琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする

李叁民さん、謝謝你的邀請。首先,請讓我再次介紹我自己。Thank you for invitation. First of

2014年03月31日 20時34分25秒 | 日記
李叁民さん、Thank you for invitation. First of all, please let me introduce myself again.
Motomura Yasuhiko/本村 安彦




Law. I did not Spoken in Okinawa. Justice of Japan commit a crime. I was arrested unfairly folded teeth suddenly three police officers without applying all the laws. I did not meet anyone in the family for four months. My wife and 5 students remaining in the meantime house, had met with intimidation of Okinawa justice of 100% Japanese every day. The unfair detention, there has ever felt fear of killing me twice. I have decided to withdrawal and independence from Japan at this time.

When I go back home in a hurry, of the seven wives and children, wife and children of five people missing. 2 years have passed since then, but safety also whereabouts can not be confirmed yet.

This is because the Japanese chief of police continued to arrest and take hostage the wife and children of five to aging of the case, has been isolated from me. To aging of the tort of them.




順便說一句李叁民さん ,日本不是島,尖閣列島/釣魚島。直到兩年前,石原慎太郎,日本入侵“琉球漁民人,台灣人,中國人”曾和平利用。此外,在美國的“漁民台灣人民與琉球”佔領一直和平利用直到1972年。此外,歷時千餘年,直到1879年“琉球與中國”和平貿易的橋樑。

因此,為了參加這個組的李叁民さん 邀請我,我看著對中國的領土問題一點點。

尖閣列島/釣魚島:現在,即使它是不是在日本島,尖閣列島/釣魚島是有效的控制在日本。否認對方的政府,中國的共和國進行有效的控制和中國台灣人民共和國有效控制中國大陸,所聲稱的被對方的實際控制區,但台灣是早在日本於去年四月的遺體被強行壓制在這個問題上是聯繫在一起 - “訂立協議,釣魚台灣日本”的秘密協議金錢外交。然而,日本政府,表明了態度“領土爭端中不尖閣諸島存在”,他說。

南沙群島(南沙群島) :
中華人民共和國,中華民國(台灣) ,越南,菲律賓,馬來西亞,文萊聲稱。

帕拉塞爾群島(西沙群島) :


Akusaichin :

印度和巴基斯坦,中國人民共和國聲稱擁有主權。有時候,印度和巴基斯坦衝突劇烈,特別是發展成為武裝衝突(印度 - 巴基斯坦戰爭) 。




可以說,比如,且有領土爭端幾乎與周邊國家圍繞中國。 (參考)

- 現在是萬無一失的 - 這是 - ?


日本是移動[是否雖然尖閣列島/釣魚島是不是在另一方面島嶼在日本,有必要也把與有領土問題,中國到視圖的國家合作, ]關於受到了客戶的背部秘密許諾金錢外交。

By the way 李叁民さん, not the island of Japan, Senkaku / Diaoyu Islands. Until two years ago, Shintaro Ishihara, a Japanese invasion "fishermen Ryukyu people, Taiwanese, Chinese" had been peaceful use. In addition, "fishermen of Taiwanese people and Ryukyu" in the United States occupied had been peaceful use until 1972. In addition, lasted more than a thousand years until 1879 was a bridge of peace trade of "Ryukyu and China".

So, in order to participate in this group that 李叁民さん invited me, and I looked a little bit about the territorial issue of China.

Senkaku / Diaoyu Island: now, even though it is not on the island of Japan, Senkaku / Diaoyu Islands is effective control in Japan. Denying the government of each other, the Republic of China for effective control and Taiwan People's Republic of China to the effective control mainland China, had been claimed by the effective control region of each other, but Taiwan is back in Japan in April last year the remains were forced to silence on this issue is tied to - "entered into agreements fishing Taiwan Japan" in the secret agreement money diplomacy. However, the Japanese government, shows the attitude "territorial dispute does not exist in the Senkaku Islands" he said.

Spratly Islands (Nansha Islands):
People's Republic of China, Republic of China (Taiwan), Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei, claimed.

Paracel Islands (Paracel Islands):
People's Republic of China effective control of. Republic of China, Vietnam claimed by.

Sabah, northern Borneo:
It is one state of Malaysia, the Philippines claimed by.

Currently, the People's Republic of China in effective control. India has claimed.
Arunachal Pradesh: At present, India is in effective control. China has claimed sovereignty over.

India and Pakistan, the People's Republic of China claims sovereignty over. Sometimes India and Pakistan conflict violently in particular, was developed into armed conflict (India - Pakistan war).

In China,
And is divided as autonomous region of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry, but the Tibetans of the ward, the province claims to independence.

East Turkestan:
Of the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China, Uighur people from Muslim claim independence.

Inner Mongolia:
It's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China, but claimed independence around the Mongolian-American activists.

It can be said, such as, and are having a territorial dispute little to do with the neighboring countries around the China. (Reference)

- it is infallible now -- it is -- ?

Probably, China in which a territorial problem is held also at home needs to advertize extension of the territory outside towards, also in order to draw a huge country to the central government.

Japan is moving [ whether although the Senkaku Islands/釣魚島 is not islands in Japan on the other hand, it is necessary to also put cooperation with the countries which have a territorial problem with China into a view, and ] about by the customer's back secret promise money diplomacy.









2014年03月31日 06時49分50秒 | 日記
日本人が先に始めていた中国・韓国ネガティブ情報発信。日本政府は国内の見直が先ではないか。中国と韓国は当然のことをしているだけだ。China, Korea, negative information dissemination Japanese had begun earlier. The Japanese government earlier reviewing the country.China and South Korea will only have a matter of course.
4:40, TV news:
① Yesterday, for the world, for the purpose of strengthening and outgoing, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan government ruling party opened the meeting asking to create a team in Japan government level in China negative information.
② Yesterday, Suga Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan remarks on the TV program as "terrorist" in the "criminals" the 安重根.
In addition, Suga Chief Cabinet Secretary suggested implicitly to be in the attrition fellow Summit China and South Korea with remarks with "only two countries is floating in the international conferences".

