

Essay reference写作讲解

2019-01-17 17:00:46 | 日記

很多同学都找捷径来完成essay reference,首先,这个几乎没有捷径!有也无非是一些帮助你生成reference list的工具,然而引用源还是要自己去找,需要引用哪章哪段哪句还是要自己确定的。

教授之所以给学生时间来写提纲、初稿、最终完成essay,你需要在第一时间借阅不少于15本书籍/Academic Journal学术文章,从中进行筛选,利用其中的8-9份资料来支撑你的essay,其他的reference随着写、随着找,不能本末倒置。


要想写好一篇Critical的文章,就需要你be a critical thinker。需要你有足够的Literature Review去支撑你的Critical Analysis。你阅读的资料/文献越多,References就越多。


建议:写论文的时候,多看看资料后再整理自己的思路和论点。根据资料生成论点,不要先入为主得在收集资料前,就有自己的论点了。这样是用别的论据套你的论点,当然References会生硬,而且最大的问题是:你自己凭空想的论点很可能非常的浅显,只是皮毛般讨论一下、不痛不痒的论点,根本达不到老师的要求。(老师读过那么多文献,一看你的文章当然就知道你是否有下功夫做足Literature review功课了)








Paper代写:Financial stress index

2019-01-17 17:00:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Financial stress index,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了金融压力指数。有数据表明,如今发达国家的金融压力指数要高于金砖国家。这说明发达国家在享受高度的自由化、专业化的金融发展为经济社会发展带来的动力时,也同样面临着比其他国家更高的金融压力。另一方面,发达国家金融压力指数的波动幅度要大于金砖国家,这表明,发达国家成熟的金融体制机制在抵御金融风险时间带来的经济波动时更为有效,于此同时,金砖国家作为新兴的经济体,在越来越广泛的参与全球经济进程时,要更加注重金融机制体制的建设。

Financial stress is some external shocks in the fragile, produced by transfer of financial structure is the financial system in the process of running a characteristic of systemic risk and external shocks, the pressure will affect the structure and stability of the financial system, further through the channel such as cash flow across the financial system will affect the normal operation of the financial system. When financial pressure reaches a certain breadth and depth, it will inevitably impact the development of the real economy.

Here, it is believed that financial pressure is the pressure exerted on economic entities for changes or uncertainties of expected losses of financial markets and financial institutions. When this pressure accumulates to a certain extent, a financial crisis will occur.

The difference between interest on loans and deposits. The spread of bank's deposit and loan is mainly affected by the bank's own operating efficiency, asset size, customer's capital demand control, risk characteristics, the country's overall monetary policy and the degree of financial liberalization and other factors. Therefore, the higher the degree of financial marketization in a country, the greater the monopoly power of the bank, the more urgent the customer's demand for funds, and the higher the customer's operational risk, will lead to the larger the spread between bank deposits and loans.

Money market interest rate reflects the supply and demand of funds, and is the cost of using funds, which is closely related to the liquidity level of investors and their expectation of future risks. On the one hand, interest rate is an endogenous variable of the economic system and is influenced by various other economic factors, such as inflation, liquidity level and economic cycle. And the trend of interest rates can effectively reflect the problems in the economic operation. On the other hand, interest rate, as the carrier of monetary policy, affects the market investment cost and money demand through its transmission mechanism, and finally affects the investment and consumption of the whole country.

Treasury maturity spread refers to the difference between a country's long-term Treasury bond interest rate and short-term Treasury bond interest rate. Treasury maturity spreads reflect people's expectations of future short-term interest rates and liquidity, and when short-term interest rates are expected to rise, maturity spreads will rise. Treasury maturity spreads also reflect investors' preference for bonds with different maturities.

An exchange rate is the ratio of one currency to another. Changes in exchange rates have an impact on the economy. First, changes in exchange rates affect the relative production costs and interest rates of foreign investment and enterprises, thus affecting investment. Second, exchange rate movements affect consumption by causing changes in asset and commodity prices. Finally, exchange rate fluctuations significantly affect a country's import and export trade.

