

Phillips curve

2020-08-14 11:33:47 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Phillips curve,文章讲述最初的菲利普斯曲线暗示失业与通胀之间存在权衡。当通货膨胀率下降时,失业率上升。当失业率下降时,通货膨胀率上升。因此,决策者只要愿意支付较高的通货膨胀率,就可以永远维持较低的失业率。

Phillips curve
i) The original Phillips curve implied that there is a trade-off between unemployment and inflation. When the inflation rate is falling, the unemployment rate is rising. And when the unemployment rate is falling, the inflation rate is rising. Thus policymakers could maintain a lower unemployment rate forever, as long as they were willing to pay the price of a higher inflation rate. However, the relationship broke down when policy makers tried to make use of it in 1970s because the original Phillips curve doesn’t apply to the long run. In the long run, price changes will have no impact on the unemployment rate, which will equal its natural rate as price and wage decisions are consistent. The economy will operate at Potential Real GDP. And the long-run Phillips curve is vertical at the natural rate of unemployment.
Another point is that when policy makers tried to benefit from this tradeoff, people started to assume positive inflation and the relationship broke down. If the expectations are stable, then the central bank can push the output to be above the natural level of output. This policy is effective only as long as people’s expectations remain lower than actual inflation.
ii) Aggregate supply and the Phillips curve share similar components. The rate of unemployment and rate of inflation found in the Phillips curve correspond to the real GDP and price level of aggregate supply. Changes in aggregate supply translate as movements along the Phillips curve. The Aggregate Supply Curve shows that, as the price level rises, the Real GDP (production) rises. And the increase in the money supply is the cause of the rise in prices. The decrease in unemployment is the cause of the rise in Real GDP (production). So the movement from one point to another point on the Aggregate Supply Curve reflects the movement from two opposite points on the Phillips Curve. When costs of production rise, the short-run aggregate supply shifts to the left and the Phillips Curve shifts to the right. However, in the long-run, the economy will operate at Potential Real GDP (and at the natural rate of unemployment), and the only result of an increase in the money supply is inflation.
iii) Speculation means the act of trading in an asset, or conducting a financial transaction, that has a significant risk of losing most or all of the initial outlay, in expectation of a substantial gain. Over-speculation is an important aspect of inflation. Thus speculation rises, inflations rises, and the unemployment rate falls. On the contrary, if the unemployment rates falls in Phillips curve, then the inflation falls and people will tend to speculate instead of saving their money.



Learn about gender-neutral relationships

2020-08-14 11:32:56 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Learn about gender-neutral relationships,文章讲述在大多数情况下,男孩和女孩在学校表现出不同的行为并不少见。在小学阶段,女孩的学习成绩通常比男孩高,而男孩随着时间的流逝学习新事物的速度似乎更快。至于不同的科目,男孩和女孩也表现出各自的才能。男孩,女孩比数学,物理和计算机科学等科目更容易被男孩掌握。女孩更喜欢其他科目,例如语言,写作和音乐。

