

The secret to a long life

2020-09-15 18:11:49 | 日記

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- The secret to a long life,文章讲述如今,这是一个热门话题,为什么有些人的寿命如此之长,却引起了人们的关注。两位遗传学家访问了一个有四个百岁老人和四个99岁老人的区别的小村庄,以揭露长寿的秘密。百岁老人说,他们身体健康,因为他们总是饮食良好。但是经过长期的研究,关于严格限制饮食与长寿命有关的理论已经落入了艰难的科学时代。


Nowadays, here is a hot topic that why do some people have such a long life span which has attracted people’s attention. Two geneticists visited a small village which had the distinction of four centenarians and four 99-year-olds to expose the secret of longevity. The centenarians said they were in a good health for they always had a good eating diet. But through a long period of investigation, the theory that a severely restricted diet which is connected to long life has fallen on hard scientific times.

Recently, scientists have turned their attention to the gene which is connected with people’s life span. They found a recessive mutation in a single gene which can cause a disease of impaired growth called Laron syndrome. Research carried out by the geneticist found that there was the absence of a hormone known as IGF-1, or insulin-like growth factor in the patients’ blood. This kind of absence can protect people from being attacked by some diseases such as diabetes, cancer and so on. In addition, those who live into their 90s tend to possess a particular version, or allele.

Furthermore, another experiment shows that the Ashkenazi centenarians had exceptionally high levels of HDL. HDL is often called the good form of cholesterol. Scientists also found that there is a variant, a distinct genetic subtype, of a gene known as CETP .This kind of gene was more common in centenarians than in other people. Some researchers think one of the reasons that we have not found the gene we want is that we have protective sets of genes.

However, genes alone are unlikely to explain all the secrets of longevity. In fact, there are a lot of other factors that are connected with longevity, such as environment, diet or something else, but the biggest factor for longevity must be the gene.




