琉球沖縄独立国Ryukyu Okinawa independent country(琉球國臨時政府)

2 教唆者を教唆した者についても、前項と同様とする


2016年02月18日 15時49分57秒 | 日記
情人節的來歷放置在在腋下。如果自己的死的理由也不追溯時代800年沒有的巴基斯坦的年輕的女性的「希望」和「悲哀」。呢作為連必須衷心祈願她的冥福,擁有年輕的女兒的一人的父親也有的我。/Put the origin of Valentine's Day aside. "Hope" and "the sorrow" of the Pakistani young woman whom there was not if a reason of own death did not sail up the times for 800 years either.For me who am one father having the young daughter who must pray for her happiness heartily./발렌타인 데이의 유래는 옆에 놓아두고. 자신의 죽음의 이유가 800 년 시대를 거슬러 올라 가야 없었다 파키스탄 젊은 여성의 '희망'과 '비애 " 그녀의 명복을 진심으로기도해야한다 젊은 딸을 가진 한 사람의 아버지이기도 한 나로서는./Valentine nguồn gốc của ngày dành một bên. "Hy vọng" và "nỗi buồn" của lý trẻ về cái chết của chính mình cũng không quay trở lại trừ khi thời đại 800 năm Pakistan phụ nữ. Mình xin chân thành phải cầu nguyện cho các linh hồn, như tôi, đó cũng là một trong những người cha với một đứa con gái nhỏ./Valentine pinagmulan ng Araw tabi tabi. "Hope" at "kalungkutan" ng mga batang dahilan ng kanilang sariling kamatayan din ay hindi bumalik maliban kung ang panahon 800 taon Pakistan babae. Dapat Her sumasainyo manalangin para sa mga kaluluwa, na gaya ko, na kung saan ay din ang isa sa mga ama na may isang batang anak na babae./​ប្រភពដើម​នៃក្តីស្រឡាញ់​នៃទិវានេះ​ឡែក​មួយឡែក។ "​ក្តីសង្ឃឹម​" និង "​ទុក្ខព្រួយ​" នៃ​ហេតុផល​វ័យក្មេង​នៃការស្លាប់​ផ្ទាល់របស់ពួកគេ​មិនបាន​វិលត្រឡប់ទៅវិញ​ទេលុះត្រាតែ​សម័យ 800 ឆ្នាំ​ប៉ាគីស្ថាន​ស្ត្រី។ នាង​ត្រូវតែអធិស្ឋាន​ដោយស្មោះ​សម្រាប់ព្រលឹង​ដូចខ្ញុំ​, ដែលជា​ផ្នែកមួយនៃ​ឪពុក​កូនស្រីម្នាក់​នេះ។/​​ຕົ້ນກໍາເນີດ Valentine ຂອງ​ວັນ​ຫລີກໄປທາງຫນຶ່ງ​ຫລີກໄປທາງຫນຶ່ງ​. "ຄວາມຫວັງ" ແລະ "ຄວາມເສົ້າໂສກ​" ຂອງ​ເຫດຜົນ​ອ່ອນຂອງ​ການເສຍຊີວິດ​ຂອງຕົນເອງ​ຂອງເຂົາເຈົ້າ​ຍັງບໍ່ໄດ້​ກັບຄືນໄປບ່ອນ​ເວັ້ນເສຍແຕ່ວ່າ​ຍຸກ 800 ປີ​ປາກິສຖານ​ແມ່ຍິງ​ໄປ​. ນາງ​ດ້ວຍຄວາມຈິງໃຈ​ຕ້ອງອະທິຖານ​ສໍາລັບ​ຈິດວິນຍານຂອງ​, ເປັນຂ້າພະເຈົ້າ​, ເຊິ່ງກໍ່ແມ່ນ​ຫນຶ່ງ​ຂອງພຣະບິດາ​ທີ່ມີ​ລູກສາວຂອງ​ໄວຫນຸ່ມ​./ஒதுக்கி ஒதுக்கி தினம் காதலர் தோற்றம். "நம்பிக்கை", மீண்டும் சகாப்தம் 800 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு பாக்கிஸ்தான் பெண் வரை போகவில்லை தங்கள் சொந்த மரணம் இளம் காரணம் "துன்பம்". அவரது உண்மையாக ஆத்துமாக்களுக்கு, நான், ஒரு இளம் மகள் தந்தை ஒன்றாகும் இது ஜெபிக்க வேண்டும்./ต้นกำเนิดวาเลนไทน์ของวันกันกัน "ความหวัง" และ "ความเศร้าโศก" เหตุผลหนุ่มของการเสียชีวิตของตัวเองยังไม่ได้กลับเว้นแต่ยุค 800 ปีปากีสถานผู้หญิงไป เธอต้องอธิษฐานด้วยความจริงใจให้กับดวงวิญญาณที่ผมซึ่งยังเป็นหนึ่งของพ่อกับลูกสาว/ஒதுக்கி ஒதுக்கி தினம் காதலர் தோற்றம். "நம்பிக்கை", மீண்டும் சகாப்தம் 800 ஆண்டுகளுக்கு பாக்கிஸ்தான் பெண் வரை போகவில்லை தங்கள் சொந்த மரணம் இளம் காரணம் "துன்பம்". அவரது ஆன்மா, நான் ஒரு இளம் மகள் தந்தை ஒன்றாகும் இது, பிரார்த்தனை./Valentine asal-usul Hari mengetepikan diketepikan. "Harapan" dan "kesedihan" sebab muda kematian mereka sendiri juga tidak kembali kecuali era 800 tahun Pakistan wanita. Dia mesti ikhlas berdoa untuk roh-roh, kerana saya, yang juga merupakan salah satu daripada bapa dengan seorang anak perempuan muda./Asal Valentine Hari samping ke samping. "Harapan" dan "kesedihan" alasan muda kematian mereka sendiri juga tidak kembali kecuali era 800 tahun Pakistan wanita. Dia harus tulus berdoa bagi jiwa-jiwa, seperti yang saya, yang juga merupakan salah satu bapak dengan anak muda./Valentine oorsprong van de Dag opzij opzij. "Hoop" en "verdriet" van de jonge hoofde van hun eigen dood ook niet terug, tenzij het tijdperk 800 jaar Pakistaanse vrouw te gaan. Haar moet oprecht bidden voor de zielen, zoals ik, dat is ook een van de vader met een jonge dochter./Valentine origine de la Journée de côté de côté. "Hope" et "douleur" de jeune raison de leur propre mort n'a pas non plus revenir à moins que la période de 800 ans Pakistan femme. Sa doit sincèrement prier pour les âmes, comme moi, qui est aussi celui du père d'une jeune fille./Валентина Происхождение День сторону в сторону. "Надежда" и "печаль" молодой причине собственной смерти тоже не вернуться, если в эпоху 800 лет Пакистан женщина. Ее должны искренне молиться за души, как я, который также является одним из отца с маленькой дочкой./Origem Valentine do Dia de lado de lado. "Esperança" e "tristeza" dos jovens devido à sua própria morte também não voltar a menos que o era 800 anos, o Paquistão mulher. Ela deve sinceramente rezar pelas almas, como eu, que é também a do pai com uma filha./Valentine Ursprung des Tages beiseite beiseite. "Hope" und "Leid" der jungen Grund ihrer eigenen Tod auch nicht, es sei denn der Ära 800 Jahre Pakistan Frau zurück. Sie müssen aufrichtig für die Seelen, wie ich beten, die auch die mit einer jungen Tochter eines der Vater ist./バレンタインデーの由来は脇においておいて。自らの死の理由が800年も時代を遡らなければなかったパキスタンの若い女性の「希望」と「悲哀」。彼女のご冥福を祈らずにはいられない、若い娘を持つ一人の父親でもある私は。

