


2018-04-20 16:14:02 | 日記


1.Paper。Paper也可以称为term paper(期末论文)或者research paper(研究论文),主要是指某一门课或某个project的论文。

2.essay。Essay的范围相对较为广泛,其不仅仅指论文,同时也是各种短文、文章的统称。英语写作课上通常将期称之为essay writing。









北美作业代写:Photography aesthetics

2018-04-20 16:13:45 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Photography aesthetics,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了摄影美学。摄影美学的发展扩展了美学的概念。摄影这门艺术,在其技术产生将近百年的时间里不断发展进步。通过看这种视觉感官来构建与欣赏美,这是种社会的意识形态,亦是映射生活的一种途径。这种独特的艺术形式,使得在生活中就能做到审美,反映生活,由此形成一种特殊的物化形式。

Aesthetics, its basic definition has more version, however, if some people say aesthetics is a kind of reflection philosophy, that most people will not refute. Thus it can be proved that aesthetics is not a subject that can be taught. No one can say which kind or development direction is the best photography art. Therefore, it is not possible to direct education students to say, only what composition is the photographer's composition pattern. Although there is no objection to others having this or that view, it is not possible to define these ideas as aesthetic concepts.

Photography, it is a kind of modelling art, but with other modelling art have essential difference. It is a combination of light, shadow, line and color. Photographers use this special language to build the beauty of photography. Photography, gives the viewer a form of aesthetic feeling, has the very abundant connotation, still has enough space sense and the stereo feeling, and combines the grain, the rhythm and so on. All audiences can get special aesthetic feeling from the art of photography, which is closely related to the form aesthetic.

In actual life, aesthetics is not only a lot of people, in a variety of ways misuse, abuse or even more of the so-called experts, the slightest don't care what is art, what is beautiful, is his own theory of weave into abstract theory, and also self-righteous, relish. In the process of compiling the spirit and art of China, the author thinks too much of the theoretical concepts of western countries and even the aesthetic ideas. As the creator of photography art, it is urgent to have a true aesthetic consciousness and to understand the philosophy of reflection. Because of the theory of the great aesthetic experts, even now it seems to be a system, in the eyes of the actual working people, it is just common sense. Most theories are just a framework for building personal ideas.

On the basis of photography, the first question that needs to be paid attention to is how to make photographic composition, and all its features can extend the aesthetic characteristics. What can't be forgotten is that what is now called photography, the code of conduct and the process of creating art is actually a psychological activity. And you can understand that, that's the nature of photography. In these ideas, the photographer combines the techniques of photographic composition with the content and patterns of similar ideas. This is actually a process of reappearance.

Composition is a very complicated work in photography, not only to have sufficient photographic skills to prepare the ground, but also to have sufficient impact. In the long tradition of China, there is a saying in the art history that the traditional art is the artificer. There is a saying that photographers can understand the importance and status of the work. The success of the work is the success or failure of the artificer. It can be said that composition is the key to photography, improving the technique of photographic composition, and obtaining the most important points of artistic thought.

The light changes of photography can also change aesthetics. Light, can say is the modelling way of photograph and means. The combination of light and shade, with the form, under the effect of light, an object with form and shadow, there is no light, what also can't see, this is no way to do a good job in photography. Therefore, photography art depends on the existence of light.

The range of light intensity can range from bright to dark, and it is suitable for any light source. It is like in a cloudless day, the sun is very strong at noon, in the dust storm weather, is the darker light. It can be said that there is no light at night. The degree of artificial light, following different wattage lamp changes. Some photographers believe that the bright light gives the audience a bright, lively and serious vision. The dim light often expresses melancholy, quiet and reserved feeling. There are three different types of light: the subject has a contrast, the range of the subject contrast, and the color theme of the color photograph. The intensity of illumination is stronger, the subject is brighter, the contrast is large, and the color difference is more obvious in the intensity of lighting.

The development of photographic aesthetics extends the concept of aesthetics. The art of photography, which has been developing for nearly a hundred years in its technology, is worth celebrating. Through this visual sense, we can build and appreciate beauty, which is a kind of social ideology and a way to map life. This unique form of art makes it possible to achieve aesthetic and reflect life in life, thus forming a special form of materialization.

