


2008-05-24 11:47:14 | さまざまな意味を持つ単語
 How do you say 濃い in English? Yesterday, one of my students said that Tokyo food is more 濃い than food in Osaka. I checked in 英辞郎, and found "rich," "thick," "full-flavored," "dark," "strongly flavored."
 If you say, "this food is rich," it means the food has a lot of sugar, butter or cream.
例: "My birthday cake was really rich and tasty."
Thick is for the texture (質感). It means that a liquid is a little hard.
例: "This pudding is really thick."
 Dark is only for the color.
例: "The chocolate had a nice dark color."
I If a food has a strong flavor, you can say it is "full-flavored," "strong," or "strongly flavored." Full flavored emphasizes (強調する) that the flavor is strong, but also has the nuance of being delicious. Strong flavored just means strong, and we don't know if it is delicious or not.
例: "I love his coffee because it's so full-flavored."
例: "This tea is too strong. It needs some sugar."
例: "The food in Tokyo is more strongly flavored than the food in Osaka."