

Social psychology studies how people are influenced by others

2020-08-06 16:26:03 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Social psychology studies how people are influenced by others,文章讲述心理学是一个巨大的分类,其中包括各种学科和领域。例如,有研究和治疗患有心理和心理疾病的人的临床心理学,研究学生行为和心理过程的学校心理学以及总结如何帮助学生取得成功的摘要,研究心理学和身体路径及变化的发展心理学。本文将关注心理学的两个不同分支:社会心理学和人格心理学。

Social psychology studies how people are influenced by others

Psychology is a huge categorize in which various subjects and fields are included. For example, there are clinical psychology that studies and treats people with mental and psychological disorders, school psychology that studies students behavior and mental process and summaries how to help students to be successful in school, developmental psychology that study psychological and physical paths and changes of human beings and ect.. This paper will focus on two different branches of psychology, social psychology and personality psychology.
Social psychology studies how people are influenced by others. (cite 1) For example, if a person practices self-mutilation, social psychologists will look at the social factors, such as non-mainstream culture, that stimulate such behavior, while psychoanalysts will focus on what personal unconscious tendency such as childhood tragedy or a abuse. In this area, B.A/B.S, M.A/M.S, and Ph.D/Psy.d are offered, and it depends on personal study field to decide what types of program are needed.
The interests of this field are varied from discrimination to interpersonal relations, including prejudice, bullying, criminal activity, community health problem, substance abuse, family and domestic problems and so on.() For example , social psychologists study discriminations and prejudice such as racism, sexism, feminism, heterosexism and so on. Heterosexism is a controversial topic in society nowadays. In western countries, homosexuality is more acceptable as personal sexual orientation. On the contrary, in Asia and Middle East countries, homosexuality is considered sins and crimes. If a person born in Asia but grow up in America, his or her opinion about homosexuality is distinguished from opinions of civilians of his or her original country. Social psychologist study what social influences cause him or her think so differently. Other popular topic in social psychology field is interpersonal relationship. Social psychologists study what the factors are influencing romance and attraction. For example, in William Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are bonded with each other so strong that they would rather die than giving up their love. Social psychologist call it Romeo and Juliet effect, or reactance theory.(cite) In this theory, social psychologists believe that under certain circumstance, resistances from parents or elder relatives actually enhance the bond between couples.
People who choose to study social psychology could work in different workplaces. If students like to explore and research social psychology, they could do research for private or government facilities in a controlled surrounding. They could also work for universities and schools, where they could do their research and teach students at the same time. Also, social welfare organization is a good choice. People work there have more access to certain group of peoples so that they could get first-hand materials and information they need in their research. For those who want to apply their knowledge to work, marketing and advertising are good choices. Social psychologies study how environment and society shape individuals. Therefore, they have understanding under which situation, people tend to buy more.
Another field of psychology the paper would talk about is personality psychology. Personality psychology focuses on individual personalities and traits, and what shapes individuals’ personalities. Comparing with social psychology, personality psychology tend to focus more on individual differences. Similar to social psychology, it offers B.A./B.S., M.A./M.S., Ph.D., Psy.D., M.D to students who are interested in this field.
Some general topics of this field are trait theory, type theories, psychoanalytic theories, biopsychological theories and so on. For example, in type theory, psychologist Meyer Friedman propose that there are Type A and Type B personalities. Type A personality has “a high risk for coronary disease” because they are always stressed., while on the contrary, Type B tend to more relax, less competitive and low in risk.
People who study personality psychology could be professional research. In addition, they could also train people and help them improve leaderships. Sometimes, some personality psychologists give vital advises and information to government institutions. Furthermore, they could advise different organization to adopt strategies that help their staffs improve mentally. Also, some personality psychologies do public speaking to encourage people to do certain things. Sometimes, because they know human characteristics very well so they could help design goods for customers’ needs.
In order to work related to social psychology and personality psychology, students at least have to have a bachelor’s degree in general psychology. If they want to become social psychologists and personality psychologist, they need to have a PhD or a Psy. D degree in the fields. In order to do that, after they receive their bachelor’s degree, they need to take GRE test, and sometimes GRE Psychology test based on graduate schools they want to go to.