Japan is not a democracy↓. 日本は民主主義国家ではありません↓。

2014年03月31日 00時31分38秒 | 日記
Japan is not a democracy↓.
Japan, Ueda human rights humanitarian ambassador, the UN Committee against Torture "Sharappu!" - YouTube
Japanese embarrassed in the world "human rights diplomacy"日本、上田人権人道大使、国連拷問禁止委員会で「シャラップ!」 - YouTube

The 22nd and May 21, 2013. The other day, that it has a strict recommendations for the "comfort women issue" was widely reported in Japan the United Nations Committee against Torture, which was held in the United Nations.2013年5月21日、22日に開催された国連拷問禁止委員会は先日、「慰安婦問題」に関する厳しい勧告をしたことが日本でも大きく報道された。

The committee issued a very strict recommendation to the "comfort women" issue other than, for the interrogation and the way that has created a false accusation of Japan, false confession, of pre-indictment detention. Japan has received recommendations for improvement from international organizations the nature of criminal justice, detention and interrogation that produces a false charge, especially as, always awful. But Japan does not correct this at all, it was only time tone that too as usual in this deliberation.この委員会は「慰安婦」問題以外にも、日本の冤罪を生み出してきた取調べ、虚偽自白、起訴前拘禁のあり方などについても大変厳しい勧告を出した。日本はいつも刑事裁判のあり方、特に冤罪を生み出す取調べや拘禁がひどい、として国際機関から改善の勧告を受けているが、全くこれを是正せず、この審議でもいつものとおりのらりくらりだった。

Among such, from members of the African Mauritius, that there is no mutual edge of the lawyer who suspects interrogation of Japan, there is pointed out that such a very high 99% conviction rate, there was a statement such as the following.
"Do not rely too much on the confession. This is a remnant of the Middle Ages"そんななか、アフリカ・モーリシャスの委員から、日本の被疑者取調べに弁護士人の立ち合いがないこと、有罪率が99%と非常に高いこと等について指摘があり、「自白に頼り過ぎではないか、これは中世の名残である」との発言があった。

At this time, it had participated as the top of the Japanese government side, it was Ueda human rights humanitarian ambassador, but the reaction very sensitively.この時、日本政府側のトップとして参加していたのが、上田人権人道大使だったが、非常に敏感に反応。

Ueda, Ambassador:上田大使は、

Ambassador defiant this:
"There was a remark earlier, that" he "Middle Ages, Japan's human rights developed countries in the world"
Committee of around surprised.
Ambassador where he panic was again referred to as "human rights is one of the developed countries."
Look at the atmosphere that other members are bitter smile killing press the voice against this, Did you feel something, anything, "why you laugh. Dont laugh. Sharappu! Sharappu!" Ambassador, with cried.「先ほど、『中世だ』という発言があったが、日本は世界一の人権先進国だ」と開き直った。びっくりしたが、大使はあわてて、「人権先進国の一つだ」と言い直した。これに対する会場の、声を押し殺して苦笑する雰囲気を見て感じたのか、なんと、大使は、「なぜ笑うんだ。笑うな。シャラップ!シャラップ!」と叫んだ。

Overseas, we use words like this, it is that rude in insulting too, "incident".海外でこのような言葉を使うのは、あまりにも侮蔑的で失礼なことであり、『事件』。

This story, tour ran in the blink of an eye even among those who did not participate, had been a very bad reputation in Geneva.この話、参加していなかった人たちの間でも瞬く間に駆け巡り、ジュネーブでは大変な悪評となっていた。

To hear Ambassador of Japan has said "Sharappu", people living in Europe had been frozen in that too much.ヨーロッパ在住の人は日本の大使が「シャラップ」と言ったと聞いて、あまりのことに凍り付いていた。

According to the conjecture of a person, and that I think is referred to as "do not want to say to the committee of Africa"​​, racist sentiment comes out in the table, and when it did not become a remark like that.ある人の推察によると、「アフリカの委員には言われたくない」という人種差別的な感情が表に出て、そのような発言になったのではないかと思うという。
And that too embarrassed. ↓あまりにも恥ずかしいことである。↓

View Ueda human rights humanitarian ambassador, embarrassed in the world "human rights diplomacy"上田人権人道大使に見る、世界に恥ずかしい「人権外交」
↓ - YouTube

At the United Nations Committee against Torture "Sharappu!" - YouTube国連拷問禁止委員会で「シャラップ(黙れ)」 - YouTube



Hey! Majiru!Come on! Be the first to start Ryukyuindependent newspaper personality!

2014年03月29日 19時26分22秒 | 日記

Hey! Majiru!Come on! Be the first to start Ryukyuindependent newspaper personality!/まじるー。琉球独立新聞パーソナーはじみらな

Nationality law, had passed about 40 years and is in Japan Okinawa when my parents were born.
So my parents were born as a Japanese.

However, had passed about a year already Become a Ryukyu government Okinawa when I was born.
So I was born as the Ryukyu people.

Thus, in the Ryukyu people who were born in the Ryukyu government, I, the child of the parent of I was born as a Japanese, has become a potential Japanese.

Ryukyu independence theory (1) of the Ryukyu people Motomura Yasuhiko

Book for the first time per the nature of the Okinawa problem, told the hopes and dreams

Cover"Concept of Ryukyu Autonomous Region" co-authored over this
Over author-Motomura Yasuhiko "lessons / economic measures of history" over
"Concept of Ryukyu Autonomous Region" (issue over Naha publishing company
October 1, 2005)

"Aiming for independence" subtitle over

What does the "regional system" introduced or bring to Okinawa

Back cover"Concept of Ryukyu Autonomous Region" co-authored over this
Over author-Motomura Yasuhiko "lessons / economic measures of history" over
"Concept of Ryukyu Autonomous Region" (issue over Naha publishing company
October 1, 2005)

Book for the first time per the nature of the Okinawa problem, told the hopes and dreams, to ask your heart ... ...

Cover&Back cover"Concept of Ryukyu Autonomous Region" co-authored over this
Over author-Motomura Yasuhiko "lessons / economic measures of history" over
"Concept of Ryukyu Autonomous Region" (issue over Naha publishing company

Book for the first time per the nature of the Okinawa problem, told the hopes and dreams, to ask your heart ... ...


Starting point to ask the people of Okinawa

Former University of the Ryukyus Professor Higa Mikio

For Okinawa, "independent development" is the challenge the old and new even to cultural or, both politically and economically.

Basic of Ryukyu Autonomous Region initiative, is that governed themselves in inward speaking, discipline themselves.It is to participate in policy decisions on Okinawa for external issues, and to reflect the will of the people of Okinawa.It is also a question critical of or survive proactively how the era of globalization that Okinawans drastically changing the centralized system of Japan from the traditional, political concepts such as local autonomy and sovereignty has been transformed.

This publication is a booklet of "meeting of the Ryukyu province" Study Group, which was established in order to examine how Okinawa Prefecture should be addressed to the regional system that the Japanese government is planning now. The objective of this booklet is a starting point to ask to put together from among the people of Okinawa and opinions and materials associated with them, at the same time and spread to the entire people of Okinawa the pros and cons of the Ryukyu single State.I will hope recommendation that will help the discussion to remove the extortion of sacrifice and discrimination from the outside to Okinawa was repeated in terms of history, this booklet is, to contribute to self-sustaining development of Okinawa future.

