

危険な英語の間違えのベスト10 (その6)

2008-11-15 23:04:10 | 過ちから学びましょう
Usually, mistakes are not serious (真剣). If you forget (忘れる) “a” or “the” people will be able to understand you, or if you say “Go to shopping” instead of (変わりに) “go shopping” (買い物は場所ではないから”to”は使えない), people will still understand your meaning. But some mistakes can be very dangerous.

This series is about the most dangerous mistakes in English. These are mistakes that could cause a serious misunderstanding (重大な誤解の原因になる). Here’s number 6:

What do these three sentences mean?
1. Only I like you.
2. I only like you.
3. I like only you.

Number one means, "あなたが好きな人は私だけです". Number two means, "あなたが好きだけど愛していない". Number three means "あなただけが好き". As you can see (ご覧の通り), the position (位置) of words can be very important. You should put the word as near to the word it is modifying as possible. (修飾語は修飾したい単語の近くに置きましょう。)
Here are some other examples:
1. I bought a gold ladies' watch.
2. I understood what he said easily.
3. We almost ate all of the pizza.
4. The car was reported stolen by my wife.
5. At the age of seven, her mother died.
6. He was diagnosed by the doctor with a mental illness.
7. He ate the food he had cooked slowly.
8. My friend said on Monday he will go to Osaka.

又は 友達が月曜日に大阪に行くと言いました。

Can you fix (直す)these sentences? If you write them correctly and leave them in the comments, I will check them.


2 コメント

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Unknown (ToTo)
2008-11-16 00:51:21

1. I bought a ladies' gold watch. 私は女の金時計を買いました。
2. I understood easily what he said. 私は彼の言葉を容易に理解できました。
3. We ate almost all of the pizza. 私たちはピザをほとんど全部食べました。
4. My wife was reported to have stolen the car. / It was reported that my wife had stolen the car. / Someone reported that my wife had stolen the car. 私の妻は、車が盗まれたことを報告しました。
5. When she was seven, her mother died. 彼女は、7歳の時に母親を亡くしました。
6. The doctor diagnosed him with a mental illness. / The doctor diagnosed him as having a mental illness. / He was diagnosed as a mental illness by the doctor. 彼は医師に精神病だと診断された。
7. He slowly ate the food that he'd cooked. 彼は自分で作った食事をゆっくり食べた。
8. My friend said that he'll go to Osaka on Monday. 友人は、大阪には月曜日に行くと言いました。
To Toto (Ed)
2008-11-16 09:39:54
These are excellent! Here are a few comments:
#2 - "I easily understood what he said." sounds more natural, but your answer is correct.
#6 - "He was diagnosed as a mental illness by the doctor." means "He was a mental illness." It should be "He was diagnosed with a mental illness by the doctor."