琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする


2016年04月15日 06時08分02秒 | 日記



ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。

http://ryukyushimpo.jp/editorial/entry-255661.html/"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。


Es gibt keine Gerechtigkeit "Hiroshima-Erklärung".

2016年04月15日 06時05分45秒 | 日記
Es gibt keine Gerechtigkeit "Hiroshima-Erklärung". G7 versteckte die illegale US-Militär Henoko Kernspeicher.

Ja. Am Tag vor gestern G7 war über in Hiroshima. Und gemeinsame Erklärung, die die "Unmenschlichkeit von Atomwaffen" trivialisieren angekündigt. Wir sind jedoch besorgt über einen kleinen Teil der Kriegsdienst Japanisch ist. Durch die Unmenschlichkeit von Atomwaffen ist nicht in der Erklärung, etc. vor allem der einzige Krieg Hinterlassenen- Organisationen aufgenommen worden, wir sind empört. Und angenehm warm unter dem Dach der Vereinigten Staaten von Kernwaffen "Welt ohne Atomwaffen", wie angekündigt, sind in Japan und den Lahmen. Allerdings ist eine solche [Hiroshima - Nagasaki-Bombe Überlebenden Organisation] ist, Japan Kern drei Prinzipien Verletzung des Schirms von Atomwaffen in Insel Okinawa hat eingewilligt Kommen.

Das ist die Natur des japanischen Volkes. Wenn Sie im Buddhismus sagen, oder sagen wir, auch mit Gugyo.

By the way, ist Präsident Obama auch, ob der Besuch des Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, diese Erklärung aufmerksam wurde. Schließlich ist Amerika die Täter Länder, so scheint es, auch diejenigen der Vereinigten Staaten besorgt zu sein.

Dies ist die Okinawas Zeitung Ryukyu. Aber auch in dieser Zeitung Ryukyu Okinawa, Japan Kern drei Prinzipien Verletzung des Schirms von Atomwaffen in Okinawa Insel kommen (Massenvernichtungswaffen , und dass die Verfassung Artikel 9 Verletzungen, die NBC verbietet) hat eingewilligt. In der gleichen westlichen Massenmedien . Also, Aussagen, dass die Hayate darauf hingewiesen hat keine.
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


Não há justiça "Declaração de Hiroshima".

2016年04月15日 06時04分23秒 | 日記
Não há justiça "Declaração de Hiroshima". G7 estava escondendo o armazenamento nuclear Henoko ilegal militar dos Estados Unidos.

Sim. Anteontem G7 terminou em Hiroshima. E, declaração comum, que banalizar a "desumanidade de armas nucleares" foi anunciada. No entanto, estamos preocupados com é uma pequena parte dos japoneses consciente. Por desumanidade de armas nucleares não tenha sido incluído na declaração, etc. especialmente organizações os únicos sobreviventes de guerra ", que estão indignados. E confortavelmente quente sob a égide dos Estados Unidos de armas nucleares "mundo sem armas nucleares", como anunciou estão no Japão e os coxos. No entanto, tais [Hiroshima - Nagasaki sobreviventes da bomba organização] é, Japão Vem nuclear três princípios violação do guarda-chuva de armas nucleares na Ilha de Okinawa tiver tolerado.

Esta é a natureza da população japonesa. Se você diz no Budismo, ou, digamos, mesmo com Gugyo.

By the way, o presidente Obama também é sobre se a visita ao Museu Memorial da Paz de Hiroshima, essa declaração tem sido a atenção. Afinal de contas, os Estados Unidos são os países agressor, assim ele parece estar preocupado mesmo aqueles dos Estados Unidos.

Este é o jornal de Okinawa Ryukyu. No entanto, mesmo neste jornal Ryukyu de Okinawa, Japão Vem nuclear três princípios violação do guarda-chuva de armas nucleares em Okinawa Island (armas de destruição maciça, e que a Constituição Artigo 9 violações que proíbe NBC) tiver tolerado. Na mesma mídia ocidental. Assim, as declarações que o Hayate apontou não tem qualquer.
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


Il n'y a pas de justice "Déclaration d'Hiroshima".

2016年04月15日 06時03分01秒 | 日記
Il n'y a pas de justice "Déclaration d'Hiroshima". G7 se cachait l'armée américaine illégale Henoko stockage nucléaire.

