

英国paper代写-nature is an organic whole

2017-09-08 14:37:49 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写-nature is an organic whole讲了自然是一个有机的整体。此外,有四个主要的材料循环:水文循环,氮循环,磷循环和碳循环。在这篇文章中,我将更多地关注碳循环和氮循环,我们以二氧化碳和甲烷为例。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

What’s known to us all is that nature is an organic whole. What’s more,there are four major material cycles:the hydrologic cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the phosphorous cycle and the carbon cycle. In this essay, I will concentrate more on the carbon cycle and the nitrogen cycle. Let us take carbon dioxide and methane as example. Besides, with the development of the society,on the one hand,people’s living hoods becoming more and more comfortable and the transport is more and more convenient. However, as the old saying goes “ Each coin has two sides”, on the other hand, the quantity of gases which can lead to global warming is getting larger and larger, having giant impact on the environment, First of all, let us have a basic understanding of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are gases that can lead to greenhouse, including carbon dioxide, methane and water vapor. Human activities’ increasing, the burning of fossil fuels, the increase of environmental pollution and the change of land use and cover result in a sustained increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases. In the last few decades, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere have increased by 0.5%, 0.8%, and 0.3% annually,. The development of modern agricultural science and technology makes the agriculture in the regulation plays a more and more important role on controlling the climate change. In addition to the photosynthesis and the decomposition of microorganisms, the use of organic fertilizers also has a certain effect on the circulation of greenhouse gases.It is well known that some of the greenhouse gases come from the breath and decay of life in nature, and the other source of greenhouse gases.come from soil.The focus of this article is to discuss the effects of different uses of soils and different soil management on the emissions of carbon dioxide and methane.
It is widely believed that the soil will emit a certain amount of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere every day. Carbon dioxide is mainly derived from the respiration of plants and methane is produced during the decomposition of microorganisms. At the same time, due to the photosynthesis of plants, it can absorb some of the carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere.According to the survey data, among the quantity of the emissions of greenhouse gases from the agricultural production process, nitrogen oxides take up the most, methane is the second and carbon dioxide is least. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been reduced by effective usage of soil and different managements to the soil. The carbon in the soil comes from the residue of plants and the particles of organic carbon. Carbon as an important component of soil humus has a great effect on the full play of the function of the soil. Soil carbon can promote the cycle and absorption of nitrogen and phosphorus in soil.In this way, carbon dioxide and methane can be carried out in the soil as a carrier.The nitrogen cycle mainly by organic matter in the soil will produce fruit and plants by microbial decomposition of withered rotten soil animals and plants of the ammonium ion in the formation of mineralization, nitrification after formation of nitrate ions, finally through denitrification to the atmospheric emissions of N2, NO, N2O.
Based on the analysis of the existing data, I found that the land use has experienced a transformation from the subtropical rain forest to the lychee plantation. During this period, excessive grazing lead to the destruction of the rain forest vegetation, and after an effective way of land use adjustment, beans are chosen to grow in the soil.Among the four major material cycle, people focus more on the nitrogen cycle,the reasons are as follow.First of all,if the deposition of nitrogen continued to increase (up to 100kg-N ha-1 y-1), the soil had been acid, the root of plant had been damaged and microbe communities had been changed. In addition, long time of nitrogen oxides in the water body will lead to eutrophication of water quality, which will cause a large area of aquatic plants died. Therefore, the result of eutrophication of water bodies is that the decomposition of the microorganism can be enhanced, so that the greenhouse gas emitted by water bodies will increase rapidly and the GWP will be elevated.Besides, the more the nitrogen is, the more atmospheric N2O will be. Last but not least, more nitrogen in the atmosphere means less carbon dioxide, while plant growth depends on carbon dioxide uptake. As for CO2 and CH4, it is widely thought they are chief culprits of global warming. Frankly speaking, because carbon dioxide and methane are flammable and poisonous gases, most people only pay attention to their characteristics, they will let the global warming, but the two have a great role in agricultural production.
Studies show that there are many factors that affect the soil respiration. Soil physical and chemical properties such as temperature, water content, PH, soil texture and other factors can directly affect the amount of microbial biomass and its physiological process, thereby affecting the emission of greenhouse gases. The soil temperature, moisture and organic matter content are the most important factors that affect the soil gas emission.Soil At the same time, greenhouse gas emissions have obvious seasonal variation. In terms of CO2 emissions, it is generally considered that the summer emissions are higher, the winter is lower. The seasonal variation of the absorption rate of CH4 in soil was the opposite, which basically showed the lowest change in winter.Soil is an important component of terrestrial ecosystem, and it is the main storage and exchange of carbon in the system composed of atmospheric and terrestrial bio-tic community. It is estimated that there are about t 1.4x1012-1.5x1012 carbon in the world in the form of organic matter in the soil. The carbon dioxide emitted by soil is 10 times than that from burning fossil fuel combustion emissions.Soil grown plants can produce a far-reaching impact on these factors, so how to make plant species and soil properties get the perfect combination, ensure the plant yield based on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and come true the dream that one plus one is greater than two is the most urgent problem which we need to take into consideration. Let’s have a look on these two formulas first.RF→Pasture=6.7 increase in GWP RF→Pasture→Lychee=19 increase in GWP. WFPS RF=49%→pasture=63%→lychee=80%. What conclusion we can draw is that different land use will have different effect on greenhouse gas emission. What we know is that the subtropical rain forest can absorb a certain amount of methane and carbon dioxide with its rich vegetation. However, due to the large number of microbial species, the rain forest emissions of more than other types of nitrogen oxides.Pasture is usually emitted carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides, while absorbing some of the methane
In order to verify our view about greenhouse gas emissions for different types of land speculation, we chose nine rooms to simulate the litchi plantation, soil pasture and subtropical rainforest, and the data were continuously monitored. Through the study of the data obtained, we found that in these three, the rain forest can absorb the amount of methane on the ranch, while the litchi plantation will be a daily emissions of methane to the atmosphere.Due to different processes of plant growth and development, what is more, the soil acidity and alkalinity of the soil containing organic matter, the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by each type of land is different. All monitoring data are designed to make the results more intuitive and can help people to select the plant species in different soil.
In short, the process of greenhouse gas emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, is an important process of carbon and nitrogen cycle in terrestrial ecosystem, and is the main output pathway of soil carbon and nitrogen pool. Different soil types of greenhouse gas emissions and absorption capacity is different, we need to select the appropriate plant according to the situation of the soil itself to plant, so as to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to a minimum. Soil itself has an important role in climate change, can regulate the temperature and humidity of the atmosphere, but also to reduce the impact of the greenhouse effect by improving the gas cycle. The soil itself is an encyclopedia, and as the old saying goes “Rome is not build in a day”, the process of learning knowledge is a continuous process that requires patience.. After all, knowledge has no limit.And it is high time that we took more management to study the soil’s function on the greenhouse gas emission and control. Only by doing more careful research with our patience can we master the secrets of the soil.


