

作业代写:The undersea world

2018-04-09 14:29:16 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The undersea world,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了海底世界。世界上的水绝大多数都存在于海洋之中,它们不仅组成了隔断大陆的活体水流,而且以其弥漫的态势形成了影射人们心灵的浩瀚奇观。表面上,大海是一个碧波荡漾的湛蓝水体,它带给人许多遐思和向往。而神秘的海底世界更是人们的乐园,在这里你可以领略海洋里美丽的生物,这些自然的色彩构成了眩目的海底世界。

The curiosity of mankind to explore the unknown world is the motive force of self advance and knowledge accumulation. In the planet we live in, water and land are two parts of the world, but water takes up four-fifths of the area. Water is the material basis for human survival and one of the spiritual sources of human courage.

The vast majority of the world's water is found in the oceans, which not only make up the living currents of the continents, but also form the vast wonders of the human heart with their pervasiveness. On the surface, the sea is a blue water of blue water, it brings a lot of reverie and yearning. People in spirit have a reverence for the sea and a close heart: the vastness and breadth of the fear of the sea; The tenderness and giving of the sea.

The sea gives humanity not only spiritual comfort, but also material gifts. Thanks to the abundance of fish and aquaculture, the sea has become the home of fishermen, making their lives through the work of water. In the eyes of the fishermen, the sea is alive. It is a life. Every night, it sleeps like a human, and wakes up every morning. In the eyes of the fishermen, the sea is an inexhaustible treasure, and everything in their life is taken from the sea. Even so, the fisherman's knowledge of the sea is only skin-deep, and the undersea world is still mysterious.

I've always wanted to know the secret of the sea, I use all their imagination, still can't imagine the bottom of the sea the rare animals and plants, the stunning scenery, the sea plain, the sunken wreckage, the submerged ancient civilizations. By chance, I came to an aquarium in Beijing, and I came into contact with some animals and plants living on the bottom of the sea, which opened the corner of the ocean secret.

Wonderful beautiful underwater world and home to many sea animals: a butterfly fish, shrimp, fish, conch, shrimp, coral, algae, sea anemones, etc., these natural color constitute the dazzling underwater world. Beautiful and mysterious underwater world is a paradise for the ornamental fish lovers, here you can enjoy the sea the beautiful coral flowers, all kinds of fish, and sea birds, sea goose, penguins, pigs, seals, etc.

Step into it, with the change of the natural terrain, the size of the display cylinder of different sizes is cleverly embedded in the middle of the forest and the rock. Colorful angelfish, glass red dragon, brocade carp, catfish, African prince, giant arapaima fish, blue sharks, bat butterfish, pipa, herring, gar, water jet fishing, angelfish, olfactory line bass, and so on, showing their amazing and wonderful. In casual stroll, you as if through the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, the tunnel like cantabile andante, gently put you into the quiet and beautiful sea world.


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2018-04-09 14:28:47 | 日記



Approximately 1,800 children between the ages of 5 and 12 years were randomly selected.

The earth’s atmosphere appears to be gaining 3.3 billion metric tons of carbon annually.

…but five winters in the twentieth century were more than 2.4o C colder than average.




13 is an unlucky number in some cultures.

She forgot her mobile phone number.


4,539 – a four-digit number



Six million people live there.

Thousands of people were forced to move from the area of the dam.

在写有关货币的文章时,要写$440 m。(440 million dollars)。

比率通常以百分比表示(e.g. the literacy rate rose to 75 per cent),但也可能是千分之一(e.g. the Austrian birth rate is 8.7)。


There were 16 students in the class, but only eight came to the lecture.



Since 2008, the number of prisoners has risen by 22 percent.



The snowstorm closed 47 schools.

The snowstorm closed dozens of schools.

Few less than expected

a few approximately 3–6 depending on context

several approximately 3–4

various approximately 4–6

dozens of approximately 30–60

scores of approximately 60–100

Further numerical phrases


The course fees rose from $1,200 to $2,500 in two years.


The course fees doubled in two years.


The course fees roughly doubled in two years.


