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James Harrison (blood donor) 

2020-08-08 11:07:15 | 日記
今朝、Channel 10のStudio 10にゲスト出演されていました。

ジェームスさんは憧れです 笑


血漿は45分。  その間、瞑想できます ほんと 笑
...回数を増やしたい、という不純な動機です 笑

James Christopher Harrison (born 27 December 1936), OAM, also known as the Man with the Golden Arm, is a blood plasma donor[1] from Australia whose unusual plasma composition has been used to make a treatment for Rhesus disease. He has made over 1,000 donations throughout his lifetime, and these donations are estimated to have saved over 2.4 million unborn babies from the condition.[1][2] On 11 May 2018 he made his 1173rd donation[3] – his last, as Australian policy prohibits blood donations from those past age 81.[4]


Early life[edit]
James Harrison was born on 27 December 1936.[5] At the age of 14, he underwent major chest surgery, requiring a large amount of blood. Realizing the blood had saved his life, he made a pledge to start donating blood himself as soon as he turned 18, the then-required age.[2]
Blood plasma donations[edit]
Harrison started donating in 1954 and after the first few donations it was discovered that his blood contained unusually strong and persistent antibodies against the D Rh group antigen. The discovery of these antibodies led to the development of immune globulin based products to prevent hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN). These products, which contain a high level of anti-D antibodies are given to Rh(D) negative mothers of unknown or Rh(D) positive babies during and after pregnancy to prevent the creation of antibodies to the blood of a Rh(D) positive child. This antigen sensitization and subsequent incompatibility phenomenon causes Rhesus disease, the most common form of HDN.
Through the donations of his plasma, Harrison has helped prevent thousands of children from dying of HDN. The following research based on his donations created the commercial Anti-D immune globulin commonly known as RhoGAM.
His donations were estimated to have helped save over 2.4 million babies, with pregnant women, including his own daughter Tracey, being treated with his antibodies.[1]
As blood plasma, in contrast to blood, can be donated as often as once every 2 weeks, he was able to reach his 1000th donation in May 2011. This results in an average of one donation every three weeks during 57 years. Commenting on his record, he said: "I could say it's the only record that I hope is broken, because if they do, they have donated a thousand donations."[1]
Research is on to synthetically create a mixture of antibodies that matches what James' body produces naturally. The project is called "James in a Jar".[6]

献血で240万人の赤ちゃんを救った黄金の腕を持つおじいちゃんが人生で最後の献血を終了 - GIGAZINE

「タイトルの数字は、240万人の赤ん坊を救った60年にわたる1,173回の献血を行った81才のミスター ジェームス・ハリソン氏のお話です。Final donation for man whose blood helped save 2.4 million babies. 」
二人目の赤ちゃんもRh+なら、どうなるでしょうか? Rh形質は赤血球上にありますから、Rh+赤血球を攻撃する能力を得たママの血液は、赤ちゃんのRh+赤血球を攻撃する抗体を産生します。妊娠中は、直接の接触はありませんが、抗体はタンパク質なので、胎盤通過して、胎児の中に入り込み、胎児の赤血球を攻撃します。最初の妊娠でなく、Rh-女性の2回目以降の妊娠が問題なのは、このような「感作<反応の場>」が済んでいるからなのです。胎児が重い貧血状態になったり、生まれてからも重症の黄疸になったりする機序はこのような次第です。
*笹川保健財団よくしりませんでしたが世界のハンセン病対策のために創設 されたそうです。  
「人類はみな兄弟」という、TVのCMを知っている世代な自分 笑
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