

The President of the United States has real power

2020-09-15 18:05:47 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The President of the United States has real power,文章讲述自1840年以来,民主党和共和党每四年举行一次大会选举总统候选人。候选人必须年满三十五岁,是自然出生的公民,并且是美国居民十四年以上。由两党提名的候选人将有义务进行选举。美国的长期竞选活动非常耗时且费力。竞选活动需要有条理的方式,新思路和有效措施,巨大的经济资源和强有力的政治支持。同时,舆论在美国政治中起着重要作用。领导者必须知道将支持哪些政策和倡议。其他人也必须保持警惕。公众舆论可能不是政策的中心,但也会对政策产生影响。


Since 1840, the Democratic and Republican parties have held conventions every four years to choose candidates for President. The candidates must be at least thirty-five years old, natural-born citizens, and residents of the US for fourteen years or more. Candidates who are nominated by two parties will be bound to cause the election. The long election campaigns in the United States are extremely time-consuming and effort. The election campaigns need well-organized way, new ideas and effective measurements, huge economic resources and powerful political support. Meanwhile, public opinion plays an important role in American politics. Leaders have to know what policies and initiatives will be supported. Others also have to keep an ear to the ground. Public opinion can make impact on policies, even though it is not the center of authority.  

In the United States, the president is not only equivalent to a constitutional monarchy monarch and President of the parliamentary system, but the prime minister who master the real power as well. The president possesses the power and duty to welcome foreign heads of states and envoys. He has absolutely authority on the Executive as well. As head of states, the president hands the power of appoint. After the president listing candidates, the Senate holds a hearing about public survey and voting. However, the president can dismiss officials directly. The president has rights of pardoning criminals and declaring a state of emergency as well.

The president derives considerable power from being commander in chief of the military. The United States Constitution requires that the president shall be commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States. Possessing the right of military command, the president has the capacity to put down some riots in the country and wage wars against other countries.

The United States ' system involves checks and balances between the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The president also has the legislative power. He has a veto over legislation and the delegated law-making power.

Though proposing legislation, advancing budgets, involvement in the regulatory process, and executive orders and agreements, presidents make policy. In diplomacy in general, the American president is the maker of foreign policies, who has the rights to negotiate treaties and conclude executive agreements, but treaties cannot be put into effect unless approved by two-thirds of the Senate. In addition to having veto power on laws passed by Congress, the President is head of the military and responsible for making treaties with foreign countries.

In the process of struggling, exchanging and restructuring of the capital of rights and the power between the president and the Congress, it’s easy that an emperor-like president appears or a powerful Congress. These will alternately appear and achieve balance finally.





