


2008-03-31 22:55:50 | Weblog
 On Saturday, I went to Yoyogi Park for cherry blossom viewing (花見). The cherry blossoms were in full-bloom (満開) and it was a beautiful day.

 There were about 15 people at the party, and it was really fun eating and drinking under the cherry blossoms.

 Just before I left, one of the partygoers (パーティの出席者) showed me a groundbreaking (画期的な)idea for enjoying cherry blossoms - a mirror (鏡). If you have a mirror, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms while you eat, or enjoy the beauty without straining your neck (首を痛めずに楽しめる)!

The 花見鏡 is not his only innovation (革新), however. He also had another, idea, the 花見フレーム. Of course (もちろん), cherry blossoms are beautiful, but wouldn't they be more beautiful with a frame around them?
