Landscaping Progressive Rock Band

Trans-Europe Expressionレビュー

2013-08-27 13:29:36 | Review


Trans-Europe Expressionレビュー一覧


Prog'Sud レビュー

2010-08-19 10:21:54 | Review

先日のProg'Sudコンサート・レビューがフランスのプログレ雑誌「KOID 9」 N°74と「Acid Dragon」#52に掲載されました。

・KOID 9記事


「I subscribe to the group.
TEE has nothing to do with the utensil that keeps the golf ball but is a contraction of The Earth Explorer.
Formed in 2005 under the name of "Euro Express" covering European rock mainly Italian prog.
Two albums to their assets, last released in late 2008 at namesake Musea and the first "First Voyage - Crazy Jam" is a live recording in December 2007. They did bring a dozen copies on sale at the venue that were gone more quickly than the time to say!
TEE will offer us a note will prog 'Symphony often close to camelien universe, this being due in part to the excellent flutist Kenji Imai, very present and that proved to be the soul of this group.
Yet the world of Focus that plunges us entry "Nomad" even though this style of flute brings John Hackett and a zest canterburien way caravan in my mind.
"Sirocco Chase" Outer Limits is in mind, developing complex rhythms to the music is very melodic. Highlighting the flute does not make us overlook the other musicians throughout the concert will show a great cohesion, avoiding unnecessary technical effects and individual. They shackle by "Col de L'Iseran" making reference to the "Tour de France". For the only time the flute sound Jethro Tull and the very catchy song at the beginning gives way almost a medieval document in any way that does not sound Japanese folk but that would illustrate both their middle ages as ours. It unfolds almost in mutating jitter and tapping avowed PFM or QVL point clearly to a superb final. (A few weeks later I still tune it in my head ...).
"Aurora" is introduced by magnificent keyboards, emphatic wish that switch on lines calm melodic guitars and piano that accompany us as film soundtracks and the final section near the beginning that takes us out of our sweet reverie.
Another nod to France with "The Blue Bird" is the name of a luxury car of the train from Paris to Amsterdam. It is a delight to hear of the simple and beautiful melodies, always on a rhythmic complexity. The guitar phrases are not too convoluted and that's good.
Put aside the famous Teru's Symphonia, I see no equivalent in the progressive landscape of Japan. A final camelien superb made the audience enthusiastically called for an encore. This will bring unreleased "Endevour", a symphonic piece as proposed by the Indonesian Discus but without making head technology.
A deserved victory for this group because of quality and sobriety. (And that's the repetition they had played "La Machine" of Eclat and the flutist had offered us 30 seconds of "Firth of Fifth"!)」

・Acid Dragon記事


2009-06-19 10:12:01 | Review

「The Earth Explorer」のレビューがヨーロッパのプログレ系音楽誌に掲載されました。

Progressive Newsletter - Nr.65 (Germany)

TEE, a group from Tokyo, which exists since 2005. It originally started out under the name "Euro Express" as a pure cover band such as European PFM or Area. But soon, the decision was made solely at your own material but without the "European" sound from the eyes to lose. The quintet in the occupation of flute, keyboards, drums, bass and guitar manages to really perfect, its Japanese roots, both from the approach, as well as sound, complete with side and wipe mostly melodically playful, occasionally thorny 70s Progressive / Rock Sinfonic with light jazz-rock beat and oriental folk side to devoted. Above all, the flute is a management tool embedded in a very large space, while TEE playfully always work best when times are a little further away from the pure harmonic sound goes. Composition, there is still the real surprises, it remains in the arrangement in part simply too good. Since the basic direction, but not too badly chosen, and sometimes very good to see what is still possible to succeed, perhaps with the next album is another step forward.
Samples are available on MySpace page, and the distribution on Musea, on CDBaby are done, it is also quite simple, this CD is for sale.
[Kristian Selm]

iO pages - issue 87 (Netherland)

TEE (Trans Europe Express) is a new Japanese prog band - apart from some choir parties - is instrumental music. Big men in the group are keyboardist Ryuji Yonekura and guitarist Katsumi Yoneda. The music on The Earth Explorer, as a travel with the TEE be seen. The announcement this CD was a comparison with Asturias. Can. Personal I would like to add to Solaris, especially by the prominent presence of flutist Kenji Imai. I feel less TEE than the Hungarians. The number Siricco Chase has, in my opinion, the most features of Solaris, but also sounds a Focus sometimes by. Yonekura is much piano hear what the music is sometimes a jazzy touch indicates. His piano playing in Col De L'Iseran is pretty. Especially the track Nomad in which a melody from the Middle East incorporated in it. Rhythmic contrasts it all well put together, thanks to drummer Takayuki Asada and bassist Yukio Iigahama. The highlight of the CD is in my Aurora that a strong, slightly bombastic intro and more symphonic sound with nice a gift eruption on guitar from the very melodic playing Yoneda. Lovers of the examples must decide just one listen to The Earth Explorer, although not earth-shattering, this is a nice debut.
[Paul Rijkens]

The Earth Explorer レビュー

2009-04-27 11:21:34 | Review


英訳 「The lively, dynamic, progressive music in lots of wonderful flute and keyboard and can be associated with a performance of early Camel. This is the first Japanese Quintet, which shows his versatility, drawing from jazz and fusion, all the beautiful melodies. All tracks are instrumental. Emerging voices have been used as a solo instrument, singing vocalizes.」










(Canada)          (USA)











(France)     (Netherland)

(Germany)         (Brazil)







ライブ レポート

2009-02-25 10:05:05 | Review

・「Progressive Live」 2010/5/9@Silver Elephant

・「Progressive Live」 2007/9/16@Silver Elephant

・「プログレッシヴ FLUTE!!」2008/4/13@新宿Live Freak

「Progressive Live」 2008/5/18@Silver Elephant
「vibrestone Weblog」

「POSEIDONフェスティバル」 2008/11/2@Silver Elephant
「strange music page::wp」

First Voyage レビュー

2009-02-25 09:53:06 | Review

「Euro-Rock Press - Vol.36, p-51」

”専任フルート奏者入りの新人バンドのデビュー作で、4曲入りのミニ。昨年7月にCrazy Jamで行われたライヴの模様を録音したもので、欧州シンフォ、特にPFMからの影響が感じられる=KENSOに相通ずる部分もある。必ずしも叙情性一辺倒というわけでなく、時折ヘヴィなリフが切り込んできたり、AREAを思わせる地中海メロディが登場したりと曲構成のセンスはなかなかのもの。ライヴということで、演奏そのもについては100%の出来とは言えないが、バンドの持つポテンシャルはある程度再現できていると思う。スロー~ミディアム・テンポの展開に一層の磨きをかけてスタジオ盤をリリースして欲しい。”

「Music Term」

「World Disque」(以下転載)
THE EARTH EXPLORER/First Voyage-Live In Crazy Jam (CD-R/Japan.'07)(税込¥1260)
元Interpose+のkbd奏者、Ryuji Yonekuraらによって結成された、インスト・シンフォニック系新バンドの初音源となる07年7月29日、東京Crazy Jamでのライヴ(全4曲、約30分)。フルートを前面に押し出した5人編成(kbd、fl、g、b、dr)にて、クリムゾン、バンコ、キャメル、初期ケンソーを思わせるテクニカルかつマニアックなサウンドを展開しています。ほのかにトラディショナルな色を交えつつ舞うフルート、叙情的な泣きも効かせたギターなど、高水準な演奏/楽曲が味わえる注目の一枚! ”


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