Shine!The road to "Ryukyu Autonomous Region"
Yuan, Yomitan Village head Yamauchi Tokushin

Chink of light has been reflected in the eye to the tip of the long dark tunnel.The "long tunnel" is a history of hardship of Okinawa Ryukyu Kingdom and later.

Now, history is being changed dramatically. Future of Okinawa can be outlook as the presence shining ahead of our own rides over a wave of upheaval.

Under the centralized system, the Meiji government was to divide and conquer forty-seven prefectures nationwide.Era Meiji, Taisho, Showa, and Heisei is flowing to the destruction and decline.Means the end of the Japanese government is the promotion of "regional system" and is a "Great Heisei Consolidation".

Local Government System Research Council of Government is thought to integrate the proposed eight to twelve organizations forty-seven prefectures.This is not a final draft. Okinawa, there is also a fear that is absorbed by the "Kyushu" Okinawans are silent if.

We Okinawa do not want to be be outdone by that it is integrated into the "Kyushu".Than that, we Okinawa would like to make use of the philosophy of the Ryukyu kingdom management in both small and pride.And furthermore, it can be made ​​use of inherited mental food fought "human rights, democracy, anti-base peace, autonomy struggle" or the like in different ethnic groups under the reign of the post-war is important.

Island of Okinawa base rejects unreasonable base pressed against the Japanese government.Island of Okinawa base is "de-base Okinawa and Peace", "de base, Culture and Tourism Okinawa" and "de-base-independence Okinawa".It is a golden opportunity to establish a "State Okinawa shining", the island of Okinawa base is "local sovereignty Okinawa shining".Future of Okinawa, suffering and inspiring spirit of the citizens, in practice.



Ryukyu independence theory (1) of the Ryukyu people Motomura Yasuhiko

Book for the first time per the nature of the Okinawa problem, told the hopes and dreams, to ask your heart ... ...

Cover"Concept of Ryukyu Autonomous Region" co-authored over this
Over author-Motomura Yasuhiko "lessons / economic measures of history" over
"Concept of Ryukyu Autonomous Region" (issue over Naha publishing company
October 1, 2005)

"Aiming for independence" subtitle over

What does the "regional system" introduced or bring to Okinawa


「琉球民族の自決権と一国二制度を実現する会」(略称 一国二制度の会)「旧名称 薩摩の琉球支配から400年・日本国の琉球処分130年を問う会」→ http://www.ntt-i.net/ryukyu/
会報創刊号→ http://www.ntt-i.net/ryukyu/kaihou.html


平成23年12月20日 金城本村リフォーム設計 代表 本村安彦 電話098-876-5536番

~琉球沖縄の自力経済に向けて~ ============================================名前: 本村安彦 コメント:


I will continue still


2014年03月27日 19時02分22秒 | 日記
Japan、Shizuoka District Court reopens murder case from 1966 involving man facing death penalty for more than 40 years.

To shed light on the darkness of the Japan Legal, Now hand! Democracy !日本司法の闇に光を当て、今こそ民主主義を手に!!

Amnesty International renews criticism of Japan's death penalty, including its pervasive use of secrecy.

The Nepali
"'15 False charge detention"
The incident still fresh in our memory ↓.このネパール人の”15年冤罪拘禁”事件は記憶に新しい↓。
Japanese police who were confined in jail for 15 years foreign/外国人を15年も拘置所に監禁していた日本の警察
Police court prosecutor of Japan did not even apologize/日本の警察検察裁判所は謝罪もしなかった
Narita starting with his family's Mainari, to return home after 18 years - YouTubeマイナリさん、18年ぶり帰国へ 家族とともに成田を出発 - YouTube
Was released in the retrial decision of TEPCO female employees murder Govinda Prasad Mainari's (45)東京電力女性社員殺害事件の再審開始決定で釈放されたゴビンダ・プラサド・マイナリ さん(45)
Police court prosecutor of Japan did not even apologize/日本の警察検察裁判所は謝罪もしなかった
Japanese police who were confined in jail for 15 years foreign/外国人を15年も拘置所に監禁していた日本の警察
The return Govinda Prasad Mainari's (46) = Nepal
Japanese courts handed down a judgment of not guilty.ゴビンダ・プラサド・マイナリさん(46)=ネパールに帰国=を無罪とする判決を言い渡した。
The retrial acquittal in Mainari's マイナリさんに再審無罪判決 
TEPCO female employees the murder (Asahi Shimbun)東電女性社員殺害事件(朝日新聞)
It is erased cutting up of newspaper articles ↓新聞社の記事まで削除されている↓
And examples of Okinawa ↓そして沖縄の実例↓

Motomura Yasuhiko/本村 安彦

2014年03月26日 21時01分55秒 | 日記

Motomura Yasuhiko/本村 安彦

March 23, 2013/2013年3月23日

Beatriz Barbosa Lima's has said, "Likes". ./Beatriz Barbosa Limaさんが「いいね!」と言っています。.
Yasa Jikai Yamazato Smile Joto./Jikai Yamazato スマイル じょーとーやさ。
I Likes 10:26, June 30, 2013!/2013年6月30日 10:26 · いいね!

