

Jimmy with Obama

2016-06-15 | 異文化
Jimmy Fallonのコメディーショーでのヒトコマです。



Hello, I'm president Barack Obama,
and I, too, would like to slow jam this news.

Hit me eight times!

It's been an honor and a privilege to serve as your president over the past eight years.
When I first took office, our nation was facing one of the worst recessions in its history.
Since then, we've added more than 14 million new jobs and lowered the unemployment rate to under 5%.
Through the actions of my administration.
Through the actions of my administration, we were able to stimulate the economy and get our country back on track.

Aww, yeah.
President Obama stimulated long term hope.
In both the public and private sectary.
In 2008, the country wasn't feeling in the mood.
It was too tired, stressed, said it had a headache.
But Barack lit some candles and got some silky satin sheets.
♪silky satin sheets now♪
Told the American people "Yes we can."
You created the jobs for you and me.
And he's got more left to Hillary.

As president, I'm proud of many progressive steps our country has taken in recent years,
both socially and environmentally.
The United States has been a leader in developing clean energy to ensure the health of our planet for future generations.
Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, an additional 20 million Americans now have access to quality health care.
And same-sex couples across the country now have a constitutional right to marry.
In short, climate change is real, health care is affordable, and love is love.

Mm, mm, mmm.
Commander in preach!
You gotta listen to my man breezers
He's accomplished a lot in eight years.
Even when Congress tried block him
he found a way in through the back door.

When Republicans gave him lemons he made so much lemonade.
Beyonce started calling him "Bracky with the good hair."

♪Bracky with the good hair♪
His first two terms ended in such a hurry.
Wish he could go for three like my men stuffed curry.

And now... there will be no third term.
I can't stay forever.
Besides, Daddy's got a Hawaiian vacation booked
in about... 223 days.
But who's counting?
That being said,
the American people face an important decision this fall.
The entire world is watching and they look to us for stability and leadership.
Now, I know some of the presidential candidates have been critical of my foreign policy.
I don't want to name any names.

♪He's talking about Donald Trump♪

But I believe if is of the utmost importance to work alongside other world leaders.
That's why I signed the Iran nuclear deal.
That's why we reopened diplomatic ties with Cuba.
And that's why I negotiated the new trade deal called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP.

Now hold on there
Are you saying TPP?

Yeah, you know me.
Look, Jimmy, the TPP allows American businesses to sell their products both at home and abroad.
The more we sell abroad, the more higher-paying jobs we provide here at home.
It's that simple.

So- So what you are saying is this trade deal will help put everyday Americans back to...
♪Work, work, work, work, work, work♪
He put us back to work, work, work, work, work
He put us back to work, work, work, work, work

Now, Mr. President, since you're here, I got to ask, have you been watching all the election coverage this week about Donald Trump?

No, but I have been watching my new favorite show,
"Orange is Not the New Black."

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I'm gonna need you to Netfrix and chill.
I get it if you 're a little wound up after all this time.
I mean I can't imagine what would be like to do the same job eight straight years.

Jimmy, you probably never will.

♪Does Obama

America's best days are still yet to come.

Thank you Mr. President.

♪This country's on track, and that is a fact♪
Once you go Barack, you will never go back.
Thank you for leading the red, white, and the blue.

And that is how we slow jam for news.

Oh, yeah.

Give it up for the President of the United States of America Barack Obama!
Double mic drop!