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力をあたえる五力法と七覚支法 T

2023-12-31 17:04:15 | タブレットPC
  1. 修行者は七科目、三十七教程の成仏法を完璧に修行する必要はなく、導師が最適な教程を選ぶ。
  2. 代表的な修行法には「五力法」と「七覚支法」があり、五力法は基礎訓練に利用される。
  3. 五力法には信念力法、精進力法、念力法、定力法があり、これにより信念が強化され、念力が発達する。
  4. 念力の強化によりクンダリニー・ヨーガの課程に進み、異常なほどの念の力を身につける。
  5. 七覚支法はクンダリニー・ヨーガと組み合わせて行われ、高度な智慧や法覚、力法の訓練が含まれる。
  6. 修行の最終段階では、仏陀釈尊の成仏法に辿り着くために、クンダリニー・ヨーガが必要であることを発見。
  7. 「択法覚支」から高い智慧を身につけ、念力法や念覚支法を通じて予知力や予感を得る。
  8. 修行者は軽安党支や捨覚支を通じて心の平静を保ち、定方法により感覚器官を増幅し、超人的な能力を得る。
  9. 修行の極限では不可視光線や超音波を感知し、天災地変を予知することが可能となる。
  10. 念力法や念覚支法を修行した者は、仏陀の弟子たちのように信じられないような念の力を持つ。
  11. これが真実の仏教であり、創作経典ではないことに注意が必要。
The Five Powers and Seven Gakushuho that give you strength
Practitioners do not have to perfect the seven subjects and thirty-seven courses of the Dharma for Buddhahood; the master chooses the most suitable course.
Typical training methods include ``Gorikiho'' and ``Shichikakushoho'', and Gorikiho is used for basic training.
The five power methods include the belief power method, the diligent power method, the psychokinesis method, and the fixed power method, which strengthen one's beliefs and develop psychokinesis.
By strengthening his mental powers, he progresses to the course of Kundalini Yoga, and acquires an extraordinary amount of mental power.
The Seven Awakening Dharma is practiced in combination with Kundalini Yoga and includes training in advanced wisdom, dharma awareness, and force.
At the final stage of his training, he discovered that Kundalini Yoga was necessary in order to reach Buddha Shakyamuni's Buddhahood Dharma.
He acquires high wisdom through ``choho-gakusho'' and obtains precognitive powers and premonitions through psychokinesis and nen-kakusho.
Practitioners maintain calmness of mind through Light Antouchi and Sakugakusho, amplify their sense organs through established methods, and gain superhuman abilities.
At the ultimate level of training, it becomes possible to detect invisible light and ultrasonic waves and predict natural disasters.
Those who have practiced the psychokinesis method or the nenkakusho method have incredible mental powers, just like the Buddha's disciples.
It is important to note that this is true Buddhism and not an invented scripture.
導師が教示してくれた主要な一科目を中心に、いくつかの教程を併合したものを修行して ゆくのである。
弟子によって、みな、素質・能力・環境等 (総称して、“因縁”という)が違うので、導師 がそれらを勘案して、最も適切な教程を作製してさずけるのである代表的な修行法を、つぎに示そう。
力法 (智力法ともいう)
最初、私は、仏陀の成仏法に挑戦して、まったく歯が立たなかった。手も足も出なかった。 なんとか手がかりをつかもうと、四苦八苦しているうちに、阿含の文献の中に、「ゴータマ・
この事を考えているうちに、この“ヨーガ" は、ラージャヨーガと、クンダリニー・ヨーガに違いないと、思いあたった。
「択」とは 「えらぶ」という意味で、あらゆるもの(法)の中から真実のものをえらび出し、 真実ならざるものは捨て去る智慧の獲得である。
軽 安党支
精進努力し、能力が増加、あるいはあたらしい能力を身につけることに喜びを感じます ます訓練に精勤するようになる。 どんなにきびしい修行でも、喜びをもって受け入れるよう
それは、クンダリニー・ヨーガのチャクラを動かすことにより、訓練が楽しくなるホルモ ンを湧出させるからである。
常に、身心を軽快明朗にして、心が悟冥 (暗く濁る)したり、渋滞したりしない修行。 喜覚支をさらに進めたもので、クンダリニー・ヨーガと併合した、特殊な訓練で得られる 能力である。
この修行の極限は、 不可視光線(赤外線、紫外線)を見ることができ、超音波を聞くこと ができるようになる。その結果、天災地変も予知することが可能となる。 そこまで到達する ことは容易ではない。この修行によって、聖者たちは、大なり小なり、この能力を身につけ るのである。
初心者でも、予感や予知力が身にそなわる。 どんな初心者でも、とにかく「カン」が冴 えてくることはまちがいない。
この修行を完成した超人の力は、ふつうの人の「常識」を越え、常識を破壊してしまうだ ろう。たとえば、
これは、一つの例えであるが、かれの思念の力は、他人の内臓の中にできた腫瘍(ガンな ど)を、その念の集中力で、破壊、あるいは溶かしてしまうことも可能である。 仏陀やその 弟子たちは、そのようにして、病人を癒したものである。(ただ、この場合、ガンを破壊して も、破壊されたガン細胞が他に転移するおそれがあるので、ガン細胞そのものを死滅させる ほどの念の力が伴わなければ危険であり、軽々しくこれを行うことはできない。それほどの 力は、仏陀ご自身でなければ持てないのかもしれない。一つの可能性の例として、あげたわ けである
そんな力は例外としても、念力法、念覚支法を修行した場合、中等程度の者でも、常人の 信じられないような念の力を持つようになる。
これが、真実の仏教なのだ。 あなたがこれまで常識として考えていた仏教とは、大分ちが うのではなかろうか?
多くの人が仏教だと思っている『法華経』とか『阿弥陀経』は、仏陀釈尊がお説きになっ たものではないのである。これら「大乗経典」とよばれる経典は、仏陀がお亡くなりになっ 二、三百年もたってから、無名の人たちによって創作されたものである。だから、これら の経典は、学問的には「創作経典」とよばれているのである。
創作経典の中には、「成仏法」は全く欠落している。一行も書かれていない。当然であろう。 「成仏法」は、仏陀釈尊しか教えることが不可能だからだ。無名の人たちが勝手に創作した大 乗経典に「仏陀の成仏法」が全くないのは、当然至極というべきだろう。
