

過ちから学びましょう - "in" and "later"

2008-06-21 22:25:28 | 過ちから学びましょう
How do you say 一時間後に電話します? Did you say, "I'll call you one hour later"? This is a really difficult sentence (難しい文章)because 後 has two meanings in English.

The most important thing to remember is that "in" means "from NOW" (今から~後).

例:I'll call you back in 10 minutes.(10分後に折り返し電話します。)
例:I'm leaving in one week.(1週間後に出発します。)
例:I have to go in ten minutes.(10分後に出なければなりません。)

All of these sentences mean 今から~後.

"Later" is always used for things that happen after some time in the past (過去)or the future (未来). (「later」は過去か未来のある時点より後にものごとが起こる時に使われます。)Here are some examples:

例:I'm going to depart on July 16 and come back one week later.(7月16日に出発して、その一週間後に戻ってきます。)
例:I bought a new Walkman, but it broke one week later.(新しいウオークマンを買いました。しかしその一週間後に壊れました。)
例:I'll take the test tomorrow and I'll get the results one week later.(試験を明日受けます。結果はその一週間後にもらいます。)

Try translating the sentences below into English. There are some vocabulary hints below. 以下の文書を英語に訳してください。以下にヒントがあります。

1. 五分後に帰ります。
2. 三時間後に終わった。
3. 私は6時に着いて、兄いは一時間後に着く。
4. 一年後に卒業しました。
5. 一ヶ月後まで払えません。
6. 二日間後に提出しなければならりません。
7. 彼は二時間後に出発しました。
8. 一週間後まで彼と会えません。
9. 10分後に終わります。
10. 数日後に連絡します。

If you write your answers in the comments of this blog, I will check them. このブログのコメントに答えを書いてくれたら、チェックします。)You don't have to use your real name and more than one person (二人以上) can do it. 

Vocabulary hints: graduate, hand in, depart, contact

By the way (ちなみに), when I was writing these sentences, I wrote 一ヶ月後まで請求書を払わなくてもいいです。My wife said I have to change it to, 「一ヶ月以内に請求書を払えばいい。」 I think you can understand the English thinking from my mistake because we say, "I don't have to pay the bill until one month later." In English, "don't have to ~ until ~ later" is like 「~以内に~をすればいい。」


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過ちから学びましょう "in" and "later" (Kats)
2008-06-24 16:13:59
Please check my answers below:

1. I'll be back in 5 minutes.
2. It's finished 3 hours later.
3. I'm arriving at six, and my brother is arriving one hour later.
4. I graduated one year later.
5. I can't pay until one month later.
6. I have to submit it in 2 days.
7. He departed 2 hours later.
8. I won't see him until one week later.
9. It's gonna be over in 10 minutes.
10. I'll contact you in several days.

Thank you,
To Kats (Ed)
2008-06-25 09:04:48
Thanks for doing the quiz! Your answers are almost perfect.
The only problem is number three.
"It's finished three hours later" should be "I finished three hours later." We can't use the 現在完了形 with later.
Also, for number nine, your answer is perfect, but I meant "I will be finished in ten minutes" so that would be correct too.
Really good job.