Signs bring the power of faith

2020-08-06 16:24:48 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Signs bring the power of faith,文章讲述在凯瑟琳·布拉德肖(Catherine P. Bradshaw)的2014年文章“测量中学的学校气候:关注安全,敬业度和环境”中,布拉德肖声称学校的气氛与参与学校活动的人的行为密切相关。布拉德肖使用USDOE的模型来衡量学校内的安全性,参与度和环境,他获得了三个结果。该文本针对的是关注学校气候的人们,例如学校决策者,父母和联邦组织。通过测量和访问美国教育部提出的三个主要领域,作者旨在说服读者,这三个主要领域是学校氛围的重要指标,它们对学生的行为和学业成就产生重大影响。凭借其结构合理的论点和清晰明了的思想,该文本具有说服力和说服力。它使用推理以极其合乎逻辑的方式编写,这可以从以下三个方面看到。

Signs bring the power of faith
In Catherine P. Bradshaw’s article “Measuring School Climate in High Schools: A focus on safety, Engagement, and the Environment,” 2014, Bradshaw claims that school climate is closely related to the behaviors of people who are involved in school. Bradshaw used USDOE’s model to measure safety, engagement, and the environment within schools, and he obtained three results. The text is targeted at people who are concerned about school climate, such as school policy-makers, parents, and federal organizations. By measuring and accessing the three main domains proposed by the US Department of Education, the author aims to convince his readers that these three main domains are very important indicators of the school climate and they exert a great influence on students’ behavior and academic success. With its well-constructed argument and clearly argued ideas, the text is persuasive and convincing. It is written in an extremely logical way with the use of reasoning, which can be seen from the following three dimensions.

In order to present to readers the results of measuring school climate, the author followed a logical order. The text begins by giving the readers a general idea of what a school climate is. “School climate is profoundly important to the social, emotional and academic successes of its students and staff.” In regard of this, a growing number of researches have been done to measure the school climate. Then the author introduced “the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Program and the Safe and Supportive Schools Program through the US Department of Education (USDOE).” This is the core concept central to the whole text. The author introduced it with a clear description, making it understandable for his readers what his intentions are and made preparations for the following analysis. However, before the author plunged into illustrating his research based on the USDOE model, he examined other previous studies and pointed their shortcomings. “Despite the evidence indicating that school climate is a multifaceted construct, few measures adequately reflect its multidimensional nature.” After reviewing the school climate and the existing studies, the author proposed another measurement of school climate and went into a detailed analysis. Following that, the author looked at its participants, instrument, demographics and procedures. Much thought was given to data analysis and how to analyze the results. In order to be subjective, the author also analyzed the limitation of this measure. Coming to the last part of the text, the author subsequently gave a conclusion to all the researches in this field and their influences on the school climate. On the whole, the text is complete in its contents, leaving little space for its readers to question the author’s views regarding this matter.

Another reason for good reasoning is that the text is backed up by statistics and hard facts from research. Generally speaking, the text is powerful in its claims. The data that the author cited in the text are official and thus telling. “The date for this project come from Maryland’s Safe and Supportive Schools Initiative (MDS3), which is a joint project of the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Sheppard Pratt Health System, and Jones Hopkins University.” When measuring participants, the author provided many numbers and statistics to help readers understand where their participants came from and gave other information of the participants. For example, “Data were collected from 58 Maryland high schools participating in MDS3 during spring 2011 (wave 1) and spring 2012 (wave 2) from 9th to 12th grade students via a Web-based survey.” Another one to vividly illustrate this point is that “Wave 2 student mean age in this sample was 15.93 (SD=1.33) and participating schools again included a diverse population with a minority rate of 45.93% (SD=25.11) and a mean student enrollment of 1468.48 (SD=466.82). Table 2 is clear in each subdomain’s scale thanks to the figures listed in it. The readers can get a straight-forward impression as to which subdomain stands out. By presenting a great number of statistics, the whole text’s analysis holds water.

The author makes a strong appeal to his reader is that the he was successful in selling his views and beliefs by giving some detailed and insightful analysis based on the research and its results. The author not only splashed out all the numbers and studies that he had known, but he scrutinized them carefully, compared the date from MDS3 with others done before and shared his analysis with the readers. “We first conducted exploratory factor analyses (EFA) in Mplus 7.1 using data from wave 1 to examine the 3 proposed scales (engagement, safety and environment) of school climate. We next conducted confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) on the wave 1 data to test the resulting factor structure separately for each of the 3 scales; a CFA was then conducted on the separate wave 2 sample.” From this we can tell that the author treated the data with supreme seriousness. Moreover, to go deep into the research results, the author employed a number of methods to analyze them, such as the exploratory factor analyses (EFA), the confirmatory factor analyses (CFA), the comparative fit index (CFI), Tucker-Lewis index (TLI) and many other methods.