日本の仏教は「大乗仏教」である。つまり、「創作仏教」であって、「仏陀の仏教」ではな い。従って、「仏陀の成仏法」は全くない、というわけである。
日本の仏教徒が、仏陀の成仏法を全く知らない、というのは、ここに原因があるのである。 私は、このことが心から残念でならないのだ。
First, I introduced the method of attaining Buddhahood, which consists of seven subjects and 37 teachings.
However, practitioners do not have to practice all of this.
He goes on to train by combining several courses, focusing on one main subject taught by his master.
Since each disciple has a different quality, ability, environment, etc. (collectively referred to as ``fate and fate''), the guru takes these into account and creates the most appropriate curriculum for the disciple.This is a typical training course. Let me show you the law next.
This is a combination of the ``Shichikakushoho'' and ``Gorikiho'' of the Buddhist attainment methods I mentioned earlier.
In this case, the Five Power Method is generally used for basic training.
The five powers are as follows.
Through this training, the power of belief will be developed to the extreme, and no matter what difficulties you encounter, you will not give in and will not compromise your beliefs.
diligence method
psychokinesis method
constant force method
The more difficulties you encounter, the more you will have the ability and character to concentrate on your goals and work hard.
His psychokinesis is abnormally strengthened.
He develops enough mental power to concentrate sunlight on a lens and ignite it.
The power of Nen strengthened by this method exhibits incredible power.
From this Dharma training, one enters the course of Kundalini Yoga.
With the power of strengthened Nen, he performs advanced meditation and special training.
Through this training, he begins to acquire powers that are incomparable to humans.
Special training in Kundalini Yoga begins.
Rikiho (also called Chiriho)
This is training to acquire advanced wisdom.
I will have you begin with the training of the Gumonjisomeiho.
Seven enlightenment methods
The above five power methods are used as basic training, and by building on this five power method, we move on to the next full-scale training.
All of the Seven Awakening Methods are combined with Kundalini Yoga training.
This is my discovery.
At first, when I tried the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood, I was completely disappointed. I couldn't use my arms or legs. While I was struggling to find a clue, I discovered in Agon's literature, ``Gotama...
I found a text that says, "Buddha is called the Master of Yoga."
As I was thinking about this, it occurred to me that this "yoga" must be raja yoga and kundalini yoga.
Shojinto branch
Starting from that, it took me over ten years to uncover the secret of Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood.
Indeed, Buddha Shakyamuni was a master of Kundalini Yoga.
Without mastering Kundalini Yoga, you will not be able to touch the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood.
``Choose'' means ``choose,'' and it is the acquisition of wisdom that selects what is true from all things (dharma) and discards what is not true.
The power of ``clear recognition and foreknowledge of things'' that I mentioned earlier is obtained from this awareness of options.
Light Antai branch
sacrificial knowledge
established party branch
They work hard and feel joy when their abilities increase or acquire new abilities.They become more diligent in their training. No matter how tough the training, accept it with joy.
This is because by moving the Kundalini Yoga chakra, hormones that make training enjoyable are released.