英国paper代写-Sea Levels Final Report

2017-09-08 14:33:50 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写-Sea Levels Final Report讲了气候绝对是吸引大多数居住在地球上的人们注意的一个方面,因为它们与之密切相关。或者也许可以用另一种方式将气候以某种方式对人们的日常生活产生影响,以便他们尽可能多地了解它。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Climate is definitely one aspect that will draw the attention of the great majority of people who live in the earth because they are closely related to it. Or maybe it can be put in another way that climate will exert impacts on people’s daily life in one way or another so that they will try their best to know more about it. There is no doubt that people will be interested in each and every thing about climate so that they can be less influenced by it as a result. According to most people’s idea, sea level is interrelated with climate and they will influence one another. Detailed speaking, sea level rising is the result of global warming and the warmer the climate is, the higher the sea level will be. But it is only the general idea about the relationship between sea level rise and climate, which indicates that more concrete aspects have to be put forward in order to make people know more about climate. Therefore the following will mainly talk about the relationship between sea level rise and climate, during which some quantitative data will be applied in order to make it more convincing.
To put it more specifically, the reasons why global warming will lead to the rise of sea level, the rationales why the rise of sea level on a global basis is the result of human activities, the detailed emissions of CO2 as well as other heat-trapping gases, the necessity of measuring sea level accurately and how to measure the sea level in an accurate way, how sea level has changed over years and how it will change in approaching years, the consequences of rising sea level, etc. will have be elaborated on one by one in the below. What has to be pointed out is that certain regions will be taken as examples to show the relationship between sea level rise and climate, which will undoubtedly make its credibility become higher to some extent. At the same time, some figures will as well be used to better illustrate how sea level rise and climate will influence one another, from which people can know how they should do for the sake of climate. It is hoped that this paper can give some insightful suggestions as for how people should do via successfully persuading them that their behaviors will exert impacts on both sea level and climate.
Rise and Climate
Rising sea level is the most visual impacts of global warming. Almost all of the water on Earth is stored in two places: in the oceans (currently 97 percent of all water) and in glaciers (currently about 2.7 percent). How much water is in the oceans—and thus how high sea level is—largely depends on how much water is trapped in glacial ice (Ocean Portal, History of Sea Level Rise). Human activities are responsible for sea level rising. When studying about Cryosphere, we've learned that Cryosphere is very sensitive to climate change, and there are a large amount of CO2 releasing by human in the land area to atmosphere in the northern hemisphere, which causes the melting of ice sheets. For example, The Greenland ice sheet- the biggest ice mass in the Northern Hemisphere - is melting around its margins. Some climate models predict it could lose half its mass in the next 500-1000 years, contributing 3m to global sea level rise. Briefly, over the past century, the burning of fossil fuels and other human and natural activities has released enormous amounts of heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere. These emissions have caused the Earth's surface temperature to rise, and the oceans absorb about 80 percent of this additional heat (National Geographic). Normally, large ice formations, like glaciers and icebergs, will naturally melt a bit when summer comes. In winter, snows are generally sufficient to balance out the melting. However, due to the global warming, the persistently higher temperature caused by global warming have led to greater-than-average summer melting as well as diminished snowfall of winter. This imbalance results in a significant net gain in runoff versus evaporation for the ocean, causing sea levels to rise (National Geographic). By the pollution caused by factories, the oils burned by using vehicles. The amount of CO2 emission to the air is increasing, which directly influences the sea level. Take Arctic area for example. As a result of CO2 increase, the albedo of snow/ice will decrease, because the carbon dioxide blocks the emission of radiation. Also Carbon dioxide absorbs the thermal energy, so the temperature around the Arctic area will increase. That’s why the ices of the Arctic region are melting. If the ice of the Arctic area melts down, the sea level will rise. If we keep releasing CO2 without restrictions, the melting of ice and snow will be accelerated because of the loss of albedo. Ocean warming will also accelerate melting at the edges of the Greenland ice, and raising of sea level. Besides the earth will be warmer because of the decreasing of the white surfaces, and less energy reflected into space.
Why do we need an accurate measurement of sea level? By having an accurate sea level measurement, it will be possible for human to measure the height of everything on land accurately. By knowing sea level, we can determine if the oceans are rising or falling. The overall change of sea level is very important for us to study global warming and climate change. However, measuring the sea level is not that easy. There are many outside forces that will affect the sea level in different period. Earth is in the middle of a chaotic solar system. There are all sorts of things changing the water level at any given point. For example, the tides, caused by the moon. Large and small waves caused by wind and the tides. High-and low-pressure areas in the atmosphere, which change the surface level of the ocean. Temperature changes in the ocean, which change the density and volume of the water. Rainfall and river water flowing into the ocean (Science, How do they measure sea level ?). As a result, measuring sea level is extremely difficult, then how exactly do scientists measure sea level? To get around this, they try using tide gauges. A tide gauge is a large (1 foot [30 cm] or more in diameter), long pipe with a small hole below the water line. This pipe is often called a stilling well. Even though waves are changing the water level outside the gauge constantly, they have little effect inside the gauge. The sea level can be read relatively accurately inside this pipe. If read on a regular basis over a time span of years and then averaged, you can get a measurement of sea level. Satellites are now used as well, but they suffer from many of the same problems. Scientists do the best they can, using extremely long time spans, to try to figure out what the sea level is and whether or not it is rising. The general consensus seems to be that the oceans rise about 2 millimeters per year (Science, How do they measure sea level?). Since 1800s, the global sea level had increased 2 feet by the 2010s. As the temperature going up, the sea level will continuing rising. Most predictions say the warming of the planet will continue and likely will accelerate. Oceans will likely continue to rise as well, but predicting the amount is an inexact science. A recent study says we can expect the oceans to rise between 2.5 and 6.5 feet (0.8 and 2 meters) by 2100, enough to swamp many of the cities along the U.S. East Coast. More dire estimates, including a complete meltdown of the Greenland ice sheet, push sea level rise to 23 feet (7 meters), enough to submerge London (Science, How do they measure sea level?). However, there also exists uncertainty of the future. As we realize this issue, we have already come up with measures to conquer it. Consequently, we can't tell what exactly will happen in the future.