Learn about gender-neutral relationships
It is not an uncommon phenomenon that boys and girls, in most cases, perform different behaviors at school. Girls usually get higher scores in their studies than boys in primary school years, while boys seem to learn new things faster with time passing by. As for different subjects, boys and girls also show their separated talents. Subjects like mathematics, physics and computer science are more likely to be easily grasped by boys than girls. Other subjects, such as languages, writing and music, are more welcomed by girls. Why such differences exist between boys and girls? What are the causes of such phenomenon? Due to the separate characteristics, both physical and mental, of the two different genders, boys and girls will experience their own periods of growing up, during which they form different abilities on various fields. There are many problems caused by gender difference in education and daily life, thus the influence of gender is a great issue to which people’s attention need to be paid. With the consideration of gender factors, the pattern of education will be modified on the basis of today, and the teaching methods will also be improved to be more pertinent to boys and girls separately. In that way, the overall level of education will be further perfected, and students of different genders can also act to the best of their abilities. That is where the significance of gender consideration in education lies.
Resource One
Hong, Peter. “A Growing Gender Gap in American Colleges”. Modern Issues. 2010(9): 27.
This article describes the changing phenomenon in American colleges. In the past, male students usually got more bachelor’s degrees than female students. However, in resent years, more than 50 percent of the degrees are given to female students, and the trend still seems to grow. There seems to be a gap between boys and girls in school, which is even getting bigger and deeper.
Rhetorical Analysis:
This author of the passage makes a very careful observation of the situation of bachelor’s degrees in colleges. The changing is obvious through the author’s comparison of the statistics in different years. What is special in this article is that vertical comparison is made so that people can clearly feel the trend with time passing by. Comparison is even made among different majors. In that way the analysis is deep and adequate. Readers can get an omni-directional understanding of learning situation in campus of different genders.
The comparison is all-dimensioned in the passage. Compared with other resources, this article is the most detailed on in college analysis. However, this passage puts its central concern in introducing the phenomenon, but does not look into the reasons of it. Even though, there is still a lot that can be used for reference.
Resource Two
Khazai, Azita. “The Relation Between Gender Linked Factors and the Writing Ability of Pre—University Student”. US-China Foreign Language, 2009(7): 55.
This article analyzes the influence of gender in language learning. It involves an experiment conducted among two hundred students chosen randomly form Iranian pre-university schools, texting their writing ability in second language learning. The experiment answers the question that whether or not different language features are used by male and female students separately in writing. The conclusion is different with most people’s guess that the difference actually is not salient. However, there are many other factors affecting the second language learning, such as society, class, culture, etc. which still need to be further explored and proved by profound evidence.
Rhetorical Analysis:
This article focuses on a main element that may effects the writing features during the process of learning a second language. Such element is gender, which many people think as an important factor that make great influence. In the article, the author described the experiment carried out among two hundred randomly chosen students in detail. Many powerful data achieved through the experiment are involved. What is more, the author also uses many authoritative quotations to illustrate the main point of the article.
The experiment contained in the article has great significance in analyzing the influence of gender in language learning. Although the conclusion is that there is no obvious influence of gender in writing features of students, yet it helps to lead people out of misunderstanding and confusion. However, it makes me think that whether gender makes no difference at all in all parts of language learning, and if gender is not an influential factor, what on earth may affect the writing features of students. In the last part, the author puts forward some elements like culture and class. However, these factors still need to be found in other resources.
Resource Three
Li, Xiuli. “Analysis on Gender Difference in English Language”. English Forum, 2003(4): 23-24.
This passage illustrates the fundamental difference of gender in English Language. It focuses on different speaking habits of males and females separately. Due to the various characteristics and styles caused by gender influence, attention must be paid to communications with other people and having proper understandings of others words, especially when talking to the opposite sex. The passage also summarizes the different features of speaking habits of men and women in detail. Female speakers usually tend to avoid the features and speaking patterns disliked by most of the people in the society consciously. Male speakers, on the contrary, do not care much about such concerns.
Rhetorical Analysis:
This paper uses many everyday words to present in front of us many pictures of daily phenomenon in communication. It is widely noticed that there are indeed a lot of differences in the speaking manners of males and females. To look into the reasons that course such phenomenon, gender is an obvious one. The structure of the passage is clear. In the later part of the paper, the author lists the speaking characteristics of men and women, which are really clear and easy to understand. Comparison is always used through the whole paper, which is useful to show the difference from time to time. In addition, the author quotes many cases and data from former researches. Based on former analysis and facts, this paper goes deeper under the surface.
To study the relationship between gender and learning has a very practical destination, and that is to use the knowledge of such understandings to communicate with the people around in a more proper and suitable way. Through this passage, I can get a wide range of different features owned by male speakers and female speaker separately, since the author lists them out quite clearly. The biggest difference of this article from others is that this one is practical, and shows the purpose of this research, to better serve people in their daily communication.
