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SBS~ヤマト The End Of The Japanese Battleship Yamato - World Documentary Films HD

2017-04-23 18:44:17 | 日記
The End Of The Japanese Battleship Yamato - World Documentary Films HD

神戸大学の簑原俊洋 (みのはら・としひろ) 先生が大活躍でした。

In 1934, the Japanese begin designing the Yamato, the most powerful battleship in history. Japan's determined to retain control in the Pacific so builds a ship 30 per cent larger than anything their enemies have. Constructed in absolute secrecy, the Japanese go to extraordinary lengths to ensure no detail is revealed. As the threat to shipping changes, the Yamato is retrofitted with one hundred anti-aircraft guns as it sets off to battle at Okinawa in what ultimately becomes a suicide mission. This is the story of a floating fortress, the Yamato, the Axis powers' and the world's biggest ever battleship.

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