

Levy p.82水痘およびヘルペス感染

2020年08月29日 15時51分05秒 | Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Thomas Levy氏の著書に記載されている各種のウイルス・細菌に対するビタミンCの適用の記事の翻訳リストは、次のブログ記事にまとめてあります:

Thomas Levy ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本の効果のまとめ


Levy p.82水痘およびヘルペス感染


Thomas Levy、ビタミンCによる感染症と毒物の治療の本

Curing the Incurable: Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, and Toxins (英語) ペーパーバック – 2011/8

治癒不可能なものを治す: ビタミンC、感染症疾患、及び毒素

Thomas E. Levy  (著)





Chickenpox and Herpes infections水痘およびヘルペス感染 (Curable and Preventable治癒可能、予防可能)


These diseases are being addressed together since the infecting viruses are closely related to one another.


Chickenpox, also known as varicella, is a common viral childhood disease typically identified by its characteristic rash.


Depending upon the immune status of the patient, the disease can range from being almost inconsequential to causing death.


Herpes zoster (shingles) results from a reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus already lying dormant in the body.


It also has a characteristic rash that overlies the distribution of an affected nerve.


Typically, herpes zoster is an exceptionally painful condition.


As with the other viral infections, treatment is generally only supportive.



Another type of herpesvirus, herpes simplex (fever blisters, genital herpes), is felt to be responsive to the antiviral drugs vidarabine and acyclovir.


However, these agents cannot be relied upon to actually cure the viral infection.


Infectious mononucleosis will also be addressed here, as this disease is also typically caused by a herpes virus.


Mononucleosis is characterized by fatigue, headache, fever, Sore throat, generalized swelling of the lymph nodes, and mild hepatitis.


The symptoms of mononucleosis will often persist for months, and the Cecil Textbook of Medicine asserts that almost all "normal" people will completely recover from this disease within three to four months.





Klenner (July 1949, 1953, 1974) reported having excellent results in the vitamin C treatment of chickenpox, shingles, and herpes simplex.

クレナー(1949年7月, 1953, 1974)は、水痘、帯状疱疹、単純ヘルペスのビタミンC治療の素晴らしい結果を報告した。

Klenner treated a series of eight adults who had shingles.


A 2000 to 3000 mg dose of vitamin C was given by injection every 12 hours, and 1,000 mg was given orally every two hours.


The severe pain associated with the skin lesions, which can often persist for weeks before completely resolving, was completely gone in seven of eight patients within two hours of the first vitamin C injection.


Although no pain-killing medications were administered, the pain relief was permanent.


The skin lesions, which can persist for weeks, had completely resolved in seven out of eight patients within 72 hours.


Each patient received from five to seven total injections of vitamin C.


One of the patients had the skin lesions of shingles over his abdomen.


For 36 hours he had been taking opiate pain medications without any significant relief.


Within four hours of the initial 3,000 mg intravenous injection of vitamin C he was pain-free.



Dainow (1943) reported success in the treatment of 14 cases of shingles with vitamin C injections.


Zureick (1950), noting a clinical response like that of Klenner, published the results of 327 shingle cases treated with vitamin C.


Complete resolution of the disease in all of these patients was seen within 72hours after administering vitamin C injections,



Klenner emphasized the importance of continuing the vitamin C treatment for herpes infections for a sufficient period of time.


With fever blisters, healing Would appear complete after two vitamin C injections, but recurrence was noted when the vitamin C was discontinued after only 24 hours,



Chickenpox showed a similar response as that of shingles to Klenner's vitamin C therapy.


The itching wet rash would show some drying in the first 24 hours, and clinical Wellness was restored by the third or fourth day.



Smith (1988) described Klenner's experience in treating his own daughter for chickenpox.


Although the child was given 24,000 mg of vitamin C orally each day, the rash appeared to Worsen, and the itch increased.


After only 1,000 mg was administered intravenously, the itch stopped, and the child was able to sleep Well for eight hours.


Another intravenous dose was then given, and there was no further progression of the rash.


Perhaps by wanting to avoid sticking his own daughter with a needle Klenner was able to provide one more especially striking example of the superiority of injected vitamin C over oral vitamin C, especially when prompt control over infection is needed.





Klenner also pointed out that viral encephalitis, which can occur following a wide variety of viral infections, is an especially severe disease when the infecting virus is herpes simplex,


Lerner et al. (1972) published estimates that one third of such cases of encephalitis result in death, and approximately eight of nine survivors have some residual brain damage.


The current Cecil Textbook of Medicine asserts that only 15% of herpes simplex encephalitis patients die.


Perhaps the recently introduced antiviral drugs have helped reduce this number.


However, Klenner reported no failures in the treatment of encephalitis, regardless of the offending virus.


The recoveries of the vitamin C-treated encephalitis victims were complete, and Klenner observed no long-term brain or neurological damage.



Cathcart (1981) also reported success with the treatment of acute herpes infections using oral vitamin C.


Cathcart often used large oral doses of vitamin C in the treatment of other infections as well.