Photography, which covers two different understandings of people in the cognitive experience, is first of all in the exploration of truth, which is the objective manifestation and transformation of the natural world. Again, it is the value of object evaluation objective activity, the evaluation of this kind of value, colorful and colorful in photography art, including aesthetic evaluation, moral evaluation and so on. Photography art, with its peculiar a language, the distinctive language civilization, which is in order to achieve its goals of aesthetic feeling and appear, especially for the pursuit of formal beauty need to do, the key lies in how to use photography art skills, an expression of artistic language.

Through the above detailed analysis and discussion, we can very clearly know that photography from the invention of the technology after one hundred years, has been in today's society, the development of a variety of purposes and the character. Photography is a means to pursue a comprehensive display of the beauty of affairs. It is also one of the easiest ways for ordinary people to come into contact with beauty. No matter how the photography technology is updated, the photography beauty society continues to pass on.


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2018-04-20 16:13:25 | 日記












英国paper代写-Modern environmental art design

2018-04-20 16:13:07 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Modern environmental art design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了现代环境艺术设计。环境艺术设计是指通过艺术设计的方式对室内外环境进行规划、设计的一门实用艺术。环境艺术不像其他的艺术形式,并不仅仅提供艺术欣赏,而且更是一种集生活、技术与艺术为一体的艺术形式。随着人类社会的发展,人们的社会需求越来越丰富,这也使得环境艺术设计不能仅仅停留在实用上,在使用的基础上,还用更加重视环境艺术的艺术性、科学性以及功能性,只有兼顾这方面的要求,才能为创造出满足人们需要的环境艺术设计提供可能。

Environmental art design refers to the practical art of planning and designing indoor and outdoor environment through artistic design. Environmental art, unlike other forms of art, does not only provide artistic appreciation, but is also an art form integrating life, technology and art. In 1981, the institute of international architects defined architecture as: "architecture is an integrated art and science of creating a human living environment". This definition also applies to environmental art, that is to say, environmental art design is a comprehensive art and science that creates human living environment. From the perspective of system theory, environmental art design is a subsystem of the large system of art design. The ultimate goal of environmental art design is to create more reasonable and more suitable living space for people's material and cultural life. The artistic design of environment is more practical than that of painting and sculpture. But with the development of human society, people's social needs more and more rich, it also makes the environmental art design can't just stay on the practical, on the basis of use, and with more attention to the artistic quality of environmental art, scientific and functional, only take into account the requirements, to create the environmental art design can satisfy people's needs.

As the urban architecture design and public environment design can best represent the development of human civilization, as a result, the development of the living environment and progress not only is closely related to building environment and the development of science and technology, more and the social form of synchronization. At present, the system engineering of modern environmental art design mainly includes trash can and guardrail design, landscaping design, lighting design and fountain sculpture design. Slowly, city squares, parks and streets have become an open living room for all citizens. With the change of modern human urban architectural space, modern living environment has a new development space, namely, public design of urban architectural environment. In fact, the design of living environment can be traced back to ancient times. Most of the activities carried out by early humans were carried out outdoors. The original outdoor environment and furniture, such as the simple stone table and stone bench, etc. With the continuous evolution of human society, the creation of using function and rich cultural aesthetic connotation and environmental design have become a new field of modern art design. With the needs of people, environmental design gradually extends from indoor, household and commercial premises to streets, squares and lakes. With the growth of leisure, tourism and shopping, people need more comfortable, relaxed and stable, beautiful public outdoor furniture. All in all, the modern public environment design as an exciting new challenges, in addition to the need of contemporary designers keep creating new theory and practice, also should be urban public environment design as part of the overall planning and design, to determine the whole image of the urban environment and create a cultural charm of the city landscape, to express designer of social civilization and social economic environment, and many other problems involved in the ability and the social responsibility.

Environmental art design specific forms and content of architectural art, garden art, sculpture art, digital art, computer art design, photography art, art of costume design, visual design art, performing arts, film and television art, animation design art and the art of modern science and technology application, etc. The characteristics of modern environmental art design are the integration of various kinds of art. At the same time, it also has the basic characteristics of modern art:

Man and nature, design and environment should not only fully display and embody the artistic creation ability of human, but also make rational use and protection of the natural space environment. The goal of promoting social and economic sustainable development is to ensure the harmonious relationship between man and nature, and to create a harmonious living space environment through artistic design.