>>"It is too big an evil to be dealt with through dialogue or creative expression."

>>A Pakistani Artist Remembers Sabeen Mahmud and her Valentine's Day Campaign
Posted 16 February 2016 10:49 GMT

>>A little more than two years after launching her Valentine's Day campaign, Sabeen was murdered. One of her killers, Saad Azia—an educated young man from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) in Karachi—said in his confession that her “un-Islamic” Valentine's Day rally was the sin she eventually paid for.

>>“You can't fight religious dogma. It is too big an evil to be dealt with through dialogue or creative expression. It is too ominous to win over. I wish Sabeen had known that.”

>>Here in Canada, Valentine's Day is just a date on the calendar. People can choose to celebrate it or ignore it. It can be the perfect excuse to buy more commodities, or a reason to feel loved, or unloved. It is not a matter of right and wrong, piety or evil, life or death.

>>Such memories remind me of why I left the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. You can't fight religious dogmatism. It is too big an evil to be dealt with through dialogue or creative expression. It is too ominous a force to conquer.

>>I wish Sabeen had known that.

>>Soofia Mahmood is a Pakistani artist currently based in Toronto, Canada. She believes that everything that she sees through her lens helps her understand the relationship between self and the world around. See Soofia's work at www.soofiasays.com

>>做朋友其實很簡單,而且,這是Chemical reaction, 不可能還原呢

2016年02月18日 15時46分48秒 | 日記
>>Yan Dora Wong
>>做朋友其實很簡單,你當我是回事,我就當你是回事。你當我透明,我也會慢慢透明化你。而且,這是Chemical reaction, 不可能還原呢


Om een vriend. Heeft het hoe in uw land of regio hebben gemeld?

2016年02月17日 17時45分23秒 | 日記
From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。Om een vriend. Heeft het hoe in uw land of regio hebben gemeld?

Politieke dekking houding bevooroordeeld in het uiterste is gevaarlijk.
Japan, met inbegrip van Okinawa Ryukyu vandaag - in de westerse media "Rusland" en "Noord-Korea", "China's economie", en, slechte indruk publiciteit voor "Syrische Assad-regime" is uitgebroken.
Bij toeval en ik denk dat ik van "Ryukyu Land Voorlopige Regering", besloten om hun ogen te draaien naar het buitenland nieuws.
Daarna was het de indruk dat wat "nog zo te doen." ↓.

By the way, ik Onnodig te zeggen, is het origineel, moet verslag Sonouede op de feiten van het lokale controleren om ding heet journalistiek te melden. Anders overwegen proberen om de wereld in plaats te veroveren op de grond dan alleen militaire dominantie van het heelal "Westelijke met een focus op de Verenigde Staten rijk - Japan" zou journalistiek is verwikkeld in de politieke dekking houding bevooroordeeld tot het uiterste.

Een niet-realistische, wij de mensen van de wereld die zijn getroffen door de pseudo-zulk nieuws. Als er veel als een "echte omgeving" van ons ware, zoals met betrekking tot hun eigen dierbaren van leven en dood als je niet het echte nieuws weet, misschien heb je misschien gemist. Dit blijft, en lijkt te blijven bij de mismatch journalistiek met de werkelijkheid zoals hieronder beschreven, zullen de bewoners Ryukyu Okinawa dag-tot-dag geïntimideerd om te crashen, zoals gevechtsvliegtuigen en helikopters blijven zoals het is voor altijd. Immers, er is een maximum van de Amerikaanse militaire basis op een klein eiland in het Verre Oosten van het eiland Okinawa, een vanzelfsprekend gevolg van kernwapens alleen loods in het land is alleen aanwezig in de Oost-Aziatische regio. Het heeft een negatieve invloed ongetwijfeld ook voor uw land of regio./From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。友達へ。貴方の国や地域ではどのように報道されていますか?




從2011年3月開始,49個記者在敘利亞死了。並且,8個記者被監禁了。並且,17人的網絡市民被下獄。並且,142人的網絡市民和市民記者死。/Since March 2011, 49 journalists have been killed in Syria, eight journalists imprisoned, 17 netizens jailed and 142 netizens and citizen journalists killed.///////// 2011年3月から、49人のジャーナリストがシリアで死にました。そして、8人のジャーナリストが収監されました。そして、17人のネット市民が投獄される。そして、142人のネット市民と市民ジャーナリストが死ぬ。
(Syria among the worst free speech offenders, at 176 out of 179 countries in its worldwide index on the freedom of press.)

Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world
How Syrian Activists in Raqqa are Resisting ISIS
Posted 16 February 2016 15:19 GMT

Note from RBSS in Raqqa reading: “ISIS and Assad, Same goals, Same interests, 29/9/2014″. Screenshot from RBSS footage featured in the Sky News report


韓國的最高當局者在「北朝鮮」觸及那樣的政府崩潰的,為了有使之惡化對手之間的關係的可能性新奇。/Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals./////////朴は、韓国が北朝鮮に対してその北朝鮮の核開発計画が自らの「政権崩壊」の速度を上げることに終わるだけであると理解させる必要があると言いました。また、朴は、そのための不特定の「より強くてより効果的な」処置をとる必要があるとも言いました。


he guardian today
Tuesday 16 Feb 2016

North Korea

'Regime collapse' awaits North Korea, says South's leader in nuclear warning

President Park Geun-hye issues tough warning and again accuses Kim Jong-un’s government of using cross-border funding to further weapons programme

South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament. Photograph: Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters
South Korea’s president has warned that North Korea faces “regime collapse” if it does not abandon its nuclear programme.