Foreign exchange reserves refer to those held by a country's authorities, which are mainly used for adjusting international payments, intervening in foreign exchange market, supporting the development of national currency and maintaining exchange rate stability. Foreign exchange reserves are of great significance to a country's financial stability.

The stock price index is known as the "barometer of the national economy". On the one hand, the change of the stock price in the short term precedes the change of the economic situation; on the other hand, in the long term, the stock trend is based on the economic operation. Stock index changes reflect the economic situation of a country.

Comprehensive described above, this article finally selected sample countries as the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Canada, Japan, China, Russia, India, South Africa and Brazil, select the margin rate X X, money market rates change rate, rate of national debt term spreads, rate of exchange rate changes X X X, fluctuation of foreign exchange reserve rate, the stock index volatility X, a total of six indicators, time limit for January 1990 to June 2015, build financial pressure exponent equation is as follows:

Where is the financial stress index of the ith country in the TTH month, and is the value of the KTH indicator in the TTH month of the ith country. In order to keep the comparability of financial stress index, the adjustment coefficient is set, because the data of some countries are missing in some months.

Figure 1 shows the financial stress index of developed countries and brics countries from January 1997 to June 2015. As can be seen from the figure, the financial stress index constructed in this paper is basically consistent with the financial stress status of the sample countries in the actual sample period. Between 1997 and 2001, the financial stress index fluctuated greatly. During this period, the "Internet bubble" broke out worldwide. On July 2, 1997, the Asian financial crisis swept over Thailand and then spread to Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries. During the period from 2007 to 2010, the financial pressure indicators of various countries fluctuated violently. The subprime crisis originated in the United States swept the whole world and brought severe impact and huge impact to all major economies in the world.

By comparing the financial stress index of developed countries and brics countries, it can be found that the financial stress index of developed countries is higher than that of brics countries. This shows that developed countries are also facing higher financial pressure than other countries when they enjoy the power of highly liberalized and specialized financial development for economic and social development. Can be seen from the diagram, on the other hand, developed countries financial pressure index volatility than the bric nations, this shows that the developed country mature financial system mechanism against financial risk time of economic fluctuations is more effective, at the same time, the brics as emerging economies, in more and more widely in the global economy process, must pay more attention to the construction of financial mechanism system.


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2019-01-17 17:00:08 | 日記








Paper代写:Financing channels of foreign financial leasing companies

2019-01-17 16:59:51 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Financing channels of foreign financial leasing companies讨论了外资融资租赁公司的资金渠道。目前,银行贷款是外资融资租赁公司的主要资金来源,主要有流动资金贷款、租赁项目贷款等形式。银行贷款主要考虑租赁公司作为主体在银行内部评级授信额度以及承租人实际项目投向符合银行贷款支持范围,易受政策调控影响。外债融资,另外,外资租赁公司利用自身外债额度可以从境外融资获得低成本资金的一种特有资金渠道。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

At present, the main capital channels of foreign financial leasing companies are bank financing, asset securitization, trust financing, shareholder capital increase, listing financing, bond issuance, etc. The details are as follows:

Currently, bank financing is the main external financing channel for leasing companies, mainly including bank loans, external debt financing, rent factoring and other products:

Bank loans are still the main source of funds for foreign financial leasing companies, mainly in the form of working capital loans and leasing project loans. The bank loan mainly considers that the leasing company as the main body in the bank internal rating credit line and the actual project orientation of the lessee are in line with the bank loan support scope, easily affected by the policy regulation and control.

Foreign debt financing is a special financing channel for foreign leasing companies to obtain low-cost funds by using their own foreign debt quota. Leasing company apply to the credit of commercial bank to open a beneficiary of overseas financial institutions, is a guarantor leasing company financing guarantee, foreign financial institutions to make loans to leasing companies, leasing companies at home and offer financing lease, the lessee foreign debt financing mainly for foreign leasing company to obtain low-cost capital abroad.

Rents are factoring in the leasing company and under the premise of forming receivable rent, the lessee leasing company signed with the bank factoring contract, the lease company will rent outstanding receivable creditor's rights to the commercial bank, the bank shall, according to the outstanding rent a percentage to provide financing to leasing companies, and claims the assignee as rent fees directly to the tenant rent factoring. The essence of leasing factoring is that rent is the transfer financing of accounts receivable, which is the capital channel and exit channel of leasing companies, can effectively revitalize the assets of leasing companies, and is an important way for leasing companies to adjust industrial structure and solve the capital demand. At present, rent factoring is mainly divided into recourse rent factoring and non-recourse rent factoring.