本村 安彦
Jikai Yamazato Ne Thank you. But I can not smile two years daughter and my wife is mischief by the Japanese chief of police. ☆ The March 8, 2011 to the forthcoming two days left until the nuclear accident "3,11" of this Fukushima, TV director is calling on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Okinawa nuclear secret pact support my testimony.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/motomurayasuhiko/31934758.html/ありがとうねーJikai Yamazato 。あんしがやまとぅー警察本部長んかいとぅじとぅいなぐわらびわちゃくさってい2年スマイルならんどぉー、☆この3,11まであと2日と迫った2011年3月8日は、外務省に電話をかけている。
(ありがとうねーJikai Yamazato 。だけど、日本人警察本部長によって私の妻と娘が悪戯されて2年スマイルできないよ。☆この福島の原発事故”3,11”まであと2日と迫った2011年3月8日は、TVディレクターが私の沖縄核密約裏付け証言のことで外務省に電話をかけている。)
- From the now "3 months 2 years ago". Six months until then, director Sekiguchi Tatsuo NBC Nagasakihoso was or go to Chatan and Yomitan and Kadena Air Base as driver auditors wife of my home.As it is also the image, it was an interview or come to my home time zone of only two people and my wife after the kids went to school. March 8, 2011 that this 3,11 finishing the coverage of the following URL to the forthcoming two days.Okinawa after returning to Japan that Article 9 of the Constitution, which prohibits weapons of mass destruction and the national policy, the three non-nuclear principles bring in nuclear weapons, prohibits any production, the retention is equipped, storage of nuclear weapons only there is still a it is?'m funny, director Sekiguchi Tatsuo Nagasakihoso NBC is calling on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. (Testimony of the person confirmed))ーその今から2年と3ヶ月前。NBC長崎放送のディレクター関口達夫は、それまでの半年に及ぶ嘉手納基地や読谷そして北谷まで我が家の妻を運転手役として出掛けたり、画像にもあるとおり子どもたちが出払った時間帯の妻と二人だけの我が家に取材に来たりと、下記URLの取材を終え、復帰後の沖縄にいまだに核兵器専用の貯蔵庫が存在することはいかがなものか?-と、この3,11まであと2日と迫った2011年3月8日外務省に電話をかけている。(本人の証言確認済)
(-その今から"3 months 2 years ago"。それまでの半年、NBC長崎放送のディレクター関口達夫は我が家の妻を運転手役として嘉手納基地や読谷そして北谷まで出掛けたりしていた。画像にもあるとおり、子どもたちが登校した後の妻と私の二人だけの時間帯の我が家に取材に来たりしていた。下記のURLの取材を終えたこの3,11まであと2日と迫った2011年3月8日。核兵器の持ち込み、製造、保持を一切禁じている国是・非核三原則と大量破壊兵器を禁止している憲法9条が備わった日本へ復帰した後の沖縄に、いまだに核兵器専用の貯蔵庫が存在することはおかしいよ?と、日本の外務省にNBC長崎放送のディレクター関口達夫が電話をかけている。(本人の証言確認済))

In other words, that the storage of nuclear weapons dedicated to still exist in the land of Okinawa after a return in 1972 that the Constitution and administrative rights of Japan has been applied is in violation of mass destruction Weapons of the Constitution and the three principles of the country by all means nuclear it was was called for an investigation to shield. (As reported in the news to the end of the program the URL below this)つまり、日本国の施政権や憲法が適用された1972年の復帰後の沖縄の陸上にいまだに存在する核兵器専用の貯蔵庫が国是非核三原則と憲法の大量破壊兵器禁止に違反していることを盾に調査を要求したのだった。(このことは下記URLの番組終盤にも報じている)

 To be polite step-by-step, of the "two years three months ago" from now, March 8, 2011, Sekiguchi Tatsuo NBC Nagasakihoso has requested an investigation into the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.順を追っていくと、その今から2年と3ヶ月前の一昨年2011年3月8日、NBC長崎放送の関口達夫が外務省へ調査を要求した。

And early morning May 24 of two and a half months after the exchange.It follows that in August of that three months later, illegal darkness incidents of police for the home that will become a non-prosecution that fact, it was "cooked up" of police Barre occurs.To the time zone of still asleep early morning on the 24th that May, the seven detectives Urasoe police station Community Safety Division and the police of the Japanese Division under the Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters and four people were sleeping at home 6 people, including students are awakened suddenly, and driven away to school, it is entering the room without permission.Daughter and junior high school new freshman girls, the third son will be taken away as a new college freshman, a refreshing dignity of each. (Of course, at that time is in the home who is also the fourth son in high school and our parents, and son, the fifth of eighth grade 14-year-old two people other than that)そしてそのやりとりの2ヵ月半後の5月24日早朝。その3ヶ月後の8月までには、実は警察の”でっちあげ”だったことがバレて不起訴となることになるまだ寝間の時間帯に沖縄県警察本部のやまとぅー本部長配下の県警と浦添警察署生活安全課の刑事ら7人に我が家にいた4人の児童生徒含む6人がたたき起こされ、学校へ追い払われ、無断で部屋へ侵入され、娘は中学新一年生女子、そして三男は大学新一年生としてのそれぞれの爽やかな尊厳を奪われることになる。(そのときはその二人以外に当然、私たち両親と14歳中2の五男及び四男も居る家庭でである)

And, under the heading of "nuclear weapons that have been sealed", program of Sekiguchi Tatsuo NBC Nagasakihoso is midnight on May 31 five days after May 24, which was raided to the "house Motomura home" is Urasoe police station it was broadcast on NBC in Nagasakihoso.そしてNBC長崎放送の関口達夫の番組はその五月二十四日の浦添警察署が”我が家本村家”へ家宅捜索した五日後の五月三十一日の深夜に「封印された核」と題してNBC長崎放送で放送された。

In addition, on August 12 the same year of three months after the illegal raid of the Urasoe police station. Urasoe police station and county Women's Center threatened his wife, they were kidnapped my daughter. And video was broadcast on TBS news feature from half past five p.m. Saturday the 13th of the next day, I also appeared in the "Okinawa nuclear secret pact" accusation is this ↓:さらに、その三ヵ月後の同年8月12日に、県女性センターと浦添警察署が妻を脅し、私の娘を拉致誘拐させた翌日の13日土曜日午後五時半からTBS報道特集で放送された私も出演した「沖縄核密約」告発の動画がこれ↓:

↓ (the nucleus of U.S. forces in Japan - Yoshiko Yamazaki and "survive" journal!) <... NBC news bureau Nagasakihoso - American coverage report = TBS special coverage of the whole body Sekiguchi Tatsuo: to break the "taboo now! >
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search · · ·↓(在日米軍の核 - 山崎淑子の「生き抜く」ジャーナル!)<... NBC長崎放送 報道局-関口達夫さん渾身のアメリカ取材レポート=TBS報道特集:『今タブーを破る!>

The hit at the end of the second half of the image Dereruere, the former U.S. soldiers, their programming team has been used as a finish in the last part of the program of the image over me. In addition, the term "architect of Okinawa" they caster et al use the ending of the show they are talking about me.ー私の画像は元米兵のデレルエレ氏の画像の後半最後にあたる、番組の最後の部分で仕上げとして使っています。また、番組のエンディングでキャスターらが使う「沖縄の建築家」という言葉は私のことを指しています。

