ヨガで穏やかな気持ちを・・・Let’s have calm in yoga!


義援金振込報告!The report of transfer contributions!

2011-06-22 15:49:05 | ヨガ



The yoga club as a charity event  which was held on June 18th , transferred contributions to the account of the Red cross. (A port of them was deducted for the place.)

Thank you very much. Please join next charity event.


チャリティーヨガ!A charity yoga event for the disaster!

2011-06-19 20:57:16 | ヨガ


経済が厳しい状況の中 、東日本大震災が3月11日起こった。ちょうど震災から100日目にチャリティーヨガの練習会が出来た。




During tough economic times,the biggest earthquake disaster of East Japan occured on March11th. Yoga practice club as a chairity event held just the 100days after the disaster.

I began this blog because it was very important to keep the ties of friendship to others with yoga.This society is that people’s connection・・・Even though he/she who doesn't go out very much, lives a single life but building materials were moved by carrier and electric,water,agriculture people have a stake in living.

Also teaching yoga for me, many people who are my members and students ,transport people and tailors of yoga wears, support my life.

So,feelings for participated this chairty event and helped donations which are spreaded and helpful for reconstruction there.

I would like to thank great participants and all.