The securitization of leasing assets is the financing process in which leasing companies gather together the leasing creditor's rights that can generate stable cash flow with the same or similar purpose, performance and lease term, and convert them into the leasing asset-backed securities that can be sold and circulated in the financial market through structured processing such as asset evaluation, credit rating and external credit enhancement. The securitization of leased assets is essentially a rental income. The operation process of supporting the issuance of securities and financing with multiple subjects and links is a financing method to revitalize the existing assets, which is conducive to accelerating the capital turnover efficiency of leasing companies and releasing capital to invest in new projects.

Financial leasing companies do not have to raise the function of social capital, and trust companies can raise funds to investors through trust plan, so financial leasing company can through the cooperation with the trust companies, take advantage of the function of the trust company to raise funds, the trust company as capital channel and leased asset exit channel, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. The main financing methods of cooperation between finance leasing companies and trust companies are: leasing usufruct transfer trust plan and finance leasing aggregate trust plan.

Usufruct is accepting the trust financing lease financing lease companies in order to revitalize the assets, the financial leasing project the future rental income usufruct of financing lease assets of a transfer, a trust company through the issuance of usufruct the collection of the trust plan, finance lease assets to the trust fund discount of accepting financing lease assets remuneration, termination of the trust by the leasing company premium repo financing lease assets of usufruct.

The trust company lends the funds raised by issuing the collective trust plan to the financial leasing company for the purpose of purchasing equipment, leasing to the lessee and collecting rent, so as to achieve the purpose of stable trust income. Its transaction structure is similar to the bank lease loan.

Capital use period is long, cost is low, because this is if capital strength of partner is strong, increase endowment is the most rapid and convenient capital channel, also can be below the premise that assures major shareholder is opposite holding, can introduce strategic investor, absorb social capital stock. The capital amount of financial leasing companies is also the embodiment of the strength of the company, which has great influence on the external financing of the company. At the same time, the introduction of state-owned and foreign-funded strategic investors has a positive role in promoting the company's business development and financing.

Financial leasing companies can raise capital by publicly issuing shares in the securities market. However, the listing financing procedure is strict and requires high requirements. There are strict regulations on the leasing companies themselves, the profitability of the company, the financing scale and other aspects.

Issuing bonds is an important means of direct financing for foreign financial leasing companies. Long-term bond financing cost is low, service life and financial leasing project is more matching, and relative to the high cost of bank loan money from leasing company profit space, the low cost and long term debt financing will gradually become the inevitable choice of leasing company, but the requirement to the foreign-funded lease companies themselves higher, a longer approval process.

At present, China's leasing companies have relatively single capital channels and highly rely on bank credit funds. According to the ministry of commerce statistics show that 71% of the financing lease company through bank financing, followed by the shareholders' capital increase, in addition to the bank financing and shareholder capital increase, the trust financing, asset securitization financing way also gradually the important capital channel for financing lease company, but overall, foreign-funded financing lease company capital channel is still relatively single.

Combined with the above comparative analysis of the characteristics of various capital channels, this paper makes the following Suggestions for the current major capital channel construction and future choice direction of foreign-funded financial leasing companies:

The fast and convenient bank credit is still the main capital channel for financial leasing companies. Bank loan, rent factoring and foreign debt financing are the main docking products, among which non-recourse rent factoring is the exit channel for leasing projects, and foreign debt financing can effectively reduce the financing cost.

The securitization of leased assets is the development direction of capital channels. Although the leasing business is developing rapidly, it is still limited by the scale of risky assets. Carrying out asset securitization can realize the realization of the company's creditor's rights, accelerate the turnover of capital, vitalize the company's existing assets, and release capital to invest in new projects.

Trust financing is a supplementary capital channel. Financial leasing companies can cooperate with trust companies, take advantage of the functional advantages of trust companies in raising funds, and take trust companies as the capital channel and the exit channel of leased assets to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.

