

Essay代写-Great influence of river

2017-09-04 17:01:45 | 日記
本篇Essay代写-great influence of river讲了河流在政治,社会,宗教等方面对水文文明有很大的影响。据历史学家卡尔•维特福格尔(Karl Wittfogel)介绍,水文文明指的是依靠河流的农业体系文化,政府必须组织大型水务设施,即灌溉几英里的土地,控制洪水。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

This short essay argues that river has great influence on hydraulic civilizations on the aspects of politics, society and religion.
Hydraulic civilization, according to historian Karl Wittfogel, refers to the civilisation that has agricultural system that is dependent on rivers, where government has to organize large-scale waterworks, which is to irrigate miles of fields and control the flood. In these countries, social and government structures always maintain the power in order to send people to finish the great projects. Therefore, these countries are always characterized by the system of levels of status and the centralizing of power.
For the early hydraulic civilizations, people mastered the skills of agriculture. They began settle down instead of being nomads and communities were formed. People are more willing to settle down near the river, for it is convenient to irrigate and find potable water. Many years later, there is class in the communities because of inequality of richness. Gradually countries and cities appear.
For the most ancient civilizations, such as ancient Egypt, ancient India and China, their first civilizations were hydraulic empires. In order to finish the great projects, power centralizing and bureaucracies are always necessary. Therefore, political power is always centralized by the monarchs in these countries. We can easily find examples from the governing of Pharaohs in Egypt, the system of caste of India, and the emperors of China.
The rivers or agriculture highly influence on people's lives, for in most parts of their lives they are on agricultural producing. People work early as the sun rise and rest when the sun set. People are closed because they produce to feed themselves, thus they have no demands of communication. People worked together, in which family is the main form of producing unit. Therefore, kinship is highly emphasized. It can be found that in China the theory of ethics, especially Confucianism was popular. Pharaohs marriage with family members to keep the purity of lineage also can be the example.
The instability of rivers and climates may cause great disaster, while people were hoping for good harvest. People began worshipping the transnatural power, causing the birth of different religions in various countries. For Egypt, India and China, Gods were always the symbols of harvesting or prosperity. On the other hand, the monarchs of hydraulic countries are always the highest priest of their country like Pharaohs. However, the over-emphasis of kinship under the patriarchal clan system, monarchs didn't highlight the status of priest.


