琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする

The person who instigated the instigated person is equally punishable!

2017年01月10日 18時18分45秒 | 日記
(abettor) an agitator is the person who persuaded a different person to commit a crime by persuasion, a bribe, a threat or other means.
The person who seduced an assault bears the responsibility about the injury causing death as the result. About the person who instigated the instigated person the criminal charge like a foregoing paragraph.
Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China
Article 29.
One who instigates others to commit a crime shall be punished according to the role he plays in the joint crime. One who instigates a person under the age of eighteen to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment.

If the instigated person does not commit the instigated crime, the instigator may be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment.

Criminal Law of the Republic of China
Article 29
A person who instigates a person to commit a criminal act is an abettor.
The punishment of the abettor shall be punished in accordance with the offense instigated by it.

第六一条 人を教唆して犯罪を実行させた者には、正犯の刑を科する。
2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする。

My opinion, ↓ to this global voice article↓ >> Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria? /私の意見、このグローバルボイスの記事への↓「ナイジェリアの南部カドゥナで起こっている大量虐殺を世界は無視していますか?」
>>Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world
>> Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria?
>>Posted 6 January 2017 9:49 GMT

My opinion, ↓ to this global voice article↓ >> Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria? /私の意見、このグローバルボイスの記事への↓「ナイジェリアの南部カドゥナで起こっている大量虐殺を世界は無視していますか?」
I write down a conclusion of my suggestion for this problem earlier.
Suggestion of the priority:
1. In fact, "means to earn foreign currency on behalf of the area and country" being an international crime.
2. In fact, being "a fiction", and disturbing global community order, and seducing "a foreign country and other areas", and the act that behaved saying "I am a representative in the effectiveness rulers of this" "area and country" that rule layer oneself showed for the "foreign country and foreign area" having been the betrayal for the common people of the "country and area."
3. Simply because two crimes by the rule layer mentioned above matched earlier;; "a betrayal" and "an alluring act" "chaining even the "nation common people inside of only one" bundled up by force, and having had the massacre.
4. With judging the rule layer "judge a massacre in these this common people inside between the "nation common people of only one" bundled up by force.

The reason of the conclusion mentioned above:
The rule layer builds the fiction called the nation of only one by force from a certain time. The purpose represent the "area and country" which were means for the rule layer to earn foreign currency. .to show that rule layer oneself is the representative of the "area and country" in "my being an effectiveness ruler here" publicly for "a foreign country and other areas"
And rule layer oneself builds the "fiction" in one only nation inside. It reinforced the means of the rule layer. In that way the country and area advanced to the front forward.
In having built the fiction called the nation of one which the starting point, the rule layer rose of these cases by force at time. "One only nation" did not understand the way of thinking of the rule layer. Common people committed a massacre crime, but it is not a permissible thing in humanity. It advanced to a cuttlefish without common people understanding enough; even if "there was it under the rule layer system called "a fiction" built by force.
☆☆☆ Indication of item three serious matters:
☆ 1. Its being "means for the rule layer to earn foreign currency on behalf of the area and country."
☆ 2. In fact, the means being "a fiction" to show that rule layer oneself is the representative of the "area and country" in "my being an effectiveness ruler here" for "a foreign country and other areas."
☆ 3. Having had to build the "fiction" in the "one only nation" inside.
While the rule layer concealed those three facts indefinitely, in that way only an established fact began to advance forward to before, and a social norm was lost. It became the main cause, and law order was disturbed. Therefore massacres happened in the "country and area" concerned.

The cause investigation of the case:
At a certain time, do not know it whether is greed for either of "money and honor and power" of rule layer oneself, but, anyway, there cannot be really it; "the class of rule that decided to camouflage the falsehood called "the nation of only one" bundled up by force. And the "country and area" under the fiction system of the rule layer have begun to advance as the actual situation of the imitation. Class of rule oneself tells a lie for "a foreign country and other areas" and, by means for the rule layer that seduces such the aerial "country and area" common people, and was representative to earn foreign currency, seduces that it is the representative of the "aerial country".
Naturally began with a lie;; "the class of rule made to have to build the "fiction" in the "nation inside of only one" bundled up by force. However, in fact, it to keep up the lie for "a foreign country and other areas" was really continuation of the negative chain to repeat a false final coating far from making up for the means of the rule layer. In that way the "area and country" went to the collapse.
The origin of this massacre case of this time. Unless condemnation does a lie of the class of rule called "falsehood and the camouflage" that the rule layer violated at this time when the "area and country" never revive. At that time, the rule layer that disappointed expectation of the good will of "foreign country and other areas." Besides, while betraying the "country and area" common people; "the class of rule that built the fiction called "the nation of only one" bundled up by force by force. The "area and country" never revive unless they solve this problem.
; though "the common people did not recognize "one only nation" bundled up by force; "it never occurs that the "area and country" never revive unless build "a fiction" built by force again. If people miss the eyes from the main cause of this case, uneasiness for the possibility that a similar case is possible again will continue surely remaining.

