

Five-color sunsets (五色の夕焼け)

2008-08-04 15:34:50 | 講師たちの生活
  I just got back from my trip to Greece (ギリシア). Greece is a wonderful (素晴らしい)country with delicious food and friendly people, but the best thing about it is the sunsets (夕焼け).

 I've seen a lot of beautiful sunsets in Canada, Japan, and other countries, but they can't compare (比べられない)with Greece.

 This is the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea (エーゲ海). Many people say it has the most beautiful sunsets in the world, and I agree (賛成する)!

 The most impressive (印象的な) thing is that you can see five colors in the sun.

There are many beautiful old churches (教会) on the island. It's nice to watch a sunset sitting near these beautiful old buildings.

This is the old town of Napflio. We saw a really mysterious (不思議な) sunset here with strange shadows (日陰) in the sky.

Here's a translation quiz (翻訳クイズ).If you write your answers in the comments of this blog, I will check them. このブログのコメントに答えを書いてくれたら、チェックします。)You don't have to use your real name and more than one person (二人以上) can do it. 

1. 夕焼けは何時かを知っていますか。
2. 太陽は五色に見えました。
3. ギリシアの夕焼けはどうでしたか。
4. 太陽は西に沈む。
5. 夕焼けは空を真っ赤にさせた。
6. ギリシアに行ったら是非夕焼けを見てください。
7. サントリーニでは世界で一番きれいな夕焼けが見えます。
8. こんなにきれいな夕焼けは見たことがない。