Environmental art design culture embodiment is the application of modern art design, the integration of traditional and cultural art form language, style and modelling techniques and materials technology, in the indoor and outdoor environment design in visual sense to build a cultural atmosphere, improve cultural taste.

Since the 1990s, with the wide use of digital technology, Internet technology, information technology and new technology, the trend of environmental art design has become more and more obvious. New energy, new materials and new technologies continue to drive the impact and promote the innovation of environmental design art form. Technology is the foundation of artistic design.

It has CA, OA, BA and so on in environmental design and function. In indoor and outdoor environment design is equipped with a digital computer network, multimedia facilities, public safety protection function of the integrated wiring system, can automatically monitor, to fully implement management, service, environment facilities of integrated automation system. Intelligent function is an important part of environmental art design, which is the embodiment of humanized design.

Creative ideas, planning is thinking innovation, integrated embodiment of its cultural quality and professional level, also is the perfect integration of function and design, in the form of a new artistic language and to meet people's material and spiritual needs.

Use artistic visual modeling language to attract and motivate the participation and experience of people and the environment, from the perspective of diversity such as touch, vision and hearing, give a person with imagination, inspiration to get a kind of psychological experience of pleasure and happiness.

In a word, with the development of the society, people in the relationship between human and nature, architecture and the understanding of the relationship, the relationship between architecture and environment adjustment and deepening constantly, people in the pursuit of art is also constantly. Therefore, the perfect environment design and plan is promoted to "art" height. It is also the responsibility of designers in the 21st century. In order to create the ideal and beautiful space environment, it is necessary for the designers of environmental art to communicate with people's minds. You need the hard work of a designer. The design is people-oriented, and the environmental design and environment atmosphere of the 21st century will be more poetic.



essay代写-The non-audit service

2018-04-20 15:45:08 | 日記
本篇essay代写- The non-audit service讨论了非审计服务。非审计服务,是针对审计服务来说的,是注册会计师为客户服务并以得到酬劳为目的除了审计服务以外的各种业务的统称。注册会计师之所以愿意提供非审计服务,主要是因为审计工作的边际利润降低,各个会计师事务所不得不寻求新的发展领域,以应对激烈的行业竞争,由此直接地刺激了非审计服务发展成熟。而且企业希望有专业的人士或者机构能够提供一些有利于企业发展或者是满足企业需求的咨询服务,而会计师事务所无疑是最好的选择。本篇essay代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家从参考阅读。

Non-audit services, which are for audit services, are the general term for all kinds of business except for auditing services, which are the services of certified public accountants and are remunerated. Certified public accountants are willing to provide non-audit services, mainly due to the following factors: the competition in the audit industry is increasingly fierce. Audit work of marginal profit is reduced, the certified public accountants have to seek new development areas, to cope with competition in the industry, thus stimulates the development of non-audit services directly to mature. The external competition of the auditing industry is constantly increasing. In the continuous development of information technology today, some services via the Internet into people's lives, such as ethical verification, site certification, system certification, the emerging industry development is just the start point in time, has huge development potential. The enterprise wants to have the professional person or the organization to be able to provide some helpful for the enterprise development or the consulting service that satisfies the enterprise demand, and the accountant firm is the best choice undoubtedly.

Audit independence is the soul of audit work. At the same time, to ensure independence is also one of the code of professional ethics of CPA. In particular, the certified public accountants are not affected by any other factors during the audit and follow the normal audit procedures. Certified public accountants should maintain formal and substantive independence while conducting audits. This is the basis for certified public accountants to ensure audit quality, and certified public accountants should remain independent in both aspects.

Certified public accountants who provide non-audit services tend to be paid handsomely, while the remuneration for auditing services is relatively low. The reward of non-audit services is too high, more than the audit services, market competition can cause these two areas, it is obvious that in the face of high non-audit services fees, audit service will no doubt fall in the wind. So most of the will to lead to an accounting firm will focus on non-audit services business, the audit service, often will muddle along, caused audit results cannot faithfully reflect the reality of the auditees financial condition, can affect audit quality. In addition, the expectation of the success of the accounting firm to the clients may also turn into the behavior of accounting firms violating audit independence in order to help clients succeed.