Thus, condemnation should do the class of rule that coveted unfair profit while committing a crime of three of following them which are the main cause that the massacre case happened. Then should begin it, of the following fourth "judging the massacre at this time by the common people in the "nation common people inside of only one" limited by personal freedom by result bundled up by force.
1. In fact, "means to earn foreign currency on behalf of the area and country" being an international crime by the rule layer.
2. By the class of rule as for the act that behaved saying "I am a representative in the effectiveness rulers of this" "area and country" that rule layer oneself showed publicly for "foreign country and other areas" is false, and is "a fiction"; having been the betrayal for the common people of the "country and area" that seduced.
And its disturbing the global community order at the same time, and having been the betrayal for seduced "foreign country and other areas."
3. Simply because two crimes by the rule layer mentioned above were not performed condemnation of;; "a betrayal" and "an alluring act" "chaining even the "nation common people inside of only one" bundled up by force, and having had the massacre.
4. After having performed condemnation of three great evil of the rule layer mentioned above, judge this "country and area" "massacre that the common people are seduced by the class of rule and violated" that happened inside.

A summary:
For the "treacherous crime" act that an "alluring crime" act has already happened before a "treacherous crime" act by all means. This should be a principle of the human history universality. Thus, it is to step on a procedure to inflict "a crime of the alluring" for an "alluring crime" act to reach it in the background to perform condemnation of every "betrayal" act, not concentrating on only that condemnation does this massacre crime expressing. Then for the class of rule that seduced this massacre criminal who inflicted "an alluring punishment" like this massacre criminal. "Also dealing with a severe punishment." A condition lowest this turn for the stable social order of this "area and country" of the future in indispensableness. When the people of this "country and area" common people get a wrong this turn, possibly such a case will be repeated and then may be to have possibilities to often leave the ruination of the hegemony country and United Nations "war and dispute" that are.
Possibly the worst situation that other races intervene in easily may be to have to predict the lowest to this "area and country". The acts "betraying" other "area and country" common people are okay if races are different, judging from history of human. Finally it is for the common people of "an area and the country", and there are not "an area and a country" for the rule layer and the vested interest layer. It is the thing which I want to discuss triggered by this case together once again, is it "an area and a country" for whom?

2017年01月07日 00時24分26秒 | 日記
琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country
2017/1/7(土) 午前 1:27
2017-01-07 01:21:22

>>Gangjun Jing

本村 安彦

"When it became a" dog "and became a betrayal of the common people, it was already", "a criminal who seduced people and committed a great crime". But how is this world? . I feel like a little loose, there is a degree of social sanctions against criminals who are completely unconscious of their sins.
I think, I am a common people of the Ryukyus country who has similar problems, and I am one anti - Japanese Ryukyu. About similar criminal offenses that began with "this man" who is betraying the common people by becoming a "dog" of another ethnic group. Including the poverty problem of the general public.

(In the case of Ryukyus, rats are Japan, "Dogs" are Pro-Japan Ryukyu people of about 5% of the total population, "Vested interest stratum with Okinawa prefecture Governor Takeshi Onaga as the peak").

In the end, I think that "the principle of the Law - Clean hand principle" will come to the problem that "us common people themselves" can not be questioned. As the judiciary itself follows the nonindependency of this worldly judiciary, which is made up only of its "inspired". More or less.

We will need to look back seriously again, on why the predecessors have punished them severely. We will need to discuss. We will have to discuss again why the predecessors have punished them for severe punishment at this time, stop still once. About the philosophical reasons that the predecessors have punished for severe punishment, the crime of betraying the people by becoming a "dog" of a mouse (another nation) who broke the law principle of so-called "dirty hands can not use law" Against the seducting sinner who committed it ". Including that we actively seek out ISIS issues and terrorism problem solving methods that are occurring all over the world now.
Because that person is a criminal who is a sneaky criminal and since the law should not be usable from the viewpoint of the principle of law and clean hands, it is "a person who betrays the nation by becoming a" dog " At that point already. But the reality is different. The criminals have gained vested interests on the side equivalent to "emperor" at present.

It goes without saying that the moral education in the home called "You must not tell a lie" from the very young age will affect the country's way of going./

"それが"飼狗"になって庶民の裏切りになったとき、それはすでに"、 "人々をそそのかした犯罪者であり、大罪を犯した"ということです。 しかし、この世界はどうですか? 。 私は少しゆるいような気がする、その罪をまったく意識していない犯罪者に対する社会的制裁の程度が。


そして結局は、「法原則・クリーンハンドの原則」を「私たち庶民自身」が問い詰め切れていない問題に行き着くと私は考えます。司法そのものがその「唆された者」だけで成り立っている現世司法の非独立性に 続くものとして。多かれ少なかれ。

なぜならその者はそそのかし犯という犯罪者であって、法原則・クリーンハンドの 原則の観点か らすれば 法は使えないはずなのだから、「『飼狗』となって民族を裏切 る者」となったその時点ですでに。しかし現実は違います。彼ら犯罪者らは「皇帝」と同格の側に立って既得権益を得てしまっているのが現状だ。

>>Yan Dora WongさんがStephenson Lingさんの投稿をシェアしました。

>>1月2日 21:54 ·


>>"一個個卑鄙無恥,背叛國家民族的偽儒家和自稱儒家的歷史學家竟把殺手如麻,把整個中華民族淪落為乞丐和奴隸的滿清乾隆皇帝描寫成中華民族的救世主 ,是時後讓歷史的真相大白於人間 !"