Oui. La journée d'avant-hier G7 était terminée à Hiroshima. Et, déclaration commune qui banalisent la «inhumanité des armes nucléaires» a été annoncé. Cependant, nous sommes préoccupés par est une petite partie de la conscience japonaise. Par l'inhumanité des armes nucléaires n'a pas été incluse dans la déclaration, etc. en particulier les organisations les seuls survivants de la guerre, nous sommes indignés. Et bien au chaud sous l'égide des États-Unis d'armes nucléaires "monde sans armes nucléaires», comme annoncé sont au Japon et les boiteux. Cependant, comme [Hiroshima - Nagasaki survivants de la bombe organisation] est, le Japon Come nucléaire trois principes violation du parapluie des armes nucléaires dans l'île d'Okinawa a acquiescé.

Telle est la nature du peuple japonais. Si vous dites que dans le bouddhisme, ou disons même avec Gugyo.

Par ailleurs, le président Obama est aussi de savoir si la visite au Musée Mémorial de la paix d'Hiroshima, cette déclaration a été attention. Après tout, l'Amérique est le pays agresseur, donc il semble être inquiet même ceux des États-Unis.

Ceci est le journal Okinawan Ryukyu. Cependant, même dans ce journal Ryukyu d'Okinawa, au Japon Come nucléaire trois principes violation du parapluie des armes nucléaires dans l'île d'Okinawa (Les armes de destruction massive, et que la Constitution l'article 9 qui interdit les violations NBC) a acquiescé. Dans le même média de masse occidentale. Ainsi, les déclarations que le Hayate souligné ne possède pas.
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


Er is geen recht "Hiroshima Declaration".

2016年04月15日 06時01分45秒 | 日記
Er is geen recht "Hiroshima Declaration". G7 is het verbergen van de illegale Amerikaanse leger Henoko nucleaire opslag.

Ja. Eergisteren G7 voorbij was in Hiroshima. En, gezamenlijke verklaring dat de "onmenselijkheid van nucleaire wapens" bagatelliseren is aangekondigd. We zijn echter bezorgd over is een klein deel van de gewetensvolle Japanners. Door onmenselijkheid van nucleaire wapens is niet opgenomen in de aangifte, enz. Met name organisaties de enige oorlog overlevenden ', we zijn woedend. En lekker warm onder de paraplu van de Verenigde Staten van kernwapens "wereld zonder kernwapens" zoals aangekondigd in Japan en de lamme. Echter, een dergelijke [Hiroshima - Nagasaki bom overlevenden organisatie] is, Japan Kom nucleaire drie principes schending van de paraplu van kernwapens in Okinawa Island heeft gedoogd.

Dit is de aard van de Japanners. Als je zegt dat in het boeddhisme, of laten we zeggen, zelfs met Gugyo.

By the way, President Obama is ook de vraag of het bezoek aan het Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, heeft deze verklaring aandacht geweest. Immers, Amerika is de dader landen, waardoor het lijkt zelfs zorgen te maken die van de Verenigde Staten.

Dit is het Okinawa Ryukyu krant. Maar zelfs in deze krant Ryukyu Okinawa, Japan Kom nucleaire drie principes schending van de paraplu van kernwapens in Okinawa Island (massavernietigingswapens, en dat de Grondwet in artikel 9 schendingen die NBC verbiedt) heeft gedoogd. In dezelfde westerse massamedia. Dus, verklaringen die de Hayate gewezen er geen heeft.
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


Там нет справедливости "Хиросимы декларации".

2016年04月15日 06時00分23秒 | 日記
Там нет справедливости "Хиросимы декларации". G7 скрывался незаконный США военной Хеноко ядерного хранилища.

Да. Позавчера G7 закончилась в Хиросиме. И, совместная декларация, принизить "бесчеловечности ядерного оружия" было объявлено. Тем не менее, мы обеспокоены небольшая часть японцев добросовестный. По бесчеловечности ядерного оружия не была включена в декларации и т.п., особенно организации единственная война, по случаю потери кормильца, мы возмущены. И комфортно тепло под эгидой Соединенных Штатов ядерного оружия "мира без ядерного оружия", как было объявлено в Японии и хромой. Тем не менее, такие [Хиросима - Нагасаки бомба выжившие организация] является, Япония Приходи ядерное нарушение трех принципов зонта ядерного оружия на острове Окинава молчаливо.

