

Hello from Russia

2006年01月18日 | Weblog

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! wish u all the best and
good luck, be happy and healthy.

How are u doing? I`m ok, tired, but now i have vacations and can relax and have a rest. The weather is awfull here, it is very very cold. but we i`m doing skiing and snowboarding in spite of everything. how is your family?

Best wishes,



Dear Rita,

С Новым годом !

Пусть Новый год принесёт вам крепкое
семейное благополучие и много всего
хорошего !

Довно не виделись! Thanks for your e-mail. It's great to hear from you. I am doing alright. And My family is fine as well. I have two exams at the end of this month. So I am kind of crazy now, though. Oh, I have news! You might not believe this, but I gave up drinking.

Please say "Hello" from me to your mother.

Take Care!


I am sorry that I am sending you third e-mail. I was not sure that the Russian part was correctly sent. Please delete first two.