Specific cases were not outlined, and Cathcart noted that recurrent disease was especially common if the disease had already entered a chronic phase.


He suggested that intravenous vitamin C might be of benefit for chronic herpes infections.


This appears to be yet another example of the need to initially attack any significant viral infection with intravenous vitamin C in order to obtain an optimal clinical response.



Klenner (1971) did not address mononucleosis with the same detail that he provided for many of the other viral diseases.


He did, however, assert that "large" doses of vitamin C given intravenously had a "striking" influence on the typically prolonged course of this disease.


He briefly described one interesting case in which a hospitalized patient was in a bad enough condition that she had already been given the last rites of her church.


She was not Klenner's patient, however, and the attending physician refused the mother's request to give vitamin C.


However, since the patient's mother was a nurse and an ardent advocate of the benefits of vitamin C, she decided for herself to add 20,000 to 30,000 mg of vitamin C to every bottle of intravenous fluids administered to her daughter.


Klenner noted that the girl went on to make an "uneventful recovery."



Dalton (1962) reported the case of a 36-year-old Woman who contracted mononucleosis.


The symptoms were pronounced, and her diagnosis was verified by blood testing.


Only three daily 2,000 mg injections of vitamin C were given, and her symptoms were resolved Within one week.





Cathcart (1981) reported good results with the administration of large oral doses of vitamin C for mononucleosis.


However, significant maintenance oral vitamin C (20,000 to 30,000 mg daily) was necessary for about two months to complete the treatment in one specific patient he described.


Cathcart noted that many other cases did not require significant maintenance therapy for more than two to three weeks in order to assure no recurrence or relapse occurred.


Cathcart's experience, especially when compared to the result that Dalton achieved with small intravenous doses of vitamin C, would appear to be another good example of the importance of administering at least the initial doses intravenously when treating mononucleosis or any other acute and severe viral infection.



Further experimental evidence supports the ability of vitamin C to inactivate herpes viruses,


Sagripanti et al. (1997) found that vitamin C in association with cupric (copper) ions would kill at least one form of herpesvirus, herpes simplex.


Furthermore, the authors Suggested that the concentrations of vitamin C and copper needed to kill this herpes virus indicated that preparations for human ingestion could be administered with only a minimal risk of any toxicity.


Such suggestions indicate a lack of awareness of vitamin C's already well-established nontoxic profile.


However, it is good to see that current basic researchers are reaching a conclusion that agrees with the absence of side effects already noted in many earlier clinical applications.



White et al. (1986) were also able to demonstrate that vitamin C, with the assistance of ionic copper, was able to inactivate all of the viruses tested.


In addition to the inactivation of herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2, vitamin C also completely terminated the infectivity of cytomegalovirus, parainfluenza virus type 2, and respiratory syncytial virus.





Still further evidence of the ability of vitamin C to effectively treat herpes virus infections comes from studies performed on different applications of vitamin C directly on herpetic lesions.


Hamuy and Berman (1998) reported that the treatment of herpes simplex virus infections with topical vitamin C "shows promising effects."


Hoviet al. (1995) did a double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial that applied a vitamin C-containing solution against herpes lesions that erupt on mucous membranes, such as in the mouth.


Based on symptom control, length of scab formation, and viral cultures, it was determined that this preparation resulted in statistically significant clinical and antiviral effects.


Terezhalmy et al. (1978) demonstrated a positive effect of oral vitamin C on recurrent herpes labialis (cold Sores).


This study showed a clear remission in the related symptoms from the administration of only 600mg of vitamin C(along with bioflavonoids) three times daily.


Some of the important initial groundwork establishing the likelihood that herpes viruses were killed (inactivated) by vitamin C in the body came from the work of Holden and Resnick (1936).


Their research clearly demonstrated that vitamin C in the test tube inactivated the strain of herpesvirus tested.


This conclusion was again tested and published a year later (Holden and Molloy, 1937).


In the 1937 paper, an attempt was also made to determine if the test tube neutralization of the herpesvirus was a valid indicator that vitamin C could also cure rabbits directly infected with this virus.


Unfortunately, after an injection of the virus into the rabbits, only a very tiny dose (5mg) of vitamin C was given subcutaneous daily for six days, and no demonstrable effect of this minimal vitamin C dosing on the disease development could be detected.


Nevertheless, the test tube aspect of the research of Holden and Molloy was quite significant.



Like other viruses discussed in this chapter, herpes and closely related viruses are extremely susceptible to the administration of vitamin C.


Klenner and other researchers have reported curing Such diseases with vitamin C injections.


Presumably, enough daily vitamin C would also prevent such diseases from taking hold.


If at all possible, it would seem prudent to always initially attack viruses of this family with intravenous or intramuscular vitamin C to achieve Complete virus eradication and avoid the emergence of chronic disease due to incomplete treatment.


The data for treating chronic herpetic disease, Such as recurrent fever blisters or genital herpes, with high-dose intravenous vitamin C was not found.


However, there is no reason to believe that this virus cannot be completely eliminated from the body if enough intravenous vitamin C is given for a long enough period of time.




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