Такова природа японского народа. Если вы говорите, в буддизме, или, скажем, даже с Gugyo.

Кстати, президент Обама также от того, посещение Мемориального музея мира в Хиросиме, это заявление было внимание. В конце концов, Америка страны виновного, таким образом, это, кажется, беспокоит даже те из Соединенных Штатов.

Это окинавского газета Рюкю. Тем не менее, даже в этой газете Рюкю на Окинаве, Япония Приходи ядерное нарушение три принципа зонтика ядерного оружия на Окинаве острова (оружие массового уничтожения, а также о том, что Конституция Статья 9 нарушений, которые запрещает NBC) молчаливо. В то же западных СМИ. Таким образом, заявления о том, что Hayate указал не имеет.
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


Tidak ada keadilan "Hiroshima Deklarasi".

2016年04月15日 05時58分44秒 | 日記
Tidak ada keadilan "Hiroshima Deklarasi". G7 bersembunyi militer AS ilegal Henoko penyimpanan nuklir.

Ya. Sehari sebelum kemarin G7 usai di Hiroshima. Dan, bersama deklarasi yang meremehkan "kebiadaban senjata nuklir" telah diumumkan. Namun, kami khawatir tentang adalah bagian kecil dari Jepang teliti. Oleh kekejaman senjata nuklir belum termasuk dalam deklarasi, dll terutama organisasi-satunya yang selamat perang ', kita marah. Dan nyaman hangat di bawah payung Amerika Serikat senjata nuklir "dunia tanpa senjata nuklir" seperti yang diumumkan berada di Jepang dan orang lumpuh. Namun, seperti [Hiroshima - Nagasaki korban bom organisasi] adalah, Jepang Datang nuklir tiga prinsip pelanggaran payung senjata nuklir di Pulau Okinawa telah berkeinginan.

Ini adalah sifat dari orang-orang Jepang. Jika Anda mengatakan dalam Buddhisme, atau katakanlah bahkan dengan Gugyo.

By the way, Presiden Obama juga pada apakah kunjungan ke Memorial Museum Hiroshima Peace, deklarasi ini telah perhatian. Setelah semua, Amerika adalah negara pelaku, sehingga tampaknya akan khawatir bahkan mereka dari Amerika Serikat.

Ini adalah surat kabar Okinawa Ryukyu. Namun, bahkan di koran Ryukyu Okinawa ini, Jepang Datang nuklir tiga prinsip pelanggaran payung senjata nuklir di Pulau Okinawa (senjata pemusnah massal, dan bahwa Konstitusi Pasal 9 pelanggaran yang melarang NBC) telah berkeinginan. Di media massa Barat yang sama. Jadi, pernyataan bahwa Hayate menunjukkan tidak memiliki.
/"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


Tidak ada keadilan "Hiroshima Deklarasi".

2016年04月15日 05時56分45秒 | 日記
Tidak ada keadilan "Hiroshima Deklarasi". G7 bersembunyi tentera AS haram Henoko penyimpanan nuklear.

Ya. Hari sebelum G7 semalam adalah lebih di Hiroshima. Dan, deklarasi bersama yang menganggap remeh yang "tidak berperikemanusiaan senjata nuklear" telah diumumkan. Walau bagaimanapun, kami bimbang tentang adalah sebahagian kecil daripada Jepun teliti. Oleh kekejaman senjata nuklear tidak dimasukkan dalam perisytiharan itu, dan lain-lain terutama pertubuhan-satunya mangsa yang terselamat perang ', kita marah. Dan selesa panas di bawah naungan Amerika Syarikat senjata nuklear "dunia tanpa senjata nuklear" seperti yang diumumkan adalah di Jepun dan orang-orang timpang. Walau bagaimanapun, seperti [Hiroshima - Nagasaki mangsa bom organisasi] adalah, Jepun Datang nuklear tiga prinsip melanggar payung senjata nuklear di Pulau Okinawa telah dibebaskan.

Ini adalah sifat orang-orang Jepun. Jika anda mengatakan dalam agama Buddha, atau katakan walaupun dengan Gugyo.

Dengan cara ini, Presiden Obama juga sama ada lawatan ke Muzium Memorial Keamanan Hiroshima, pengakuan ini telah perhatian. Lagipun, Amerika adalah negara pelaku, oleh itu ia seolah-olah bimbang walaupun orang-orang di Amerika Syarikat.