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Paper代写:The influence of Internet buzzwords on college students' values

2018-04-09 14:28:31 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- The influence of Internet buzzwords on college students' values,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了网络流行语对大学生价值观的影响。网络流行语作为一种社会符号文化,它的产生是社会问题和社会情绪在网络上的反映,它引起了网民们的关注与思考,给网民们的思想和道德观念等带来了一定冲击。大学生作为上网主力军,再加上价值观没有完全定型,必然会受到一些网络流行语带来的各种影响。因此,高校必须重视对这一问题的探讨,大力弘扬社会主义核心价值观,为国家和社会培养德才兼备的优秀人才。

In recent years, Internet buzzwords based on hot events have been emerging endlessly. According to the content of the hot events they are based on and the different subjects involved, they can be divided into five categories. One is political. "As for you believe it or not, I believe it", "cousin" and so on. The main subjects are individual administrative organs, civil servants and the news media. The social problems involved are insufficient public credibility and the improper style of individual officials. The second category is legal affairs. Representative popular phrases include "my father is li gang", "chest examination", "push-ups" and "peekaboo". The main subjects are individual civil servants, illegal criminals and vulnerable groups, and the social problems involved are inadequate protection of the rights and interests of the vulnerable groups and the social moral decline. Three categories are network events. "Jia junpeng, your mother calls you home to eat" "don't be obsessed with brother" "do your family know?" The main concern is netizens, and the social problems involved are lack of core values. Four categories are entertainment events. Representative popular words have "envy and envy", "hold", "swollen wood", "do you happy" "the picture is too beautiful I dare not look", "and cherish" and so on. The main subjects are the masses, celebrities and subjects, and the social problems involved are insufficient to release the pressure. Five are economic events. Representative catchword is "we've just made a very difficult decision" crispy "" floor" the floor say "garlic you malicious" "" bean you play" "ginger" you "sugar the emperor" "oil rose" you "against living in bear bile is equal to the country" "local tyrants" "rich, is capricious", etc. Mainly involve the main body for individual enterprises, related departments, the social problems involved in the individual departments, the market economy subject of the lack of integrity. The network buzzwords generated in hot social events have many features. The time is strong, simple and easy to remember, easy to copy, and so on. The characteristics of Internet catchwords bring opportunities and challenges to the formation of college students' values.

One is to guide the college students to properly express their inner feelings. Network world for people endless imagination, and guide people in the real life that busy camouflage mask, the nature of the show real inner world and the emotion, and talk with unknown friend, release the psychological pressure. To a certain extent, the communication between Internet buzzwords and Internet reflects the psychological state of people's inner world. The second is to improve the communication ability of college students. College students or other people with the aid of network language expresses his own feelings and heart, can enhance their ability of social communication, rich imagination and expression ability of college students, promote the innovative ability of language. With healthy, active, imaginative and expressive features of the network buzzwords, it can better display the inner world of youth and enhance the communication and communication effect. The third is to strengthen the image thinking and enhance the flexibility of thinking. Network buzzwords are more vivid and flexible, which can enhance the thinking ability of college students and strengthen their ability to think and deal with problems. Fourth, cultivate and strengthen the questioning ability of college students. After initial understanding of news events, with other netizens debate, the truth gradually, students also gradually began to understand and view information, learn to question and reason analysis, enhanced the ability of independent thinking, to strengthen the students' critical thinking ability with question. Fifth, to promote the sense of moral responsibility of college students. The use of network buzzwords and widely circulated, go deep into the students' study and life, make university students around to pay more attention to food safety, traffic safety, and so on problem, improve the college students of moral deterioration of responsibility consciousness, to strengthen the social responsibility.

First, it affects the political attitudes and values of college students. At present the rapid development of the news media, and constantly improve the legal consciousness of people, make some college students are paying more attention to the negative news network reported, it is easy to affect their mood, it is easy to affect college students' thought and behavior in the osmosis. Some people with wealth and power have seriously violated the law, and these incidents have been reported, causing some college students to think of "qiu fu". The second is the negative impact on college students' moral values. In the virtual world, there is no identity symbol, in real life can be anonymous and leave a message, leads to the emergence of some indecent words, this phenomenon makes students lose faith in social morality. Network language, such as for "the old man guided", indicating that at this stage the individual old blackmail events, making college students began to reflect on their past good Samaritan is correct, thus restricting their moral quality. Some vulgarity, low level Internet vocabulary, and unhealthy Internet catchword information have also greatly influenced the ideology and behavior of college students. Third, the negative impact on college students' love values. The influence of money marriage view and love view has caused some college students to have the pessimistic mood of love, and also changed the standard of mate selection. In many stars lovers or couples break up, after the divorce, "no longer believe in love" and other words and comments influence college students' love values, prone to negative psychological mood, no longer recognize the uniqueness of love, to establish stable relationships with the opposite sex. Fourthly, it shortens the network distance and weakens the interpersonal relationship of the real society. Internet buzzwords that college students played down the attention to the real social relationships, more communication in the online world, and begin to pay close attention to the network in the virtual environment of emotional expression, thus ignoring the reality of social communication. The norm is broken. Network language, homophone replacement at arbitrary, graphic symbols, English abbreviation phenomenon is very serious, such as performance to some extent the arbitrariness of language, makes people understand obstacles at the same time, the use of specification language is also misleading.

