

外国人がよく見るウエブサイト - Metropolis

2008-05-27 14:27:12 | ウエブサイト

  When I first came to Japan, I had no place to stay and no furniture. I was very happy to find a free paper called "Metropolis," because it helped me to find a guesthouse and buy some cheap, used furniture (家具). I also used it to find a language exchange, which helped me to learn Japanese and make friends.
 Metropolis has a really nice website, with restaurant, entertainment, and food information, and they also have really good classified ads (広告欄). If you would like to make foreign friends, why not try a language exchange or join a club (Arts, Environmental, International, Leisure, Professional, Religious, Sports)?
 You can also find the magazine version at many bookstores, or bars and restaurants where many foreigners go.