

外国人がよく見るウエブサイト - 映画編

2008-03-19 00:05:21 | ウエブサイト
  I would like to introduce some of the interesting sites that many English speakers enjoy visiting.  I really like movies, so today I'm going to talk about some good websites for movie fans.

The first one is called Rotten Tomatoes (腐ったトマト)*. It is a famous movie review (映画批評記事) site. It's popular because they collect (集まる)movie reviews from hundreds of critics (評論家)and give the movie a score based on the number of favorable reviews (いい批評の数に基づいて). For example, the recent movie I Am Legend got 68 percent, so 68/100 critics gave it a good review. It's a quick and easy way to find out (調べる) if a movie is good.

Another site is the IMDB, the Intenet Movie Database. If you want to know who is in a movie, they have pictures of all the main actors. For example, this is the cast list for Oceans 13:

I'm really forgetful (忘れっぽい) so I often use it to check when I recognize (認識する) the actor's face, but can't remember his name.

*It's called Rotten Tomatoes because in the past (過去), people would sometimes throw rotten tomatoes if they didn't enjoy a performance.