

北総菜園日誌:2017小寒・ 雉始鳴(きじはじめてなく)

2017-01-17 | 生活
正月の季節外れの暖かさから一転して、列島は寒波に見舞われ、関東でも雪が散らつく。続けざまに遠方より知人が来訪。多少ほろ苦い過去も酒の肴にすれば美味となり、焼酎「 赤兎馬」の紫をボトルで空ける。
三浦ダイコン、ターサイ、芽キャベツを収穫。 霜が降り続けた畑に生き残る。

The Siberian cold air has come down to Japan, which brought snow to the west Japan as well as to the north.
A couple of old friends visited me to chat about the past memories, some of which are bitter ones though, over a bottle of sojyu.
Arranged a new suits for automn and winter, which they said it takes a month to deliver from their local sawing station in Aomori.
Bodypump and tennis lesson in the weekend. Playing tennis outside under the cold and windy weather may not be a good idea though...
Burassels sprouts together with radishes and Ta-cai from the frozen veggies garden...

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