There will be consequences of rising sea level. Although flooding is the obvious consequence of rising sea levels, there are plenty of other effects to consider. First of all, it will contaminate the drinking water. As the rising sea crawls farther and farther up the shore, it will seep into the freshwater sources in the ground that many coastal areas rely on for their drinking water (Business Insider, Science). Secondly, it will interfere with farming. The freshwater will also use for irrigation. If the seawater keep contaminating freshwater in some coastal areas, the saltwater can stunt or kill crops. Thirdly, it will change the coastal plant life. Once the saltwater hitting our shores, the chemistry of the soil on the coast will be changed. Plants are very sensitive to their environments, and many plants will be unable to cope with the change in soil salinity and many disappear from the shoreline. It is very hard for people to remove the salt from water and soil. The fourth major impact is that it will threaten wildlife populations. As the rising ocean erodes the shoreline and floods the areas in where coastal animals live, animals like shorebirds or sea turtles will suffer a lot. Their nest will be destroyed by flooding. By the way, those endangered animals like sea turtles cannot afford to lose any offspring. Consequently, rising sea level will deal damages to not only plants, but also coastal lives. Lastly, it will also hurt our economy. It will cost a lot to deal with the damage done by floods, or farm business. Besides, the tourism and real-estate industries in coastal areas are likely to take a hit as prime beachfront properties and recreational areas are washed away by rising waters. This is a fact that some involved in these industries are finding hard to swallow (Business Insider, Science). Is it possible that we can avoid those potential impacts? We can never find out till it happens.
The state of New York in the United States is one of the most famous states of the United States of America and is a place that many people from all over the world hope to travel to. For New York State the “tourism industry in 2014 reached an all time high of $100.1 billion” ( However, New York City, one of the main attractions of New York, is a city that will be greatly impacted by the rising sea levels caused by global warming. This is because it has very great population and is a metropolitan area at sea level. Since 1900 the “average sea levels have risen about 1.2 inches per decade” which is “almost twice the average global rate of 0.5 to 0.7 inches per decade” (Gerken). It is projected that “sea levels around New York City will rise 11 to 21 inches by the middle of the century” (Gerken). These numbers will then increase to “18 to 39 inches by the 2080’s” and the “6 feet by 2100” (Gerken). The sea level was also predicted to “rise between 15 and 75 inches by 2100” (Magill). In the area that is less than 6 feet above sea level “more than $100 billion in property value exists” and around “500,000 people” (Magill). That means that by the end of this century over half a million people will be displaced from their homes and be forced to move elsewhere. The land that would be flooded would be “thousands of acres of highly developed land on Long Island, Manhattan and the New Jersey Coastline” ( In the year 2014 New York City had 56.5 million visitors who spent $41 billion ( However, with the rise of sea level popular tourist sites of New York “such as Wall Street” and the iconic Wall Street Bull would be submerged (Magill). Additionally the “LaGuardia Airport… by the end of the century, [could have] fish... swimming where airplanes once parked at the terminal” (Magill). The flooding of iconic tourist attractions could harm the tourism industry of New York City, and flooded airports will create large costs for the city. In addition to the rising sea levels from global warming that New York is facing “more intense storm surges and floods” ( The last major storm “Superstorm Sandy highlighted the… vulnerabilities of [New York’s] tidal shorelines” (
In figure 1 of this paper we can see the projected rise of sea levels. We can see that much of the Manhattan coastline in the 1 in 100 year flood. Additionally much of Bronx and Queens would become flooded. Although a 1 in 100 year flood only has the statistics to flood once every one hundred years that size of a flood still has the ability to do a lot of damage to a highly populated area like New York City.
Figure 2 is showing the different elevations of the popular New York tourist hotspot of Long Island. Because the sea level is predicted to rise “6 feet by 2100” all of the areas in green, which indicates a 5 foot elevation, will become flooded (Magill).
For the entire state of New York there is still a large threat from rising sea levels. According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation there is “an estimated 1,850 miles of tidal shoreline exposed to to the action of tides” ( Additionally “by 2100, scientists project sea levels 18 to 50 inches higher than today along New York’s coastlines” ( The loss of the New York City tourism in the overall tourism will cause an economic loss of the “$41 billion” which was the amount of money generated from New York City tourism in 2014 (
Figure 1
Figure 2
To sum up, it can be found that human activities will firstly cause influences toward several factors as will lead to global warming so as to further result in the rise of sea level. The aforementioned factors concerned with global warming mainly include the following ones: the emissions of CO2 as well as other heat-trapping gases, the burning of fossil fuels, the pollution caused by factories, the oils burned by using vehicles together with some other similar factors like that. Thus if we take a careful look at those listed factors, it can be found that they are all out of the human activities from different perspectives, which suggests that human activities are somewhat responsible for global warming which then turns to lead to sea level rise.
Apart from that, a fair knowledge can be obtained that consequences of rising sea level are rather serious and the rise of sea level has actually influenced many aspects of people’s life. Taking the severe consequences of sea level rise, it can be easily understood that human beings have to do some adjustments in their personal behaviors so as to prevent sea level from rising in the future. For example, people can go out on foot, by bike or take the bus rather than driving their private cars, leading to the decrease of automobile exhaust emissions. Also, people can plant more trees and stop excessive deforestation in any form so as to help decrease the amount of CO2 in the air. What people can do are really too numerous to enumerate, but what they should bear in their mind is that they have to do from themselves on and from small things on. Apparently, every person should make their own bit toward global warming because they all live in the same earth. And only in that way can the phenomenon of global warming and sea level rise change more or less in the near future, guaranteeing the life of generations and generations to come.
It is obvious that there are still various aspects concerned with global warming and sea level rise as have not been referred to in the paper and there is still a long way to go if people would like to explore clearly about the relationship between sea level rise and climate. Accordingly, it can not be denied that what has been analyzed in the above has its delimitation and limitations out of lacking in research experiences, which calls for your delicate attention and precious suggestions.