Then, "hoax" that is uncovered in our opinion, the criminal from the police station Urasoe Community Safety Division and the Japanese police chief under the Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters that was humiliated further. Police officers of Urasoe police station disgraced in another incident three days that August, that "touched the breast of the woman that should have been protected in patrol" (to May 26 of that three months ago) is arrested August 12 after 9 days was, to perform the wrongful imprisonment and discrimination against the wife and daughter of my home away from home "Motomura house".さらにその後、その”でっちあげ”が私どもにバレ、恥をかかされた沖縄県警察本部のやまとぅー本部長配下の県警と浦添警察署生活安全課の刑事ら。その8月3日に、(その3ヶ月前の5月26日に)不祥事を起こした浦添警察署の警察官が逮捕された9日後の8月12日我が家「本村家」のその妻と娘に対して差別待遇と不当拘束を実行する。

http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/motomurayasuhiko/31903077.html ← This,
Scandal Hidden of Urasoe police station and the mainland from the carrier Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters that happened in my home is a purpose "you are out of the house from the previous also the three years, and estranged far daughter and my wife" 156 days to go until the "fake incident",,, http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/motomurayasuhiko/31903077.html ←我が家で起こった本土出身キャリア沖縄県警察本部長と浦添警察署の不祥事隠し目的の「その3年も前から妻と娘は家を出ていて別居中」とする”でっちあげ”事件まであと156日、、、

Japanese Takashi Murata Okinawa police commissioner that I was submitted to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters and former "offense report", "complaint" is discovered, are away from Okinawa to flee
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/motomurayasuhiko/31920612.html )

Sekiguchi Tatsuo NBC Nagasakihoso is make a phone call to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs March 8, 2011 that this 3,11 up to the forthcoming three days. - Yahoo! Blogs - Blog Hon-yasu
blogs.yahoo.co.jp この3,11まであと3日と迫った2011年3月8日は外務省に電話をかけている。 - もとやすのブログ - Yahoo!ブログ
- From the now "3 months 2 years ago". Six months until then, director Sekiguchi Tatsuo NBC Nagasakihoso was or go to Chatan and Yomitan and Kadena Air Base as driver auditors wife of my home.As it is also the image, it was an interview or come to my home time zone of only two people and my wife after the kids went to school. March 8, 2011 that this 3,11 finishing the coverage of the following URL to the forthcoming two days.Okinawa after returning to Japan that Article 9 of the Constitution, which prohibits weapons of mass destruction and the national policy, the three non-nuclear principles bring in nuclear weapons, prohibits any production, the retention is equipped, storage of nuclear weapons only there is still a it is?'m funny, director Sekiguchi Tatsuo Nagasakihoso NBC is calling on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. (Testimony of the person confirmed))この3,11まであと3日と迫った2011年3月8日は外務省に電話をかけている。 ーその今から2年と3ヶ月前。NBC長崎放送の関口達夫は、それまでの半年に及ぶ我が家の妻を運転手役として嘉手納基地や読谷そして北谷まで出掛けたり、画像にもあるとお...

Beatriz Barbosa Lima
主康彦の目は一緒に彼の口と笑顔!XD とても愛らしい!

6時間前 · いいね!を取り消す · 1

本村 安彦
Beatriz Barbosa Lima's, please let me know your friend to this. They will not be able to do anything to my sons and my daughter, and wife, this is if spread. Family will be saved.Beatriz Barbosa Limaさん、これを貴方の友達へ知らせてください。これが広まると彼らは娘と妻、そして息子たちへ手を出せなくなります。家族が救われます。

数秒前 · いいね!

本村 安彦
Fre Okinさん、

March 12/3月12日

View the timeline/タイムラインに表示
I am also anti-Japanese. I aims to re-Ryukyu separation and independence.I'm also a boycott of Japanese products.
In addition, I have proposed if you buy Japanese goods by all means, and to buy from through the Ryukyu people.
Japan was nationalized without permission "Senkaku Islands of Ryukyu". Japan was nationalized to ignore the people all of the Ryukyu us is the owner of the coastline of the island. Insensate performed in Japan.
So, I have a question.
In September 2012.Japanese pre-empts ignored the island of Ryukyu people.
China also ignore the people of Ryukyu?
Protect us. It's thankfully.
However, China to ignore the Ryukyu people this time?

Beatriz Barbosa Lima's, Jie Guang Liu, Mr. Wei and Mr. 黃智 you have said, "Likes". ./あなたとBeatriz Barbosa Limaさん、Jie Guang Liuさん、黃智威さんが「いいね!」と言っています。.

Beatriz Barbosa Lima It is very shocking!/Beatriz Barbosa Lima それはとても衝撃的です!

本村 安彦
To Beatriz Barbosa Lima's. Yara Thousuke Mr. In the photo to the right is (Ryukyu Independence Party = kariyushi club leader). This picture is one that was taken when with him, was carried out at the intersection of Naha Asato actions that appeal to Okinawa possession of the Senkaku Islands around 2009. Was then. I began to intensify the harassment of darkness police repeating the illegal unconstitutional various children and my wife. The crush of the self-employed home over a period of 2 years from the time of this photo, is cut off illegally source of income, the darkness of the police has been abducted from home and son daughter. Today, the darkness of the police, are threatening to legitimate freedom of expression for me.Beatriz Barbosa Limaさん、この写真は2009年頃に、右側に写っている屋良朝助君(琉球独立党=かりゆしクラブ党首)と一緒に尖閣諸島の沖縄領有をアピールした行動を那覇市安里の交差点で行った時に撮られた写真です。その後、警察の闇が私の妻や子どもたちへ様々な違法な憲法違反を繰り返す嫌がらせを強めるようになりました。、警察の闇はこの写真の頃から2年間かけて我が家の自営業を潰して、収入源を違法に絶ち、娘と息子を家から拉致誘拐して、現在も、私の正当な表現の自由に対して脅迫しているのです。

With the exception of that of Taiwan and the Ryukyu, and large agree on the whole! !

2014年03月26日 14時04分25秒 | 日記
With the exception of that of Taiwan and the Ryukyu, and large agree on the whole! !/琉球と台湾のことを除き、全体的には大賛同!!

Yes significance. Director has been deceived by the UN's principle. Director re-reviews awake! !
The film, is neglected and 1,400,000 people of Ryukyu, that 23,000,000 people of Taiwan, the presence of people that exist in reality.

In this movie, expresses this: Ryukyu Islands is represented as a part of Japan. Taiwan island is represented as part of China. This is not true.

Taiwanese and Ryukyu people involved in this film production perhaps wonder forget the identity of their own due to the settlement to mainland China and the Japanese islands?

In this movie, the Senkaku Islands (Diaoyu Islands) until 1879 - has been completely obliterated the history of thousands of years was the bridge of trade between "Ryukyu China".Can not help but suspect so.

We Ryukyu people are not Japanese. I have a Ryukyu people Iden tea of self. Recovery in countries and countries subject Ryukyu, and are working in the area of the high seas of the East Asia, and let us live as citizens of an independent country. It may be self-supporting soon.