>>Stephenson Ling

>>1月2日 9:55 ·

>>一个个卑鄙无耻,背叛国家民族的伪儒家和自称儒家的历史学家竟把杀手如麻,把整个中华民族沦落为乞丐和奴隶的满清乾隆皇帝描写成中华民族的救世主 ,是时后让历史的真相大白于人间 !


★Facebook的:/★Face book:/★Facebook:/★페이스 북 :/★Facebook:/★Facebook:/★الفيسبوك:/★フェースブック:
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:11 ·
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
Peaceful local creation that is generous by freedom of Far East Asia.
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:02 ·
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
本村 安彦
★琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부さんがあなたの投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:10 ·
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부

>>Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world

>>Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria?
>>Posted 6 January 2017 9:49 GMT

A man riding a horse in Kaduna.jpg

A man riding a horse in Kaduna. Image released under Creative Commons by Flickr user Allan Leonard.

In a series of attacks throughout the past months, armed bandits have left over 800 people dead and many others displaced in southern Kaduna, a Nigerian state with a history of ethnic tensions, according to local Catholic Church leaders.

The gunmen have raided dozens of villages, the church officials stated:

The herdsmen and their ilk turned the towns into killing fields and killed mostly women, children and the elderly who couldn’t run for cover.

The level of barbarity was such that pregnant women got their wombs blown out and massacred before their children. And these innocent children were not spared either.

Many of the those targeted have been farmers, who have referred to the assailants as herdsmen (cattle-rearers). The farmers are accusing the herdsmen of trespassing on their farmland to graze their cattle, thereby destroying their crops. An aggrieved farmer who did not want to be named said:

that’s why they attack villages – they don’t just attack because of quarrels with villagers. They burn homes and farms so that we will have to start again somewhere else. But we can’t, and will not leave because this is our land.

Some residents also feel the attacks are part of an effort to get farming communities to leave their land, allowing the herdsmen to settle without competition for resources.

Southern Kaduna is a Christian-dominated community in Kaduna, and some residents have termed the crisis as an attack on Christians. Others on social media have gone so far as to call the violence a genocide.

Among those killed recently was Gimbia Morik, a senior secondary school student and the daughter of local politician Gideon Morik. Speaking to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kafanchan, Morik said:

the attackers just stormed the village and started shooting; they killed six people including my daughter and five others.

He said that the attackers injured many others and burnt several houses in the village of Goska. A senior officer of the Nigerian police who confirmed the incident there described the destruction as “very devastating.” He said the corpses had been deposited at the Kafanchan General Hospital where the injured were also being treated.

Reacting to a related attack in October last year, Rev. Danladi Yarima, the secretary of the Northern Christian Association of Nigeria – responsible for the 19 northern states and the Federal Capital Territory – blamed the state government for failing to stop the killings:

We are disheartened that despite the re-occurrence of the attack, the government has not come out with a security plan to stop it […] We expected that the government should have mobilised more security personnel to the area. Every day, Christians are being attacked and killed and their homes and property destroyed. The killings have continued unabated and we are very worried. We urge the government and well-meaning Nigerians to stop the killings

The state's Governor Mallam Nasir El-Rufai has continuously condemned the attacks and vowed to fish out the attackers.

Kaduna is among Nigeria's north-central states, which is dominated by the Hausa and Fulani ethnicities and the Muslim religion. Christians are a minority, and tensions between the two groups have boiled over many times in recent Nigerian history. According to Musa Simon Reef, a respected journalist and media professional, Kaduna “represents the symbol of the long war of attrition that has existed between the Hausa-Fulani hegemony and its northern minorities” and “is best described as a theatre of blood letting.”

‘We need answers. This is genocide.’

Ndi Kato (also known as YarKafanchan on Twitter) is a political commentator, philanthropist and indigene of southern Kaduna. She shared a video of Evangelical Church Winning All representative, Barrister Wakili Kadima, speaking about the alarming situation in Southern Kaduna:

Ndi Kato.jpg

Syria's mummy ‎@YarKafanchan

Barrister Wakili Kadima spoke with us on Thursday. The situation with our people; their lives and their farms is dire. #SouthernKaduna

7:16 PM - 31 Dec 2016

In the video, Kadima said:

…one of the major message we really like to pass on to the international community and particularly the government in their deployment of troops, is that the farmlands of all these refugees that you see here have been ravaged and grazed upon by cattle, have been set on fire and the youth of these communities have been fighting raging battles in the farmlands with the Fulanis for the past more than two weeks, we have had to bury some of them who have been killed in the battlefield, in the farmlands…

Yarkanchan, emotionally scarred by the gruesome murders of her people, revealed some images showing the enormity of the mayhem and accused the country's leaders of not doing enough to stop the violence.

Warning: Graphic image below:

The 14 year old daughter.jpg

Syria's mummy ‎@YarKafanchan

The 14 year old daughter of Barrister Gideon Morik, former Chairman of Jema'a LGA, was killed in last night's attack. 💔#SouthernKaduna

5:47 AM - 26 Dec 2016

Syria's mummy @YarKafanchan

Aftermath of the attack on Goska in Jema'a LGA, #SouthernKaduna they have destroyed everything. pic.twitter.com/JURF4elnwI


Syria's mummy ‎@YarKafanchan

This is what is left of Goska in Jema'a LGA. No Christmas for my people. We need answers. This is genocide. #SouthernKaduna pic.twitter.com/L5FZdHRdxY

6:41 AM - 26 Dec 2016

This is genocide.jpg

LGA stands for local government area. NAN reports that Jemaa as well as Kaura and Zango-Kataf were put under a 24-hour curfew following incessant attacks by unknown gunmen.