Ini adalah akhbar Okinawan Ryukyu. Namun begitu, di akhbar Ryukyu Okinawa ini, Jepun Datang nuklear tiga prinsip melanggar payung senjata nuklear di Pulau Okinawa (senjata pemusnah besar-besaran, dan bahawa Perlembagaan Perkara 9 pelanggaran yang melarang NBC) telah dibebaskan. Dalam media massa barat yang sama. Jadi, kenyataan bahawa Hayate menegaskan tidak mempunyai apa-apa.

//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。



2016年04月15日 05時52分24秒 | 日記
ไม่มีความยุติธรรมคือ "ฮิโรชิมาประกาศ" G7 ถูกซ่อนผิดกฎหมายทหารสหรัฐ Henoko จัดเก็บนิวเคลียร์

ใช่ วันก่อนเมื่อวานนี้ G7 ถูกกว่าในฮิโรชิมา และแถลงการณ์ร่วมกันว่าทำเป็นว่า "ไร้มนุษยธรรมของอาวุธนิวเคลียร์" ได้รับการประกาศ อย่างไรก็ตามเรามีความกังวลเกี่ยวกับการเป็นส่วนเล็ก ๆ ของญี่ปุ่นที่ขยันขันแข็ง โดยไร้มนุษยธรรมของอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ยังไม่ได้รับการรวมอยู่ในการประกาศและอื่น ๆ โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งองค์กรเท่านั้นสงครามรอดชีวิต 'เรามีความโกรธ และสะดวกสบายอบอุ่นภายใต้ร่มของสหรัฐอเมริกาของอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ "โลกที่ปราศจากอาวุธนิวเคลียร์" เป็นประกาศที่อยู่ในประเทศญี่ปุ่นและคนง่อย แต่อย่างไรก็ตามยังมี [ฮิโรชิมา - นางาซากิระเบิดรอดชีวิตองค์กร] คือญี่ปุ่นมาสามหลักการนิวเคลียร์ละเมิดร่มของอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ในเกาะโอกินาว่าได้ยอมรับ

นี่คือธรรมชาติของคนญี่ปุ่น ถ้าคุณบอกว่าในพระพุทธศาสนาหรือสมมติว่าแม้จะมี Gugyo

โดยวิธีการที่ประธานาธิบดีโอบามาก็ยังไม่ว่าจะเป็นการเข้าชมพิพิธภัณฑ์อนุสรณ์สันติภาพฮิโรชิประกาศนี้ได้รับความสนใจ หลังจากที่ทุกประเทศอเมริกาเป็นผู้กระทำผิดจึงดูเหมือนว่าจะเป็นห่วงแม้ผู้ที่ของสหรัฐอเมริกา

นี่คือโอกินาหนังสือพิมพ์ริวกิว อย่างไรก็ตามแม้ในนี้หนังสือพิมพ์ริวกิวโอกินาวาประเทศญี่ปุ่นมาสามหลักการนิวเคลียร์ละเมิดร่มของอาวุธนิวเคลียร์ในโอกินาวาเกาะ (อาวุธทำลายล้างสูงและที่ข้อ 9 การละเมิดรัฐธรรมนูญที่ห้ามเอ็นบีซี) ได้ยอมรับ ในสื่อมวลชนตะวันตกเดียวกัน ดังนั้นงบว่าฮายาเตะชี้ให้เห็นไม่ได้มี
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。



2016年04月15日 05時49分08秒 | 日記
​ບໍ່ມີ​ຄວາມຍຸດຕິທໍາ "​Hiroshima ຖະແຫຼງການ" ແມ່ນ​. G7 ໄດ້ຖືກ hiding ທີ່ຜິດກົດຫມາຍ​ສະຫະລັດ​ທະຫານ Henoko ການເກັບຮັກສາ​ນິວເຄລຍ​.

