

CHD 2どのようにしてFDAは人癌細胞をワクチンに入れ、未来の発癌の原因を作ったか

2021年05月01日 10時26分30秒 | ワクチン薬害・副作用: 自閉症・発達障害の原因

CHD 2どのようにしてFDAは人癌細胞をワクチンに入れ、未来の発癌の原因を作ったか


“Examples of Conflicts of Interest:利益相反の例

1.“For instance, 3 out of 5 FDA advisory committee (VRBPAC) members who voted to approve the rotavirus vaccine in December 1997 had financial ties to pharmaceutical companies that were developing different versions of the vaccine.


2.“One out of five voting members’ employer had a $9,586,000 contract for a rotavirus vaccine.


3.“One out of five voting members was the principal investigator for a Merck grant to develop a rotavirus vaccine.


4.“One out of five voting members received approximately $1 million from vaccine manufacturers toward vaccine development.”



Congressional investigators concluded that, “Altogether, four out of the five committee members had conflicts of interest that required waivers, and their recommendation for approval of the vaccine was unanimous.”



Here’s what happened at the 2012 FDA meeting on fetal cells


HHS acknowledges that the FDA and Centers for Disease Control committees that contract and review new vaccines have historically not used “evidence-based medicine.”


To illustrate what this means, one only need read (below) the astonishing transcript of the 2012 panel that first approved the use of adult cancer tumor cells in vaccines.



This transcript shows what the public is never supposed to see: the behind-the-scenes sausage-making of federal vaccine approvals.


Here, you will read for yourself how the “independent,” “gold standard” panelists entrusted with protecting your children made monumentally consequential decisions, not on evidence-based science, but by rolling the dice and taking what they knew was a horrendously risky bet on public health


In any other realm, this transcript would be proof of negligent homicide.



The sickening side-view of VRBAC’s deliberations reveals FDA’s “trusted experts” for what they are; sadistic boys in lab coats giddily discussing the removal of wings from flies.


We are all lab rats in their high-risk population-wide experiment.


At FDA’s vaccine division, that sort of reckless decision-making is routine.



In 2012, most live virus vaccines were from animal tissue and the idea of putting potentially cancerous tumor cells from adult “donors” in vaccines was still a daring and audacious gamble.


That September, the FDA VRBPAC committee met to discuss this risky innovation.

その9月、FDA VRBPAC委員会は、この危険なイノベーションについて話し合うために会合しました。

The transcript of that meeting — showing captive FDA officials considering a proposal by the pharma cabal to allow the use of human cancer cells (HeLa) to replace animal tissue in the manufacture of vaccines — is proof of reckless criminal conduct.




The HeLa cells are well known to cause cancer in animals, but Big Pharma wanted to lower production costs of vaccines and this method is cheaper and faster than using animal tissue for the cultivated media.

HeLa細胞は動物にガンを引き起こすことがよく知られていますが、Big Pharmaはワクチンの製造コストを下げたいと考えていました。この方法は、培養培地に動物組織を使用するよりも安価で高速です。

The obvious question of whether such vaccines might induce cancer in recipients was on the top of the VRBPAC agenda.


Health authorities and vaccine manufacturers blatantly acknowledged their uncertainty regarding the safety of vaccines made from HeLa cancer tumors as they voted to make a dangerous high-stakes gamble that would lower costs for vaccine makers


Unbelievably, FDA voted to allow pharmaceutical companies to produce vaccines using human cells without reviewing a single scientific study to determine if the outcome would be safe.


Before, I quoted some of the criminally reckless statements from the meeting directly. A more detailed account appears in this article.

以前、私は会議からの犯罪的に無謀な声明のいくつかを直接引用しました。 より詳細な説明はこの記事にあります。


This was a full meeting of FDA’s VRBPAC in 2012 to decide on the use of human tumor cell lines for the production of vaccines. I list these speakers and their titles at that time:


・Dr. Philip Krause, Acting Deputy Director of OVRR (Office of Vaccine Research and Review) and FDA’s CBER (Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research). Also, Principal Investigator for Vaccine Safety: Virus Detection and Latency.

フィリップ・クラウス博士、OVRR(ワクチン研究およびレビュー局)およびFDAのCBER(生物製剤評価および研究センター)の副所長代理。 また、ワクチンの安全性に関する主任研究者:ウイルスの検出と潜伏期間。

・Dr. Doug Lowy, Director of the National Cancer Institute of the NIH.


