Last weekend I went to the beautiful Yumenoshima Tropical Greenhouse Dome (夢の島熱帯植物館). It has tropical plants from rainforests (熱帯雨林) and the Ogasawara Islands, and a carnivorous plant (食虫植物) room.
Here are some pictures:
Here's a quiz on some common English flower names. The answers are in the comments.
Thank you for sharing the beautiful photos The shapes of the flowers are very unique. Those photos reminded me of the paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe.
I didn’t know all of the names on the list, but I laughed when I saw ‘weed’. Because somehow I felt it was funny!
2. アジサイ-hydrangea
3. カーネーション-carnation
4. ゼラニウム-geranium
5. タンポポ-dandelion
6. チューリップ-tulip
7. ツバキ-camellia
8. デイジー-daisy
9. バラ-rose
10. ユリ-lily
11. ラン-orchid
12. 菊-chrysanthemum
13. 菜の花-rape blossom
14. 桜の花-cherry blossom
15. 藤-wisteria
16. 雑草-weed
17. 菖蒲-iris