​Yes​. ມື້ກ່ອນ​ມື້ວານນີ້ G7 ໄດ້ສິ້ນສຸດລົງ​ໃນ Hiroshima​. ແລະ​, ການປະກາດ​ຮ່ວມກັນທີ່ trivialize ການ "​ມະນຸດ​ຂອງອາວຸດ nuclear​" ໄດ້ຖືກປະກາດ​. ຢ່າງໃດກໍຕາມ​, ພວກເຮົາ​ມີຄວາມເປັນຫ່ວງ​ກ່ຽວກັບການເປັນ​ສ່ວນຂະຫນາດນ້ອຍ​ຂອງ​ສະຕິ​ພາສາຍີ່ປຸ່ນ​. ໂດຍ​ມະນຸດ​ຂອງອາວຸດ nuclear ຍັງບໍ່ໄດ້ລວມ​ໃນການປະກາດ​, ແລະອື່ນໆ​ໂດຍສະເພາະແມ່ນ​ອົງການຈັດຕັ້ງ​ພຽງແຕ່​ສົງຄາມ​ຜູ້ເສຍຊີວິດ​, ພວກເຮົາມີຄວາມ outraged​. ແລະ​ສະດວກສະບາຍ​ອົບອຸ່ນ​ພາຍໃຕ້​ການຊີ້ນໍາຂອງ​ສະຫະ​ລັດອະເມລິກາ​ຂອງອາວຸດ nuclear "​ໂລກ​ໂດຍບໍ່ມີການ​ອາວຸດນິວເຄລຍ​" ທີ່​ເປັນການປະກາດ​ຢູ່ໃນ​ປະເທດຍີ່ປຸ່ນ​ແລະ​ພິການ​. ຢ່າງໃດກໍຕາມ​, ດັ່ງກ່າວ [​Hiroshima - Nagasaki ລູກລະເບີດ​ຜູ້ລອດຊີວິດ​ອົງການຈັດຕັ້ງ​] ແມ່ນ​, ຍີ່ປຸ່ນ​ມາ​, ຫລັກທໍາສາມ nuclear ການລະເມີດ​ຂອງ umbrella ຂອງອາວຸດ nuclear ໃນເກາະ​ໂອກິນາວາ​ໄດ້ acquiesced​.​

​ນີ້​ເປັນລັກສະນະ​ຂອງປະຊາຊົນ​ຍີ່ປຸ່ນ. ຖ້າຫາກວ່າທ່ານ​ເວົ້າວ່າຢູ່ໃນ​ສາສະຫນາພຸດ​, ຫຼື​ໃຫ້ຂອງເວົ້າວ່າ​ເຖິງແມ່ນວ່າມີ Gugyo​.

​ໂດຍ​ວິທີທາງການ​, ປະທານປະເທດ​ໂອບາມາ​ແມ່ນຍັງຢູ່ໃນ​ບໍ່ວ່າຈະເປັນ​ການຢ້ຽມຢາມເພື່ອ​ພິພິທະພັນ​ອະນຸສອນ Hiroshima ສັນຕິພາບ, ການປະກາດນີ້​ໄດ້ມີການ​ເອົາໃຈໃສ່. ຫຼັງຈາກທັງຫມົດ​, ອາເມລິກາແມ່ນ​ບັນດາປະເທດ​ທໍາຜິດ​, ດັ່ງນັ້ນມັນ​ເບິ່ງຄືວ່າຈະ​ໄດ້ຮັບການ​ກັງວົນ​ເຖິງແມ່ນວ່າ​ຜູ້ທີ່ຂອງ​ສະຫະ​ລັດອະເມລິກາ​.​

​ນີ້​ແມ່ນຫນັງສືພິມ Okinawan Ryukyu​. ຢ່າງໃດກໍຕາມ​, ເຖິງແມ່ນວ່າ​ໃນ​ຫນັງສືພິມ Ryukyu Okinawa​, ປະເທດຍີ່ປຸ່ນ​ມາ​, ຫລັກທໍາສາມ nuclear ການລະເມີດ​ຂອງ umbrella ຂອງອາວຸດ nuclear ໃນ Okinawa ເກາະ (​ອາວຸດ​ຂອງການທໍາລາຍ​ມະຫາຊົນ​, ແລະ​ວ່າ​ມາດຕາ​ຖະທໍາມະນູນ 9 ການລະເມີດທີ່​ຫ້າມ NBC) ໄດ້ acquiesced​. ໃນ​ສື່ມວນຊົນ​ຕາເວັນຕົກ​ດຽວກັນ​. ດັ່ງນັ້ນ​, ການລາຍງານວ່າ​ໄດ້ Hayate ຊີ້ໃຫ້ເຫັນ​ບໍ່ມີການ​.
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。