Works Cited
Gerken, James. “New York City Could See Up To Six Feet Of Sea Level Rise This Century: Report.” The Huffington Post,
Magill, Bobby. “New York Prepares for Up to 6 Feet of Sea Level Rise.” Climate Central: A Science &Amp;
“Sea Level Rise- Department of Environmental Conservation.”
“New York City, Long Island and Newark - Sea Level Rise Map.” New York and New Jersey,
“NYC Statistics.”
“Governor Cuomo Announces Economic Impact of Tourism Industry Exceeds $100 Billion For the First Time in New York State's History.” Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, 27 Aug. 2015,


英国paper代写-Personal Space and Eye Contact

2017-09-08 14:31:08 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写-Personal Space and Eye Contact讲了在日常生活中,个人空间是无处不在的常见现象。例如,人们通常选择图书馆,公共汽车和餐厅中没有人的单人座位或座位。人们总是保持一定距离。人们使用一定距离来保护自己的部分,保护自身的安全。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the daily life, personal space is the very common phenomenon which can be found everywhere. For example, people generally choose the single seat or the seat where no one around in the library, bus and restaurant. People always keep the certain distance away from each other. The certain distance is used by people to protect their own parts and protect their self-security. Similarly, the group also keeps the certain space distance from other groups. The individuals of group also reciprocally maintain their relatively fixed parts among members of group. This kind of phenomenon is very common particular in relative the spacious square and other public places. A lot of times human beings communicate with others by the use of space. In the meanwhile, this kind of space behavior is also a key condition to impact people’s feelings to others. Psychologists are more concerned about the relationship between human beings and space. The personal space is one of the basic problems to discuss. Throughout the psychology field, personal trade has become an interdisciplinary subject of the interpersonal relation psychology, environmental psychology, social psychology and other subjects. Its research covers lots of aspects such as clinical psychology, personality psychology, etc.
Sommer (1969) defined the notion of personal space. The personal space means the invisible area that surrounds a person’s body which others are not allowed invading or intruding (Sommer, 1969). Hayduk (1983) defined personal space that personal space as the area which individuals maintain around their bodies but no one could intrude their areas, otherwise, the intruded behavior would make the individuals discomfort (Hayduk, 1983). In conclusion, the theory of personal space is the psychology research range. People regard their physical space where surrounds them as one of their parts. The region named person space. There are many factors can affect the personal space, including personal factor, cultural background factor, environmental factor and so forth.
Eye contact is one of the common non-verbal communications in interpersonal communication. The significance of eye contact in human communication has drawn a great number of psychologists to pay attention it and study its effect in the personal space. The eye contact produces a great influence on enlarging or reducing the personal space violations. Along with the proximity increasing, the effect of eye contact will reduce gradually. Moreover, the increasing proximity will make eye contact become uncomfortable in a way or will suggest people to avoid to do that. Therefore, people consciously reduce times to gaze each other directly when their proximity increases (Argyle & Dean, 1965). For instance, male subjects would show less contact than females. To compare with male eye contact or face-to-face interaction, Argyle also explored that females maintain loner glances and they have a trend to take part in the mutual eye contact accordingly. Buchanan, Goldman and Juhnke (1977) showed that males would violate their personal space and divert their gaze when others (males or females) make eye contact with them. Female also would divert their gaze and violate their personal space when males make eye contact with them. Males violate their personal space when the others (males and females) make directing eye contact with them. However, females violate their personal space or divert their gaze on the condition that males make eye contact with them (Buchanan, Goldman & Juhnke, 1977).
The crowdedness is in of the important subject of environmental psychology researches. The crowdedness refers to a kind of unpleasant, depressive and negative emotion, which produces on the condition that people suffer restriction (Li, 2010). The western psychologists Clements and Carl (1979) think crowdedness can cause disease and affect individual or the whole social life. The crowded city generally makes people think unhealthy outward appearance and violent behaviors ((Clements & Carl, 1979). Crowdedness is the uncomfortable psychological state which relates to the demand which more than practical space. Moreover, it also relates to the condition where people stayed at that time. Although sometimes people own enough space, they would feel crowded when they want to stay along. Loo (1979) explored the relations between the crowdedness and personal space which based on the sample of 5-year-old boys. Loo predicted that personal space caused avoidance behaviors but not related to the self-reported impact or perceptions. Latter, the modest findings were different from his prediction. The findings of Loo and Kennelly (1978) were contrast sharply with his prior findings. In 1978, Loo and Kennelly chose the 10-year-old boys who owned larger personal space and lager spatial spaces. They developed stronger reactions to crowded conditions. For all their responses were similar to boys who had smaller personal spaces. Therefore, they found that children had similar negative reactions and uncomfortable feelings to crowded conditions no matter with larger or smaller personal spaces. Hence, Loo’s findings could be regard as the evidences to revel the personal spaces which existed close relations with crowded conditions.
There were a lot of findings on personal space in the past. However, the scientists and psychologists became concentrating on the relations between eye contact and personal space. Eye contact as a variable can lead people to violate their personal space or not. Making eye contact directly may cause people feel uncomfortable so that increase their personal space. The effect of eye contact on personal space existed difference between males and females. The studies of Exline (1963) reported that people increase their personal space when make eye contact with others. The important reason is that make eye contact with strangers which make them uncomfortable. Moreover, the frequency of eye contact is not adequate between males and females. The times of latter are greater than the latter (Exline, 1963).
The hypothesis posited that participants will desire a lager or more demand for personal space on the condition two (no eye contact) than the condition one (eye contact). In the condition one, participant will move toward to a confederate who maintains eye contact with participants. The participant will stop once they felt uncomfortable. In the condition 2, the participants will also move toward a confederate, however, participants cannot have eye contact with a confederate but just see the back of confederate. Likewise, the participants will stop when they felt unpleasant. The participant’s size of personal space in the experiment is equal to the distance (measuring in centimeters) leaving by the participant.
The sample consisted of two coditions. The condition one and condition two were all made up of 149 participants which was the sum total of students. The participants of the condition one (M=62.54, SD=44.93) and condition two (M=35.9, SD=31.04) all included 101 females aged between 17 to 23 and males 48 aged 17 to 21 years. The participants nationnatily was listed as follows: China (100), Hong Kong, China (22), Japan (4), Korea (5), Malaysia (4), Nepal (2), Singapore (3), Taiwan, China (3), Thailand (1), United Arab Emirates (2), Vietnam (3). The participants were students who participate in the experiment of their own accord without any payment. The experiment also signed informed consent before the experiment. The assistant in the experiment is in charge of asking the participants basic information about age, gender, nationality. The confederates are responsible to take record the basic information and measure the distance between confederates and participants. The confederates in the experiment were all males and the assistants were females expect in the classroom BS1.

|Table 1
Details of Assistants, Confederates, and Rooms for All Experiments.