One is to deepen the dialectical understanding of the influence of network buzzwords on college students' values. With the spread of Internet buzzwords in college students' groups, it brings new challenges to the ideological and political education workers in colleges and universities. Ideological and political education workers should realize the objective development trend of network buzzwords, trying to understand the network buzzwords, understand the students' psychological state and the thought condition, a target for education. On the one hand, to see the part of the network catchword of negative influence on college students' values, on the other hand to timely introduces network buzzwords, ideological and political theory class, cause the thinking of college students. The second is to strengthen the media literacy of college students education. On the one hand, education college students correctly understand the nature and function of the media and find out the meaning of information to themselves or to society. When college students have this ability, they will correctly select the buzzwords derived from hot events and fully evaluate the information and social attributes of these buzzwords. On the other hand, the media criticism ability of college students should be improved. One of the important indicators of media literacy is the ability to immunize negative information. The third is the effective use of the college students value education new carrier. Under the network environment of microblogging, blog, micro letter, campus BBS, QQ group, such as for the influence of college students is more and more big, the ideological and political education workers must improve their own quality, update the network knowledge, and to cope with the Internet age for college students' values education under the background of the challenge. Fourthly, play the main role of the college students' value self education. Give full play to teachers' leading role and students' subjectivity, actively guide college students to analyze and judge network buzzwords and behind the news events, so as to analyze the nature of the news event, guide students to fumble ceaselessly in practice, to explore, understand right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, right and wrong, in the media construct "mimetic environment" form correct values of their own.

Internet buzzwords are accompanied by the emergence and development of the Internet. College students, as important users of Internet media, have a subtle influence on all aspects of their values. Network buzzwords as emerging factors influencing college students' values, should be a comprehensive and in-depth research, and improve the ideological and political quality of college students, to carry forward the socialist core values, for the state and society cultivate talents having both ability and political integrity.



Paper代写:Modern 3D printing technology

2018-04-09 14:28:11 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Modern 3D printing technology,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了现代3D打印技术。3D打印技术是一种以数字模型文件为基础,采用离散材料,基于离散堆积原理,通过逐层累加的方式来制造任意复杂形状物体的增材制造技术,其起源于20世纪80年代。3D打印技术正是第三次工业革命的代表性技术之一,受到越来越多人的关注。3D打印是一种新型的制造工艺,在现在工业生产自动化和高端化的大背景下有着广泛的使用空间。

3D printing technology, is a kind of based on the digital model file, the discrete materials, based on discrete accumulation principle, through the accumulation of step by step a way to make any complex shape object technology increases material manufacturing technology, also known as 3D rapid prototyping technology, 3D printing technology, originated in the 1980 s. In 1983, chuck invented the SLA3D printing technology, which the inventor called a stereoscopic printing, and the 3D printing technology was born. The difference between 3D printing technology and traditional construction technology lies in the manufacture of additive. The technology of additive manufacturing is the technology of manufacturing solid parts by means of the gradual accumulation of materials, and the manufacturing of parts "from bottom up" is compared with traditional material removal and cutting processing technology.

At present, the more mature 3D printing technology mainly includes FDM fusion layer product forming technology, 3DP technology, SLA stereo lithography technology, etc.

FDM melt layer product forming technology can be used in many kinds of materials, and the precision of finished products is high, which is mainly suitable for forming small plastic parts. The FDM is a three-dimensional nozzle under the control of the computer. According to the information obtained by the scanning, the material is selectively coated on the worktable, and a layer of cross-section is formed after rapid cooling. After one layer is finished, the machine table drops a height to form the next layer until it is finished.

3DP technology can directly print the objects with color, but the information conveyed by the model sample is larger. The 3DP 3D printer creates each component layer by layer by placing it on a powder thin layer. SLA stereo lithography is fast in shape and high in size, which can be applied to the rapid prototyping of complex workpieces.

SLA technology photosensitive resin as raw material, through computer controlled laser based on the information of parts of the layered cross section scanning point by point on the surface of liquid photosensitive resin, the scanned area of the thin layer of resin to produce light of polymerization and curing, a thin layer of formed parts. After a layer of solidification is completed, a thick layer is removed from the worktable, and a new layer of liquid resin is applied on the previously cured resin surface until the 3d solid model is obtained.

