ルーマニア・ランニングライフ★Romania Running Life★



2014-01-27 | 海外&ルーマニア・マラソン大会

Two Japanese broke "the parent and child category" world marathon best by running 5:22:10 at Osaka Womens Marathon on 26th of January.

It is the category for parent and child, running the same competition, starting at the same time. The daughter, Sairi Maeda aged 22 years old student ran by 2:26:46, 4th place in general, and the mother, Junko Maeda aged 55 ran by 2:55:24, the total 5:22:10 is the new world record.

The old parent and child record was 5:30:21, set by American son and father in 2012 at Chicago.


Obiectiv indeplinit! Recordul mondial la alergarea maratonului in grup de 6 persoane, legati printr-o panglica, a fost doborat. Echipa a fost formata din: Stefan Oprina, Victor Vlad, Gabi Solomon, Dobre George, Mihai Baractaru si Florin Munteanu. Multumim tuturor celor implicati in proiect dar nu in ultimul rand celor care ne-au sustinut si incurajat de pe margine.