BSf1Assistant 1 (Recorder)18MChina
Assistant 2 (Measurer)18MHong Kong
BSf2Assistant 1 (Recorder)18FChina
Assistant 2 (Measurer)21FKorea
BSf3Assistant 1 (Recorder)19FHong Kong
Assistant 2 (Measurer)18FChina
BSf4Assistant 1 (Recorder)19FChina
Assistant 2 (Measurer)19F Singapore
BSf5Assistant 1 (Recorder)19FChina
Assistant 2 (Measurer)19FHong Kong
BSf6Assistant 1 (Recorder)18FChina
Assistant 2 (Measurer)18FMalaysia
BSf7Assistant 1 (Recorder)18FVietnam
Assistant 2 (Measurer)20MChina
BSf8Assistant 1 (Recorder)19FChina
Assistant 2 (Measurer)19FHong Kong
BSf9Assistant 1 (Recorder)18FSingapore
Assistant 2 (Measurer)25FSaudi Arabia
Confederate19MHong Kong
|Table 2
Details of Rooms, Dates and Time for All Experiment.

ClassRooms usedDay of experimentTime
BSf1Level 7 Lunch room and R 7.3Tuesday4-5pm
BSf2Level 7 Lunch room and R 7.3Tuesday9 - 10am
BSf3Level 7 Lunch room and R 7.3Monday4 - 5pm
BSf4Level 3 staff room and R 3.5Monday2 - 3pm
BSf5Level 7 Lunch room and R 7.3Thursday11 - 12pm
BSf6Level 3 staff room and R 3.5Monday2 -3 pm
BSf7Rm 3.5 and corridorMonday9-10am
BSf8Level 3.9 staff room and 3.5Wednesday 9 -10am
BSf9Level 3.9 staff room and 3.5Thursday11-12pm

The experiment needed materials to assist with the research which. Assistant used tapeline to measure the distance where participants stand away confederate. Assistant used masking paper tape to sign the specific location where participants stop. Recorder used the recording sheet to keep a record about participants’ basic information about nationality, age, gender and the distance from participants to confederate in the experiment. Assistant prepared an envelope consisting of numbers which are used to determine participants’ order.
For all the experiment was tested in different classes at different times in different days, the whole procedure of the experiment was all the same for all classes. In order to gain and confirm the consent by the participants who were invited, they should sign permission forms prior to the experiment. Consequently, the supervisor would tell the experiment’s purpose and would explain the completed procedure of the experiment. Moreover, the supervisor would inform the details of the experiment, and including the data, location, method and so forth. In the experiment, the supervisor chose three people who were in charge of different works during the experiment. The first one called assistant 1 who measured the distance from confederate to volunteer. The second one called assistant 2 who took charge for taking record such as participant’s age, nationality and distance. The third one was the confederate. The supervisor prepared an envelope containing different numbers. The participants were asked for pick out optionally one number from the envelope, and the number would decide their specific order in the experiment.
The experiment started when all the participants stood outside of the room in order to assure the objective and accuracy of the experiment consequence. Firstly, the assistant 1 called the number which participants has pick out previously, and the corresponding participant would get into the room according to the number. Other participants formed a line in order and waited for enter the room. First of all, the assistant would ask for participant’s basic information about sex, age and nationality and then recorder would record these statistics accordingly in the room. The participants would be guide and instruct about the location where they should stand. Next, in the condition one, participants would walk to confederates and participants would maintain eye contact. Participants would decide where and when to stop on the condition that they felt the personal space was compromised. The assistant 1 would measure the distance where the participant left from the confederate and then the assistant 2 recorded the distance.
Finally, the participants went out of the room and waited outside. The condition 1 was finished when all participants accomplish the experiment. The second condition would begin after the finish of the condition one. The procedure of condition 2 likes the condition 1. The only difference between condition 1 and condition 2 was that the participants had no eye contact with confederate but only faced the back of confederate.
The participants of two conditions were measured their personal space in the experiment. The t-test = 7.330989, which was higher than the critical one tailed test = 1.655215. That meant the result was not accident and the result was important. To compare with the condition one, no eye-contact of the condition two (M=35.9, SD=31.04) was lower than eye contact (M=62.54, SD=44.39). It tests the hypothesis that the value of mean with no eye-contact was lower than the value of mean with eye contact. (See Table 3).
|Table 3
The Experiment Data of Condition One (eye-contact) and Condition Two (no eye- contact)

AgeGenderNationalityDistance with eye-contact
Condition one (cm)Distance without eye-contact
Condition two (cm)difference
19FHong Kong61.54.5
18MHong Kong642440
19MHong Kong505
19MHong Kong11011
18MHong Kong15105
18FUnited Arab Emirates54540
19FHong Kong78870
19FHong Kong642638
19FHong Kong69618
18MHong Kong30921
18MHong Kong20514.5190.5
20MHong Kong339.523.5
18MHong Kong4.504.5
19FHong Kong1858.5-40.5
17FHong Kong9849.548.5
19FHong Kong1578149
19MHong Kong14421123
17MHong Kong4187-46
19MHong Kong623032
20MHong Kong2332.5-9.5
17MHong Kong3244-12
19FUnited Arab Emirates6784-17
17FHong Kong783345
20MHong Kong20020