2016年04月15日 05時43分49秒 | 日記
​មាន​តុលាការ​ទេ "​សេចក្តីប្រកាស​ហ៊ីរ៉ូស៊ីម៉ា​" គឺ។ ប្រទេស G7 កំពុងលាក់ខ្លួន​យោធារបស់សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក​ដោយខុសច្បាប់​ការផ្ទុក​នុយក្លេអ៊ែរ Henoko ។

​បាទ។ ថ្ងៃមុនពេល​ប្រទេស G7 កាលពីម្សិលមិញ​នេះគឺជាង​នៅ​ហ៊ីរ៉ូស៊ីម៉ា​។ ហើយ​សេចក្តីប្រកាសរួមមួយ​ថា trivialize ការ​«ឃោរឃៅ​នៃ​អាវុធនុយក្លេអ៊ែរ "ត្រូវបាន​ប្រកាស។ ទោះជាយ៉ាងណា​, យើង​មានការព្រួយបារម្ភ​អំពីការ​គឺជាផ្នែក​តូចមួយនៃ​មនសិកា​ជប៉ុន។ ដោយ​ម្យ៉ាងទៀត​នៃអាវុធនុយក្លេអ៊ែរ​មិនត្រូវបាន​រួមបញ្ចូលនៅក្នុង​សេចក្តីប្រកាសនេះ​, ល​ពិសេស​អង្គការ​សង្រ្គាម​ដែលបានរស់រានមានជីវិត​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ "​យើងមានការ​ប្រមាថជាទម្ងន់​។ និង​មានភាពងាយស្រួល​ក្តៅ​នៅក្រោម​ឆ័ត្រ​របស់​សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក​នៃអាវុធ​នុយក្លេអ៊ែរ "ពិភពលោក​ដោយគ្មាន​អាវុធនុយក្លេអ៊ែរ​" ដូចដែលបានប្រកាស​គឺមាននៅក្នុង​ប្រទេសជប៉ុន​និងមនុស្សខ្វិន​។ ទោះជាយ៉ាងណា​, ដូច [​ហ៊ីរ៉ូស៊ីម៉ា - អង្គការ​ដែលនៅរស់រានមានជីវិត​បំផ្ទុះគ្រាប់បែក​ណាហ្គាសាគី​] កំពុង​ជប៉ុន​សូមអញ្ជើញមក​នុយក្លេអ៊ែរ​ជាការរំលោភលើ​គោលការណ៍បីនៃ​ឆ័ត្រ​នៃ​អាវុធនុយក្លេអ៊ែរ​នៅកោះ​អូគីណាវ៉ា​បាន acquiesced ។​

​នេះគឺជា​លក្ខណៈធម្មជាតិ​របស់ប្រជាជន​ជប៉ុន។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នក​និយាយថានៅក្នុង​ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា​, ឬ​អនុញ្ញាតឱ្យនិយាយថា​ទោះបីជាមួយ Gugyo ។

​ដោយវិធីនេះ​លោកប្រធានាធិបតី​អូបាម៉ា​គឺស្ថិតនៅលើ​ថាតើ​ដំណើរទស្សនកិច្ចទៅ​សារមន្ទីរ​ពិធីរំលឹក​សន្តិភាព​ហ៊ីរ៉ូស៊ីម៉ា​ការប្រកាស​នេះ​ត្រូវបានគេ​យកចិត្តទុកដាក់​ផងដែរ។ បន្ទាប់ពីទាំងអស់, អាមេរិកគឺ​បណ្តាប្រទេស​ជនល្មើស​, ដូច្នេះ​វាហាក់ដូចជា​មានការព្រួយបារម្ភ​សូម្បីតែ​អ្នកដែលនៃ​សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក។​

​នេះជា​កាសែត Okinawan ដែល​បាន​រីយូគីយូ​។ ទោះជាយ៉ាងណា​, សូម្បីតែ​នៅក្នុងកាសែត​រីយូគី​អូគីណាវ៉ា​នេះ​ជប៉ុន​សូមអញ្ជើញមក​នុយក្លេអ៊ែរ​ជាការរំលោភលើ​គោលការណ៍បីនៃ​ឆ័ត្រ​នៃ​អាវុធនុយក្លេអ៊ែរ​នៅកោះ​អូគីណាវ៉ា (​អាវុធប្រល័យលោក​ហើយថា​រដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញ​មាត្រា 9 ការរំលោភបំពាន​ដែលហាមឃាត់​របស់ NBC​) បាន acquiesced ។ នៅក្នុង​ប្រព័ន្ធផ្សព្វផ្សាយ​ភាគខាងលិច​ដូចគ្នា។ ដូច្នេះ​សេចក្តីថ្លែងការណ៍​ថា Hayat ដែលបាន​ចង្អុលបង្ហាញថា​មិនមាន​ណាមួយទេ។
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


Walang katarungan "Hiroshima Declaration".