With the rapid development of 3D printing technology, the application field of 3D printing has gradually increased, which has attracted the attention of more and more companies. Various advantages of 3D technology also promote the development of 3D printing market in various countries. With the help of reducing material losses and accelerating the development cycle, the prospective industry research institute expects the global 3D printing market to continue to grow rapidly in the coming years. The global 3D printing market reached $7 billion in 2016, up 34.62 percent year on year, and is expected to grow to about $12.5 billion in 2017, according to prospective database data. The development of 3D printing technology in China is not as good as that of European and American countries, mainly reflected in the two aspects of technology and market. That is, technology is being developed later and less investment. Therefore, China's 3D printing market is smaller than that of European and American countries, and China's 3D printing enterprises have yet to realize internationalization, which is low in international market share.

3D printing brought a worldwide manufacturing revolution, is used to be a component design completely depends on the production process can be fulfilled, and the invention of the 3D printer, is not the case, printed artifacts can fully represent the 3D data, this makes the enterprise in the production of parts of time no longer consider the production process, any complex shape design can be done by 3D printing, 3D printing is also known as rapid prototyping technology, many artifacts of print making faster than ever before, greatly accelerate the product development cycle. Another feature of 3D printing is its full automation. The process of 3D printing does not require manual operation, which completely upsets the manufacturing methods of industry. 3D printing allows people to buy such printers in stores, and factories are selling them directly. Scientists say, the use of 3D printers are a limited scope, material limit also is very big, but in the future one day people can pass 3D printer to print out more practical, more accurate, more complex objects.

3D printing has a wide range of manufacturing, manufacturing speed, accurate physical copy, the diversity of materials, zero delivery time, less waste of materials, and many other advantages, but in a traditional manufacturing incomparable advantages at the same time, still exist some disadvantages, too. For example, the limitation of material, the precision of the forming parts and the surface roughness are poor, the size of the forming parts is limited, the cost is high, and the production is not scale.

3D printing still has some drawbacks, but it can be believed that with the progress of technology, 3D printing can overcome shortcomings and benefit mankind better.

Theoretically, any material can be used for 3D printing. However, restricted by the level of 3D printing technology, the availability of 3D printed materials is rare. 3D printing materials are now divided into photosensitive resin, metal materials and ceramic materials.

Photosensitive resin, or resin, consists of a polymer monomer and a prepolymer, with a photoinitiator. The reason for the addition of photoinitiator is that, under the ultraviolet radiation of 250 ~ 300nm, the polymerization reaction can occur immediately, and the solidification is completed to realize the adhesion between layer and layer. Photosensitive resin generally exist in liquid form, can be used to make senior high strength, high temperature resistant, waterproof materials, common photosensitive resin are Somos Next material, resin Somos11122, Somos19120 material and epoxy resin.

Since the development of 3D printing technology, the use of 3D printing of metal materials has been taken seriously by all countries and developed rapidly. In areas such as defence, light industry and heavy industry, 3D printing is expected, especially in the manufacture of metal objects. The metal materials used in 3D printing generally require high purity, narrow particle size distribution and good sphericity. At present, the main metal materials are titanium alloy, stainless steel and aluminum alloy materials.



Essay代写:Future network architecture

2018-04-09 14:06:26 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Future network architecture,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了未来网络体系架构。最初的网络随着技术的进步,已经渐渐发展为商业网络,在社会生产、生活活动中普及,并受到广泛的欢迎与认可,成为社会发展过程中不可或缺的一部分。但是由于社会发展速度的加快,技术生命周期越来越短,若想使网络能够不断适应变化发展的社会环境,就必须对未来网络体系架构的发展做出必要的创新与调整。未来网络体系架构应当具备更多的功能,以满足现实需要。

Initial network mainly as academic network, with the progress of technology, it has gradually developed into commercial network, spread in the social production and living activities, and was widely welcomed and recognized, to become an integral part of social development process. But because of social development, rapid technology life cycle is more and more short, if want to make the development of the network is able to adapt to the constantly changing social environment, must be in the future the development of network architecture to make the necessary innovation and adjustment. All countries have studied the future network architecture, and the United States, Japan, the European Union and other countries have formulated the framework development plan, which China should attach importance to. It is of great practical significance to explore this issue.

Software defined network can also be called SDN, the model want to be able to break through the traditional framework of distributed constraint, the data plane out in the control plane, make software defined network, in this model, the flexibility of network and virtual sex will improve greatly, and its design cost can be effectively reduced. Numerical control separation processing can make more concentrated management view, at the same time help abstract network facilities resources at the bottom, so it can become a virtual resources, provide necessary support for the top service and application, eventually improve the controllability and flexibility of the system. The essence of software definition network is three points, one is control plane programmable; Second, the interface is open; Third, logical concentration. Key technologies include architecture extensibility technology, network control and technology, and interactive protocol technology.