Based on the three strategies that the author successfully employed, the text is logical and strongly convinced the readers that “taken together these 3 scales and their 13 subdomains provide a comprehensive and efficient tool for measuring school climate among high school students, largely consistent with the USDOE model.” His conclusion is natural from his reasoning and layers of ideas presenting accordingly. Because of his clearly-constructed contents, readers of his target will find what the author tried to deliver more easy to understand and acceptable.


Personal Statement(2)

2020-08-06 16:23:28 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Personal Statement(2),文章讲述年轻人脑海中有很多可能性和想法。我们一直在寻找自己的自己,寻找自己适合的最佳领域。我相信人们为某个领域而生,但是我们常常迷失自我,只有通过实践,我们才能找到自己喜欢的领域并真正属于通过我在高中和大学的经验,我意识到我已经找到了我的领域-公共关系,我希望我可以在这个专业领域进一步学习。

Personal Statement(2)

There are many possibilities, ideas in young people’s minds. We are always seeking, seeking for our true selves, for the best field that we fit in. I believe that people are born for a certain field, but we often lose ourselves, and only by practice, can we find the field that we love and truly belong to. Through my experience in high school and college, I realize that I have already found my field—public relations, and I hope I can have further learning in this professional track.

Public Relations to Me

When I was in high school, I was not only the president of our student union, but also the founder of our school’s “love group”. I was responsible for organizing many school events. In fact, how could I plan and advertise an activity well in order to raise students’ interests had long been a difficult problem to me. At that time, my understanding to public relations was restricted to communication between student groups, communication with the outside groups on behalf of our school, and fundraising. To me, public relations meant organization and external connection. As I started my college study at University of Washington, majoring in communication, my views broadened and my focuses extended. For now, I deem public relations as an interdisciplinary subject that studies social public relations activities and their disciplines. It is the bridge between governments, enterprises, all social groups and the outside world. We can use theories and methods in management, sociology, psychology, political science and communications to help enterprises and governments receive more public favor and cooperation, and as a result, reaching the goal of these organizations.

Mastering the Knowledge

In order to learn public relations better, I spend my spare time reading The History of Media Development, Public Relations Management and Media, Language, Society, deepening my understanding in this field. I have also learned a course called “How to Communicate with Others” in order to boost my courage, improve my public speaking and communication skills for the future job market. At the same time, I have been learning Japanese for four years, for I believe mastering many other languages is the base for good communication and could help me maintain high efficiency at work. Through learning relative theories and studies, I further confirm my passion and potential in public relations.

Attempts at Media Studies

I understand that, to a public relations official, not only deep understanding of his professional knowledge is crucial, but also a rich social experience is essential. Therefore, I pay much attention to internship experience. In my freshman summer, I interned at Liaoning North Model Agency Co., Ltd. I mainly learned about large event planning, commercial performance planning and product advertising. During my internship, I participated in organizing a charity event aimed to help disadvantage students. We fundraised through a large charity performance in order to raise society’s awareness to disadvantage students and support for charity events. We gained a lot of support from the media and achieved a great success. Through this activity, I realized the importance of utilizing media rationally; it also stimulated my interest in public relations. After that, in sophomore summer, I interned at the marketing department of Liaoning Chengda Biotechnology Co., Ltd. I mainly learned how to plan for new product advertisement, including preparing promotion brochures, writing documents, collecting and editing pictures, utilizing new media to establish our corporate image. Through this internship, I have learned the importance of media and public relations in establishing the corporate image, which further confirm myself to learn this major well. Also, I believe that I will become a good public relation official.

Future Study Plan

In the future, I wish to focus my study on “public relations and media utilization strategy”. This branch of study requires intensive case studies, which will strengthen my abilities in dealing with real-world public relations problems. I hope to participate in researches like public relations and crisis management in my graduate study, so that I could verify my ability in applying what I learned from school. Studying abroad could broaden my views, make me understand more about different cultures and realize my own shortcomings. I am looking forward to a better education environment in my graduate study, which could help me achieve higher performance.

Career Goal

My career goal is to use what I learn to maintain and improve enterprises, governments and social groups’ images, helping them gain public favor and cooperation. After graduated, my short-term plan is to work at a marketing department of an international entity, and familiar myself with the actual structure of this department, rich my firsthand experience through practice. After I have gained enough theoretical and practical experience, I will try to start my own public relations company and help more enterprises and social groups to realize their organizational goals.