In the results of experiment, participants have a trend to avoid eye contact directly with confederate. Moreover, different gender of participant behaved differently. The females maintain eye-contact longer than the males in the experiment the both conditions. When the participants made eye contact with confederate, they felt uncomfortable and they stop walking to the confederate in order to maintain their own personal space. The mean of condition one (with eye-contact) is 62.54 and the mean if condition two (with no eye-contact) is 35.9, the participants asked for greater personal space on the condition one than the condition two. That means participants in the experiment require more personal space or greater spatial distance on the condition that they make eye-contact than with no eye contact. The hypothesis was correct.
In the experiment, the study took some variables such as distance, gender, nationality and age in consideration to ensure the experiment to achieve the desired results. In order to define more complexed and specific relationship between eye contact and persona space, the experiment ought to consist of more variables. In other words, some extraneous variables can play important roles to impact the experiment which beyond the previous expectation. In the sample of the experiment, there were a great amount of participants voluntarily joined the experiment to help the study to prove the hypothesis and to explore the relations between eye contact and personal space.
Although the experiment considered many variables which may affect the objective and accuracy of the results, it was impossible to eliminate all interference factors. The confederates in the experiment were males, which cannot exclude the effect of gender when female participants made eye contact with male confederates. Therefore, the balanced proportion of male and female may appear different results.
As a result, the experiment could become better on the condition that changed the construction of participants and put forward more hypotheses. Firstly, the male and female ratio was not very reasonable. The amount of female was far beyond than the amount of male. It was better to balance the proportion of genders. Secondly, the participants were all students. That meant the age structure was quite young. The experiment ought to consider widening the age groups. Finally, there were many extraneous factors that could impact the results of experiment, and including crowdedness, density, facial expression, height and so forth.
The experiment came up with new areas of personal space and eye contact, which provided references to the further study. The further study would focus on some unreasonable places so as to improve them. Eye contact is one of the parts of facial expressions. The further study would use more variables to define the facial expression whether influence people’s personal space such as smiling, anger, sadness, and solemn facial expressions. If confederate smiles to the participant, the participants would maintain eye-contact with confederate because confederate’s kindness and friendly release participant’s uncomfortable. These can affect the length of eye contact and can affect the personal space.
Argyle, M., & Dean, J. (1965). Eye-contact, distance and affiliation. Sociometry, 28(28), 289-304.
Clements, Carl B. (1979). Crowded prisons: a review of psychological and environmental effects. Law & Human Behavior(3), 217-225.
Dosey, M. A., & Meisels, M. (1969). Personal space and self-protection. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology, 11(2), 93-7.
Exline, R. V. (1959). Exploration in the process of person perception: visual interaction in relation to competition. Urbana ILL University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, 31(1), 1-20.
Li, Y. (2010). Environmental psychological feelings and personal space. Value Engineering. 4 (4), 123-125.
Hayduk, L. A. (1983). Personal space: where we now stand. Psychological Bulletin, 94(2), 293-335.
Loo, C., & Kennelly, D. (1979). Social density: its effects on behaviors and perceptions of preschoolers. Environmental Psychology & Nonverbal Behavior, 3(3), 131-146.


英国paper代写-Strengths help, life comforts

2017-09-08 14:29:00 | 日記
英国paper代写-Strengths help, life comforts讲了竞争,同情心,适应能力,恢复和沟通这几个有点,旨在找出我们在我的语言学习中,在大学生活中如何工作,以及适应新的环境。每个力量都有自己的特殊优势,所以能够解决问题。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

In this essay, my five top strengths will be introduced and analyzed one by one. These five strengths are competition, empathy, adaptability, restorative and communication, which aim to figure out how they work in my language learning, in my college life and in adjusting to a new environment. Each strength possesses its own special advantage, so that i am able to solve problems.
To my language learning
When I was in an English speech contest about resources, I felt much stressed at the beginning. I knew I am afraid of competition. Actually, I was afraid of failures. However, at the last ten minutes of the contest, the competitive atmosphere makes me calm instead. I cannot avoid competing and I am not the only one in the stage. And I believed it was an opportunity to show my strength. Thus, I performed better than I did in the usual, although I had not got the prize. The failure gives a little blow to the confidence, but I make a good progress through analyzing the reason and summarizing the experience. As for a language learner, I must establish the awareness of competition. The world is changing all the time, so does the language. The change of the language embodies in the expansion of the new words, the diverse usage of a word, etc. ; so that I have to hold the changing information, to learn it, to accumulate it preparing for possible competition. School is the best place for spreading knowledge. It is pure like the heaven. Yet, school is also the epitome of society, where there is harsh competition. Students compete for grade, for ranking, for family background, etc. However, competition is good for students. I am face with the competition bravely. Even I fail, I left no regrets.
Empathy is an instinctive ability, which enables me to listen, to see, to sense, to understand other people’s world. With this psychological trait, I even can explore the feeling we have but never being showed through a picture, a novel, a song, a movie, etc. For example, The Bridge of Madison County is one of my favorite movies, which tells a story about a married woman’s love for a photographer. After finishing the movie, I put myself in the position of the married woman and feel tangled as for how to make choice between family and love. Finally, my strength of empathy makes me understand the woman’s choice. The woman is not a selfish person; family is her duty; she cannot leave her husband, children alone and to pursue her love, so she abandons the latter. To listen with empathy, I build up friendships. The person who is my friend has the similar interest, temper and taste with me and I am willing to spend more time with the person who agrees with me. It is because of the empathy that connects two or more people together. Listening is an important way for me to know how other people feel or what their attitude is. I always remember to be a good listener, so that i can show my empathy after listening genuinely. Listening with empathy can also be applied to cure patients who are psychological ill or emotionally agitate themselves. It means that the listener offers the individual a space to express themselves, but does not instruct how they should behave or respond (Serbin, K. M, 2013). Therefore, listening is the first step to show empathy. To see with empathy, I can discover a new emotional world. Sometimes, it is very hard for me to express the feelings or speak out the comprehension. Then when I encounter books or anything else which tells the same things, I will appreciate them a lot for helping me relieve our feelings. Probably, that is the reason I love the book, love the author, love the song, etc.