After accounting firms increase their non-audit services, there will inevitably be an entanglement of interests between them. However, the concept of audit independence also points out that the CPA should maintain the formal independence, namely, there is no other interest related to the audit cost except the audit fee. So the emergence of the non-audit service, will let the general public to provide non-audit services of certified public accountants of objective, impartial and even lead to social public distrust, serious influence on the image of the public accounting firm. When damage to the image of the public accounting firm, accounting firm will inevitably will mainly focus on how to improve its image, this will inevitably affect the work efficiency, thus affecting the audit independence.

When certified public accountants provide non-audit services, it indicates that the certified public accountant has participated in the internal audit or internal decision-making of the enterprise. Arguably, it is compared with the traditional audit services of certified public accountants independent status, more like a management or staff of the auditees, and thus to the performance of the enterprise management or staff of the corresponding responsibility of certified public accountants have to stand in the Angle of the above identity to analyze the whole situation of enterprise. At a time when the audit report will be issued by their "own analysis of resources", which caused a certain psychological impact on the certified public accountants, indirectly affect their provide audit services and non-audit services, will inevitably impact on auditor independence.

Certified public accountants if you can provide audit services and non-audit services, so its in between with customers "demand game" in a more advantageous position, can increase their profit margins, makes it no longer limited to just live on a single audit fee, the diversity of its income composition more, to spread the risk of accounting firm. In addition, non-audit services can also improve the market competitiveness of accounting firms, which are reflected in the additional revenue generated by non-audit services. To sum up, accounting firms provide non-audit services to help them to form advantages in the industry competition.

Accounting firms in our country still depend on the payment of traditional audit services. Since accounting firms have emerged from the independent system, one of the biggest problems that accountants have to face is how to find customers. So in order to solve the problem, one of certified public accountants may appear concessions to customers, some meet customer requirements, and these requirements are often in violation of the rule of certified public accountants and the Chinese institute of certified public accountants related rules and regulations, and even in violation of the law in our country. But it is hard for accounting firms to circumvent the problem by providing a single audit service. The increase of non-audit services is conducive to the diversification of accounting firms' income and the excessive reliance on audit services revenue. Certified public accountants to better play its functions in the audit, in the audit process to the customer's unreasonable request said "no", to improve the audit independence, the audit results more accurate.

Certified public accountants provide audit services, and they must have a good understanding of the overall situation of the customers and provide a better decision-making environment for the users of the audit report. And some enterprises factors driven in some interest, will some operating conditions of the company's internal situation and trading fraud in order to achieve the goal, and not be able to find these false information for certified public accountants, cause serious influence the result of the audit. Increase the non-audit services, certified public accountants on the overall situation of the auditees have a more objective, is beneficial to control risk, avoid the auditees for counterfeiting in these aspects, also can effectively avoid pressure from the customer. In this case, the audit conclusion obtained by the CPA will more accurately reflect the actual situation of the audited entity and provide a good environment for the subsequent decision. In addition, the development of auditing services and the results of real auditing require the support of many experts. When certified public accountants provide non-audit services, they can communicate and discuss more with experts in various fields so that they can get help and support from more experts when providing audit services.

As is known to all, China's non-audit services are relatively backward compared with those in Europe and America. It is the accumulation of this experience that is not widely carried out by audit services. Not only in the actual operation for non-audit services in the sustainable development of our country to lay a good foundation, can also in the aspect of theory for our country accumulated plenty of experience in this aspect of the talent cultivation, is the development of non-audit services in China have a better situation. When non-audit services development situation is good, will greatly promote the development of the auditing profession, it can form a trend, the auditing profession development will promote the development of accounting firms, and accounting firm wants to develop, must focus on its business ability, so as to improve the audit independence.

In the context of China's market environment, the development of non-audit services in China will be unstoppable. Non-audit services will become an important driving force for China's economic development. The United States and some European countries have done well in developing non-audit services decades ago. Therefore, our country should keep up with the trend of The Times and develop our non-audit services.