Resource Four
Ramayah, Malarvily. “Preferred Learning Style: Gender Influence on Preferred Learning Style Among Business Students”. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 2009(6): 12.
This article analyzes the gender influence on preferred learning style of students majored in business. Through a convenient sampling of more than 400 students from business schools, it comes out a conclusion. Difference in preferred learning style does exist between male students and female students, especially in visual learning style and aural learning style. Female students are more preferred to use their visual and aural ability while learning than male students.
Rhetorical Analysis:
This article has a clear structure, which is easy to help to understand the main idea of the author. The convenient sampling is described in detail and the conclusion is objective and trustworthy. In the passage, the author gives clear definition to learning style and gives four main styles. Based on the experiment analysis, there comes a model that presents the different preference in choosing the way of learning.
This paper has great reference value in exploring the influence of gender on learning. Although the analysis is only based on business students, the results, however, have universal meaning. Visual and aural ability in learning can reflect many differences in male students and female students. The data and graphs contained in this article will be of great value and usefulness in further research on this topic.
Resource Five
Samuel, Salami. “Gender as A Moderator of Relation Between Emotional Intelligence and Career Development”. US-China Education Review, 2010(7): 11-14.
This passage notices that nowadays, a growing number of people have problems in their career decision-making. This is not only due to career issues but personal issues, which means emotional things, are also important during the process of making a decision. The article analyses the influence of gender on the relation between emotional intelligence and career development. Gender acts as a moderator in dealing with the relationship. For males and females separately, emotion can be used to help to make right and suitable decisions for individuals.
Rhetorical Analysis:
This paper contains a great number of data and a variety of graphs, showing different states of mind of males and females and the trend of changing. The author makes a survey of 485 students randomly chosen from different secondary schools in the United States. Thus the conclusion achieved from the survey is rather believable. In the passage, the author uses many rhetoric skills to state the main idea, such as comparison, analogy and setting examples. The figures used are from various professional fields and the analysis is comprehensive instead of single-sided.
This passage leads me to a brand new prospect of viewing this question. To consider gender as a moderator is a very creative metaphor, which vividly describes its role in dealing with emotion and career problems. Indeed, career decision has not been connected with gender in most people’s views. The moderation of gender in the relationship of emotion and career decision is of great significance to be further studied and explored. Career decision-making, to a certain extend, has something to do with personal learning. That is because different ways of study usually link with different ways of thinking, which of course will affect decision-making in personal career. What is more, the statistics contained in this passage will be of great help in my further analysis of the relationship of gender and learning.
Resource Six
Xin, Xiong. “On Gender Differences in Language Acquisition”. Sino-US English Teaching. 2008(5): 58.
This article analyses a very common phenomenon in daily life that in most cases, girl students usually do better in English lessons than boy students. Apart from many external factors such as teaching skills, the internal ones are essential to language acquisition. Boys and girls, according to different gender characteristics, show different motivations and abilities in language learning. Therefore, gender makes a great difference in learning a foreign language.
Rhetorical Analysis:
This passage goes into a very deep analysis of gender influence in English learning for students. In the passage, the author presents the motivations and abilities of boys and girls with many statistics and tables. The figures are objective and trustful. Besides, there are many powerful quotations in the passage, adding to its persuasiveness. In the last part of the article, it naturally comes to the conclusion that gender indeed has some influence on learning, especially on language learning.
This passage is complementary with other resources in many respects for it answers new questions raised in many research papers. This article deepens my understanding of gender influence on language learning. Following the author, it leads my thought to think how and why such difference and influence occur. Reading this passage makes me to think deeper and further. Furthermore, there are many valuable data that can be used in further research in the future.
There are many factors affecting learning of students, among which gender is not to be neglected. Since male students and female students have great physical and mental differences that influence their way of thinking and judging, gender may cause great effect on learning methods and abilities of students. From daily phenomenon we notice that in some fields, male students do better than female students, while in other fields, things are just the opposite. Besides, the situations may also change with the changing of time, which again appears difference between males and females. Correspondingly, there needs to be separate ways to educate students of different genders, with the gender characteristics and influence taken into consideration. Understanding the gender difference, people not only can better communicate with others with proper skills and manners, also they can find a better way of study and even make more suitable career-decisions. In the field of education, there is no doubt that gender consideration will be of great help to improve the quality of education. Considering this point, proper teaching methods and principles should be established. In that way, the overall education level is to be improved, and both males and females and act to their best level in a certain field with a certain method. There should also be a systematic teaching theory that teachers can follow during their teaching process, and that is what needs further exploration in the future.