Large qualified gold found in California

2020-08-06 16:22:34 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Large qualified gold found in California,文章讲述新泽西州的磨坊工人詹姆斯·威尔逊·马歇尔(1)在1848年1月24日发现加利福尼亚州科洛马附近内华达山脉山脉基地的美国河的河床中发现了金片。(2)Mr.马歇尔曾在约翰·萨特(John Sutter)拥有的一家工厂工作,约翰·萨特是德国出生的瑞士公民,曾是萨克拉曼多市(Nueva Helvetia)殖民地的创始人。

based on a real event.
Large qualified gold found in California
James Wilson Marshall, a mill worker from New Jersey, (1) found flakes of gold lying at the base of American River where is at the base of the Sierra Nevada Mountains near Coloma, California on January 24, 1848. (2) Mr. Marshall worked at a mill owned by John Sutter, a German-born Swiss citizen and founder of a colony of Nueva Helvetia where is known as city of Sacramento. On the middle of January, the first test was given to the saw mill to see if the mill wheel would work properly. However, the test was failed. Therefore, the mill owner, John Sutter had to open the gate of the force bay at the mill race dame in order to let the water wash away loose while the Indians, who are hired also by Mr. Sutter, remove the large rocks. Somehow, Mr. Marshall has an instinct that the bed rocks are not just simply rocks. There must be something else inside of rocks, for the weights and looks of the rocks are kind of different comparing with regular rocks, but he was not sure if he was right. Mr. Marshall has heard the story about extraction of gold. As a result, he guessed that the granite bedrocks may contain gold. At first, he got a pan from their cabin’s kitchen. Then he washed some of the sands and gravel with water. Unfortunately, he could not find anything. However, Mr. Marshall is not that kind of guys why would quit easily. What a determined man he is. He said that “We will hoist the gates and turn in all the water that we can tonight, and tomorrow morning we will shut it off, and I believe we will find gold or some kind of mineral here”.(4) On a morning, Mr. Marshall woke up early and was out for work early. By the time the other workers begun their daily routine, he had found ten or 12 small pieces of gold in the tailrace of the sawmill. The date is January 24, 1848.
We found gold.
James Wilson Marshall, a mill worker from New Jersey,(1) found 10 to 12 small piece of gold from base of American River near Sierra Nevada Mountains near Coloma, California on January 24, 1848. It is remark in the history of refining gold. For centuries, people purified gold by extraction. However, now, people just need to wash the sand and gravels with water to see if they are fortune enough to be rich in one night. What an exciting news.

Californian Gold Rush Is Rising
Even if giving an experienced miner a hundred years, he will not figure out that gold just simply comes out from river bedrocks by washing the sand away. In that poor old man’s mind, he has to choose the rocks and smash them, and it is the only way to extract gold out of rocks. (5)If the alchemist lived in the 16th and 17th century would have know there was a place where you could purified gold out of sand, they would killed themselves in the graves again, for they worked their heads off to figure out how to find gold. After the discovering of the gold, James Wilson Marshall and John Sutter try to have controls, but they will never succeed. If they could find gold in American River, other people could simply find gold in another river. If Marshall and John want to monopolize American River, let it be. With the knowledge of this new gold extraction technique, everybody will find gold and every body will be rich, only if they are willing to come to California and to take the challenges.

文章一:After the discovery of gold mine, the world was shocked. California State is under a gold rush. Especially near the San Francisco where is the first city feeling the impact of the gold rush, almost all the companies out of business, the sailors abandoned the ship at the San Francisco bay, soldiers left the camp, the servant left the master, flock to cradle gold farmers pawnage evidence, farmers put down tools, civil servants got away from the their desks, even missionaries left the sermon. The craziness has swept across the north of San Francisco, southern Oregon and Mexico. Tens of thousands of gold seekers make California a surge in the population. As a result, many new towns soon became an international known city.
News 2.(fiction)
Be Rich in One Night
Everybody has a dream to be Aladdin so that they could find a treasure land and become super rich in one night. California gold rush could make your dream come true. After the discovery of gold, tons of people rush to California and Nevada. Those two places have become two of the most popular frontier states ever in history of the United States. What more exciting is that people arriving there find their fortune. Jeff Luis, a 34 years old former farm from Boston, comes with two of his best friends Bill Jackson and Lee Young and his beloved wife Miranda Luis, 28, to look for fortune. He says to our reporter that “You know what, I used to work my ass off just to support my family, and I have to deal with my old picky boss. Here, I am my own boss; I can work whenever I want. Nobody’s going to tell what to do. And I earn three times more. Man, this is life. You just need to find a river, and dig gold out of it.” His wife Miranda also told the reporter that she used to be a servant, but now, she is the queen of the area and no one besides her husband could tell her what to do. This is the life in California and Nevada, and this is the gold rush.