She also posted photos of young people protesting against the attacks, with a banner that read, “Stop killing us”:

Syria's mummy @YarKafanchan

More photos to show you what has been happening to the people of Southern Kaduna in the last 5 months #SouthernKadunaGenocide pic.twitter.com/KQgiaV7Zyf


Syria's mummy ‎@YarKafanchan

So today, after enduring FIVE MONTHS of MURDER AND MAYHEM, the Youths of Kafanchan came out to protest. #SouthernKadunaGenocide pic.twitter.com/T3W4FKIrjZ

7:16 AM - 20 Dec 2016

to protest.jpg

The images in YarKafanchan's tweets have not been independently verified. However, Global Voices contacted YarKafanchan on the authenticity of these images. Her response:

The images are real. We have been sending supplies to the affected areas, so we have our people on ground who also send us these images and reports.


Ahmed Maiyaki, a media and communications specialist, also tweeted:

Southern Kaduna.jpg

Ahmed Maiyaki ‎@ahmedmaiyaki

Oh Lord, grant Southern Kaduna and indeed the entire Kaduna State peace & tranquility now and forever, ameen!

2:57 AM - 24 Dec 2016

AuduMaikori ‎@Audu

I haven't heard any message of empathy from our leaders Mr president , Governors, Senators or House of Reps! How heartless!#Southernkaduna

7:40 PM - 25 Dec 2016 · Kaduna, Nigeria

Professor Chidi Odinakalu, who not long ago was the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria, called for a consensus in the campaign to stop the killings in Southern Kaduna. He urged his followers:

to stop the killings in Southern Kaduna.jpg

Chidi Odinkalu ‎@ChidiOdinkalu

Spread the word & join the campaign to #StopSouthernKadunaKillings @Audu@Omojuwa@ogundamisi@AnthoniaOrji@YIAGA

9:54 PM - 27 Dec 2016

Yamai Patrick, a graphic artist, also took to animated graphics to call for an end to the killings:

Yamai Patrick, a graphic artist.jpg

The Fashion Guy ‎@YamaiPatrick

#SouthernKaduna #StopSouthernKadunaKillings #StopKillingUs

9:55 PM - 28 Dec 2016 · Kaduna, Nigeria

In reaction to the crisis and the displacement of residents in the area, some citizens have taken to the internet to crowdsource funding for relief materials.

AuduMaikori ‎@Audu

Thanks everyone for your kindness. We will not forget this and thanks to @Jollz and @YarKafanchan l. We just spoke to the Goska people too https://twitter.com/jollz/status/813699556097585152 …

2:31 AM - 28 Dec 2016 · Kaduna, Nigeria

AuduMaikori ‎@Audu

Please follow hashtags #blanketdrive and #SouthernKaduna we need donations to buy blankets for displaced citizens. Thanks

7:48 PM - 26 Dec 2016 · Kaduna, Nigeria

2017年01月08日 12時47分27秒 | 日記
琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country
我的觀點,文章↓這一全球性的聲音。世界忽視了尼日利亞南部卡杜納的可能的種族滅絕嗎?/My opinion, ↓ to this global voice article↓ >> Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria?

4。支配層も裁くことと同時に、「無理 やり束ねられた『たった一つの国民』」庶民同士のこの今回の庶民内部での大量殺戮を裁くこと。

そのときこそがこの事件の起点、支配層がたった一つの国民という虚構を無理やり構築し たことで。その「たった一つの国民」たちが支配層のその考え方を理解していなかった。大量殺戮犯罪を庶民たちが犯したが、それは人道上許されることではない。いかにそれが庶民たちが十分納得がいかないまま進んだ「無理やり構築された『虚構』」という支配層体制下であったとしても。

 ある時期、支配層自らの「カネと名誉と権力」のうちのいずれか欲からなのかまではわからないが、とにかく実際には存在し得ない「無理やり束ねられた『たった一つの国民』」という虚偽を偽装することにした支配層。そしてその支配層の虚構体制下のその「国や地域」は、その偽ものの実態のまま前進しだした。そんな架空の「国や地域」庶民を唆して代表した支配層が外貨を稼ぐための手段で、その「架空の国」の代表であること を「外国やその他の地域」に対して支配層自らが嘘を言い、唆し。
このときのこの大量殺戮事件の原点。その「地域や国」は二度と蘇ることはない、このときにその支配層が犯した「虚偽や偽装」というその支配層の嘘を断罪しない限り。そのときにその「外国やその他の地域」の善意の期待を裏切った支配層。さらにはその「 国や地域」庶民を裏切りながら「無理やり束ねられた『たった一つの国民』」という虚構を無理やり構築した支配層。この問題を解決しない限りその「地域や国」は二度と蘇ることはない。
その「無理やり束ねられた『たった一つの国民』」を庶民自身が理解していなかったにもかかわらず、「無理やり構築された『虚構』」を構築し直さない限りその「地域や国」は二度と蘇ることは決してない。 この事件の主原因から人々が目をそらすならば、きっと同様の事件が再度起こり得る可能性に対する不安が残りつづけることになるだろう。