Introduction to Social psychology and Personality Psychology

2020-08-14 11:31:58 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Introduction to Social psychology and Personality Psychology,文章讲述心理学是一个巨大的分类,其中包括各种学科和领域。例如,有研究和治疗患有心理和心理疾病的人的临床心理学,有研究如何帮助学生取得成功的学校心理学,有研究心理和生理路径以及人类变化的发展心理学等。本文将重点关注心理学,社会心理学和人格心理学的两个不同分支。

Introduction to Social psychology and Personality Psychology
Psychology is a huge categorize in which various subjects and fields are included. For example, there are clinical psychology that studies and treats people with mental and psychological disorders, school psychology that study how to help students to be successful in school, developmental psychology that study psychological and physical paths and changes of human beings and ect.. This paper will focus on two different branches of psychology, social psychology and personality psychology.
Social psychology studies how people are influenced by others. (Plous) For example, if a person practices self-mutilation, social psychologists will look at the social factors, such as non-mainstream culture, that stimulate such behavior, while psychoanalysts will focus on what personal unconscious tendency such as childhood tragedy or a abuse. In this area, B.A/B.S, M.A/M.S, and PhD/PsyD are offered, and it depends on personal interested study field to decide what types of program are needed.
The interests of this field are varied from discrimination to interpersonal relations, including prejudice, bullying, criminal activity, community health problem, substance abuse, family and domestic problems and so on.(Plous) For example, social psychologists study discrimination and prejudice such as racism, sexism, feminism, heterosexism and so on. Heterosexism is a controversial topic in society nowadays. In western countries, homosexuality is more acceptable as personal sexual orientation. On the contrary, in Asia and Middle East countries, homosexuality is considered sins and crimes. If a person born in Asia but grow up in America, his or her opinion about homosexuality is distinguished from opinions of civilians of his or her original country. Social psychologist study what social influences cause him or her think so differently. Other popular topic in social psychology field is interpersonal relationship. Social psychologists study what the factors are influencing romance and attraction. For example, in William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are bonded with each other so strong that they would rather die than giving up their love. Social psychologist call it Romeo and Juliet effect, or reactance theory.(Baron, 2006) In this theory, social psychologists believe that under certain circumstance, resistances from parents or elder relatives actually enhance the bond between couples.
People who choose to study social psychology could work in different workplaces. If students like to explore and research social psychology, they could do research for private or government facilities in a controlled surrounding. They could also work for universities and schools, where they could do their research and teach students at the same time. Also, social welfare organization is a good choice. People work there have more access to certain group of peoples so that they could get first-hand materials and information they need in their research. For those who want to apply their knowledge to work, marketing and advertising are good choices. Social psychologies study how environment and society shape individuals. Therefore, they have understanding under which situation, people tend to buy more.(Social Psychology Career)
Another field of psychology the paper would talk about is personality psychology. Personality psychology focuses on individual personalities and traits, and what shapes individuals’ personalities. Comparing with social psychology, personality psychology tend to focus more on individual differences. Similar to social psychology, it offers B.A./B.S., M.A./M.S., Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D to students who are interested in this field.
Some general topics of this field are trait theory, type theories, psychoanalytic theories, biopsychological theories and so on. For example, in type theory, psychologist Meyer Friedman propose that there are Type A and Type B personalities. Type A personality has “a high risk for coronary disease” because they are always stressed, while on the contrary, Type B tend to more relax, less competitive and low in risk(Mcleod, 2011).
People who study personality psychology could be professional research. In addition, they could also train people and help them improve leaderships. Sometimes, some personality psychologists give vital advises and information to government institutions. Furthermore, they could advise different organization to adopt strategies that help their staffs improve mentally. Also, some personality psychologies do public speaking to encourage people to do certain things. Sometimes, because they know human characteristics very well so they could help design goods for customers’ needs. (Personality Psychology Career Guide)
In order to work related to social psychology and personality psychology, students at least have to have a bachelor’s degree in general psychology. If they want to become social psychologists and personality psychologist, they need to have a PhD or a Psy. D degree in the fields. In order to do that, after they receive their bachelor’s degree, they need to take GRE test, and sometimes GRE Psychology test based on graduate schools they want to go to. In addition, if students have working experience or volunteer experience related to the topic, it will enhance students resume when they apply to graduate schools.
Baron, R. A., et al. (2006). Social psychology, Pearson
McLeod, Saul. (2011)“Type A Personality". Retrieved on October 30, 2014 from
Personality Psychologist Career Guide.(2014) Retrieved on October 30, 2014 from
Plous, Scott. Social Psychology Network. Retrieved on October 31, 2014 from
Social Psychology Careers. Retrieved on October 31, 2014 from


Freedom or faith - The Galatian dilemma

2020-08-14 11:30:41 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Freedom or faith - The Galatian dilemma,文章讲述保罗完成了加拉太书,这是他在哥林多期间的早期作品之一。这封信以及罗曼史被认为是通过信仰和法律辩护来改革神学的基础。与许多其他著作不同的是,加拉太书不是神学治疗,而是写给加拉太书关于加拉太教会问题的真实信。保罗的写作不是出于偶然的兴趣,而是因为这种严峻的环境。加拉太不再接受保罗的福音和使徒身份。