Park Geun-hye made the remarks during a speech in parliament while defending her decision to shut down a jointly run factory park in North Korea amid a heightened standoff over North Korea’s recent nuclear test and rocket launch.

Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals.

Park’s comments are certain to anger North Korea as they were made as the country marks the birthday of late dictator Kim Jong-il, the father of current leader Kim Jong-un.

Park repeated her government’s argument that much of the money South Korea paid to North Korean workers at Kaesong had flowed to the ruling Workers’ party leadership in charge of weapons programmes.

Seoul officials said North Korea was able to divert the money because the workers in Kaesong were not paid directly. Instead US dollars were paid to the North Korean government, which siphoned off most of the money and paid only as much as it wanted to the employees in North Korean currency and store vouchers, according to a statement from Seoul’s’ unification ministry.

The ministry did not detail how it arrived at that conclusion. North Korea has previously dismissed such views.

Earlier in February North Korea ignored repeated international warnings and launched what it said was an Earth observation satellite aboard a rocket. Washington, Seoul and others view the launch as a prohibited test of missile technology and are pushing for stronger sanctions against the regime.

The launch came after the North in January carried out its fourth nuclear test, aggravating already-strained ties between the two Koreas.

Last week Pyongyang expelled all South Korean workers from the jointly run factory park in the North and put the area under military control, in retaliation for Seoul’s decision to suspend operations there.

Associated Press in Seoul

Tuesday 16 February 2016 03.33 GMT


[西側的/。報社是為了賺錢運營的企業。神,釋迦牟尼,不是基督先生]/Thank you for instruction of Buddha today.
Including the local election called the mayoral election of Ginowan-shi with the U.S. forces Futenma base that remembered one sentence of the topic recently in Ryukyu. It is this.

[western /. The newspaper publisher is a company running for money-making. Not God, Buddha, Christ]/오늘도 부처님의 교시 감사합니다.
최근 류큐에서 화제의 문장을 생각해 냈습니다 미군 후 텐마 기지가있는 기노 완시의 시장 선거는 지방 선거에 관련되어. 이것입니다.

[서양 /. 신문사는 돈벌이를 위해 운영하고있는 기업입니다. 하나님, 부처님, 예수님이 없습니다]/Cũng ngày hôm nay, cảm ơn bạn cho những lời dạy của Đức Phật.
Gần đây, tôi nhớ đến những chủ đề của câu trong Ryukyu, đan vào nhau trong cuộc bầu cử địa phương rằng cuộc bầu cử thị trưởng thành phố Ginowan, nơi căn cứ Futenma của quân đội Mỹ. Cái này.

[Phía Tây /. Báo là một công ty hoạt động vì lợi ích của việc kiếm tiền. Thiên Chúa, Phật, không giống Chúa Kitô]/今日も、お釈迦様の御教示ありがとうございました。


>>Yan Dora Wong

Sa isang kaibigan. Ba ito ay nag-ulat kung paano sa iyong bansa o rehiyon?

2016年02月17日 17時40分23秒 | 日記
From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。Sa isang kaibigan. Ba ito ay nag-ulat kung paano sa iyong bansa o rehiyon?

Political coverage attitude kampi sa kalabisan ay mapanganib.
Japan, kabilang ang Okinawa Ryukyu ngayon - sa Western media "Russia" at "North Korea", "Tsina ng ekonomiya", at, bad impression publicity para sa "Syrian Assad rehimen" ay erupted.
Sa pamamagitan ng pagkakataon at sa tingin ko, ako ng "Ryukyu Bansa Provisional Government", nagpasya upang buksan ang kanilang mga mata sa ibang bansa balita.
Pagkatapos, ito ay ang impression na kung ano ang "pa rin gawin ito." ↓.

By the way, hindi na kailangan kong sabihin, ay ang orihinal na, dapat Sonouede ulat upang i-verify ang mga katotohanan ng mga lokal na isumbong bagay na tinatawag na journalism. Kung hindi man, pagmasdang sinusubukan upang lupigin ang mundo sa lupa sa halip na lamang dominasyong militar ng uniberso "Western may isang pagtutok sa ang imperyo Estados Unidos - Japan" Gusto journalism ay mired sa pampulitika coverage attitude kampi sa sukdulan.

Ang isang di-makatotohanang, namin ang mga tao ng mundo na naapektuhan ng mga pseudo-tulad ng balita. Kung ang isang pulutong ng mga bilang isang "tunay na kapaligiran" sa atin totoo, tulad ng may kaugnayan sa kanilang sariling mga mahal sa buhay ng buhay at kamatayan kung hindi mo alam ang tunay na balita, maaaring ikaw ay hindi nakuha siguro. Ito ay nananatiling, at tila na magsipanatili sa mismatch journalism sa katotohanan tulad ng inilarawan sa ibaba, ang mga residente Ryukyu Okinawa ay pang-araw-araw na intimidated sa salpukan, tulad ng fighters at helicopters patuloy na ito ay magpakailanman. Matapos ang lahat, may isang maximum ng base militar ng Estados Unidos sa isang maliit na isla sa Malayong Silangan ng Okinawa Island, isang bagay ng kurso dahil sa nuclear armas-only warehouse sa lupain ay naroroon lamang sa East Asian rehiyon. Ito ay may isang negatibong epekto undoubtedly din sa iyong bansa o rehiyon./From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。友達へ。貴方の国や地域ではどのように報道されていますか?




從2011年3月開始,49個記者在敘利亞死了。並且,8個記者被監禁了。並且,17人的網絡市民被下獄。並且,142人的網絡市民和市民記者死。/Since March 2011, 49 journalists have been killed in Syria, eight journalists imprisoned, 17 netizens jailed and 142 netizens and citizen journalists killed.///////// 2011年3月から、49人のジャーナリストがシリアで死にました。そして、8人のジャーナリストが収監されました。そして、17人のネット市民が投獄される。そして、142人のネット市民と市民ジャーナリストが死ぬ。
(Syria among the worst free speech offenders, at 176 out of 179 countries in its worldwide index on the freedom of press.)

Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world
How Syrian Activists in Raqqa are Resisting ISIS
Posted 16 February 2016 15:19 GMT

Note from RBSS in Raqqa reading: “ISIS and Assad, Same goals, Same interests, 29/9/2014″. Screenshot from RBSS footage featured in the Sky News report


韓國的最高當局者在「北朝鮮」觸及那樣的政府崩潰的,為了有使之惡化對手之間的關係的可能性新奇。/Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals./////////朴は、韓国が北朝鮮に対してその北朝鮮の核開発計画が自らの「政権崩壊」の速度を上げることに終わるだけであると理解させる必要があると言いました。また、朴は、そのための不特定の「より強くてより効果的な」処置をとる必要があるとも言いました。


he guardian today
Tuesday 16 Feb 2016

North Korea

'Regime collapse' awaits North Korea, says South's leader in nuclear warning

President Park Geun-hye issues tough warning and again accuses Kim Jong-un’s government of using cross-border funding to further weapons programme

South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament. Photograph: Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters
South Korea’s president has warned that North Korea faces “regime collapse” if it does not abandon its nuclear programme.

Park Geun-hye made the remarks during a speech in parliament while defending her decision to shut down a jointly run factory park in North Korea amid a heightened standoff over North Korea’s recent nuclear test and rocket launch.

Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals.

Park’s comments are certain to anger North Korea as they were made as the country marks the birthday of late dictator Kim Jong-il, the father of current leader Kim Jong-un.

Park repeated her government’s argument that much of the money South Korea paid to North Korean workers at Kaesong had flowed to the ruling Workers’ party leadership in charge of weapons programmes.

Seoul officials said North Korea was able to divert the money because the workers in Kaesong were not paid directly. Instead US dollars were paid to the North Korean government, which siphoned off most of the money and paid only as much as it wanted to the employees in North Korean currency and store vouchers, according to a statement from Seoul’s’ unification ministry.

The ministry did not detail how it arrived at that conclusion. North Korea has previously dismissed such views.

Earlier in February North Korea ignored repeated international warnings and launched what it said was an Earth observation satellite aboard a rocket. Washington, Seoul and others view the launch as a prohibited test of missile technology and are pushing for stronger sanctions against the regime.

The launch came after the North in January carried out its fourth nuclear test, aggravating already-strained ties between the two Koreas.

Last week Pyongyang expelled all South Korean workers from the jointly run factory park in the North and put the area under military control, in retaliation for Seoul’s decision to suspend operations there.

Associated Press in Seoul

Tuesday 16 February 2016 03.33 GMT


[西側的/。報社是為了賺錢運營的企業。神,釋迦牟尼,不是基督先生]/Thank you for instruction of Buddha today.
Including the local election called the mayoral election of Ginowan-shi with the U.S. forces Futenma base that remembered one sentence of the topic recently in Ryukyu. It is this.

[western /. The newspaper publisher is a company running for money-making. Not God, Buddha, Christ]/오늘도 부처님의 교시 감사합니다.
최근 류큐에서 화제의 문장을 생각해 냈습니다 미군 후 텐마 기지가있는 기노 완시의 시장 선거는 지방 선거에 관련되어. 이것입니다.

[서양 /. 신문사는 돈벌이를 위해 운영하고있는 기업입니다. 하나님, 부처님, 예수님이 없습니다]/Cũng ngày hôm nay, cảm ơn bạn cho những lời dạy của Đức Phật.
Gần đây, tôi nhớ đến những chủ đề của câu trong Ryukyu, đan vào nhau trong cuộc bầu cử địa phương rằng cuộc bầu cử thị trưởng thành phố Ginowan, nơi căn cứ Futenma của quân đội Mỹ. Cái này.

[Phía Tây /. Báo là một công ty hoạt động vì lợi ích của việc kiếm tiền. Thiên Chúa, Phật, không giống Chúa Kitô]/今日も、お釈迦様の御教示ありがとうございました。


>>Yan Dora Wong

Để một người bạn.

2016年02月17日 17時37分54秒 | 日記
From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。Để một người bạn. Liệu nó đã báo cáo như thế nào tại quốc gia hoặc khu vực của bạn?

Chính trị thái độ bao phủ thiên vị trong cùng cực là nguy hiểm.
Nhật Bản, bao gồm cả Okinawa Ryukyu ngày nay - trong phương tiện truyền thông phương Tây "Nga" và "Bắc Hàn", "Trung Quốc của nền kinh tế", và, xấu ấn tượng quảng bá cho "Assad chế độ Syria" đã nổ ra.
Bởi cơ hội và tôi nghĩ rằng, tôi là "Ryukyu Quốc tạm Chính phủ", đã quyết định để biến mắt để tin tức nước ngoài.
Sau đó, nó là ấn tượng rằng những gì "vẫn làm như vậy." ↓.

Bằng cách này, tôi không cần phải nói, là bản gốc, phải Sonouede báo cáo để xác minh các tình tiết của địa phương để báo cáo điều được gọi là báo chí. Nếu không, chiêm ngưỡng cố gắng để chinh phục thế giới với mặt đất thay vì chỉ là sự thống trị quân sự của vũ trụ "phương Tây với một tập trung vào các đế chế Hoa Kỳ - Nhật Bản" sẽ báo chí đang sa lầy trong thái độ bảo hiểm chính trị thiên vị đến cùng cực.

Một phi thực tế, chúng tôi những người của thế giới đã bị ảnh hưởng bởi những tin tức giả như vậy. Nếu rất nhiều như là một "môi trường thực tế" của chúng tôi đúng, chẳng hạn như liên quan đến những người thân yêu của họ về cuộc sống và cái chết, nếu bạn không biết những tin tức thực sự, bạn có thể đã bỏ lỡ có thể. Điều này vẫn còn, và dường như tiếp tục trong báo chí không phù hợp với thực tế như mô tả dưới đây, các cư dân Ryukyu Okinawa sẽ là ngày-to-ngày đe dọa sụp đổ, chẳng hạn như máy bay chiến đấu và trực thăng tiếp tục vì nó là mãi mãi. Sau khi tất cả, có một tối đa của các căn cứ quân sự Mỹ trên một hòn đảo nhỏ ở vùng Viễn Đông của đảo Okinawa, một vấn đề của khóa học bởi vì các kho vũ khí hạt nhân chỉ trong đất chỉ được hiện diện trong khu vực Đông Á. Nó có một tác động tiêu cực chắc chắn cũng đến quốc gia hoặc khu vực của bạn./From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。友達へ。貴方の国や地域ではどのように報道されていますか?




從2011年3月開始,49個記者在敘利亞死了。並且,8個記者被監禁了。並且,17人的網絡市民被下獄。並且,142人的網絡市民和市民記者死。/Since March 2011, 49 journalists have been killed in Syria, eight journalists imprisoned, 17 netizens jailed and 142 netizens and citizen journalists killed.///////// 2011年3月から、49人のジャーナリストがシリアで死にました。そして、8人のジャーナリストが収監されました。そして、17人のネット市民が投獄される。そして、142人のネット市民と市民ジャーナリストが死ぬ。
(Syria among the worst free speech offenders, at 176 out of 179 countries in its worldwide index on the freedom of press.)

Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world
How Syrian Activists in Raqqa are Resisting ISIS
Posted 16 February 2016 15:19 GMT

Note from RBSS in Raqqa reading: “ISIS and Assad, Same goals, Same interests, 29/9/2014″. Screenshot from RBSS footage featured in the Sky News report


韓國的最高當局者在「北朝鮮」觸及那樣的政府崩潰的,為了有使之惡化對手之間的關係的可能性新奇。/Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals./////////朴は、韓国が北朝鮮に対してその北朝鮮の核開発計画が自らの「政権崩壊」の速度を上げることに終わるだけであると理解させる必要があると言いました。また、朴は、そのための不特定の「より強くてより効果的な」処置をとる必要があるとも言いました。


he guardian today
Tuesday 16 Feb 2016

North Korea

'Regime collapse' awaits North Korea, says South's leader in nuclear warning

President Park Geun-hye issues tough warning and again accuses Kim Jong-un’s government of using cross-border funding to further weapons programme

South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament. Photograph: Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters
South Korea’s president has warned that North Korea faces “regime collapse” if it does not abandon its nuclear programme.

Park Geun-hye made the remarks during a speech in parliament while defending her decision to shut down a jointly run factory park in North Korea amid a heightened standoff over North Korea’s recent nuclear test and rocket launch.

Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals.

Park’s comments are certain to anger North Korea as they were made as the country marks the birthday of late dictator Kim Jong-il, the father of current leader Kim Jong-un.

Park repeated her government’s argument that much of the money South Korea paid to North Korean workers at Kaesong had flowed to the ruling Workers’ party leadership in charge of weapons programmes.

Seoul officials said North Korea was able to divert the money because the workers in Kaesong were not paid directly. Instead US dollars were paid to the North Korean government, which siphoned off most of the money and paid only as much as it wanted to the employees in North Korean currency and store vouchers, according to a statement from Seoul’s’ unification ministry.

The ministry did not detail how it arrived at that conclusion. North Korea has previously dismissed such views.

Earlier in February North Korea ignored repeated international warnings and launched what it said was an Earth observation satellite aboard a rocket. Washington, Seoul and others view the launch as a prohibited test of missile technology and are pushing for stronger sanctions against the regime.

The launch came after the North in January carried out its fourth nuclear test, aggravating already-strained ties between the two Koreas.

Last week Pyongyang expelled all South Korean workers from the jointly run factory park in the North and put the area under military control, in retaliation for Seoul’s decision to suspend operations there.

Associated Press in Seoul

Tuesday 16 February 2016 03.33 GMT


[西側的/。報社是為了賺錢運營的企業。神,釋迦牟尼,不是基督先生]/Thank you for instruction of Buddha today.
Including the local election called the mayoral election of Ginowan-shi with the U.S. forces Futenma base that remembered one sentence of the topic recently in Ryukyu. It is this.

[western /. The newspaper publisher is a company running for money-making. Not God, Buddha, Christ]/오늘도 부처님의 교시 감사합니다.
최근 류큐에서 화제의 문장을 생각해 냈습니다 미군 후 텐마 기지가있는 기노 완시의 시장 선거는 지방 선거에 관련되어. 이것입니다.

[서양 /. 신문사는 돈벌이를 위해 운영하고있는 기업입니다. 하나님, 부처님, 예수님이 없습니다]/Cũng ngày hôm nay, cảm ơn bạn cho những lời dạy của Đức Phật.
Gần đây, tôi nhớ đến những chủ đề của câu trong Ryukyu, đan vào nhau trong cuộc bầu cử địa phương rằng cuộc bầu cử thị trưởng thành phố Ginowan, nơi căn cứ Futenma của quân đội Mỹ. Cái này.

[Phía Tây /. Báo là một công ty hoạt động vì lợi ích của việc kiếm tiền. Thiên Chúa, Phật, không giống Chúa Kitô]/今日も、お釈迦様の御教示ありがとうございました。


>>Yan Dora Wong


2016年02月17日 17時30分57秒 | 日記
From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。친구에게. 귀하의 국가 나 지역에서는 어떻게 보도되고 있습니까?

극단에 치우친 정치적 보도 행태는 위험하다.
오늘도 류큐 오키나와를 포함한 일본 - 서방 언론은 "러시아"& "북한" "중국 경제", 그리고 "시리아 아사드 정권 '에 대한 악 인상 보도가 분출하고있다.
혹시나하는 생각 "류큐 국 임시 정부"나는 해외 뉴스에 눈을 돌리게했다.
그러자 무려 "역시 그런가"라는 인상이었다. ↓.

그런데 내가 말할 필요도 없지만, 저널리즘이라는 것은 본래 보도하는 현지의 사실을 확인했다 게다가 보도해야한다. 그렇지 않으면 우주의 군사 지배뿐만 아니라 지상 세계까지 정복하려고 꾀하는 '미국 제국을 중심으로 한 서양 - 일본'에 극단적으로 치우친 정치적 보도 행태에 저널리즘이 빠져 버린다.

비현실적 의사 인 그런 뉴스에 좌우 된 우리 세계 사람. 만약 "현실 환경"으로 우리가 알아야 스스로 사랑하는 사람의 생사에 관계되는 진짜 현실의 뉴스를 많이 어쩌면 우리가 간과하고 있을지도 모른다. 이대로 아래와 같이 현실과의 불일치가 저널리즘에서 계속 될 것이라고 류큐 오키나와 주민들은 전투기와 헬기 등 추락 겁 날들이 그대로 영원하게된다. 어쨌든, 오키나와 섬의 작은 섬에 극동 최대의 미군 기지가 있고, 육지에서의 핵무기 전용 창고가 동아시아 지역에서 유일한 존재니까 당연한 일. 그것은 당신의 국가 나 지역에도 분명히 영향을 미치고 있습니다./From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。友達へ。貴方の国や地域ではどのように報道されていますか?




從2011年3月開始,49個記者在敘利亞死了。並且,8個記者被監禁了。並且,17人的網絡市民被下獄。並且,142人的網絡市民和市民記者死。/Since March 2011, 49 journalists have been killed in Syria, eight journalists imprisoned, 17 netizens jailed and 142 netizens and citizen journalists killed.///////// 2011年3月から、49人のジャーナリストがシリアで死にました。そして、8人のジャーナリストが収監されました。そして、17人のネット市民が投獄される。そして、142人のネット市民と市民ジャーナリストが死ぬ。
(Syria among the worst free speech offenders, at 176 out of 179 countries in its worldwide index on the freedom of press.)

Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world
How Syrian Activists in Raqqa are Resisting ISIS
Posted 16 February 2016 15:19 GMT

Note from RBSS in Raqqa reading: “ISIS and Assad, Same goals, Same interests, 29/9/2014″. Screenshot from RBSS footage featured in the Sky News report


韓國的最高當局者在「北朝鮮」觸及那樣的政府崩潰的,為了有使之惡化對手之間的關係的可能性新奇。/Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals./////////朴は、韓国が北朝鮮に対してその北朝鮮の核開発計画が自らの「政権崩壊」の速度を上げることに終わるだけであると理解させる必要があると言いました。また、朴は、そのための不特定の「より強くてより効果的な」処置をとる必要があるとも言いました。


he guardian today
Tuesday 16 Feb 2016

North Korea

'Regime collapse' awaits North Korea, says South's leader in nuclear warning

President Park Geun-hye issues tough warning and again accuses Kim Jong-un’s government of using cross-border funding to further weapons programme

South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament. Photograph: Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters
South Korea’s president has warned that North Korea faces “regime collapse” if it does not abandon its nuclear programme.

Park Geun-hye made the remarks during a speech in parliament while defending her decision to shut down a jointly run factory park in North Korea amid a heightened standoff over North Korea’s recent nuclear test and rocket launch.

Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals.

Park’s comments are certain to anger North Korea as they were made as the country marks the birthday of late dictator Kim Jong-il, the father of current leader Kim Jong-un.

Park repeated her government’s argument that much of the money South Korea paid to North Korean workers at Kaesong had flowed to the ruling Workers’ party leadership in charge of weapons programmes.

Seoul officials said North Korea was able to divert the money because the workers in Kaesong were not paid directly. Instead US dollars were paid to the North Korean government, which siphoned off most of the money and paid only as much as it wanted to the employees in North Korean currency and store vouchers, according to a statement from Seoul’s’ unification ministry.

The ministry did not detail how it arrived at that conclusion. North Korea has previously dismissed such views.

Earlier in February North Korea ignored repeated international warnings and launched what it said was an Earth observation satellite aboard a rocket. Washington, Seoul and others view the launch as a prohibited test of missile technology and are pushing for stronger sanctions against the regime.

The launch came after the North in January carried out its fourth nuclear test, aggravating already-strained ties between the two Koreas.

Last week Pyongyang expelled all South Korean workers from the jointly run factory park in the North and put the area under military control, in retaliation for Seoul’s decision to suspend operations there.

Associated Press in Seoul

Tuesday 16 February 2016 03.33 GMT


[西側的/。報社是為了賺錢運營的企業。神,釋迦牟尼,不是基督先生]/Thank you for instruction of Buddha today.
Including the local election called the mayoral election of Ginowan-shi with the U.S. forces Futenma base that remembered one sentence of the topic recently in Ryukyu. It is this.

[western /. The newspaper publisher is a company running for money-making. Not God, Buddha, Christ]/오늘도 부처님의 교시 감사합니다.
최근 류큐에서 화제의 문장을 생각해 냈습니다 미군 후 텐마 기지가있는 기노 완시의 시장 선거는 지방 선거에 관련되어. 이것입니다.

[서양 /. 신문사는 돈벌이를 위해 운영하고있는 기업입니다. 하나님, 부처님, 예수님이 없습니다]/Cũng ngày hôm nay, cảm ơn bạn cho những lời dạy của Đức Phật.
Gần đây, tôi nhớ đến những chủ đề của câu trong Ryukyu, đan vào nhau trong cuộc bầu cử địa phương rằng cuộc bầu cử thị trưởng thành phố Ginowan, nơi căn cứ Futenma của quân đội Mỹ. Cái này.

[Phía Tây /. Báo là một công ty hoạt động vì lợi ích của việc kiếm tiền. Thiên Chúa, Phật, không giống Chúa Kitô]/今日も、お釈迦様の御教示ありがとうございました。


>>Yan Dora Wong

To a friend. How is it reported in your country and area?

2016年02月17日 17時28分43秒 | 日記
From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。To a friend. How is it reported in your country and area?

The extremely partial political news posture is dangerous.
The bad impression news for "Russia" & "North Korea" "China's economy" and "the Syria Assad government" begins to blow today in Japanese - west media which included Ryukyu Okinawa.
Possibly I thought, and I of "the Ryukyu country provisional government" decided to throw eyes on overseas news.
Then it was an impression "after all does comply?" what. ↓.

By the way, I did not need to say, but the thing called the journalism originally inspected a local fact to report;, on top of that, must report it. Otherwise journalism falls into a political news posture extremely partial to "Europe and America - Japan led by the United States empire" scheming to conquer it as well as military rule of the space to the world above the ground. We world people who were unrealistic, and were influenced by pseudosuch news. Possibly we may overlook most of the news of the true reality that affects the life and death of the beloved person by oneself if we do not know it as "reality environment". The days when the inhabitants of Ryukyu Okinawa are frightened by the crashes such as a fighter or the copter will just continue forever as it is when mismatch with the reality seems to continue as follows in journalism. Anyway because there is a maximum US base in the small island called the Okinawa Island in the Far East, and the warehouse for exclusive use of the nuclear weapon on the land exists alone in East Asia area; a matter of course. It is certainly detrimental to your country and area./From寛彦(KuanYan)本村安彦。友達へ。貴方の国や地域ではどのように報道されていますか?




從2011年3月開始,49個記者在敘利亞死了。並且,8個記者被監禁了。並且,17人的網絡市民被下獄。並且,142人的網絡市民和市民記者死。/Since March 2011, 49 journalists have been killed in Syria, eight journalists imprisoned, 17 netizens jailed and 142 netizens and citizen journalists killed.///////// 2011年3月から、49人のジャーナリストがシリアで死にました。そして、8人のジャーナリストが収監されました。そして、17人のネット市民が投獄される。そして、142人のネット市民と市民ジャーナリストが死ぬ。
(Syria among the worst free speech offenders, at 176 out of 179 countries in its worldwide index on the freedom of press.)

Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world
How Syrian Activists in Raqqa are Resisting ISIS
Posted 16 February 2016 15:19 GMT

Note from RBSS in Raqqa reading: “ISIS and Assad, Same goals, Same interests, 29/9/2014″. Screenshot from RBSS footage featured in the Sky News report


韓國的最高當局者在「北朝鮮」觸及那樣的政府崩潰的,為了有使之惡化對手之間的關係的可能性新奇。/Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals./////////朴は、韓国が北朝鮮に対してその北朝鮮の核開発計画が自らの「政権崩壊」の速度を上げることに終わるだけであると理解させる必要があると言いました。また、朴は、そのための不特定の「より強くてより効果的な」処置をとる必要があるとも言いました。


he guardian today
Tuesday 16 Feb 2016

North Korea

'Regime collapse' awaits North Korea, says South's leader in nuclear warning

President Park Geun-hye issues tough warning and again accuses Kim Jong-un’s government of using cross-border funding to further weapons programme

South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament. Photograph: Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters
South Korea’s president has warned that North Korea faces “regime collapse” if it does not abandon its nuclear programme.