Issuing bonds is the inevitable choice of low-cost financing. Compared with bank loans, bond financing costs are low and the term is relatively long, which is conducive to improving corporate profits and matching the investment term of leasing projects. Therefore, from the perspective of long-term development, bond issuance is the inevitable choice for financing.


Essay代写:UK curriculum evaluation

2019-01-17 16:36:21 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- UK curriculum evaluation,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了英国的课程评价。英国考试类的课程评价方式,在题型安排上,客观题的比重很少,主观题的比重很大,一些课程的试卷甚至完全由主观题构成。这使得学生可以较为全面的展现对于知识点的理解、应用、分析和评估,而不是仅展现对知识点的记忆,提高试卷评价的准确性,引导学生掌握知识点的较高层次。而非考试类的评价方式以课程报告为主,课程研讨、课程讲演为辅,教师根据学生对知识点的掌握层次给分。

Take the finance major of the university of southern Essex in the UK as an example. Among the 15 courses offered for this major, 4 courses are examined in the form of examination, and the examination results account for 30%-50% of the total score. Among them, the assessment of 3 courses adopts the form of all subjective questions. The examination paper is composed of three to four subjective questions, each of which contains multiple small questions. The types of questions include calculation questions, discussion questions and other forms. In addition, the objective questions of one course account for 30-40%, and the other are composed of subjective questions with small questions. The scoring standard of subjective questions is composed of key points, and the score is based on the key points of students' answers, their understanding of the key points, their application, analysis and evaluation.

Other course assessment forms adopted by this major are composed of course report, course discussion and course lecture.

The course report requires students to form a report of 2000-4000 words that meets the format requirements according to the given open questions, combined with the knowledge learned in class, the understanding of knowledge points and certain investigation and research. Teachers grade students according to their understanding and mastery of the knowledge involved in open questions and the depth of investigation and research. A total of 93.3% of the courses are in the form of course reports, among which 46.7% of the courses are fully evaluated in the form of course reports.

The seminar requires students to discuss, divide and study the open questions in groups, and finally form a report to share with other students through PPT. Each student completed part of an open-ended question, scoring each student's part individually, reducing the likelihood that some students "hitchhike" on the team to score points.

The course presentation requires students to use the knowledge they have learned, independently complete the research on the given open questions and form a report, share it with other students in the form of PPT, and grade the students according to the report and PPT.

Compared with memorizing knowledge, British education pays more attention to the cultivation of students' understanding and ability of knowledge at a higher level. Bloom proposed the taxonomy of educational goals in 1956. After his students' improvement, bloom's taxonomy model of educational goals in the field of cognition, which is widely recognized by the British educational circle, is as follows.

Cognitive goals are divided into six levels from low level to high level. Memory as the lowest level of knowledge cognition, performance is to be able to recite knowledge points; Understanding is to be able to use language to re-explain the knowledge points rather than a not bad recitation, can be for example; Application is the ability to apply knowledge to other situations and cases; The analysis shows that it can understand the internal logic of knowledge points and the relationship with other knowledge points, can compare with other knowledge points, and can understand the theoretical basis of knowledge points. The evaluation can evaluate knowledge points and draw conclusions, and make decisions and predictions based on knowledge points. Creating performance is to correct knowledge points.

In the course evaluation method of examination, the proportion of objective questions is very small, while the proportion of subjective questions is very large. Some examination papers of courses are even completely composed of subjective questions. This further reduces the possibility of cheating in exams, and enables students to comprehensively show their understanding, application, analysis and evaluation of knowledge points, instead of just showing their memory of knowledge points, improves the accuracy of examination paper evaluation, and guides students to master higher levels of knowledge points. In structure is not in accordance with the short-answer questions, discusses the way of calculation and composition, but in a given situation and case, in the form of item free combination, this paper form is conducive to a volume according to want to examine the problem of designing knowledge, understanding of knowledge, application and analysis, rather than the memory of knowledge points, guarantee on the investigation to the knowledge comprehensive and accurate.