Freedom or faith - The Galatian dilemma
Paul accomplished Galatians, and it was one of his earlier pieces during his stay in Corinth. This letter, along with the Romance, is seen as the foundation of the reformed theology by faith and justification of law. Different from many other works, Galatians is not a theological treatment but a real letter written to Galatians on the problems in the church of Galatian. Paul was not writing out of casual interest, but because of the austere circumstance. Paul’s gospel and apostleship were no longer accepted by Galatians. After he left, his opponents came from outside. A group of Jewish Christian missionaries came, and they told the people that if they want to be saved, they must practice Jewish doctrine. Besides, there are also torah-observant Judaizers, and others in relation with James the Lord’s brother in Jerusalem. Besides them, also accusations brought against him. Therefore, Paul wrote this little in response to these accusations.
This letter consists of six parts, and it happened to fit perfectly to Aristotle’s forensic rhetoric. Among these six components, two thematic words, “faith” and “freedom” are raised. They two are closely related too each other. Moreover, due to the difference of age and language, some meaning of the word seems to be multiple ambiguities, and leaving space for readers later on to discuss.
The first questions is, as it was a work finished ages ago, the situation of the receiver of this letter became a mystery. For studiers of Galatians, the receivers of this letter remain undetermined. Though it was written to the churches of Galatians and Paul seemed to write to all Galatians, who are Galatians and the statues of the churches are still not clear.
The body of the letter begins with the introduction, and this introduction can be further divided into two parts. Paul started with a greeting that can be seen as a response to the doubt of his authority. He emphasized his authority came from the god rather than anyone else, and he was an apostlos. Following his greeting, he did not hide his disgust of the betrayal of Galatians. Some studiers had found that in his letter, Paul kept using the third person to refer to those who distracted his readers (referred as the second person), and they assumed that it indicated that the opponents came from outer rather than generated among his followers. In this section, Paul warned the readers several time times that the results of trusting these distractors were severe.
Against the accusation, Paul went down in chapter three to defend himself. Paul recalled his personal experience and pointed out that his gospel had come directly from Jesus. He declared his independent from other apostlos, his interations with other apostlos, and he also blamed Peter, the apostlos who has close interaction with his contradictors.
Chapter three is also Paul’s defense of “justification by faith.” He explained it by life experience, the Bible, and logic. To begin with, he believed that the Galatians are stupid to mix up the law and the classic, and what they did seemed like they are in a kind of confusion without sense. In order to wake up these people, Paul threw questions to them, asking how they feel the holly spirit. And the answer was clear that was nothing about abiding the law itself but listening to the gospel, and since the justification and the holly spirit have no relation with the law, believing in the gospel therefore is clearly superior to the law. About the miracle, for Paul, the Satan also can show miracle, but to believe Mosaic law or the holly spirit was like a contrast between behavior and faith. Moreover, he pointed out that only by following the law can people became the son of Abraham is wrong, and he claimed that according to the logic of those strict followers of the law, people abided by the law would be cursed by the law itself. He referred to the genesis to prove his view that the son of Abraham is not his biographical offspring but those who believe in god. Circumcision is not a must as a part of the law, its importance comes from that it indicates people’s faith in the god and therefore got the justification. Furthermore, he continued his reasoning, pointed out there are fallacies in the law and thus to gain justification need only the holly spirit. By this logic reasoning, Paul was trying to mark out the difference between to gain justification by proper behavior and to gain justification by faith. However, Paul did not deny the necessity of the existence of law. He wrote that the value of law lies in the purpose to increase and even to irritate crimes, and hence it leaves those offenders no other ways to go except to have faith. The purpose of law is never for justification, it is set as a mirror to reflect people’s crime and let them realize they are slave of crimes. When people realize this, they will know they should gain savior from god by their own faith. In the later half of chapter four, after the argument of the problem the law follower made, Paul elaborated his understanding of the law and persuade people to abandon the legalism.
How to lead a life without constrains of the law. Paul discuss this question in the forth chapter. There also contains debates of both sides. He raised an example that if people chose to obey the law as they had already started the circumcision, then they should further obey all the other laws, but this was impossible for “sinners.” If they chose the road of obeying the law, they have fallen from the sacred road God assigned for people, and they will detour to the wrong way. Also from the other side, according to the signs in the Bible, the god never take back his promise, and it proves that even people fail the law of circumcision,god would not abandon them, and therefore what the law’s followers claims is a self-contradiction. Paul persuaded people to lead a life without constrains of law, and follow the holly spirit.
In the conclusion of the letter, Paul appeal to end the fights in Galatians. This letter with a severe start came to a gentle salution as the end.
Galatian amazes me in many ways. The most amazing part is that even it has already been a letter with some parts lost in translation, the remaining parts still reveals to us a thinker’s mind. The contradiction between faith and behavior is not the trouble of ancient people but still people today. Are people already good enough to obey the law. The answer seems clear——they are not. There are many other things law can not conclude. However, to live a world without law is also unimaginable for me. Without a clear “do and don’t” to follow and self-discipline, how many places of the world nowadays are still in chaos, and where to seek the holly spirit, and what to do when the “holly spirit” guides contrast the law? This is a dilemma of human society. But what seems absolute to me after reading Galatians is that there is no absolute freedom exists at all. In the end, what people seek are always the way for self-redemption. For me, the fights between behavior or faith, just a debate of different way.



