LEON BIKE Associates 南フランス便り

Urge Bike opens a new way through the concept of environmentally friendly helmet production.
It was a promess since we decided to launch URGE bike products brand with South Shore Bicycles and it has been one of the sensations during Eurobike show.

We kept our promises by presenting the world’s first linen natural fiber helmet. Producing and keeping in mind that being eco friendly is one of our main goals.
We are proud to open a new way and to offer new perspectives in the world of MTB helmets. We want to be more eco friendly and we also want to take care of men and women who work to produce our helmets.
In the meantime, Fabien Barel rode this same helmet and took the 4th overall place at the World’s in Australia. He battled hard and finished near a new title.
This helmet is still a prototype but close to enter in production. We will release it soon.

Many of you came to the booth and commented the different design of URGE helmets. Many of you are today impatient to ride it.

Be aware that the whole 2010 range will be available for the end of this year in every good shop.You will be able to discover the range on the WWW.URGEBIKE.COM website on the 21st of September.
Driven by our roots.

Ps : José Campos’s artworks, who painted “Live” during the show, will be on sale soon. All the benefits will go to an MTB school in Nepal. More infos on www.urgenepal.com

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