Park Geun-hye made the remarks during a speech in parliament while defending her decision to shut down a jointly run factory park in North Korea amid a heightened standoff over North Korea’s recent nuclear test and rocket launch.

Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals.

Park’s comments are certain to anger North Korea as they were made as the country marks the birthday of late dictator Kim Jong-il, the father of current leader Kim Jong-un.

Park repeated her government’s argument that much of the money South Korea paid to North Korean workers at Kaesong had flowed to the ruling Workers’ party leadership in charge of weapons programmes.

Seoul officials said North Korea was able to divert the money because the workers in Kaesong were not paid directly. Instead US dollars were paid to the North Korean government, which siphoned off most of the money and paid only as much as it wanted to the employees in North Korean currency and store vouchers, according to a statement from Seoul’s’ unification ministry.

The ministry did not detail how it arrived at that conclusion. North Korea has previously dismissed such views.

Earlier in February North Korea ignored repeated international warnings and launched what it said was an Earth observation satellite aboard a rocket. Washington, Seoul and others view the launch as a prohibited test of missile technology and are pushing for stronger sanctions against the regime.

The launch came after the North in January carried out its fourth nuclear test, aggravating already-strained ties between the two Koreas.

Last week Pyongyang expelled all South Korean workers from the jointly run factory park in the North and put the area under military control, in retaliation for Seoul’s decision to suspend operations there.

Associated Press in Seoul

Tuesday 16 February 2016 03.33 GMT


[西側的/。報社是為了賺錢運營的企業。神,釋迦牟尼,不是基督先生]/Thank you for instruction of Buddha today.
Including the local election called the mayoral election of Ginowan-shi with the U.S. forces Futenma base that remembered one sentence of the topic recently in Ryukyu. It is this.

[western /. The newspaper publisher is a company running for money-making. Not God, Buddha, Christ]/오늘도 부처님의 교시 감사합니다.
최근 류큐에서 화제의 문장을 생각해 냈습니다 미군 후 텐마 기지가있는 기노 완시의 시장 선거는 지방 선거에 관련되어. 이것입니다.

[서양 /. 신문사는 돈벌이를 위해 운영하고있는 기업입니다. 하나님, 부처님, 예수님이 없습니다]/Cũng ngày hôm nay, cảm ơn bạn cho những lời dạy của Đức Phật.
Gần đây, tôi nhớ đến những chủ đề của câu trong Ryukyu, đan vào nhau trong cuộc bầu cử địa phương rằng cuộc bầu cử thị trưởng thành phố Ginowan, nơi căn cứ Futenma của quân đội Mỹ. Cái này.

[Phía Tây /. Báo là một công ty hoạt động vì lợi ích của việc kiếm tiền. Thiên Chúa, Phật, không giống Chúa Kitô]/今日も、お釈迦様の御教示ありがとうございました。


>>Yan Dora Wong


2016年02月17日 17時16分52秒 | 日記






從2011年3月開始,49個記者在敘利亞死了。並且,8個記者被監禁了。並且,17人的網絡市民被下獄。並且,142人的網絡市民和市民記者死。/Since March 2011, 49 journalists have been killed in Syria, eight journalists imprisoned, 17 netizens jailed and 142 netizens and citizen journalists killed.///////// 2011年3月から、49人のジャーナリストがシリアで死にました。そして、8人のジャーナリストが収監されました。そして、17人のネット市民が投獄される。そして、142人のネット市民と市民ジャーナリストが死ぬ。
(Syria among the worst free speech offenders, at 176 out of 179 countries in its worldwide index on the freedom of press.)

Global Voices - Citizen media stories from around the world
How Syrian Activists in Raqqa are Resisting ISIS
Posted 16 February 2016 15:19 GMT

Note from RBSS in Raqqa reading: “ISIS and Assad, Same goals, Same interests, 29/9/2014″. Screenshot from RBSS footage featured in the Sky News report


韓國的最高當局者在「北朝鮮」觸及那樣的政府崩潰的,為了有使之惡化對手之間的關係的可能性新奇。/Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals./////////朴は、韓国が北朝鮮に対してその北朝鮮の核開発計画が自らの「政権崩壊」の速度を上げることに終わるだけであると理解させる必要があると言いました。また、朴は、そのための不特定の「より強くてより効果的な」処置をとる必要があるとも言いました。


he guardian today
Tuesday 16 Feb 2016

North Korea

'Regime collapse' awaits North Korea, says South's leader in nuclear warning

President Park Geun-hye issues tough warning and again accuses Kim Jong-un’s government of using cross-border funding to further weapons programme

South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament.
South Korean President Park Geun-hye foreshadowed “stronger and more effective” measures against North Korea in an address to parliament. Photograph: Kim Hong-Ji/Reuters
South Korea’s president has warned that North Korea faces “regime collapse” if it does not abandon its nuclear programme.

Park Geun-hye made the remarks during a speech in parliament while defending her decision to shut down a jointly run factory park in North Korea amid a heightened standoff over North Korea’s recent nuclear test and rocket launch.

Park said South Korea needed to take unspecified “stronger and more effective” measures to make North Korea realise its nuclear ambitions would only result in speeding up of its “regime collapse.”

It is unusual for a top South Korean official to touch upon such a government collapse in North Korea because of worries about worsening ties between the rivals.

Park’s comments are certain to anger North Korea as they were made as the country marks the birthday of late dictator Kim Jong-il, the father of current leader Kim Jong-un.

Park repeated her government’s argument that much of the money South Korea paid to North Korean workers at Kaesong had flowed to the ruling Workers’ party leadership in charge of weapons programmes.

Seoul officials said North Korea was able to divert the money because the workers in Kaesong were not paid directly. Instead US dollars were paid to the North Korean government, which siphoned off most of the money and paid only as much as it wanted to the employees in North Korean currency and store vouchers, according to a statement from Seoul’s’ unification ministry.

The ministry did not detail how it arrived at that conclusion. North Korea has previously dismissed such views.

Earlier in February North Korea ignored repeated international warnings and launched what it said was an Earth observation satellite aboard a rocket. Washington, Seoul and others view the launch as a prohibited test of missile technology and are pushing for stronger sanctions against the regime.

