

1.ベダ・M・シュタドラー(ベルン大学免疫研究所の元所長): 第2波はない、新型コロナは夏に変異して消滅する季節性の風邪ウイルス

2020年07月11日 08時52分10秒 | ビル・ゲイツ/コロナ/WHO

Just Plain Wrong ただの簡単な間違い

The Human Immune Response has been completely underestimated


Symtom-free? Then you CAN’T infect others

症状がない? それなら、あなたが他人に感染させることはない

Prof. Beda M Stadler ベダ・M・シュタドラー教授


The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th.

元々の記事は、6月10日にスイスの雑誌Weltwoche(World Week)で出版されました。

The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus.




1.ベダ・M・シュタドラー(ベルン大学免疫研究所の元所長): 第2波はない、新型コロナは夏に変異して消滅する季節性の風邪ウイルス



Coronavirus: Why Everyone Was Wrong. It is Not a “New Virus”. “The Fairy Tale of No Immunity”

コロナウイルス:なぜ誰もが間違っていたのか。 「新しいウイルス」ではありません。「免疫がないというのはおとぎ話」

"It was even more wrong to claim that the population would not already have some immunity against this virus."


The immune response to the virus is stronger than everyone thought


By Beda M Stadler

Global Research, July 08, 2020、グローバル・リサーチ、2020年7月8

Weltwoche 2 July 2020

The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th.

元々の記事は、6月10日にスイスの雑誌Weltwoche(World Week)で出版されました。

The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus.


Stadler is an important medical professional in Switzerland, he also likes to use provoking language, which should not deter you from the extremely important points he makes.


This article is about Switzerland and it does not suggest that the situation is exactly the same globally.


I am advocating for local measures according to locale situations.


And I advocate for looking at real data rather than abstract models.


I also suggest to read to the end, because Stadler makes crucial points about testing for Sars-CoV-2.


Back to Reason, Medium, June 2, 2020










一方、ウイルス名については、国際ウイルス分類委員会(International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses:ICTV)が2月7日までに、SARS(重症急性呼吸器症候群)を引き起こすウイルス(SARS-CoV)の姉妹種であるとして「SARS-CoV-2」と名付けている。






This is not an accusation, but a ruthless taking stock [of the current situation].


I could slap myself, because I looked at Sars-CoV2- way too long with panic.


I am also somewhat annoyed with many of my immunology colleagues who so far have left the discussion about Covid-19 to virologists and epidemiologists.


I feel it is time to criticise some of the main and completely wrong public statements about this virus.



Firstly, it was wrong to claim that this virus was novel.


Secondly, It was even more wrong to claim that the population would not already have some immunity against this virus.


Thirdly, it was the crowning of stupidity to claim that someone could have Covid-19 without any symptoms at all or even to pass the disease along without showing any symptoms whatsoever.


But let’s look at this one by one.



  1. A new virus? 新しいウイルスか?

At the end of 2019 a coronavirus, which was considered novel, was detected in China.


When the gene sequence, i.e. the blueprint of this virus, was identified and was given a similar name to the 2002 identified Sars, i.e. Sars-CoV-2, we should have already asked ourselves then how far [this virus] is related to other coronaviri, which can make human beings sick.


But no, instead we discussed from which animal as part of a Chinese menu the virus might have sprung.


In the meantime, however, many more people believe the Chinese were so stupid as to release this virus upon themselves in their own country.


Now that we’re talking about developing a vaccine against the virus, we suddenly see studies which show that this so-called novel virus is very strongly related to Sars-1 as well as other beta-coronaviri which make us suffer every year in the form of a colds.


Apart from the pure homologies in the sequence between the various coronaviri which can make people sick, [scientists] currently work on identifying a number of areas on the virus in the same way as human immune cells identify them.


This is no longer about the genetic relationship, but about how our immune system sees this virus, i.e. which parts of other coronaviri could potentially be used in a vaccine.


So: Sars-Cov-2 isn’t all that new, but merely a seasonal cold virus that mutated and disappears in summer, as all cold viri do — which is what we’re observing globally right now.


Flu viri mutate significantly more, by the way, and nobody would ever claim that a new flu virus strain was completely novel.


Many veterinary doctors where therefore annoyed by this claim of novelty, as they have been vaccinating cats, dogs, pigs, and cows for years against coronaviri.



  1. The fairy tale of no immunity免疫がないというおとぎ話

From the World Health Organisation (WHO) to every Facebook-virologist, everyone claimed this virus was particularly dangerous, because there was no immunity against it, because it was a novel virus.


