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日記 紫式部 織姫 謙虚に傲慢 有名人 芸術家 財閥家 日英翻訳発音用

2023-05-09 17:25:39 | 日記

Murasaki Shikibu was a private tutor to Akiko Nakamiya in Oita Prefecture and a relative of the Minamoto Imperial Family(:紫式部は大分県で中宮晶子の家庭教師をしていた源皇家の親戚。). Emperor Ichijo, who was born in Osaka, came to Tokyo to become an emperor and married Akiko Chugu.(:大坂で生まれた一条天皇は上京して天皇となり、中宮明子と結婚した。) Murasaki Shikibu is used as a model for the 500-yen bookstore gift certificate, and is also the 2,000-yen note designated by the Japan Mint.(:紫式部は500円書店商品券のモデルで、造幣局指定の2,000円札でもあります。) She was not allowed to be held criminally responsible for being arrogant and was poisoned by the Sugawara imperial family in a conflict.(:彼女は傲慢で刑事責任を問われることを許されず、争いの中で菅原皇族によって毒殺された。) It is a status of a servant called a relative's wife (Nyobo). Furthermore,(:身内の妻(にょぼう)と呼ばれる召使いの身分です。さらに、) Murasaki Shikibu, who lived in the middle of the Heian period for Genji,(:源氏のために平安時代中期に生きた紫式部は、) was one of the 54-volume novelists in the scroll-style book The Tale of Genji, (:源氏物語全54巻の小説家の一人。)and created a romance short story on the theme of the Imperial family.(:皇室をテーマにした恋愛短編小説を制作。)

However, Murasaki Shikibu, who was born on February 3rd, 921 A.D.(:しかし、西暦921年2月3日生まれの紫式部。) as blood type O Aquarius, passed away at the age of 31. (:水瓶座O型で、31歳で逝去されました。)This is presumed to be a person who was killed because of his pride. (:これはプライドゆえに殺された人物と推定される。)Originally, this conflict between the Genji and Heike families is recognized as a conflict between the imperial family that dates back to the middle of the Heian period. (:本来、この源氏家と平家家の対立は、平安時代中期にさかのぼる皇族間の対立と認識されている。)In addition, Minamoto no Yoritomo was the first Seii Taishogun of the Shogunate during the Kamakura period. (:また、源頼朝は鎌倉時代の初代征夷大将軍です。)Gen left the imperial family and joined the shogunate. After that,(:源は皇室を離れ、幕府に入った。その後、) Orihime was a zaibatsu family who was active during the Minamoto Shogunate era in the Kamakura period, (:織姫は、鎌倉時代の源幕府時代に活躍した財閥家で、)and was a wealthy person who boosted Yamaguchi Hajime's initial assets,(:山口肇の初期資産を押し上げた富豪であり、) Prosperit Real Estate, to a capital of 19 hundred Thousand Million yen.(:栄えある不動産、資本金190億円に。)Although Orihime is a relative of Emperor Kenpo and is higher in the imperial family than Murasaki Shikibu, a relative of the Minamoto Imperial family,(:織姫は憲法天皇の親戚であり、源皇族の親戚である紫式部よりも皇族の地位が高いが、) Orihime, founder of Sumitomo Corporation was humble.(:住友商事の創業者である織姫は謙虚でした。)