The launch came after the North in January carried out its fourth nuclear test, aggravating already-strained ties between the two Koreas.

Last week Pyongyang expelled all South Korean workers from the jointly run factory park in the North and put the area under military control, in retaliation for Seoul’s decision to suspend operations there.

Associated Press in Seoul

Tuesday 16 February 2016 03.33 GMT


[西側的/。報社是為了賺錢運營的企業。神,釋迦牟尼,不是基督先生]/Thank you for instruction of Buddha today.
Including the local election called the mayoral election of Ginowan-shi with the U.S. forces Futenma base that remembered one sentence of the topic recently in Ryukyu. It is this.

[western /. The newspaper publisher is a company running for money-making. Not God, Buddha, Christ]/오늘도 부처님의 교시 감사합니다.
최근 류큐에서 화제의 문장을 생각해 냈습니다 미군 후 텐마 기지가있는 기노 완시의 시장 선거는 지방 선거에 관련되어. 이것입니다.

[서양 /. 신문사는 돈벌이를 위해 운영하고있는 기업입니다. 하나님, 부처님, 예수님이 없습니다]/Cũng ngày hôm nay, cảm ơn bạn cho những lời dạy của Đức Phật.
Gần đây, tôi nhớ đến những chủ đề của câu trong Ryukyu, đan vào nhau trong cuộc bầu cử địa phương rằng cuộc bầu cử thị trưởng thành phố Ginowan, nơi căn cứ Futenma của quân đội Mỹ. Cái này.

[Phía Tây /. Báo là một công ty hoạt động vì lợi ích của việc kiếm tiền. Thiên Chúa, Phật, không giống Chúa Kitô]/今日も、お釈迦様の御教示ありがとうございました。


>>Yan Dora Wong


2016年02月16日 15時33分35秒 | 日記

從那以後近5年成為,不過,那個不講理的事件至今還沒解決。/I brought myself to write the case that happened in my body after a long absence. Thank you for contributing a good article.

Ryukyu Okinawa is western judicial system. Such a thing happened under the western judicial system in my home which was an independent businessman. ↓. And my wife and six children are rolled up. I decided the secession from Japan and the independence of the Ryukyu country at the trial when I was imprisoned.
It is nearly five years from that, but the unreasonable case is not yet settled./久しぶりにわが身に起こった事件を書く気になりました。いい記事を投稿してくれてありがとう。

September 15, 2013, blog of the last few years has been removed suddenly/2013年9月15日、この数年分のブログが突然削除されていた-46














2012、11、6日、無党派無宗教無団体 本村安彦(略)」

>>Yan Dora WongさんがYi Jiunさんの投稿をシェアしました。

2時間前 ·


>>Yi Jiun

13時間前 ·


>>Is this China's rule of fear or the West's rule of fear of China?

(The Secret US Prisons You've Never Heard of Before | Will Potter | TED Talks)
Now, compare this to the massive Wall Street bailout, paying fat bonuses to errant bankers on a gamble.


Whenever I heard cliche about the independent judicial system in the US, it immediately would remind me of the Iraq invasion based on disinformation, '08 Credit crisis, Snowden, Nixon "Watergate", Civil rights movement, Guantanamo Bay torture camp and JFK assassination, etc...

Is this the "Rule of Law", under an independent Justice system?

While the system might have been designed to be independent, the people manipulating it today are not.

In the words of former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, "Freedom's untidy, and free people are free to make mistakes and commit crimes and do bad things - stuff happens."

Yet, he described China as a country ''we hope and pray enters the civilized world in an orderly way."

Hmmm...So, he was admitting himself that "Freedom" and "Civilization" cannot coexist, or that the "Free World" is actually uncivilized?


2016年02月16日 05時56分42秒 | 日記




那個以後,由於日本無條件投降的第二次世界大戰終結台灣到復歸為止的到祖國·中國50年。台灣被由日本的統治體制編入,成為日本的殖民地。/To a Taiwanese friend. I describe my history recognition as follows. Please point it out if there is a mistake in a thing about the Taiwanese history.

Special mention:
1915 of the colony system era by Japan. In Taiwan, the anti-Japanese movement "west next hermitage case" by Taiwanese Chinese inhabitants occurs. The Taiwanese Chinese inhabitants kill 95 Japanese.
The Japanese empire which admired the resistance of the Taiwanese Chinese inhabitants maintained infrastructure investment of Taiwan and education system and came to begin to do assimilationism to Japan for the Taiwanese Chinese. Therefore the Taiwanese Chinese inhabitants took a policy to learn from Japan. However, it was a purpose that it of Taiwanese Chinese inhabitants required the autonomy by Taiwanese China inhabitants to the last [and a Taiwanese Chinese acquires power of culture and the economy] against Japan. Thus, outwardly the anti-Japanese movement lied low.

1894 15 years after the military merger for the Ryukyu country by Japan of 1879. Japan has won by the Sino-Japanese War that stepped over Ryukyu. Therefore Taiwan was performed cession of in 95 of the next year of the Sino-Japanese War to Japan.
However, the Taiwanese Chinese inhabitants did not follow it in silence. The Taiwanese Chinese inhabitants resisted rule in Japan by military power.

The rule by Japan in Taiwan was an opening scene of a play of the anti-Japanese movement by the Taiwanese Chinese inhabitants who rebelled at the same time.
1915 also 20 years later. The "west next hermitage case" that will kill 95 Japanese will happen.

Thereafter, 50 years before Taiwan returning to the mother country, China at the World War II end that Japan performed an unconditional surrender of. Taiwan was incorporated in the rule system by Japan and became the colony of Japan./台湾の友達へ。下記に、私の歴史認識を記述します。もし、台湾の歴史に関することで間違いがあったらご指摘ください。





>>評: 日本人制作的....日本統治台灣50年的紀錄片 《人間動物園》










我們希望台灣的年輕人, 都能看到這部, 由日本國家機構親自拍攝的記錄片, 暸解當時整個大時代裡中國人, 包括台灣人、山地人的屈辱悲哀, 而不只是陶醉在「海角一号」、「灣生回家」這些單純美化了的小確幸故事裡

Who backs whom in the Syrian conflict

2016年02月12日 15時14分56秒 | 日記
Who backs whom in the Syrian conflict

Syria’s civil war has raged for nearly five years, underpinned by a complex pattern of alliances and enmities. The Assad regime and its local opponents are backed to differing degrees and in different configurations by military powers from near and far

Wednesday 2 December 2015 22.47 GMT


Syria: cessation of hostilities 'within a week' agreed at Munich talks – live