To my college life
Undoubtedly, I will feel upset if we cannot exactly put my thoughts or perspectives into words, while if I can express our feelings correctly, I will feel good a lot. In order to avoid the former situation, I need the good communication skills and ability. It is no doubt that conflicts will occur in the dorm. Once, I argued with my roommates about how many times we should clean the floor a week. Some said four times a week, some said three times a week and I insisted once a day at least. I knew we should calm down and have a good communication, so that the conflict will be solved. Finally, I persuaded them to accept my ideas by telling them how important the cleanness to a dorm and to the health to all of us. Most of us have experienced the self-introduction in a new class or in an job interview. Some performance very good, but some are not. I still remember the first time I made a self-introduce in the class and in the dormitory. Because of my good communication strengths, I can get along well with my classmates and roommates always. People with good communication skills are able to express their ideas effectively and exactly, so that the listener can understand very well and it benefits the both sides. Especially in the beginning of my college life, good communication skills show its great strength. Therefore, it is normally that students with good communication skills will leave a deep impression on their fellow students and teachers; interviewees with good communication skills have bigger possibility to be employed. An article shows that doctors with good communication skills have a good relationship with patients. Doctors identify patients’ issues more correctly and accurately, and then patients satisfy with doctors’ care and be more willing to follow their advice (Maguire, Peter, and C. Pitceathly, 2003:697-700). From this statement, a conclusion can be drawn: the ability to communicate well benefits both my life and study, which enable me to avoid and solve many practical problems. With the popularization of higher education, the number of high school students is rising. That means the competition between college students is also rising. Thus, I admit that I am living in a world as roman arena; competition is on its way always. According to Darwin’s theory of evolution, I know that species have the trend of excessive reproduction. However, the space and resources are limited. Species have to struggle for survival, which is called the survival of the fittest (Alzohairy, Ahmed Mansour, 2009:27-46). Form this point, competition is for survival.
To adjust to a new culture
When I was a freshman, I felt very nervous and uncomfortable when I talked to a stranger, especially the senior. However, I got helps from one of my roommates who told me that everyone is equal in America even you are the president, so you do not need to be afraid. I listened to him and understand I should adjust to the change of the environment. Adaptability is a basic strength I should have. Therefore, I look at people in an equal point no matter who they are. And I feel relaxed when I face them. The freshmen leave home, arrive at the new place, meet the strange people, which make them expected as well as feel unsafe. In light of this situation, the ability to adjust to the new environment shows its prominent function. Students who study abroad have the chance to touch all sorts of knowledge within diverse culture, but these students living in a relevant different environment from their motherland will also feel uncomfortable or unaccustomed at the very beginning of their school life. Therefore, how much the student feels uncomfortable and unaccustomed in the new environment depends on their adaptability. Students with strong adaptability enable them to integrate into the new interpersonal relationship quickly, while students with weak adaptability need a long transitional period of time. A result about the social adaptability of international students has been made, which shows that this ability and skills have a direct impact on students’ social connections. Meanwhile, students’ social adaptability is influenced by local people’s attitude towards diverse culture (Lewis, Amy, G. S. Ching, and Y. N. Su, 2013). Adaptability is not a born ability. I will cultivate it consciously, so that I can apply it to where it is needed.
The strength of restorative also help me a lot. In the course of learning a new culture and adjusting to new environment, I have met couples of challenges and problems. A very basic question occurs at my oversea life: cultural difference between America and China. Such difference occurs in my study, in my interpersonal relationships, which makes me feel upset. Once I have lunch with one of my new classmates. I paid for him after finishing the meal in order to show my kindness and enthusiasm. However, he was not happy for that. From this story, I knew the reason why my classmate was unhappy for I paid for him. Analyzing the problem indicates that details should be paid attention and looking for the reasonable evidence. My classmate insisted we should make it Dutch, which shows his attitude to my action. Based on the former steps, I am settling the problem and bringing things back to track. Finally I respected his choice. From this story, I am aware of the cultural difference between China and America in the aspect of money. Although it is a very trivial matter, it does have an impact on my life directly. Therefore, whenever I am disturbed by conflicts or problems, I always observe the steps of settling things, which gets double effects. That is: figure out the problem, analyze the problem, and solve the problem. Figuring out the problem means to find out the root cause of things. Ask why. This step is the most important one, I believe, for if I cannot identify what is wrong, I will go in the mistaken way and even have things become worse.
In conclusion, competition is the power that drive me make progress; empathy is the embodiment of my emotional world; adaptability is the guidance to let me into new environment; restorative is to bring things back to my life; communication is the art of life. Human beings are not born with special strengths. I need to cultivate them consciously, so that to make myself become stronger.

