terms of health, COVID-19 reporting has taken censorship and media manipulation to brand new heights, eclipsing just about all previous efforts.


They don’t even hide the bias anymore.



All social media platforms are openly censoring dissenting views about the virus, particularly its origin and treatment.


Even well-respected doctors and scientists have been axed for speaking against the desired narrative dictated by the World Health Organization.



The CDC had released data showing 94% of people who had died during the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. died “with” the virus, not “from” it.


Only 6% had COVID-19 listed as the sole cause of death on the death certificate.


Hence, the real death toll, those who unarguably died as a direct result of the infection, is only around 10,000.




訳注: アメリカCDCの公式報告


Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics


Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)


Updated: November 25, 2020、更新2020年11月25日




Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).


For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.






“For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death,” the CDC stated.


This is an important distinction.


Yet mainstream media continues to report that nearly 200,000 have died “from” COVID-19 in the U.S, thereby increasing national fear so they can implement their lockdowns and other strategies to limit our personal freedoms and liberty.



“I think we need both numbers, in a separate sense, to have perspective and understanding of what’s really happening,” Attkisson says.


“And it’s something that very few people have shown interest in … Early on, it was clear … that the primary victims were those with the comorbidities and the elderly population in nursing homes and so on.



“But then we sort of lost track of that.


And then there seemed to be a propaganda effort to convince people that, initially, after understanding young people were at very little risk of serious illness and death, there seemed to be an effort to convince people that the youth must be very careful.


That more young people are dying and getting sick.



“I can only guess as to why that’s important to some interests, but I suspect it has something to do with the fact that when the vaccine comes out, the market needs to be aimed.



“You can’t rule out young people, you must make them believe they need it, or else you’ve ruled out a huge section of the vaccine market.


And they certainly don’t want to make a vaccine that’s not used by a giant percentage of the population.


I think they have to create a market.


Why do I think this?



“Well, I was actually told by a top immunization official for the government, when they learned flu shots are ineffective in the elderly … that the way around that was not to take flu shots away from the elderly — who would think that was dishonest because we’ve been telling it was necessary for so many years — but to convince parents to get their children and babies flu shots so that they wouldn’t ‘carry flu to the elderly.’



“I remember him saying to me, ‘The trick is going to be to convince parents to give a vaccine to their children who don’t really need it themselves.’


In other words, for a secondary supposed benefit for the elderly.


And darn it, if you didn’t see in the next season, they recommended flu shots for babies and children.



“And they didn’t tell anybody at the time that they were doing it because flu shots don’t work in the elderly.


They just started telling people that your kids need flu shots.”



When a ‘case’ is not a case


The media are also grossly misusing the term “case,” in reference to the COVID-19 case load.


A case is a medical term for a patient with a symptomatic type of infection.


It’s not someone who tests positive for antibodies or pieces of viral DNA.


By referring to all positive tests as “cases,” they’re able to fan the flames of panic, making the situation sound far worse than it actually is.



Many still do not understand that most of those who test positive for SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic.


They think these are sick people in the hospital and that rising “case” numbers mean there will be a rise in deaths.


Statistics reveal this simply isn’t true, and that there’s not a linear correlation between positive tests and deaths.



“There are just so many things that are misreported,” Attkisson says.


“But if you try to report them accurately and factually, you get called out by those in the media who either didn’t understand, or are simply so blinded by the propaganda narrative.



“The New York Times did this.


They actually called me and several other people out as ‘coronavirus doubters,’ although I had never said or written anything that even remotely denies coronavirus or denies the risk of it.


But they were working very hard to silence voices who are simply reporting more accurately and with context on what’s really happening.



“By the way, when I spoke to some scientists … and I said, ‘Why don’t you speak out or correct what you think is the misconception?’


Separately, several of them told me they feared speaking out publicly because they were afraid they would be labeled a coronavirus doubter, and for fear of contradicting Dr. Fauci.



“So, I said, ‘We’re at a pretty scary time when scientists who are experts on these issues fear speaking what they believe is the scientific truth because they’ll be controversialized.’”



Search for truth and unbiased facts


The clear take-home message I got from reading, “Slanted: How the News Media Taught Us to Love Censorship and Hate Journalism,” is that there’s a profoundly serious problem with most mainstream conventional media.



The obvious question is: Where can you go to get the truth?


We would like to be informed, but we also want the truth.


We don’t have time to waste to be brainwashed by propaganda.


At the end of her book, Attkisson lists a variety of sources she’s come to trust.


It may be worth getting the book for those recommendations alone.



“I didn’t make a comprehensive list,” Attkisson says.


“I’m sure I left many people out, but I tried to point to a few outlets and people, and I consulted some of my colleagues for their recommendations.


It’s not an easy answer.


There isn’t a place you can go. I can’t say, ‘Watch this news every day or read this publication.’ It’s more granular than that.



“You have to find a reporter that you trust on a topic and then chase that reporter around …


That’s where I think you can find a segment of truth.


And it’s not always, sadly, going to be objective truth.



“Some of the reporters I name are coming from the left viewpoint or coming from a right viewpoint, but they have proven themselves to be brave reporters of a particular topic or controversy that I think you can rely on.


But it’s just not so simple as it used to be where you could just point to a person or an outlet and say, ‘Watch that, and you’ll get your fair shake at the news’ …



“I would say, in closing, that I do think a new paradigm will develop when it comes to news reporting.


There are people looking at how news and information can be reported in a way that it cannot be censored by big tech giants, political figures and nonprofits and so on …



“I’m told there’s a way to develop a social media platform where you can post freely and also not be subject to censorship.


I think things will evolve because people are tired of what they’re seeing.


And I hope something really positive, being an optimist, develops out of all of this down the road.”



Published with permission from Mercola.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Children's Health Defense.



Dr. Joseph Mercola

Dr. Joseph Mercola is the founder of Mercola.com. An osteopathic physician, best-selling author and recipient of multiple awards in the...


ジョセフ・メルコラ博士はMercola.comの創設者です。 オステオパシー医、ベストセラー作家、そして複数の賞を受賞しています...

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