


2006年06月11日 00時51分25秒 | 愛すべき日々
oh my goodness,, the last time i updated this page is on 15 Jun 2004!!
its been 2 years!!!
i am just surprised that its still exist...hehe, thanks for your patiance, goo-san.

anyway,, i just checked the access log and found its been viewed for 13 times last week..13 times, quite a lot, i guess..for i havent uploaded anything here...
13 times....but wate a minute,,it says it's only by 1 person.
i know there is one kind kind person who are wating for me to put anything here,hey its you!!! tell me who it is,,hehe,,,
never mind, i wanna say thank YOU..

now i am using another blog site which is viewed by a quite a lot of ppl.
I know i'm having fun to use it but sometimes i feel uneasy to use it cos there are a lot of actual friends of mine,,not only through the net ,,like frineds from schooldays or ppl who are working with me right now...
so, thats why im using thie page.
i wanna put something that i dont want them to read, you know what i mean??hehe.

so here i am, here is the blog i can say my true feelings...
its good to have a place to say that kind of things..
you know,,i am not the kind of person who can say whatever i want.
i somtimes cant say i dont wanna do or i dont like it, or i like it and i like you, i miss you,,i guess youre really good person,or that kind of stuffs.
you know, i cant say those kind of things just because i wanna protect myself,,i dont wanna get hurt.
sometimes it works, sometimes doesnt.
anyway, i ve been like that for these quater of century.

anyway,, i m feeling sleepy, now.
ok,, talk to you later..