Practice to always keep your body and mind light and clear, so that your mind does not become dark or cloudy or become congested. It is a further development of Kikakushi, and is an ability obtained through special training combined with Kundalini Yoga.
He develops an easy-going figure and a peaceful and calm face characteristic of a saint.
Once you are free from the thought of love for the monk, your heart will no longer be disturbed by anything, and your peace of mind will no longer be disturbed.
It is a training to let go of attachment to the object.
Following Karan Gakushu, the heart of a saint will emerge.
Following the regular method, his abilities as a superhuman are dramatically strengthened.
By thoroughly strengthening your fixed power (mental unity), your sense organs will be amplified.
The ultimate in this training is the ability to see invisible light (infrared, ultraviolet) and hear ultrasound. As a result, it becomes possible to predict natural disasters. It's not easy for him to get to that point. Through this training, saints acquire this ability, to a greater or lesser degree.
Even beginners can have premonitions and precognitive abilities. No matter how much you are a beginner, there is no doubt that your ``kan'' will become sharper.
What do you think?
The power of a superhuman who has completed this training will exceed the "common sense" of an ordinary person and destroy common sense. for example,
This is just an example, but the power of his thoughts can destroy or even dissolve a tumor that has formed inside someone else's internal organs (such as his cancer) with the concentration of his thoughts. It is. That's how Buddha and his disciples healed the sick. (However, in this case, even if the cancer is destroyed, there is a risk that the destroyed cancer cells will metastasize to other places, so it is dangerous if the power of mind is not strong enough to kill the cancer cells themselves. It is impossible to do this. Such power may only be possessed by the Buddha himself. I have given this as an example of one possibility.
Although such powers are an exception, if one practices psychokinesis or nenkakusho, even a moderately skilled person will be able to possess the power of nen that is unbelievable to an ordinary person.
This is the ``Buddhist Dharma'' that Buddha Shakyamuni taught to his disciples.
This is true Buddhism. Isn't there a big difference between Buddhism and what you used to think of as common sense?
The Lotus Sutra and the Amida Sutra, which many people think of as Buddhist, were preached by Buddha Shakyamuni and are not his own works. These sutras, called ``Mahayana sutras,'' were created by anonymous people two or three hundred years after the Buddha's death. Therefore, academically, these sutras are called ``creative sutras.''
The ``Dharma of attaining Buddhahood'' is completely absent from the created sutras. Not a single line was written. Of course. This is because the ``Dharma of attaining Buddhahood'' can only be taught by Buddha Shakyamuni. It is of course extremely important that there is no ``Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood'' in the Mahayana sutras created by anonymous people.
Japanese Buddhism is ``Mahayana Buddhism.'' In other words, it is ``creative Buddhism,'' not ``Buddha's Buddhism.'' Therefore, there is no ``Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood'' at all.
This is the reason why Japanese Buddhists have no knowledge of the Buddha's method of attaining Buddhahood. I am truly sorry about this.
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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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2023年12月31日 九星  無料 今日の運命