Even Anthony Fauci, the most important advisor to the Trump administration noted at the beginning at every public appearance that the danger of the virus lay in the fact that there was no immunity against it.

トランプ政権の最も重要な顧問であるAnthony Fauciでさえ、すべての会見の冒頭で、ウイルスの危険はそれに対する免疫がないという事実にあると述べました。

Tony [Anthony Sauci] and I often sat next to each other at immunology seminars at the National Institute of Health in Bethesda in the US, because we worked in related fields back then.

トニー[Anthony Sauci]と私は、米国のベセスダにある国立衛生研究所NIHでの免疫学セミナーでしばしば隣同士に座りました。私たちは、当時は関連分野で働いていたからです。

So for a while I was pretty uncritical of his statements, since he was a respectable colleague of mine.


The penny dropped only when I realised that the first commercially available antibody test [for Sars-CoV-2] was put together from an old antibody test that was meant to detect Sars-1.


This kind of test evaluates if there are antibodies in someone’s blood and if they came about through an early fight against the virus.


[Scientists] even extracted antibodies from a Lama that would detect Sars-1, Sars-CoV-2, and even the Mers virus.


It also became known that Sars-CoV-2 had a less significant impact in areas in China where Sars-1 had previously raged.


This is clear evidence urgently suggesting that our immune system considers Sars-1 and Sars-Cov-2 at least partially identical and that one virus could probably protect us from the other.


That’s when I realised that the entire world simply claimed that there was no immunity, but in reality, nobody had a test ready to prove such a statement.


That wasn’t science, but pure speculation based on a gut feeling that was then parroted by everyone.


To this day there isn’t a single antibody test that can describe all possible immunological situations, such as: if someone is immune, since when, what the neutralising antibodies are targeting and how many structures exist on other coronaviri that can equally lead to immunity.

今日まで、考えられるすべての免疫学的状況を説明できる単一の抗体検査は存在しません。たとえば、誰かが免疫を持っている場合、いつ、どの中和抗体が標的となっているか、また免疫に等しくつながる可能性のある他のコロナウイルスに存在する構造の数は 。

In mid-April work was published by the group of Andreas Thiel at the Charité Berlin.

4月中旬には、ChariteベルリンのAndreas Thielのグループによって研究が発表されました。

A paper with 30 authors, amongst them the virologist Christian Drosten.


It showed that in 34 % of people in Berlin who had never been in contact with the Sars-CoV-2 virus showed nonetheless T-cell immunity against it (T-cell immunity is a different kind of immune reaction, see below).


This means that our T-cells, i.e. white blood cells, detect common structures appearing on Sars-CoV-2 and regular cold viri and therefore combat both of them.


A study by John P A Ioannidis of Stanford University — according to the Einstein Foundation in Berlin one of the world’s ten most cited scientists — showed that immunity against Sars-Cov-2, measured in the form of antibodies, is much higher than previously thought.

スタンフォード大学のジョンP Aイオアニディスによる研究 -ベルリンのアインシュタイン財団によると、世界で最も引用されている10人の科学者の1人- は、抗体の形で測定されたSars-Cov-2に対する免疫が、以前考えられていたよりもはるかに高いことを示しました。

Ioannidis is certainly not a conspiracy theorist who just wants to swim against the stream; nontheless he is now being criticised, because the antibody tests used were not extremely precise.

イオアニディスは確かに、流れに逆らって泳ぐことだけを望んでいる陰謀論者ではありません。 それにもかかわらず、使用された抗体検査が非常に正確ではなかったため、彼は現在批判されています。

With that, his critics admit that they do not have such tests yet. And besides, John P A Ioannidis is such a scientific heavy-weight that all German virologists combined area a light-weight in comparison.

それで、彼の批評家は彼らがまだそのような検査を持っていないことを認めています。 それに加えて、ジョンP Aイオアニディスは非常に科学的なヘビー級であり、ドイツのウイルス学者全員は、それに比べてライト級です。


  1. The failure of modellers モデル作成者の失敗

Epidemiologist also fell for the myth that there was no immunity in the population.


They also didn’t want to believe that coronaviri were seasonal cold viri that would disappear in summer.


Otherwise their curve models would have looked differently.


When the initial worst case scenarios didn’t come true anywhere, some now still cling to models predicting a second wave.


Let’s leave them their hopes — I’ve never seen a scientific branch that manoeuvred itself so much into the offside.


I have also not yet understood why epidemiologists were so much more interested in the number of deaths, rather than in the numbers that could be saved.


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