However, ignored represented in this movie that aired in the world, and also, than was to be left alone is, and than was expressed incorrectly remain part of Japan, forever even after, could not be restored country it would remain in the past so far. In a state where the remains of the historic absence of Ryukyu, Japanese and Ryukyu who settled to the Japanese archipelago forever is hugging each other, society of this East Asia is not not learn anywhere near. Director of this movie is a re-reviews awake! !






これは↓沖縄の権力構図です/This is ↓ the power of composition Okinawa.

2014年03月25日 12時01分06秒 | 日記
これは↓沖縄の権力構図です/This is ↓ the power of composition Okinawa.

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-8/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-8)

A、Composition of power in Okinawa沖縄の権力の構図
① About 42000 people Military landowner (2011), About 100 billion yen / year revenue from the Japanese government Every year①軍用地主約4万2千人(2011年)、約100,000,000,000円/年が、日本政府から毎年収入
② 550,518 households (January 1, 2014 est. (Jan 1,2014))②550、518世帯(2014年1月1日現在推計(Jan 1,2014))
③ 0.076-7.6% of all households0.076③0.076全世帯の7.6%
④ 0.3 left liberal, 30%④左0.3革新系、3割
⑤ 7% right conservative 0.7⑤7割右0.7保守系
⑥ 12,600 households⑥12,600世帯
⑦ 29,400 households⑦29、400世帯
⑧ 30,000,000,000 yen / year⑧30,000,000,000円/年
⑨ 70,000,000,000 yen / year⑨70,000,000,000円/年
⑩ 2,380,952 yen / household / year⑩2、380、952円/世帯/年
⑪ Population of military landlord of 5% = 42,000 households x2, 7 = 113,000 people⑪5パーセントの軍用地主の人口=4万2千世帯x2,7=113,000人
⑫ 34,020 people⑫34,020人
⑬ 78,980 people⑬78,980人
⑭ 1,419,385 people (January 1, 2014 population estimates (Jan 1,2014))⑭1,419,385人(2014年1月1日推計人口(Jan 1,2014))
⑮ 0,079 = 7,9% of the total population⑮0,079=全人口の7,9パーセント

Police, prosecution, judiciary, court, media警察、検察、司法、裁判所、マスコミ


left 0.5% 左0.5%
right 0.5% 右0.5%

B, People of Okinawa, which is dominatedB、支配される沖縄の庶民
⑯ 510,000 households = 130 million people⑯51万世帯=130万人
⑰ 0,921 = 92,1% of the total population⑰0,921=全人口の92,1%
⑱ 0,90 = 90% of the total population is neutral⑱0,90=全人口の90%が中立
⑲ Ryukyu people⑲琉球庶民
Motomura Yasuhiko本村安彦

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-7/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-7)

After fighting to aggression, then please go to these students,

2014年03月24日 18時18分48秒 | 日記
After fighting to aggression, then please go to these students,
Trees do not skin,certain death
\People shameless,invincible



Wong Dora
If these students have courage to fight Japan, I give them thumbs up , lol , but they are just boorish zombies control and used by politickers lol
Wong Dora
Yes that is right shameless people are invincible lol

Wong Doraさん, thank you for letting me know the point and advice! !
If these students have shown the courage to fight Japan, I also decided to give a thumb.
While I investigate this problem, I was keenly aware that the independence of Ryukyu is essential again. Best regards support! !Wong Dora さん、忠告とポイントを教えてくれてありがとう!!

So, And a ↓ "pro-Japanese faction site" that this does not represent the "involvement of Japan" that would be 200% there, I've seen the history of things.
I found that the back side of the movement of the student as "boisterous zombie", there is a control of the "pro-Japanese political organization".そこで、200パーセント存在するはずの”日本の関与”を表現しないこの”親日派サイト”↓で、事の経緯を見てきました。
In June 2013 it all began, in April of that two months ago, "there was a strategic aim of the official residence led Japan to divide to Japan cooperation of China and Taiwan over the Senkaku problem" is Japan and Taiwan fishing agreement been concluded suddenly, Okinawa and Taiwan have been separated.全てが始まった2013年6月といえば、その2ヶ月前の4月に”尖閣問題をめぐる中国と台湾の『対日連携』を分断する日本の官邸主導の戦略的狙いがあった”日台漁業協定が突然締結され、台湾と沖縄が分断されました。

In other words, were conducted secretly behind the scenes in April 2013 "trade in services agreement". Become a June that after two months, it will surfaced on the water surface for the first time.
In the space between the Japan and Taiwan, re-founding of an independent country, Ryukyu, together with the anti-Japanese democratic right of Taiwan, I want to protect the sovereignty of Taiwan and Ryukyu.
To do so, independent of Ryukyu is essential! ! Please support.

This ↓ Note:

March 24, 2014 record China

"There is a strategic aim of the official residence of Japan led to divide the day-to-cooperation of China and Taiwan over the Senkaku problem"
Taiwan lifeline of Japan!
レコードチャイナ 2014年3月24日

 My conclusion to "boisterous zombie" "pro-Japanese political organization" of Taiwan, politics of Japan's joined is certain. Because:
1, "a leading Chinese companies to enter the market of Taiwan, it's become a tremendous threat to small and medium enterprises in Taiwan."

- And why, such as small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan that is crushed. This smells Japan.私の結論は、台湾の"がさつなゾンビ"と、”親日派政治団体”へ日本の政治が加わっているのは確かです。なぜなら:
In particular,

" It is expected to apply in Taiwan (available from the raw material to be carried out in the company of one process of all) the business model of Ichijo dragon , a leading company in China , to develop and provide products and services at low cost "

"If you become so, then small and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan can not compete , it makes them forced out of business "

- This would be a tactic of Japan to be enlarged to advance Taiwan market. To "boisterous zombie" "pro-Japanese political organization" of Taiwan, politics of Japan's added it is certain.

There is a strategic aim of the official residence of Japan led to divide China and Taiwan over the Senkaku problem "to Japan cooperation" clearly.特に、



2, "When the Taiwanese company is expanding into China, so that excellent human resources of many Taiwanese are also operating in China are both"

"As a result, excellent human resources shortage in the country, degradation of service in the country is worried about"

- This talent outflow theory. On the back to say this, and "boorish zombie" "pro-Japanese political organization" of Taiwan, the Japanese government's involved certainty.2、”台湾企業が中国に進出する際、多くの台湾人の優秀な人材もともに中国に進出することになる。

Wong Dora さん , have such a propaganda site " pro-Japanese faction political organization " that is ↓.