2023-12-31 08:30:09 | タブレットPC
この日には不遇、失意気味の来訪者が多いものです。自分自身も、憂い事で憂鬱になるものです。 部下や子供の問題も出る。この日は特に陰徳に心がけることが大切です
躍動の週 親の日


12月31日 (日曜)月齢

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日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康
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2023-12-30 09:09:49 | タブレットPC

呼吸法、といっているけれども、たんなる呼吸作用のコントロール法ではなく、このあとで説く「チャクラ」「プラーナ」「クンダリニー・エネルギー」(気道) 「ムドラー」「瞑想」「マントラ詠唱」など、すべての技法を綜合しておこなわれるもので、仏陀の成仏法の最終段階のものである。
この四つの呼吸法 (繰り返していうが、たんなる呼吸法ではない)で、仏陀の成仏法は完成されるのである。


「行息」 気息を行らす、





Although it is called the breathing method, it is not just a method of controlling the breathing action, but all techniques such as "chakra", "prana", "kundalini energy" (airway), "mudler", "meditation", and "mantra chanting". It is the final stage of the Buddhist mantra meditation.
These four breathing methods (again, not just breathing methods) complete the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
I will explain this breathing method later. Oak
Buddha's airway law
If you read the previous section, you'll probably understand. The Buddha also used the dead path in the Iddhipada method.
"Breathing" To breathe, there must be a way to go around. That way is the airway.
However, the airway of the Buddha is quite different from the airway of Kundalini Yoga.
It can be said to supplement the deficiencies in the Kundalini Yoga airways-the inadequate rather than the deficiencies.
Why can you say that?
I think that the Buddha's breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
One of the basic practices of Taoism is the "law of shyness." In addition, there is a "law of spirit". These are none other than Shaka's "law of breath", which is explained in Agama.
The following is one proof that Taoism has accepted the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law that I just mentioned. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part corresponding to the Sahaslara chakra, which is the best part of Satori in Taoism.
Where did the name Mudmaru come from?
This is a transcription of the "Nirvana" or Nirvana that the Buddha preaches. It was named because it reaches Nirvana when this part is awakened.
This is very interesting because it talks about the connection between Buddhist practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism. In addition to this, there are some similar examples.
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Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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2023-12-30 09:09:49 | タブレットPC

呼吸法、といっているけれども、たんなる呼吸作用のコントロール法ではなく、このあとで説く「チャクラ」「プラーナ」「クンダリニー・エネルギー」(気道) 「ムドラー」「瞑想」「マントラ詠唱」など、すべての技法を綜合しておこなわれるもので、仏陀の成仏法の最終段階のものである。
この四つの呼吸法 (繰り返していうが、たんなる呼吸法ではない)で、仏陀の成仏法は完成されるのである。


「行息」 気息を行らす、





Although it is called the breathing method, it is not just a method of controlling the breathing action, but all techniques such as "chakra", "prana", "kundalini energy" (airway), "mudler", "meditation", and "mantra chanting". It is the final stage of the Buddhist mantra meditation.
These four breathing methods (again, not just breathing methods) complete the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
I will explain this breathing method later. Oak
Buddha's airway law
If you read the previous section, you'll probably understand. The Buddha also used the dead path in the Iddhipada method.
"Breathing" To breathe, there must be a way to go around. That way is the airway.
However, the airway of the Buddha is quite different from the airway of Kundalini Yoga.
It can be said to supplement the deficiencies in the Kundalini Yoga airways-the inadequate rather than the deficiencies.
Why can you say that?
I think that the Buddha's breathing method later moved to China and became a Taoist sendo. In other words, the origin of Taoist training lies in the Buddhahood's Buddhahood method.
One of the basic practices of Taoism is the "law of shyness." In addition, there is a "law of spirit". These are none other than Shaka's "law of breath", which is explained in Agama.
The following is one proof that Taoism has accepted the Buddhahood of the Buddhahood. There is a part called Mudmaru in the airway of the Taoist shyness law that I just mentioned. At the top of the head, in Kundalini Yoga, it is the part corresponding to the Sahaslara chakra, which is the best part of Satori in Taoism.
Where did the name Mudmaru come from?
This is a transcription of the "Nirvana" or Nirvana that the Buddha preaches. It was named because it reaches Nirvana when this part is awakened.
This is very interesting because it talks about the connection between Buddhist practice, Kundalini yoga, and Taoism. In addition to this, there are some similar examples.
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Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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2023-12-30 09:04:21 | タブレットPC
Fate that damages her husband's luck
It is a cause that women have.
Husband's luck (damaging and shaving the life turnip with invisible power, but it does not necessarily mean laying the husband under his hips or abusing him in daily life. Of course, in such cases as well. There is nothing wrong with it, but as I wrote before, there are cases where the fate appears in the character and cases where it does not appear at all in the personality. This is also the case with this fate, and rather the woman with this fate is abusive. It is difficult to get rid of it because there are many good wives and wise mothers who can be used by their husbands. Edogawa Yanagi "Poison is decocting medicine between the next"
There is a phrase, but this impresses me with the phrase "a woman with this prisoner relationship".
The meaning of this phrase is that the owner is sick and sleeps all year round. When I ask the house, the young beautiful Hosono is brewing medicine in the next room where the owner is sleeping. However, in reality, this beautiful Hosono is poisonous to the sick husband, so it is ironic that Hosono is decocting the medicine and that the poison is the medicine.
Having a woman with this connection as a wife can make her husband sick all year round, or work poorly, failing all year round, and prone to traffic jams. Luck is very bad because of the loss of vitality. No matter how talented or skillful you are, you will always be caught up in one misfortune. The more you can use it in your heart, the worse your husband's luck will be, which is troublesome.
As is often the case in the world, there are cases where a husband who has been waiting for a fine prince makes another woman, and people are wondering because he is far more brilliant and smarter than that woman. This is because Hosono has a cause to hurt her husband's luck, so her husband has a vital self-defense instinct.
What kind of connection do you have? Of course, it often happens in middle age that I could afford it economically in the middle age.
One of the reasons is that Hosono's color has declined, but basically, when he was young,
My husband also has a stronger vitality, so I can tolerate my wife's luck damage, so I feel so much
No, but as we get older, our vitality weakens and we want a place to relax.
The woman who has this strong connection is the so-called "post-family luck", which is the cause of sexuality.
One husband escapes to another woman as mentioned above, and a husband who has no sexual relations escapes to a hobby,
Immerse yourself in work and become a cold family.
If you are a husband with weak vitality, you will die. In other words, this is the reason why it is called post-family luck. If you want to have a happy family as a woman, you must first cut it.
○ Fate of marital relationship disorder
It is a cause of disability in marital relationship and marriage. Somehow their personalities don't match each other, and they are dissatisfied all year round, and they are constantly messing around and becoming a cold family.
Or, although they have a love for each other, one of them gets sick and is forced to live separately, or because of work, they live in a farewell. Anyway, regardless of whether or not you have a love affair, the couple will not get along well because of the relationship such as Shuto. I can't go to the point where I'm divorced, but anyway, I'm going to get one step closer all year round.
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Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
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2023年12月30日 九星  無料 今日の運命