Information center network architecture can be called the ICN, the United States and the European Union the first study to this framework, the current research focus for the network/information center named data network architecture, the basis for the current IP network used by the hourglass model, different IP is replaced by the content block. The architecture involves a number of key technologies, such as naming mechanism technology, mobility technology, routing and forwarding mechanism technology, caching strategies, and transmission strategies. Since the structure is still in the initial stage of research, there are still more detailed technical problems, which should be analyzed and discussed in depth in the future.

The current key network models include mobile network model, cloud network model, optional network model, etc. Specifically, the first is the mobile network model. In this model architecture, mobility will become one of the basic attributes of the architecture, and its trust mechanism and security mechanism will be improved. Followed by cloud network model structure, its formation is dependent on the network management technology and virtualization technology, the system of resource transport, storage, calculation, analysis and so on work can be carried out in accordance with the actual demand of management and control; Finally is optional network model, because the network can be used more widely, so the network demand also shows the characteristics of the diversification of the strong, the network must strengthen the functional design, improve the comprehensiveness and reliability of function, the optional model is the model conform to this trend, allows users to choose their services.

This model combines the software to define the advantage of network, network and information center with strong comprehensive, practical and controllability, effective for transmission, storage, and network resources calculation processing, such as play a huge advantage in solving the problem of network, including green energy saving, perceived, mobility, security, controllable tube, a variety of problems such as extensibility, reconfigurable.

Future network architecture is a kind of new architecture, the core of its creation significance is not limited to the current Internet architecture patterns and constraints, but this architecture is not directly put into use, its deployment is the evolution type, namely the architecture innovation step by step. Due to network users more and more, its access application also tens of millions, and the network architecture of the future must be able to meet the demand of large-scale users, to ensure that the original application and network nodes can be directly communication network architecture in the future. When building a new architecture, you should set up the necessary facilities at the old and new boundary points to ensure that different versions of the underlying communication protocol can be compatible and gradually deployed to a large scale from a small scale.

Traditional Internet taken from end to end model, this model has been unable to adapt to social development needs, the future network architecture should be taken to the user, data and content for the center mode. Based on this characteristic, design rules must also changes, should develop in the direction of the simple open architecture form, which can improve network use broad, easy open design principle is the important foundation of sustainable development network.

Interruption of self management, mobility, tolerance, security is the basis of future network shall meet the function, the current many architecture research and discussion on a certain function, but a single powerful function and can not fundamentally promote the improvement of the future network architecture and development, how to meet the needs of embedded network security, enhance comprehensive network function and reliability are the focus of future research and the key.

Involves the interests of the subject in network architecture, including the data owner, application service and Internet service providers, government, users, etc., in order to effectively regulate and balance the interests of the parties, shall be set up in the future network architecture has the flexibility and extensibility interface, to ensure the effective implementation of the law, policy and interaction, to realize the economic benefit and social benefit and win-win.

In previous studies, Internet development has focused on improving the diversity of services, both on YouTube and Facebook. With the increase of Internet traffic services, people have put forward higher demands on service quality and efficiency, so the enhancement of natural service distribution capacity has become the main trend of the future network development. Telecom operators shall provide necessary distribution service for providers, to ensure that the custom application and lodge, replication, strong security and fault tolerance, load balancing, mobility and other requirements are met.

Application is an important driving force for network development, such as telephone network and world wide web technology. These applications have promoted the large-scale and sustainable development of the network in a certain period of time. The optimum and compatibility of the system will be greatly enhanced when the application with the driving significance is produced. So network architecture in the future, should attach importance to research and design on the application of the new, constantly optimize the network, enhance the further development of network and use the new application, it is very necessary and important.

At present, all future network architecture researches are based on original research. Although this research can achieve certain results, innovation and breakthrough are not strong. In order to achieve the effective integration and utilization of resources, should actively building a network experiment platform, ensure that resources can be Shared on the experiment platform of virtualization implementation, then the resources for effective integration, guarantee to make full use of its advantages.

The role of network in People's Daily life, work is not to be ignored, but social development faster and faster, the people also put forward more and newer demands for network, countries should pay attention to the future trend of network architecture, and strengthen technology innovation, make the network to provide better service, satisfy people growing and changing needs. At the present stage of research in the future network architecture more achievements, including the definition of software network, information center, network and so on a variety of models, in the future study, the future network architecture should have more features, to meet the needs of the reality.