 よって、その大量殺戮事件が起こった主原因である下記のそれら3つの罪を犯しながら不当な利益を貪ってきた支配層を断罪するべきだ。それからは じめるべきだ、下記の4番目の「無理やり束ねられたせいで個人の自由を制限されていた『たった一つの国民』」庶民内部でのその庶民による今回のその大量殺戮を裁くのは。

3。支配層による上記の2つの犯罪 が断罪されていなかったからこそ、その「無理やり束ねられた『たった一つの国民』」庶民内部でも「裏切り行為」や「唆し行為」が連鎖し、その大量殺戮が起こったこと。

 必ず「唆し犯罪」行為がその「裏切り犯罪」行為以前にすでに起こっている、 「裏切り犯罪」行為には。これは人類史上普遍の原理の筈だろう。よって、あらゆる「裏切り」行為を断罪するためには、その背景にあるそれに至る「唆し犯罪」行為に対して「唆しの罪」を科す手順を踏む事だ、表出している今回の大量殺戮犯罪を断罪することにだけ集中 するのではなく。それからこの大量殺戮犯同様に「唆し罪」を科す、この大量殺戮犯を唆した支配層に対しても。そして「厳罰に処する」こと。この順番が今後のこの「地域や国」の安定した社会秩序にとって必要不可欠で最低条件。この順番をこの「国や地域」庶民の人々が間違うともしかしたらこのような事件が繰り返されることになり、そうなるとややもすると覇権国や国連絡みの「戦争や紛争」の禍根を残しかねないことにもなりかねないだろう。
 もしかしたらこの「地域や国」へ他の民族が易々と介入する最悪な事態も最低限度予測しなければならないことにもなりかねない。なぜなら他所の「地域や国」庶民を「裏切る」行為などは民族が違えば平気だ、人類史から見れば。最後に、「地域や国」の 庶民のためにあるのであって、支配層や既得権益層のために「地域や国」があるのではない。この事件をきっかけに今一度みんなで議論したいものだ、誰のための「地域や国」かについて。 

關於教唆那個被教唆的人的人也前項和作為同樣,刑警報應呢。 挑唆暴行的人,關於那個作為結果的過失殺人犯也承擔那個責備。

2017年01月10日 04時05分27秒 | 日記
挑唆暴行的人,關於那個作為結果的過失殺人犯也承擔那個責備。關於教唆那個被教唆的人的人也前項和作為同樣,刑警報應呢。 ( 所谓(教唆犯)煽动者,是为了劝导,贿赂,威胁或根据其他的手段,犯犯罪说服另外的人的人。

第 29 條






一般教唆犯 按照在共同犯罪中所起的作用
教唆不满18周岁的人犯罪的 应当从重处罚[4]
被教唆的人没有犯被教唆的罪的 对于教唆犯可以从轻或者减轻处罚 教唆未遂
教唆不满14周岁的人或精神病患者犯罪的 对教唆者应当按单独犯论处[5] 间接正犯

1.^ 曹希国. 间接正犯基本理论研究. 《山东大学》. 2006年 [2014-12-13].
2.^ 何庆仁. 我国刑法中教唆犯的两种涵义. 《法学研究》. 2004年, (05期) [2014-12-13].
3.^ 曹坚. 从犯的犯罪既遂认定问题. 《四川警察学院学报》. 2009年, (03期) [2014-12-13].
4.^ 肖吕宝. 关于“教唆不满十八周岁的人犯罪的,应当从重处罚”的理解与适用. 《政法学刊》. 2007年, (05期) [2014-12-13].
5.^ 卢勤忠; 华东政法学院. 论教唆罪的设立. 《现代法学》. 1996年, (第6期) [2014-12-13].

Standard legirons taiwan01.jpg 教唆犯是一個關於犯罪學、刑罰、罪案與罪犯的小作品。你可以通过編輯或修訂擴充其內容。

(abettor) an agitator is the person who persuaded a different person to commit a crime by persuasion, a bribe, a threat or other means.
The person who seduced an assault bears the responsibility about the injury causing death as the result. About the person who instigated the instigated person the criminal charge like a foregoing paragraph.
Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China
Article 29.
One who instigates others to commit a crime shall be punished according to the role he plays in the joint crime. One who instigates a person under the age of eighteen to commit a crime shall be given a heavier punishment.

If the instigated person does not commit the instigated crime, the instigator may be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment.

Criminal Law of the Republic of China
Article 29
A person who instigates a person to commit a criminal act is an abettor.
The punishment of the abettor shall be punished in accordance with the offense instigated by it.

(Подстрекатель) зачинщиком, убеждать, подкупать, путем запугивания или иными средствами, это человек, который убедил другого человека к совершению преступления.
Те, кто переманить нападение, несут ответственность также за результаты, выступающей в качестве травмы со смертельным исходом. То же самое относится и к тем, кто подстрекательстве человека, который был подстрекательство, уголовное наказание.

УК РФ, Статья 33. Виды соучастников преступления

"Уголовный кодекс Российской Федерации" от 13.06.1996 N 63-ФЗ (ред. от 19.12.2016)

УК РФ, Статья 33. Виды соучастников преступления

1. Соучастниками преступления наряду с исполнителем признаются организатор, подстрекатель и пособник.