2023-12-30 07:30:30 | タブレットPC

仕事の事、旅行の事、病人の事、などが出やすい日。こみいった事が多い。いそがしい割に成果は少ない。 短慮は禁物。いやな仕事も進んで引き受ける位の気持ちが大切
躍動の週 友の日

12月30日 (土曜)月齢

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Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康
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TECLAST M50 Pro: パワフルで使いやすい、新登場のAndroid 13タブレット!”

2023-12-29 17:34:08 | タブレットPC
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2023-12-29 16:14:57 | タブレットPC

- 仏教の成仏法は「七科三十七道品」が最も重要であり、阿含経に記載されている。
- 大乗仏教は成仏法を隠ぺいし、他力本願の概念を強調しているが、これは阿含経に反するものである。
- お釈迦様は成仏法を「阿含経」において直接説かれており、それが修行者が仏陀に成るための唯一の方法である。
- 大乗仏教は成仏法を理解せず、異なる時代や宗派によって修行法が変化するとする主張は根拠のないものである。
- 成仏法の根本は「安那般那念法」であり、これを修行しない限り絶対に成仏できないとされている。
- 大乗仏教が強調する他力本願や異なる時代ごとの成仏法の変遷は、真理に反するものであると主張されている。
- 七科三十七道品は出家者向けのプロ用の修行法であり、それを修行することで真の理解が得られるとされている。
- 文中の引用によれば、過去仏も未来仏も現在仏も、すべて「七科三十七道品」を修行して成仏するとされている。
- 大乗仏教の理解が不十分であり、真理を追求するには阿含経に基づく成仏法の理解が必要であると主張されている。