Too Many People.
As gold rush heat continues to rising, an increasing number of people come to California. According to an economist who doesn’t want his know show in public, some $81 million has pulled from the ground since 1848, the first year of gold was discovered. Even more, after a decade, the state’s population has reached 380,000, which is uncommon and rare for a new state.


Chinese language education System

2020-08-06 16:21:49 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Chinese language education System,文章讲述拥有一千多年历史的汉语教育体系,既具有教育功能,又具有人才选拔的功能,根据其历史特点可以分为三个明显的时期:古代汉语教育制度,过渡时期和现在。

Chinese language education System
Chinese education system, covering a history of over 1 000 years , has a function of both education and talent choosing, and can be divided into three obvious periods according to its historical features :Ancient Chinese education system ,the transition period and the present one .

Ancient Chinese Education System
Ancient Chinese education system ,(also called the Imperial Examination System) , built up in the year of 605 in Sui Dynasty and abolished nearly a century ago ,had acted as a main evaluating access to ancient China’s talent choosing during its life span(Haifeng L ,2001).Before 605,when there was no constitutional system built, approaches such as recommendation from the influential and hereditary system were widely used to select the bureaucrats for the government .Obviously ,it means the later generation ,even with limited talent, could still enjoy official treatment without any contribution. As a result ,a large quantity of financial expenses of the governing class did not get deserved payback of a better administration from the excellent guys ;on the contrast , potential corruption and incapability made a messy bureaucracy and a social disorder .

In 605,emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty then ,established the Imperial Competictive Examination ,which is also called the Ancient Chinese education system today , and brought a halt to such a situation to some degree (Xiong,2006). According to this system, people participating in this test hold by the Ministry of Education are supposed to write a paper to show his or her capability on the assigned topic; Finally ,the Ministry of education picked out a few winners entirely according to their score based on what they had written previously . With a measurable and relatively credible evaluation standard , this kind of system had acted as a major method for the government to recognize the capable and then put them in the important position until September 2nd ,1905,when Qing Dynasty declared its abolishment . During its life span , a variety of efforts were made to make it more scientific and effective ,but the fact that it chooses the qualified talents through a mere dissertation has never been changed .

Far-reaching as it is ,it finally failed to avoid the fate of going all into pieces . Seen from a objective view ,it is off to reasonability more or less. A paper should not have had played such a large part in talent choosing ;after all ,an outstanding talent in writing does not necessarily equal an excellence in administration and severing the civilians and the lord. What is more ,the examinees had no freedom choosing their own writing style ,even the words or viewpoints they wanted to quote(the constitution put a limitation of the books available and the writing form ), let alone their own perspectives. However, these factors did not hold back the step of the masses, since official career gained from this test appeared nearly a peerless approach for ordinary people to get rid of poverty and low-class status and pursue a promising future. As a result, to some extent ,this system barely fell to be a motivation of seeking for fame and fortune and picked out geniuses, parts of whom showed an advantage on machine-made essay writing field.

Transition Period
Then ,in 1919, New Culture Movement filled the shoes of Ancient Chinese education system and flagged a brand-new educational concept of “Democracy(about civil rights ) and Science “,put forward by Luxun ,Hushi ,Chen Duxiu and Li Dazhao (all of them were under the influence of western culture ), the leaders of this movement(Schwarcz V,1986).The soul of this new education concept is ”Being objective ,being creative and being flexible and being versatile ”,compared to the traditional regulation on writing. In more detail ,people were encouraged to express their sincere standpoints and emotions without the worry of being unrecognized rather than begging for the favor of the ruling class through fake compliments. Additionally ,they broke through the unreasonable limitation that only the assigned books are available to write a paper in a fixed writing style ,and encouraged it in a opposite viewpoint (a reflection was that students began to be sent to foreign countries to have a better study ). During this period ,an obvious character was that western thoughts and standpoints played the role of a guide in its revolution .

Since that movement, classical Chinese writing and those narrow disciplines gradually faded away from China’s stage.