2016年04月15日 05時41分37秒 | 日記
Walang katarungan "Hiroshima Declaration". G7 ay pagtatago sa mga iligal na militar ng Estados Unidos Henoko nuclear storage.

Oo. Ang araw bago kahapon G7 ay higit sa Hiroshima. At, magkasanib na deklarasyon na trivialize ang "kawalan ng damdamin ng nuclear armas" ay inihayag. Gayunman, kami ay nag-aalala tungkol sa ay isang maliit na bahagi ng matapat Hapon. Sa pamamagitan ng kawalan ng damdamin ng nuclear armas ay hindi pa kasama sa deklarasyon, atbp lalo na ang lamang ang digmaan nakaligtas 'organisasyon, kami ay outraged. At comfortably mainit-init sa ilalim ng payong ng Estados Unidos ng mga sandatang nukleyar "daigdig na walang nuclear armas" bilang inihayag ay sa bansang Hapon at ang mga pilay. Subalit, tulad ng [Hiroshima - Nagasaki bomba survivors organisasyon] ay, Japan Halika nuclear tatlong prinsipyo paglabag ng payong ng nuclear armas sa Okinawa Island ay acquiesced.

Ito ang likas na katangian ng mga Hapones. Kung sasabihin mo sa Budismo, o sabihin nating kahit na may Gugyo.

Nga pala, President Obama ay din sa kung ang pagbisita sa Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, pahayag na ito ay naging pansin. Matapos ang lahat, ang Amerika ay ang may kasalanan bansa, kaya ito tila sa maging nag-aalala kahit sa mga nasa Estados Unidos.

Ito ang Okinawan pahayagan Ryukyu. Gayunman, sa makatuwid ay dito Ryukyu Okinawa pahayagan, Japan Halika nuclear tatlong prinsipyo paglabag ng payong ng nuclear armas sa Okinawa Island (weapons of mass destruction, at na ang Saligang-Batas Artikulo 9 mga paglabag na nagbabawal NBC) Matagal nang acquiesced. Sa parehong western mass media. Kaya, ang mga pahayag na ang Hayate nakaumang out Wala pang.
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


Không có công lý "Tuyên bố Hiroshima".

2016年04月15日 05時36分53秒 | 日記
Không có công lý "Tuyên bố Hiroshima". G7 được giấu bất hợp pháp quân sự của Mỹ Henoko lưu trữ hạt nhân.

Vâng. Một ngày trước khi G7 hôm qua đã kết thúc ở Hiroshima. Và, tuyên bố chung rằng tầm thường là "vô nhân đạo của vũ khí hạt nhân" đã được công bố. Tuy nhiên, chúng tôi đang lo lắng về là một phần nhỏ của Nhật Bản có lương tâm. Bằng cách vô nhân đạo của vũ khí hạt nhân đã không được bao gồm trong việc kê khai, vv đặc biệt là tổ chức những người sống sót chiến tranh chỉ ', chúng tôi đang bị xúc phạm. Và thoải mái ấm áp dưới sự bảo trợ của Hoa Kỳ của vũ khí hạt nhân "thế giới không có vũ khí hạt nhân" như đã thông báo đang ở Nhật Bản và què. Tuy nhiên, như vậy [Hiroshima - Nagasaki sống sót bom tổ chức] là, Nhật Bản Hãy đến ba nguyên tắc hạt nhân vi phạm sự bảo trợ của vũ khí hạt nhân ở đảo Okinawa đã ưng thuận.

Đây là bản chất của người dân Nhật Bản. Nếu bạn nói trong Phật giáo, hoặc giả thậm chí với Gugyo.