・Dr. Robert Daum, Chair of the VRBPAC.


・Donald W. Jehn M.S., Designated Federal Officer for VRBPAC.

ドナルド W. ジェーンM.S.、VRBPACの指定連邦役員。

・Keith Peden, PhD, Chief of LDNAV, DVP/OVRR/CBER.

キース・ペデン博士、LDNAV、DVP / OVRR / CBERチーフ

・Dr. Marion Gruber, Director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines.


・Dr. Nathanial Brady, a self-described clinician.


・Dr. Pamela McInnes, a vaccine development expert and the Director of the Division of Extramural Research at the NIH’s National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, and previously a Deputy Director under Anthony Fauci at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.



Pharma knew that their tumorigenic vaccines might cause tumors in recipients.


Dr. Philip Krause acknowledged the risks when he said:


“We have really identified three major factors that could potentially convey risk from tumor-derived cells. And these include the cells themselves … and if they were tumor-derived cells then maybe they themselves could form tumors in a vaccine recipient.”


Government regulators acknowledged that tumor cell lines can cause tumors.


Dr. Doug Lowy acknowledged this when he said: “What I think is qualitatively different about the tumor cell lines is the fact that they can cause tumors.”



FDA officials knew that tumors might occur decades after vaccination.


Dr. James Cook acknowledged this when he commented: “But certainly, if you are going to address this question about tumor risk from vaccines made in tumor cell lines, it’s going to have to be a decade’s question.”



FDA openly acknowledged that its primary objective was not to assure public safety but to help vaccine manufacturers.


Dr. Robert Daum, the leader of the meeting, commented: “ …but we are here to consider the issues that we would like to advise the agency to consider in helping the company continue the manufacturing process, what should they be concerned about, what should they be watching for.”




FDA officials knew that they could not prove vaccine safety using test animals to assess oncogenicity.


Dr. Keith Peden acknowledged this fact when he said: “I’m not optimistic that we’re going to find animal models to assess oncogenicity of DNA. That’s why I’m feeling that maybe it’s the clearance aspect that we have to deal with, with respect to DNA.”

キース・ペデン博士は、次のように述べたときにこの事実を認めました。「私は、DNAの発癌性を評価するための動物モデルを見つけることになると楽観的ではありません。 だからこそ、DNAに関して私たちが対処しなければならないのはクリアランスの側面かもしれないと私は感じています。」


FDA officials deliberately terminated animal safety tests too early in order to conceal consequences.


Dr. Robert Daum acknowledged this fact when he said: “Are they watching these animals long enough? Should it be longer?”

ロバート・ダウム博士は、次のように述べたときにこの事実を認めました。「彼らはこれらの動物を十分に長く見ていますか? もっと長くすべきですか?」

Dr. Keith Peden acknowledged this fact when he said: “Is it relevant to safety that a cell forms a tumor after a year, a year-and-a-half?”



FDA decided to keep the tumor cell lines secret, because doctors and the public may be alarmed and say “Oh, my God!” if they knew the truth.


Dr. Nathanael Brady acknowledged this when he said: “How is this group (of vaccines) going to be able to be accepted by the consumers … As soon as you hear “a tumor-derived cell line,” how do you explain that, put the public at ease?”

ナタナエル・ブレイディ博士は次のように述べたとき、これを認めました。「この(ワクチンの)グループはどのようにして消費者に受け入れられるようになるのか…「腫瘍由来細胞株」を聞いたらすぐに、それをどのように説明しますか? 国民を安心させますか?」

Dr. Robert Daum further acknowledged these facts: “ …the practicing medical community and also the lay public. They are going to hear that we are recommending, or that the manufacturers are making, vaccines with tumorigenic cell lines and say, ‘Oh, my God,’ even if there’s no scientific basis to say, ‘Oh, my God.’”

ロバート・ダウム博士はさらにこれらの事実を認めました:「…開業医のコミュニティそしてまた一般の人々。 彼らは、腫瘍形成性細胞株を使ったワクチンを私たちが推奨している、または製造業者が作っていると聞いて、「何てことだ。」と言う科学的根拠がなくても、「何てことだ。」と言うでしょう。」


FDA decided to use deceptive language to convince doctors and the public that the vaccines were safe even when they, themselves, were unconvinced of safety.


Dr. Philip Krause acknowledged this when he said: “… because it’s a discussion of how one communicates these issues and how the public will perceive them.