Alzohairy, Ahmed Mansour. "Darwin's Theory Of Evolution." Darwin's Anniversary 2009:27-46.
Lewis, Amy, G. S. Ching, and Y. N. Su. "A case study on the international students’ social adaptability in Taiwan: A qualitative study."International Journal of Research Studies in Psychology 2.1(2013).
Maguire, Peter, and C. Pitceathly. "Key communication skills and how to acquire them." Bmj Chinese Edition 325.7366(2003):697-700.
Serbin, K. M. "The power of empathy:, listening, processing, and staying out of the way. " Professional Case Management 18.1(2013).


英国paper代写-The financial crunch

2017-09-08 14:21:35 | 日記
本篇英国paper代写-The financial crunch 讲了2008 - 09年度席卷全球的金融危机对全球各地的球员造成了沉重打击,拖累了新西兰的真正困境。随着世界正在经济复苏中挣扎,新西兰与世界其他地区有利害关系,这个拥有小领土的国家已经出现了一个新的环境。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The financial crunch that swept the whole world in 2008-09 exacted a heavy toll on all global players, dragging New Zealand into this real fix. As the world is struggling with economic recovery and New Zealand has a stake in the rest of the world, this country with small territory has come up against a new environment. Such situation calls for chief executives in New Zealand’ s organizations taking unprecedented steps to deal with new challenges that have popped up. Hutchison and Boxall, scholars in the University of Auckland, have published a special thesis——The critical challenges facing New Zealand’ s chief executives: implications for management skills——as a guidance for top managers who are seeking effective solutions.
Centering on this publication, this essay will make a brief review on and analyze it first, by delving into both its strengths and weakness points. Meanwhile, my points of view will be presented in the form of compliments or critiques, with academic sources backing up my argument.
Article review
In general, thesis statement comes down to the following words: since New Zealand has yet to bounce back from the economic turmoil, the challenging atmosphere for businesses has brought bosses there up against thorny tasks that dictate fresh managerial capabilities in a more versatile manner and a sharp vision reaching out to future operation. Facing an uncertain, volatile business landscape, headhunters need to bring out their best to acquire new skills and make long-lasting efforts to adapt to the changing environment.
Due to the fact that inadequate productivity can be traced to deficient management capability (Hutchison and Boxall, p. 26), lifting managerial ability to a new height comes as a critical issue for New Zealand. Having conducted a survey for organizational leaders in private, public and non-profit institutions, the two authors (p. 33) drew up three charts to demonstrate bosses’ views on risks. Leaders in organizations of three kinds selected economic climate as the main dangerous factor. This means they are responsive to the atmosphere and have aware of the strenuous mission to retain talents and deal with the retirement of baby boomers (Hutchison and Boxall, p. 33). However, they remain divided when it comes to their driving force, as employers in private sector stay externally-focused while those in non-private sector are inwardly-centered. In this connection, top executives shall learn to manage uncertainty and renewal, as volatile, complex market picture brings them a demanding task to seize up their context. Besides, the capability makes a visible difference to attend to their relationship with stakeholders, partners and internal resources (Hutchison and Boxall, 34).
Personal agreement and disagreement with the statement
As a general, I agree with only part of their thesis statement. This study is echoed by me in two respects. First, the detailed ways to scale new heights in management work——say attaching priority to uncertainties, developing interpersonal and political skills, cultivating individual quality of staff and using managerial practices survey——stand to come into handy. Second, this work sheds light on me by explaining why market shift, sluggish economic growth and financial constraints pose multiple challenges for managers.
What’ s more, the authors attached great importance to team work, emphasizing with my opinion to a large degree. Arguably, team work has become the norm in organizations all over the world. Efforts made by individuals can yield impressive achievement if they can be pooled together into a new one. New Zealand, dotted with small- and medium-sized companies, enjoys enormous room for team work, if you view the word “team” in a broad sense. This is because such organizations without scale effect can band together and operate as a team does while maintaining independent power. This promises to turn New Zealand’ s weakness into its edge if team work is broadly defined and utilized there.
Such being the case, I fail to agree with Hutchison and Boxall on some parts of their work. They presented enormous emigration as a threat evoking brain drain. However, I don’t think a notable number of emigrants predicts a big risk. New Zealand is a country consisting of diverse ethnic groups. The aboriginals, Maoris, account for only a small proportion in this land (Statistics New Zealand, 2014). This means there is an endless stream of workforce from other regions and countries, despite a notable number of emigrants. A sheer volume of immigrants comes as an offset to the number of emigrants. In this sense, even emigration is a risk causing brain drain or insufficient labor force, it is in no way an urgent factor that shall be addressed immediately. Many migrants from developing countries, say India and China, are eager to have a home to settle in on this land. They are likely to join the local working group and can serve as labors, or even the talent pool.
Strengths of this work
It is worth mentioning that this work jointly finished by Hutchison and Boxall bubbles over with many highlights catching our eyes. To begin with, it identified deficiencies in previous works, including weak persuasive power resulting from inadequate samples. To get this right, it collected a wide range of data involving private businesses, public sector and non-profit organizations. The adequate gathered samples functioned as a strong backup for their results, making conclusion more reliable and persuasive.
In addition to organizations of all kinds, this study categorized the data according to their sources. Instead of wrapping up data from different sources in the same package, the study divided data into two categories: those from commercial ventures and others. Therefore, it accordingly generated advice of two kinds respectively for businesses and the rest, making itself more specific.
Moreover, this thesis used two methods——one is quantitative while the other is qualitative, consolidating its argument effectively. The listed charts were straightforward for reader, making the delivered results clearer. After all, qualitative research alone cannot underpin a credible argument and thus quantitative methods are needed (Mahoney & Goertz, 229).
Weaknesses of this work
Having said that, it can not be denied that there remains room for this paper to be improved. The world is in the middle of stagnant economic recovery and globalization brings about a confusing, ever-changing atmosphere for all countries. Such prominent change in economic climate bears down on not only New Zealand, but almost the rest of the world. This work puts economic climate as the primary issue before managers in New Zealand. Therefore, it is fair to say that solutions put forward by this work are poorly responsive to the specific situation of New Zealand. Such advice for New Zealand’ s leaders is at the same time applicable for their counterparts around the world. In other words, ways in this work to address economic landscape fail to live up to unique demands from New Zealand alone.
Alongside that, this work might as well refer how to deal with the relationship between market and government. Macro control, as an important instrument for adjusting the trend of economic running, acts as a forcible driver of economy. The short rate, for instance, is a significant policy measure by the government, and has a great deal to economic stability (Rudebusch & Wu, 906). In this connection, business owners or even managers in other organizations shall grasp political knowledge so that they can alertly smell where the economy will go. This stands to give them a keen vision of economic scene and help them adjust actions or steps in line with the changing environment.
On top of that, as the authors mentioned brain drain as a salient risk for New Zealand, they failed to give specific steps to solve this problem, even with some elusive countermeasures they presented. Motivation is essential to an institution who seeks to retain talents. According to the Hierarchy of Needs Theory drawn up by Maslow, self-actualization stands at the highest position in personal needs. And an organization tends to be a promising environment for individuals to realize themselves. As such, some specific solutions can be proposed, such as ESOP, in order to flesh up the work that lacks luster in figuring out immediately feasible steps.
Finally, it appears better if it delves into political environment in New Zealand including policy measures rolled out by the government. Such analysis can guide bosses to do a good job in developing relevant skills in case of challenges driven by political means, since only a promising, stable political environment makes it possible for businesses to flourish. Such phenomenon as investigation has risen in America on how the domestic politics shape foreign economic policies that thereby impact global economic network (Oatley, 311). This gives full expression to how political atmosphere at home and abroad bears on economic and commercial picture. Hence, it would add luster to this article if it explored political influence on commercial management and listed effective suggestions for managers.
Hutchison and Boxall made great efforts to conduct a survey in a way to gather data. It can be implied that a good quantity of time was spent on that move. As their statistics showed, market shift, sluggish economic growth and financial constraints pose multiple challenges for managers. In this sense, they need to sharpen their managerial competence in an all-round way to keep their business afloat. Nevertheless, emigration is not an urgent threats for New Zealand for massive inroads of immigrants into this land. Although, this thesis captures readers’ compliments by the use of both quantitative and qualitative methods, clear charts and wide-ranging data, its advice for leaders lacks luster without exclusive and unique ways for bosses in New Zealand and pertinent analysis on political context there.

Statistics New Zealand. 2013 Census QuickStats about culture and identity—Birthplace and people born overseas. Web 15 Apr. 2014. [23 Sep. 2016]
Hutchison A. and Boxall B., 2014. The critical challenges facing New Zealand’s chief executives: implications for management skills. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 52(1), p.23–41
Mahoney, J., & Goertz, G., 2006. A Tale of Two Cultures: Contrasting Quantitative and Qualitative Research. Political Analysis, 14(3), 227-249.
Oatley, T., 2011. The Reductionist Gamble: Open Economy Politics in the Global Economy. International Organization, 65(2), 311-341.
Rudebusch, G., & Wu, T. 2008. A Macro-Finance Model of the Term Structure, Monetary Policy and the Economy. The Economic Journal, 118(530), 906-926.