2. Исполнителем признается лицо, непосредственно совершившее преступление либо непосредственно участвовавшее в его совершении совместно с другими лицами (соисполнителями), а также лицо, совершившее преступление посредством использования других лиц, не подлежащих уголовной ответственности в силу возраста, невменяемости или других обстоятельств, предусмотренных настоящим Кодексом.

3. Организатором признается лицо, организовавшее совершение преступления или руководившее его исполнением, а равно лицо, создавшее организованную группу или преступное сообщество (преступную организацию) либо руководившее ими.

4. Подстрекателем признается лицо, склонившее другое лицо к совершению преступления путем уговора, подкупа, угрозы или другим способом.

5. Пособником признается лицо, содействовавшее совершению преступления советами, указаниями, предоставлением информации, средств или орудий совершения преступления либо устранением препятствий, а также лицо, заранее обещавшее скрыть преступника, средства или орудия совершения преступления, следы преступления либо предметы, добытые преступным путем, а равно лицо, заранее обещавшее приобрести или сбыть такие предметы.

第六一条 人を教唆して犯罪を実行させた者には、正犯の刑を科する。
2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする。

我的觀點,文章↓這一全球性的聲音。世界忽視了尼日利亞南部卡杜納的可能的種族滅絕嗎?/My opinion, ↓ to this global voice article↓ >> Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria? /私の意見、このグローバルボイスの記事への↓「ナイジェリアの南部カドゥナで起こっている大量虐殺を世界は無視していますか?」
>>Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world
>> Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria?
>>Posted 6 January 2017 9:49 GMT



儘管平民自己沒理解,如果不重新構築「硬被構築的『虛構』」那個「地域和國家」再復甦那個「硬被包的『只一個國民』」的絕對沒有。 從這個事件的主原因人們會把眼如果向後仰,一定對再次能發生同樣的事件的可能性的不安持續殘留就。





尽管平民自己没理解,如果不重新构筑「硬被构筑的『虚构』」那个「地域和国家」再复苏那个「硬被包的『只一个国民』」的绝对没有。 从这个事件的主原因人们会把眼如果向后仰,一定对再次能发生同样的事件的可能性的不安持续残留就。



 如果都容易如果做成为其他的民族容容易易地介入到这个「地域和国家」的最坏的事态和必须最低限度度预测事。如果说到原因「背叛」行为等如果民族不同从不在乎,人类史看别处的「地域和国家」平民。在最后时,为了「地域和国家」的平民有,为了支配层和既得利益层不是有「地域和国家」。是契机这个事件以再一次大家议论薯的,关于为了谁的「地域和国家」七日。 )

2017年01月07日 00時24分26秒 | 日記
琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country
2017/1/7(土) 午前 1:27
2017-01-07 01:21:22

>>Gangjun Jing

本村 安彦


“當我成為人民的背叛成了,這已經是”“是”飼狗“,是誰引誘人犯罪,犯了大罪”是。但是,對這個世界是什麼? 。我感覺有點松,對違法者沒有意識到它的所有的罪孽社會制裁的程度。
我認為這是抗日琉球人民面對我同樣的問題,琉球國的老百姓之一。 “這種”類似的情愫犯罪問題的大鼠(其他民族),從那些誰背叛的人開始“為”飼狗“。普通市民的貧困問題包括在內。



我們必須認真地回再次看看,什麼我們的祖先已經通過的原因嚴厉的懲罰的懲罰。我們需要討論。我們的前輩為什麼在這個時候什麼已經處以嚴厉的懲罰是,我們將需要再討論,現在一旦被停止。對於我們的前輩已經被處以嚴厉的懲罰哲學的原因,那背叛的人成為犯罪 的一個“飼狗”觸犯了法律原則,即所謂的“不能用法律的骯髒的手”,“鼠(其他種族)致力於反對的誘惑的罪人“。 ISIS的問題和反恐問題的解決方法,這些方法在世界上發生的事情,現在,包括我們相互探討積極。


"それが"飼狗"になって庶民の裏切りになったとき、それはすでに"、 "人々をそそのかした犯罪者であり、大罪を犯した"ということです。 しかし、この世界はどうですか? 。 私は少しゆるいような気がする、その罪をまったく意識していない犯罪者に対する社会的制裁の程度が。


そして結局は、「法原則・クリーンハンドの原則」を「私たち庶民自身」が問い詰め切れていない問題に行き着くと私は考えます。司法そのものがその「唆された者」だけで成り立っている現世司法の非独立性に 続くものとして。多かれ少なかれ。

なぜならその者はそそのかし犯という犯罪者であって、法原則・クリーンハンドの 原則の観点か らすれば 法は使えないはずなのだから、「『飼狗』となって民族を裏切 る者」となったその時点ですでに。しかし現実は違います。彼ら犯罪者らは「皇帝」と同格の側に立って既得権益を得てしまっているのが現状だ。

>>Yan Dora WongさんがStephenson Lingさんの投稿をシェアしました。

>>1月2日 21:54 ·


>>"一個個卑鄙無恥,背叛國家民族的偽儒家和自稱儒家的歷史學家竟把殺手如麻,把整個中華民族淪落為乞丐和奴隸的滿清乾隆皇帝描寫成中華民族的救世主 ,是時後讓歷史的真相大白於人間 !"

