

A great photo blog

2007-12-21 15:25:58 | Weblog
This is a blog that I really enjoy visiting. I met a guy at my photography club who really loves traveling abroad (海外). He went to eight countries this year! He puts up a new photo every day. It's not related to English  (英語と関係ない) but maybe it will inspire (する気を起こさせる) you to study English so you can travel. The URL is http://minoritys.exblog.jp/.
Here are a couple of his photos:


1 コメント

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Hi (shinya)
2007-12-24 11:50:02
Hi Ed!!
Thank you for introducing my blog.
No problem,of course.
I linked to your blog,too.
I'll travel to 9th country from 28th Dec.
Happy New Year !!