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Surface Duo 2~ 前モデルより改善されているといいなリスト

2021-08-14 19:56:48 | Tech


Surface Duoの初期モデルはNFCがついていなかったり

Surface Duo2がまたれるところです。

Surface Duo 2 の前モデルより改善されているといいなリストがありました
この通りであればiPhone 12 Pro Max後継機と比較して購入できるかなと思っています。 値段も同じくらいか、Pro Maxより安いかも。


Microsoft Surface Duo 2 wish list
With rumours understandably relatively thin on the ground at the moment, we've put together a list of things we'd love to see on the Surface Duo 2. The Duo is decidedly a first-gen device, so there are plenty of potential areas for improvement:
  • The latest processor - Between the Duo's announcement and release, Qualcomm's Snapdragon 865 chipset was launched. This meant the Duo is running 2018's Snapdragon 855, so we'd like to see Microsoft take steps to avoid a repeat scenario
  • 5G support - Leading on from that, the 865 requires a separate 5G chip that Microsoft hadn't accounted for in the Duo's design. Having 5G support on its successor is a must
  • Slimmer bezels - The Duo is undoubtedly a feat of engineering, but the screens themselves are still sporting a design we saw five years ago. There would be plenty of space for Microsoft to include powerful camera/s and still up the screen-to-body ratio
  • Multiple camera lenses - Speaking of cameras, the Duo has a single 11Mp sensor, which can be used for rear shots and selfies depending on how you use the device. Adding another lens, be it an ultrawide or front-facing camera, would add a lot to the camera experience
  • NFC support - There were a few common smartphone features missing on the Duo, but the lack of NFC is arguably the hardest to forgive. Not having the ability to use Google Pay is hard to ignore, so it should be a priority on the next Duo
  • Bigger battery - Despite the Duo having one battery in each screen, the total capacity is still only 3577mAh. With a number of smartphones now having 5000mAh batteries, it could really do with an upgrade on the Duo 2
  • Reduce the price - While this might be difficult considering the upgrades here, it would be great to see Microsoft make the Duo more affordable. Currently, most people simply can't justify spending £1,349 or more on such a device
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