>>Stephenson Ling

>>1月2日 9:55 ·

>>一个个卑鄙无耻,背叛国家民族的伪儒家和自称儒家的历史学家竟把杀手如麻,把整个中华民族沦落为乞丐和奴隶的满清乾隆皇帝描写成中华民族的救世主 ,是时后让历史的真相大白于人间 !


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★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:11 ·
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
Peaceful local creation that is generous by freedom of Far East Asia.
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:02 ·
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
本村 安彦
★琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부さんがあなたの投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:10 ·
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
琉球國臨時政府/Ryukyu Country provisional government/류큐 국 임시 정부
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:08
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
Liker freind
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:16
本村 安彦
Đó là đúng. Do đó, chuyến thăm này là nó đã tái chỉnh sửa bài này ở trên. Vì chỉ có bài của tôi trước khi chỉnh sửa, tôi không hiểu tinh thần mà tôi muốn nói./这是正确的。因此,访问它上面已经重新编辑这个职位。由于只有我的编辑之前的帖子我不明白我想说的精神。
>>Gangjun Jing
Viêt Nam!
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:19
本村 安彦
그렇네요. 따라서, 상기의이 게시물을 편집하고 다시 했으므로 참조하십시오. 편집 전에 내 게시물만으로는 내가 말하고 싶은 취지가 잘 몰랐 때문에./这是正确的。因此,访问它上面已经重新编辑这个职位。由于只有我的编辑之前的帖子我不明白我想说的精神。
>>Gangjun Jing
South Korea!
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:20
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:22
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 0:23
本村 安彦
그렇네요. 따라서, 상기의이 게시물을 편집하고 다시 했으므로 참조하십시오. 편집 전에 내 게시물만으로는 내가 말하고 싶은 취지가 잘 몰랐 때문에./这是正确的。因此,访问它上面已经重新编辑这个职位。由于只有我的编辑之前的帖子我不明白我想说的精神。
>>Gangjun Jing
대마도, 오키나와 독립지지 천만 서명운동
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 2:02
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
★本村 安彦さんが自分の投稿をシェアしました。
昨日 2:02 ·
>>Gangjun Jing
本村 安彦
The peaceful local creation that is generous by freedom of Far East Asia.

>>Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world

>>Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria?
>>Posted 6 January 2017 9:49 GMT

A man riding a horse in Kaduna.jpg

A man riding a horse in Kaduna. Image released under Creative Commons by Flickr user Allan Leonard.

In a series of attacks throughout the past months, armed bandits have left over 800 people dead and many others displaced in southern Kaduna, a Nigerian state with a history of ethnic tensions, according to local Catholic Church leaders.

The gunmen have raided dozens of villages, the church officials stated:

The herdsmen and their ilk turned the towns into killing fields and killed mostly women, children and the elderly who couldn’t run for cover.

The level of barbarity was such that pregnant women got their wombs blown out and massacred before their children. And these innocent children were not spared either.

Many of the those targeted have been farmers, who have referred to the assailants as herdsmen (cattle-rearers). The farmers are accusing the herdsmen of trespassing on their farmland to graze their cattle, thereby destroying their crops. An aggrieved farmer who did not want to be named said:

that’s why they attack villages – they don’t just attack because of quarrels with villagers. They burn homes and farms so that we will have to start again somewhere else. But we can’t, and will not leave because this is our land.

Some residents also feel the attacks are part of an effort to get farming communities to leave their land, allowing the herdsmen to settle without competition for resources.

Southern Kaduna is a Christian-dominated community in Kaduna, and some residents have termed the crisis as an attack on Christians. Others on social media have gone so far as to call the violence a genocide.

Among those killed recently was Gimbia Morik, a senior secondary school student and the daughter of local politician Gideon Morik. Speaking to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Kafanchan, Morik said:

the attackers just stormed the village and started shooting; they killed six people including my daughter and five others.

He said that the attackers injured many others and burnt several houses in the village of Goska. A senior officer of the Nigerian police who confirmed the incident there described the destruction as “very devastating.” He said the corpses had been deposited at the Kafanchan General Hospital where the injured were also being treated.

Reacting to a related attack in October last year, Rev. Danladi Yarima, the secretary of the Northern Christian Association of Nigeria – responsible for the 19 northern states and the Federal Capital Territory – blamed the state government for failing to stop the killings:

We are disheartened that despite the re-occurrence of the attack, the government has not come out with a security plan to stop it […] We expected that the government should have mobilised more security personnel to the area. Every day, Christians are being attacked and killed and their homes and property destroyed. The killings have continued unabated and we are very worried. We urge the government and well-meaning Nigerians to stop the killings

The state's Governor Mallam Nasir El-Rufai has continuously condemned the attacks and vowed to fish out the attackers.

Kaduna is among Nigeria's north-central states, which is dominated by the Hausa and Fulani ethnicities and the Muslim religion. Christians are a minority, and tensions between the two groups have boiled over many times in recent Nigerian history. According to Musa Simon Reef, a respected journalist and media professional, Kaduna “represents the symbol of the long war of attrition that has existed between the Hausa-Fulani hegemony and its northern minorities” and “is best described as a theatre of blood letting.”

‘We need answers. This is genocide.’