Bằng cách này, Tổng thống Obama cũng là vào việc thăm Bảo tàng tưởng niệm hòa bình Hiroshima, tuyên bố này đã được sự chú ý. Sau khi tất cả, Mỹ là nước hung thủ, do đó nó có vẻ lo lắng ngay cả những người của Hoa Kỳ.

Đây là tờ báo Okinawa Ryukyu. Tuy nhiên, ngay cả trong báo Ryukyu Okinawa này, Nhật Bản Hãy đến ba nguyên tắc hạt nhân vi phạm sự bảo trợ của vũ khí hạt nhân ở Okinawa Island (vũ khí hủy diệt hàng loạt, và rằng Hiến pháp Điều 9 vi phạm cấm NBC) đã ưng thuận. Trong các phương tiện thông tin đại chúng phương Tây cùng. Vì vậy, tuyên bố mà Hayate chỉ ra không có bất kỳ.
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.
沒有正義“廣島宣言”。 G7藏身的非法美軍名護市的核儲存。



順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。




ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


정의가없는 「히로시마 선언 "

2016年04月15日 05時21分23秒 | 日記

예. 그저께 G7이 히로시마에 끝났습니다. 그리고 "핵무기의 비인 도성 '을 왜소화 한 공동 선언이 발표되었습니다. 그러나 극히 일부의 양심적 인 일본인은 고민하고 있습니다. 핵무기의 비인 도성이 선언문에 포함되지 않은 것으로, 특히 유일한 전쟁 피폭자 단체 등은 분개하고 있습니다. 미국의 핵무기의 우산 아래에서 편안히하고있는 일본에서 발표되는 "핵무기없는 세계"는 능청스런와. 그러나 그런 [히로시마 - 나가사키의 피폭자 단체]은 오키나와 섬에있는 핵무기 우산 일본 부디 핵 삼 원칙 위반은 묵인하고 있습니다.

이것이 일본인의 본성입니다. 불교에서 말한다면, 愚業이라고도 말할까요.

덧붙여서, 오바마 대통령이 히로시마 원폭 자료관을 방문 여부도이 선언은 주목했습니다. 어쨌든 미국이 가해 국이며, 따라서 미국의 분들도 고민하고있는 것 같습니다.

이것은 류큐 오키나와의 신문입니다. 그러나이 류큐 오키나와의 신문조차 오키나와 섬에있는 핵무기 우산 일본 부디 핵 삼 원칙 위반 (대량 살상 무기 NBC 방송을 금지하는 헌법 9 조 위반)은 묵인하고 있습니다. 서방 언론뿐만 아니라. 그래서 그 진술 하야 지적은 일절하지 않습니다.
//"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7 concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse.

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.


ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。


"Hiroshima declaration" without justice. G7concealed illegal U.S. forces Henoko nuclear storehouse

2016年04月15日 05時18分19秒 | 日記

Yes. G7 terminated in Hiroshima the day before yesterday. And the joint declaration that made "the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon" the dwarfness was announced. However, the conscientious Japanese of a pole is troubled. Because the non-humaneness of the nuclear weapon was not included in a specification statement, the particularly only war A-bomb victim groups feel indignant. If "the world that there is not of the nuclear weapon" announced in Japan which is warm under the umbrella of the American nuclear weapon is barefaced. However, such [A-bomb victim group of Hiroshima - Nagasaki] consents tacitly to the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island.

This is the true character of Japanese people. Shall I say even folly business if I say in Buddhism?

By the way, this declaration attracted attention whether President Obama visited the Atomic Bomb Museum of Hiroshima. Anyway the United States is a doing damage to country;, thus, seem to be troubled with the United States.

This is a newspaper of Ryukyu Okinawa. However, the violation of Japanese national policy three non-nuclear principles of the umbrella of the nuclear weapon in the Okinawa Island (constitution Article 9 violation forbidding weapons of mass destruction, NBC) consents tacitly even to a newspaper of this Ryukyu Okinawa. Like the western mass media. Therefore the indication does not perform the description about it at all already.


順便,奧巴馬總統在是不是訪問也廣島的 原子彈資料館,這個宣言被關注了。無論怎樣,美國好像是加害國,基於連美國方面也苦惱。



ちなみに、オバマ大統領が広島の 原爆資料館を訪れるかどうかでも、この宣言は注目されました。なにしろ、アメリカが加害国です、よってアメリカの方でも悩んでいるようです。