Evil argument

2020-08-14 11:29:17 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Evil argument,文章讲述邪恶的论据被用来证明上帝不存在。该论点的要点可以概括为“……世界上存在邪恶(或邪恶存在如此之多)的事实证明了没有上帝”。由于我们无法提供任何具体证据来证明上帝确实存在,因此为什么不从我们已经知道的事情中推断出上帝是否存在呢?有多种方法可以论证这一论点,以下是该论证的三种形式,用以证明上帝不存在。

Evil argument
The argument from evil is used to prove that God doesn’t exist. The gist of this argument can be summed up as “… the fact that there is evil in the world (or that there is so much of it) proves there is no God”. Since we can’t provide any concrete evidence to prove that God indeed exists, why don’t we just extrapolate from the things that we already knew to prove whether God exists or not? There are different methods to approach this argument, below are three versions for this argument to prove that God doesn’t exist.
This first one is based on the premises that if God exists, that being will be omnipotent and God will not allow any evil in the world, but there is still evil, so God doesn’t exist. However, this logic is not really tight. First of all, the concept of good and evil is not inherent but rather an idea imposed by human, so how can we know that God agrees with us on what is evil and what is not; then, there is no way to prove that God is as powerful as what we think he is. Thus the conclusion is not built on solid ground.
The second version is slightly different from the first one. The second version acknowledges the existent of evil and the reason for the existence of evil is for human to build souls, but if there is an almighty God, why the amount of evil is so large that it exceeds the soul-building minimum? Hence, there is no God. The second version seems like a quiet valid argument, but it fails to factor in the free will of people. God gives us free will to do whatever we want; some people choose to do good things and some don’t. God has no control over their choices, thus God can’t limit the number of evilness to a certain level. It is clearly the second version of this argument is still untenable.
Then how about we factor in free will of human. Let’s look at the third version of the argument. Suppose God were to exist and that being has divine power to do everything, then there would be no more evil than the minimum required for soul-building and as a consequence of human freedom, but the quantity of evil found in human history still exceeds the minimum required for soul-building and as a consequence of human freedom. For example, If God could have used divine power to prevent the egg and sperm from coming together to produce little Hitler (doing this wouldn’t necessarily rob Hitler’s parents’ free will), millions of lives would have been saved and the world would have been a much better place. Hence, God doesn’t exist. Although this version seems like an impeccable one, it still has one big problem left. There is a question of testability in this version of argument. It is impossible for human being to know what is the minimum quantity for soul building. Only God can tell how much evil is the minimum quantity for human to build their souls. If this version of arguments were to stand, it would have been built on the fact that we knew what God could do and we knew what he thinks is the minimum requirement for soul building. If so, it would contradict with the conclusion this version of the argument drew.
The abovementioned version of argument follow the format like this: “If an omnipotent God exists, the evil of X kind will not exist, but the evil of X kind exists, so no omnipotent God exists”. The logic in this argument is fine but it is really hard to prove the premise of this type of argument is true. How about we use a modest kind of argument, which is called the evidential argument from evil. The format of this type argument is that “If A is true, you would expect B is not true; If A is not true, you would expect B is true, thus B is strong evidence against the truth of A”.
To understand the formation of an argument and be able to evaluate the validity of an argument is not only an important step for us to build a critical thinking but also help us to better formulate our own arguments in the future. The argument over the existence of God has been around for hundreds of years, which makes it a classical example for us to learn how to make a point and how to make a solid argument with tenable premises. The argument from devil approaches this question with a new perspective. Instead of proving a point by finding direct evidence to support the conclusion, one can try to go tackle the problem “the other way around”.