Ndi Kato (also known as YarKafanchan on Twitter) is a political commentator, philanthropist and indigene of southern Kaduna. She shared a video of Evangelical Church Winning All representative, Barrister Wakili Kadima, speaking about the alarming situation in Southern Kaduna:

Ndi Kato.jpg

Syria's mummy ‎@YarKafanchan

Barrister Wakili Kadima spoke with us on Thursday. The situation with our people; their lives and their farms is dire. #SouthernKaduna

7:16 PM - 31 Dec 2016

In the video, Kadima said:

…one of the major message we really like to pass on to the international community and particularly the government in their deployment of troops, is that the farmlands of all these refugees that you see here have been ravaged and grazed upon by cattle, have been set on fire and the youth of these communities have been fighting raging battles in the farmlands with the Fulanis for the past more than two weeks, we have had to bury some of them who have been killed in the battlefield, in the farmlands…

Yarkanchan, emotionally scarred by the gruesome murders of her people, revealed some images showing the enormity of the mayhem and accused the country's leaders of not doing enough to stop the violence.

Warning: Graphic image below:

The 14 year old daughter.jpg

Syria's mummy ‎@YarKafanchan

The 14 year old daughter of Barrister Gideon Morik, former Chairman of Jema'a LGA, was killed in last night's attack. 💔#SouthernKaduna

5:47 AM - 26 Dec 2016

Syria's mummy @YarKafanchan

Aftermath of the attack on Goska in Jema'a LGA, #SouthernKaduna they have destroyed everything. pic.twitter.com/JURF4elnwI


Syria's mummy ‎@YarKafanchan

This is what is left of Goska in Jema'a LGA. No Christmas for my people. We need answers. This is genocide. #SouthernKaduna pic.twitter.com/L5FZdHRdxY

6:41 AM - 26 Dec 2016

This is genocide.jpg

LGA stands for local government area. NAN reports that Jemaa as well as Kaura and Zango-Kataf were put under a 24-hour curfew following incessant attacks by unknown gunmen.

She also posted photos of young people protesting against the attacks, with a banner that read, “Stop killing us”:

Syria's mummy @YarKafanchan

More photos to show you what has been happening to the people of Southern Kaduna in the last 5 months #SouthernKadunaGenocide pic.twitter.com/KQgiaV7Zyf


Syria's mummy ‎@YarKafanchan

So today, after enduring FIVE MONTHS of MURDER AND MAYHEM, the Youths of Kafanchan came out to protest. #SouthernKadunaGenocide pic.twitter.com/T3W4FKIrjZ

7:16 AM - 20 Dec 2016

to protest.jpg

The images in YarKafanchan's tweets have not been independently verified. However, Global Voices contacted YarKafanchan on the authenticity of these images. Her response:

The images are real. We have been sending supplies to the affected areas, so we have our people on ground who also send us these images and reports.


Ahmed Maiyaki, a media and communications specialist, also tweeted:

Southern Kaduna.jpg

Ahmed Maiyaki ‎@ahmedmaiyaki

Oh Lord, grant Southern Kaduna and indeed the entire Kaduna State peace & tranquility now and forever, ameen!

2:57 AM - 24 Dec 2016

AuduMaikori ‎@Audu

I haven't heard any message of empathy from our leaders Mr president , Governors, Senators or House of Reps! How heartless!#Southernkaduna

7:40 PM - 25 Dec 2016 · Kaduna, Nigeria

Professor Chidi Odinakalu, who not long ago was the chairman of the National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria, called for a consensus in the campaign to stop the killings in Southern Kaduna. He urged his followers:

to stop the killings in Southern Kaduna.jpg

Chidi Odinkalu ‎@ChidiOdinkalu

Spread the word & join the campaign to #StopSouthernKadunaKillings @Audu@Omojuwa@ogundamisi@AnthoniaOrji@YIAGA

9:54 PM - 27 Dec 2016

Yamai Patrick, a graphic artist, also took to animated graphics to call for an end to the killings:

Yamai Patrick, a graphic artist.jpg

The Fashion Guy ‎@YamaiPatrick

#SouthernKaduna #StopSouthernKadunaKillings #StopKillingUs

9:55 PM - 28 Dec 2016 · Kaduna, Nigeria

In reaction to the crisis and the displacement of residents in the area, some citizens have taken to the internet to crowdsource funding for relief materials.

AuduMaikori ‎@Audu

Thanks everyone for your kindness. We will not forget this and thanks to @Jollz and @YarKafanchan l. We just spoke to the Goska people too https://twitter.com/jollz/status/813699556097585152 …

2:31 AM - 28 Dec 2016 · Kaduna, Nigeria

AuduMaikori ‎@Audu

Please follow hashtags #blanketdrive and #SouthernKaduna we need donations to buy blankets for displaced citizens. Thanks

7:48 PM - 26 Dec 2016 · Kaduna, Nigeria

2017年01月08日 12時47分27秒 | 日記
琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country
我的觀點,文章↓這一全球性的聲音。世界忽視了尼日利亞南部卡杜納的可能的種族滅絕嗎?/My opinion, ↓ to this global voice article↓ >> Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria?
我的觀點,文章↓這一全球性的聲音。世界忽視了尼日利亞南部卡杜納的可能的種族滅絕嗎?/My opinion, ↓ to this global voice article↓ >> Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria?
>>Is the World Ignoring Possible Genocide in Southern Kaduna in Nigeria?/我的觀點,文章↓這一全球性的聲音。世界忽視了尼日利亞南部卡杜納的可能的種族滅絕嗎?