Safety of speech and information

One of the concern of Taiwanese , there is a gag from China .
Printing industry and publishing industry in China is advanced in Taiwan , if you take a big share , but there is a risk of published publications that are gag , inhibiting freedom of speech in Taiwan .
And it has been poisoned When the notice of the Chinese Communist Party also thought he could take place .

In addition , there is a risk that the communication industry in China has expanded into Taiwan , drained to China consumption history , family register data and personal information and behavior of Taiwanese , National Security of Taiwan would have been threatened .

Without having to discuss fully the disadvantages such , it was applied to " wait " to the National Assembly an attempt is made to an agreement , it 's a student demonstration exercise of this time .

, , , it is ridiculous lol-. lolWong Dora さん、その”親日派政治団体”サイトはこんなプロパガンダをしている↓。






これは↓その警察の”でっちあげ”押収リスト/This ↓ "cooked up" seizure list of the police

2014年03月23日 17時48分07秒 | 日記
これは↓その警察の”でっちあげ”押収リスト/This ↓ "cooked up" seizure list of the police

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-7/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-7)



Japanese police will crush the self-employed home and seized important documents and other seal Te "cooked up" the innocent to me.
This ↓ seizure list of the police.

Seized goods inventory issue statement押収品目録交付書

May 24, 2011平成23年5月24日

Motomura Yasuhiko buttocks本村安彦 殿

Okinawa Urasoe police station沖縄県浦添警察署

Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters life Safety Department Community Safety Division沖縄県警察本部生活安全部生活安全課

Judicial police officer sergeant Shimabukuro Moriya司法警察員 巡査部長 島袋盛哉

Act on Specified Commercial Transactions per violation case against the suspect Motomura Yasuhiko, (dark blue, registration number 300 ね Okinawa 7766), the professional, so seized the property of inventory following passenger cars May 24, 2011, to issue this list 被疑者  本村安彦  に対する特定商取引に関する法律違反事件につき、平成23年5月24日普通乗用車(紺色、登録番号沖縄300ね7766)において、本職は、下記目録の物件を押収したので、この目録を交付します。

1、 zipper plastic bag containing the receipt1、領収書の入ったジッパー付ビニール製袋
2, company seal(seal of renovation design) 2、会社印(リフォーム設計之印)
3, rubber seal(described as renovation design, etc.) 3、ゴム印(リフォーム設計等と記載)
4, receipt spelling4、領収書綴
5, Schedule book (blue cover)5、スケジュール帳(青色カバー)
6, Schedule book (black cover)6、スケジュール帳(黒色カバー)
7, Clear File(completion of construction confirmation absentia and content of the contract)7、クリアファイル(契約の内容及び工事完了確認書在中)
8, daily spelling8、日報綴

Seized goods inventory issue statement押収品目録交付書

May 24, 2011平成23年5月24日

Motomura Yasuhiko buttocks本村安彦 殿

Okinawa Urasoe police station沖縄県浦添警察署

Okinawa Prefectural Police Headquarters life Safety Department Community Safety Division沖縄県警察本部生活安全部生活安全課

Judicial police officer sergeant Shimabukuro Moriya司法警察員 巡査部長 島袋盛哉

Act on Specified Commercial Transactions per violation case against the suspect Motomura Yasuhiko, at May 24, 2011,No 10- 8 Okinawa Urasoe Minatogawa 2 chome、 Motomura Yasuhiko residence professed, so seized properties by the following list, this I will issue a catalog.被疑者  本村安彦  に対する特定商取引に関する法律違反事件につき、平成23年5月24日 沖縄県浦添市港川二丁目10番8号 本村安彦 方住居 において、本職は、下記目録の物件を押収したので、この目録を交付します。

1, zipper file B5 (invoices, etc. Enclosed)1、ジッパーファイルB5(請求書等在中)
2, receipt2、領収書
3, brown envelope (invoices, etc. Enclosed)3、茶封筒(請求書等在中)
4, contract, etc.(described as contractor name Setsuko Shimoji, etc.) 4、契約書等(ご契約者お名前下地節子等と記載)
5, plastic case of pamphlets Enclosed5、パンフレット等在中のビニールケース
6, plastic bags, etc. Enclosed quote6、見積書等在中のビニール袋
7, Plastic bags of work schedule, etc. Enclosed application 7、作業予定申込書等在中のビニール袋

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-6/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-6)


2014年03月22日 17時35分06秒 | 日記
警察の闇は、運転手役の妻を遠ざけるだけで私の収入源を絶つことができる。警察の闇は、それを実行した。/Darkness of Police is able to cut off sources of income I just alienate the wife of the driver role. Darkness of Police run it.

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-6/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-6)



I the Lord do not have a driver's license. My wife continues 25 years the role of the driver only in my home self-employed. Darkness of Police is able to cut off sources of income I just alienate the wife of the driver role. Darkness of Police run it.

Unlike the Japanese mainland, ↓, "choice of employment is narrowed and there is no driver's license in Okinawa of car society", and this was reported largely in one side of the newspaper on January 31 this year that after two and a half years from the incident .

It's the first time in the history of coverage of Okinawa.

Moreover, threatened my wife, and guilty of the crime of instigation extortion, was away with restraint.しかも私の妻を脅迫し、強要の罪と唆しの罪を侵し、拘束してまで遠ざけた。

Japanese police commissioner that 100% Japanese is continued from forty years ago in Okinawa, which transferred from Okinawa in a few years. 数年で沖縄から転勤する沖縄で40年前から100パーセント日本人が続いている日本人警察本部長。

Judge or prosecutor is also Japanese 100% in addition to it. Japanese nearly accounted attorneys. それに加えて検察官や裁判官も100パーセントが日本人である。弁護士もほぼ日本人が占めている沖縄。

The special circumstances of Okinawa not be a Japan mainland there is no Tarakiri counted. There is no reason to Japanese who transferred in a few years to know.数えたらきりがない日本本土ではあり得ない沖縄の特殊な事情。数年で転勤する日本人が知る訳もない。

Suppose, Japan is a country of one country one system as well as conscious. This would defeat the case law of the legal community in Japan. So there is no possibility that the mistake will be reviewed. 仮に、配慮したとしても日本は一国一制度の国。日本の法曹界の判例にそぐわない。だからその過ちが見直されることはない。

And too late even to understand at a later time. Press light the light to the darkness of the police, there is a social mission leave buried but lone struggle of I will be 30 years now gets iterated once more in the hope.後になって理解したとしても後の祭り。その警察の闇へマスコミは光を照らし、葬り去る社会的使命があるが私の孤軍奮闘はかれこれ30年余りになる。

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-5/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-5)

司法の闇は、まったく無関係の私のせいだとして逆恨みをしていた。/Darkness the Japanese police,

2014年03月22日 04時58分25秒 | 日記
日本の警察、検察、裁判所、法テラス弁護士=沖縄の司法の闇は、まったく無関係の私のせいだとして逆恨みをしていた。/Darkness the Japanese police, prosecutors, courts, judicial law attorney Terrace = Okinawa, had a mutual hostility as my fault completely unrelated.