The evaluation method of non-examination is mainly based on course report, supplemented by course discussion and course lecture. The course report of 2000 to 4000 words also gives students enough space to explain the knowledge principle, give examples, apply, compare and evaluate with other knowledge points. Teachers grade students according to their level of mastery of knowledge points. In general, they only show their understanding and application of knowledge points. In particular, it is difficult to get general and above scores with imprecise understanding and application. In order to achieve excellent and above results, students must have self-taught knowledge in addition to the taught knowledge, innovation of existing knowledge. This fully shows that British education attaches great importance to students' high-level mastery of knowledge points and the concept of cultivating learning habits. Based on the report, students are required to have the ability of teamwork, PPT making, speech and expression, which is in line with the idea that British education attaches importance to the cultivation of students' ability.

Each course is scored independently by two teachers according to students' understanding of knowledge, practical application, overall degree, innovation and independent in-depth research. The final score shall be approved by two teachers at the same time to improve the objectivity and accuracy of the course score. At the end of each student's marking, the marking instructions should be filled in, the reasons for each question should be detailed, and finally the grading instructions should be fed back to the students, so as to improve the transparency of the course scoring and enable the students to understand their own shortcomings for correction and improvement.

Evaluation methods of all courses are determined by the teachers, approved by the academic committee, and uploaded to the electronic system. All authorized teachers and students can view the course evaluation methods, specific topics and requirements in the electronic system, so as to improve the openness of course evaluation.

From paying attention to students' ability of memorizing and reproducing knowledge in the past, economic higher vocational education is accelerating to pay attention to students' understanding of knowledge, comprehensive quality and cultivation of vocational skills. The reform of curriculum evaluation system can not only reflect the new educational concept, but also play a guiding role in guiding students and teachers to pay attention to the understanding of knowledge, the cultivation of comprehensive quality and vocational skills, and the implementation of educational concept. Continuing to follow the traditional curriculum evaluation system under the traditional education concept will lead to the disunity of students and teachers who still pay attention to the knowledge memory in the practical learning method and teaching method even if they accept the new education concept.

By increasing the proportion of open subjective questions, students can comprehensively show their understanding and application ability of knowledge points, reduce the necessity of students' recitation and standard answers, and guide them to increase their understanding of knowledge points instead of memorizing them. Open subjective questions enable students to show their understanding of knowledge beyond textbooks and further develop their self-learning ability.

However, increasing the proportion of open subjective questions may increase the difficulty of the exam and make it difficult for students to adapt to the new test questions. On the one hand, the reform can be carried out step by step, gradually increasing the proportion of open subjective questions. On the other hand, students are no longer required to memorize book knowledge points, but to focus on the understanding of knowledge points may reduce the requirement of memory ability in exams.

Based on the characteristics of the existing curriculum and the number of students taught, a reasonable and diversified curriculum evaluation method is designed according to the curriculum specification. The course report, course discussion and lecture are in line with the process assessment concept of paying attention to knowledge understanding and ability cultivation, which can reflect the students' learning situation objectively and completely, promote the "knowledge + ability" training mode, reduce the score theory of "one examination paper decides the outcome", and increase the accuracy of the course evaluation method.

However, in the form of course reports, seminars and speeches, there may be some problems such as students' irregular citation and duplication of papers and literature, and teachers' workload increase. In problem design, setting up unique scenarios, cases and specific problems of a given research can greatly reduce the number of references that can be copied directly and reduce students' such behaviors. At the same time, the school provides paper checking system to increase the standardization of course report. In view of the increase of teachers' workload, teachers' enthusiasm to reform the curriculum evaluation system can be improved by improving logistics support and performance incentive.

Diversified course evaluation system, especially non-exam course evaluation method, may increase the arbitrariness of grading. In order to ensure the objective accuracy of course evaluation, the higher vocational education in the UK adopts the dual-teacher grading system, and each teacher shall fill in the grading instructions after grading each student, which greatly reduces the arbitrariness and irregularity of grading. In curriculum evaluation system reform, the improvement of the rules and regulations can reduce and avoid the reform lead to a drop in the quality of grading and randomness, upgrading of hardware and software facilities, such as establishing public including course evaluation method and the specific requirements of electronic system, can improve the score of openness and transparency, to ensure the effective implementation of the rules and regulations.