But I’m not completely sure that we have a complete answer on the fundamental scientific question.


So how can you communicate a scientific consensus that the product is safe unless we’re sure that you, the experts we are asking to advise us, are convinced that it’s safe?”



FDA decided to hide information about their use of tumor cells and omit it from package inserts.


Dr. Marion Gruber proposed this deception when he said: “The minute you describe something in the package insert in terms of potential clinical safety concerns, I think that really precludes using these cell substrates.”


Dr. James Cook agreed to the deception when he said: “When it gets right down to what’s in the vial and what the patient is going to ask me about, whether it’s safe, I’m not going to say, well, you know, HeLa cells kill nude mice.”


Dr. Robert Daum acknowledged the deception when he said: “I don’t know that our charge is to micromanage the package insert today.


I think that’s a new discussion, with lots of issues that we haven’t really aired completely.”



Health authorities were skeptical about safety of the tumor lines, but they decided to subject the public to the risk, so that they could perform a global population-wide live human experiment.


Dr. Robert Daum agreed to conduct the mass human experiment with the following statement:


“So I’m not sure that we can give a certainty there’s no risk — don’t worry about this … It’s sort of a brave new world. We’re all doing it together. But I think that you are doing a beautiful job.”

「ですから、リスクがないことを確信できるかどうかはわかりません。心配しないでください…すばらしい新世界のようなものです。 私たちは皆一緒にやっています。 しかし、あなたは素晴らしい仕事をしていると思います。」


FDA officials opted to toss the dice, perform the population-wide human experiment, and learn about the risks as time goes by.


FDA officials even cast this experiment as a noble venture in the quest for scientific knowledge.


Dr. Pamela McInnes made this stunning appeal to her colleagues:

Pamela McInnes博士は、この驚くべき魅力を同僚に伝えました。

“… even though there are challenges [risks to humans] to using the new technologies, they have to be embraced and we have to continue to try to learn from them and struggle through that learning curve.”


In the end, FDA decided to take the risks.


The leader of the committee says, “I’m a vaccine guy,” then urged his cronies to approve.


Dr. Robert Daum said: “I’m a vaccine guy.


They are wonderful to prevent infectious diseases … I hope that I’m speaking for everybody when I say that’s the answer to your question.


If not, please chime in now.”



The committee formally approves the method of making vaccines from human cancer tumors.


Dr. Robert Daum said: “To come back to the agency’s question of whether this committee believes it’s correct scientifically to go forward with the development of these vaccines, our answer is yes.”



Prior to voting to go forward, the committee made the following conclusions:


・Making vaccines with cells that are directly derived from human cancer tumors is faster and cheaper than breeding animals for the culture media.


・Millions of potentially cancer-causing vaccines will be produced.


・The vaccines may possibly cause genetic mutations.


・Millions of dollars will be made by vaccine promoters.


・The health of millions of consumers may be jeopardized.


・Information about how vaccines are made will be hidden from doctors and consumers.



This 2012 VRBPAC meeting perfectly illustrates the reckless, malevolent and murderous zeitgeist underlying the Pharma/HHS partnership.


VRBPAC’s “devil-may-care” decision-making allowed pharmaceutical companies to use potentially cancerous fetal cells to make millions of vaccines.



Since that meeting, vaccines containing cancerous cells and DNA strands from aborted fetuses have become pervasive among the 72 doses of vaccines that FDA has approved, and CDC “recommends” for American children.


Today, the vaccines for chickenpox, MMR, hepatitis A and shingles contain fetal DNA.



There is little chance of consequence to vaccine makers from making this reckless choice, and much potential benefit.


The 1986 National Vaccine Injury Act makes pharmaceutical companies immune from negligence claims and from product defect lawsuits by injured plaintiffs.


Since cancer takes years to develop, causation is virtually impossible for injured petitioners to prove in the Federal Vaccine Court where HHS is the defendant.



Furthermore, by the time a tumor develops, the three-year statute of limitations for the vaccine injury has long expired.


Pharma is therefore recklessly and pathologically bold about putting carcinogens in vaccines.



Finally, it’s worth considering that cancer treatment drugs like Keytruda are among pharmaceutical companies’ largest profit makers.


Precipitating a cancer epidemic in human populations only benefits vaccine makers’ bottom line.


Remember, these are the same companies and the same FDA regulators that brought us the opioid epidemic.



Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s reputation as a resolute defender of the environment stems from a litany of successful legal actions....

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