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-5/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-5)




Japanese police, Two and a half months Before the Press release article ↓. Japanese police will crush the self-employed home and seized important documents and other seal Te "cooked up" the innocent of the charges.

By the way, this scandal incident of police officers took place Two and a half months Before this ↓ newspaper article. This day was May 26, two days after the crushing of the self-employed home police seized important documents and other seal Te "cooked up" the innocent of the charges.

In other words, police, prosecution, court, law terrace lawyer was arrested scandals of this police discovered, it was widely reported in the newspaper it was a mutual hostility as my fault completely unrelated.

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-4/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-4)

安倍内閣官房の出先機関”日本司法支援センター”(法テラス)の不誠実さに対する苦情文。/Abe Cabinet

2014年03月18日 13時08分05秒 | 日記
安倍内閣官房の出先機関である”日本司法支援センター”(通称、法テラス)の不誠実さに対する苦情文。/Abe Cabinet Secretariat for dishonesty (aka, Houterasu)of, to the problem of this incident.

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-4/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-4)

This document is the documentary evidence that was submitted to the court. The contents of this incident, which was posted to the homepage of Facebook Abe's secretary. At the same, it is complaint sentence "justice center support Japan" of the local agency of the Abe Cabinet Secretariat for dishonesty (aka, Houterasu) of, to the problem of this incident.


「Facebookの「秘書です」ーの今日の安倍首相 」ーから。











Copied from "Facebook is" secretary "Prime Minister Shinzo Abe today " .

※ August 12. I complained to the family court in all six children, including me, the intervention unfair "hoax" of police and police officers who are relatives of my wife to my home, which was followed three months.Purpose, tried to accused exposed in the dictation of the wife's mother and my wife about it.

Then, a few hours after that. Daughter of one of the accused people suddenly disappeared from the land lot of training during the summer vacation.Just in case, I sent instructed to rush to the police by e-mail.

Since then, my wife and daughter have continued to be under house arrest by the police I sent out a search prior application to the police and in the evening.

Conflict has continued in the field of justice about it, but they refused to 20 people Houterasu lawyer of the Cabinet Secretariat direct line between them.

In my home, I, the father continues to speech volunteer activities in '20.

Wife's mother appeared to have been killed by police in silence purpose.

The two and a half months later. I sued to prosecution. Then was "cooked up" the DV to the police prosecutor, it is not even there.

And I was separated from my wife and daughter. Two months after that also. Only confirm the safety of the wife and daughter I had been going to the surrounding at a distance. While I continue, confirm the safety of her daughter and my wife.

Was to meet my wife, which has been quarantined to take say, "I want to see mom", the son was left in the house.

Then, is "hoax" also, son and I have been unfairly arrested by the police prosecution if it is exposed to the "wandering" of the law this time. I was four months detention.

April two years ago. Exit the jail, you are pursuing unfair exchange for its unreasonable arrested, and four children still, it can not even confirm the safety of my wife. Moreover, it does not even support lawyer.

Between them. Only that the wife's mother was killed in silence wife and daughter know. And "self-responsibility" then is forced out of the police and judicial prosecution, silence to me has also been allowed to continue.

Two sons expulsion in unpaid tuition university. Whose responsibility is it!

For now, until Takashi Murata (Japanese) Okinawa prefectural police chief at the time are tracking, but I do not think is that there is no responsibility of the Cabinet Secretariat at least. Motomura Yasuhiko

(日本の警察は、起訴にもできない無実の罪を”でっちあげ”、我が家の自営業を潰した-3/Japanese police, mashed a self-employed home "cooked up" the crime of the innocent can not be prosecuted.-3)

It is very shocking!/Beatriz Barbosa Lima それはとても衝撃的です!

2014年03月17日 15時33分16秒 | 日記
本村 安彦
Fre Okinさん、

March 12/3月12日

View the timeline/タイムラインに表示
I am also anti-Japanese. I aims to re-Ryukyu separation and independence.I'm also a boycott of Japanese products.
In addition, I have proposed if you buy Japanese goods by all means, and to buy from through the Ryukyu people.
Japan was nationalized without permission "Senkaku Islands of Ryukyu". Japan was nationalized to ignore the people all of the Ryukyu us is the owner of the coastline of the island. Insensate performed in Japan.
So, I have a question.
In September 2012.Japanese pre-empts ignored the island of Ryukyu people.
China also ignore the people of Ryukyu?
Protect us. It's thankfully.
However, China to ignore the Ryukyu people this time?

Beatriz Barbosa Lima's, Jie Guang Liu, Mr. Wei and Mr. 黃智 you have said, "Likes". ./あなたとBeatriz Barbosa Limaさん、Jie Guang Liuさん、黃智威さんが「いいね!」と言っています。.

Beatriz Barbosa Lima It is very shocking!/Beatriz Barbosa Lima それはとても衝撃的です!

本村 安彦
To Beatriz Barbosa Lima's. Yara Thousuke Mr. In the photo to the right is (Ryukyu Independence Party = kariyushi club leader). This picture is one that was taken when with him, was carried out at the intersection of Naha Asato actions that appeal to Okinawa possession of the Senkaku Islands around 2009. Was then. I began to intensify the harassment of darkness police repeating the illegal unconstitutional various children and my wife. The crush of the self-employed home over a period of 2 years from the time of this photo, is cut off illegally source of income, the darkness of the police has been abducted from home and son daughter. Today, the darkness of the police, are threatening to legitimate freedom of expression for me.Beatriz Barbosa Limaさん、この写真は2009年頃に、右側に写っている屋良朝助君(琉球独立党=かりゆしクラブ党首)と一緒に尖閣諸島の沖縄領有をアピールした行動を那覇市安里の交差点で行った時に撮られた写真です。その後、警察の闇が私の妻や子どもたちへ様々な違法な憲法違反を繰り返す嫌がらせを強めるようになりました。、警察の闇はこの写真の頃から2年間かけて我が家の自営業を潰して、収入源を違法に絶ち、娘と息子を家から拉致誘拐して、現在も、私の正当な表現の自由に対して脅迫しているのです。