The present Chinese Education System
As for Present Chinese education system, it is regarded to originate from 1952 ,a couple of years behind the foundation of People’s Republic of China in 1949 , and has been widely used so far (Harvard University Press, 1968.).Referring to present education system, National Entrance Examination, which was regarded as the most attractive mark and the relatively fairest approach ever , is a unavoidable issue. As is known to the public ,on June 7th and June 8th every year ,millions of senior high school students all over China are supposed to take this test on their academic subjects to compete for the rights of going to universities (Shirk S L,1979). And usually the higher score the examinee gets ,the better university he or she may enter .

During the past several tens of years ,exploration to a more effective and more scientific evaluation system has never ceased its step ,and just like explorations in many other fields, mistakes did happen at times .In 1965,Mao Zedong ,the first chairman of People’s Republic of China ,launched the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution; consequently ,causing the end of National Entrance Examination which had lasted for 14 years(Shenkar O& Ronen S 1987).The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, aiming at defend the Communist Party from being smirched by the increasing capitalism initially ,went out of control and eventually developed to be a 10-year-long political disaster (Bian Y,et,2001). So devastating was it that education, production and many social normal activities fell into disorder or even an absolute abeyance ,but not the suppress against the capitalist class in their view .Many innocent intelligentsias, including many encyclopedic professors, were unilaterally classified as the capitalists and were sent into prison or persecuted to death as political threat .

Not until the year of 1977 did the universities stopped to enroll new students again .And it is not hard to imagine how harshly the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution had treated to National Entrance Examination, to national talent choosing and cultivating and to Chinese social overall development( Rowman & Littlefield, 2002.). Up to now ,National Entrance Examination system has made constant progress during the past 37 years after its back to life ;as a example of which ,in order to cultivate specialists swiftly ,the system of Branch of Art and Science has been widely adopted in Chinese mainland since 1977 (Davey G, et,2007). As volume of data suggests , more reasons and more humanistic care has been taken into consideration to provide a more advanced fairness and justness due to regional education and economy gap .Truly ,it offers a way for plenty of poor mountain village students to change their fate through efforts and plays an irreplaceable role in picking out the intelligent and hard-working ,thus contributing to national comprehensive development.

Hard as it tries, it is still far from perfection .There is no doubt that it selects people with higher scores ,equaling to higher learning capacity to some extent ,but things become quite different in the university .That hard-working and intelligent students turn to endless computer games and Valentines from school subjects has been widely seen in part of Chinese advanced academies, especially nowadays .As a saying goes “where there is fire ,there is smoke ” ,deep-seated problem must exist in present education system .

Given a second view, the education system will expose its shortcoming: When all goes to all ,it is just a test however much it means to the examinees . As talent choosing approaches are almost under the monopolization of National Entrance Examination ,it feels like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to turn the tide against their inborn poverty and low social status. For that reason ,both the examinees and their families spare no efforts to work from homework to homework, and from books to books ,to compete for a piece of advantage in this examination .Actually ,lots of middle school students are not so pleased to study and live in such tight nerves, but the high expectations from their parents, their schools and the society make them have no choice but to work hard all day from 6:00 in the morning to even deep night(of course ,exceptions do exist ).That is to say, for some students , the quality of being hard-working is just an outcome of no alternatives. In addition ,many parents and teachers tell a well-meaning lie(some of them think this way indeed ) that pressure and discomfort will not last a second longer after the accomplishment of this examination and universities will be filled with brand-new comfortable life . Above all ,it is not so hard to throw light on students’ drastic fall in universities .

Then some links with the education system emerge if more cases in reality are taken into consideration .In April ,2013, Fudan poisoning case shock the people all over China like the sun rising from the south( LI Y ,et,2013).People could hardly believe that Lin Senhao ,a postgraduate in Fudan University ,one of the best universities in China ,should poison his roommate without too much mercy. It is really beyond imagination that daily incidents could accumulate so much as that hatred ,bloody enough to push a social elite to the cliff of committing a crime at the cost of precious lives. The whole nation got puzzled and tried to think over the root of this evil .Finally ,the mainstream viewpoint from the media and the Netizens insisted that it was a reflection of Chinese educational flaws ,as the education system lay overmuch attention to academic scores and ignore students’ comprehensive development . Truly ,compared to the situation a few tens years ago ,an increasing number of cases of this kind is reported now and then ,such as students’ bad manners on the bus ,treating the elderly rudely and so on.

It is never credible to throw light on complicated Chinese educational system with one word or two. But without doubt ,it is such a system with the existence of both glitter and tough problems to be settled.

Work cited
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