Buddhism is an abbreviation for ``Buddha teaching method''. It means "teachings and laws for becoming a Buddha." Here, I would like to focus on the concept of ``law,'' which is different from ``teaching.'' Dharma or Buddhism means the method of training or the method of attaining Buddhahood. Academic "teaching" is a different concept.
- The most important Buddhist method for attaining Buddhahood is the ``Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways,'' and they are described in the Agon Sutra.
- Mahayana Buddhism hides the method of attaining Buddhahood and emphasizes the concept of the Original Vow, which is contrary to the Agon Sutra.
- The Buddha directly preached the Buddhahood method in the Agon Sutra, and it is the only way for a practitioner to become a Buddha.
- The claim that Mahayana Buddhism does not understand the Dharma of Buddhahood and that the Dharma practices change in different eras and sects is baseless.
- The basis of the method of attaining Buddhahood is ``Annahanna Nendharma,'' and it is said that unless one practices this, one will never be able to attain Buddhahood.
- It has been argued that Mahayana Buddhism's emphasis on the Original Vow of Self-Reliance and the changes in Buddhahood methods from different eras are contrary to the truth.
- The Thirty-Seven Dohons of the Seven Sciences is a professional training method for monks, and it is said that true understanding can be gained by practicing it.
- According to the quotation in the text, past Buddhas, future Buddhas, and present Buddhas are all said to attain Buddhahood by practicing the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Ways and Principles.''
- It is argued that there is an insufficient understanding of Mahayana Buddhism and that in order to pursue the truth, it is necessary to understand the Buddhahood method based on the Agon Sutra.
最も重要な修行法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)に書かれている「七科三十七道品」(しちかさんじゅうしちどうほん)あるいは 「三十七菩提分法」(さんじゅうしちぼだいぶんぽう)あるいは、単に「道品法」(どうぼんほう)と呼ばれている修行法です。
成仏法とは、人が仏陀に成ることができる修行法のことです。他の修行法は、人を高めることはできますが、仏陀にまでは成ることはできません。ここが、単なる修行法と、成仏法の違いです。成仏法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)にしか書かれていません。 「七科三十七道品」は、7科目37種類の修行法があります。詳しくは、阿含宗のこちらのページをご覧下さい。
「成仏法」が、どのようにしてできたのか、そのいきさつについても、きちんと阿含経に書かれています。阿含経には、お釈迦様が「成仏法」をお作りになられた状況が、克明に記載されているのです。 ご紹介します。
<中阿含経 羅摩経>
お釈迦さまは、心機一転して、それまでの六年麻麦(まばく)の苦行を離れ、ネーランジャラー河において、村長の娘スジャータの乳ガユの供養を受け、聖地 ガヤーのピッパラ樹(菩提樹)の下に瞑想の座を定めました。ここでお釈迦さまは、悟りを開き、仏陀と成なれるのですが、その時の、状況が記されたお経です。
生すでに尽き、 梵行すでに立ち、所作すでに弁じて、更に有を受けずと如真を知りぬ。』
さらに、成仏するための修行方法の体系、 成仏法(七科三十七道品)を決定した。
大乗仏教は、この点を、全く理解していません。  「道品法(どうぼんほう)を定む」とあります。お釈迦さまは、成道後、即座に、その場で、成仏法を編成し、完成させていたのです。人間がどうすれば成仏することができるのか、このとき、すでに、修行法を、決定、完成されていたので す。したがって、成仏法は、この時、確立された、この「道品法」以外にはあり得無いのです。阿含経のこの「七科三十七道品」以外に成仏法は絶対に無いのです。
パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。
「 ここに比丘らよ、われによりて法は悟られ、汝らに説かれたり。 すなわち四念住・四正断・四神足・五根・五力・七覚支・八正道これなり。 それゆえにすべての比丘らは相和し相欣び、争うことなくして、これを学ばざるべからず。」
「雑阿含経(ぞうあごんぎょう) 応説経(おうせつきょう)」
いろいろな方法を駆使しても無駄である、 阿含経の七科三十七道品を修行しない限り、絶対に成仏できないと説かれています。
大乗仏教が説くよう に、修行法を捨て、仏の慈悲にすがるだけでは、冥土などにはいけるかもしれませんが、絶対に、成仏はできないのです。
しかし、お釈迦様は、この成仏法 七科三十七道品へ至るまでの、その橋渡しとなる修行法も、きちんと用意してくださっていたのです。その修行法の一つが、「安那般那念法」(あんなぱんなねんほう)と呼ばれる呼吸法、瞑想法です。この瞑想法は、七科三十七道品の中の瞑想法の一つと考えてよいと思います。
この法の習得が、成仏法 七科三十七道品への足がかりとなります。安那般那念法とは、「雑阿含経 安那般那念経」に書かれている、初歩から最高奥儀に至るまでの呼吸法・瞑想法のことです。10数種類の呼吸法・瞑想法が説かれています。
さらに、「雑阿含経 止息経」には、「勝止息、奇特止息、上止息、無上止息」の4つの呼吸法が説かれており、「この4つの呼吸法は、すべての呼吸法において、これ以上のものはない最上の呼吸法である。」とお説きになられています。この4つの呼吸法は、安那般那念法の最上のものということです。お釈迦様が、「最上の呼吸法・瞑想法」であるとおっしゃられているのですから、当然のことながら、この呼吸法・瞑想法をマスターしなければ成仏はできないということです。
大乗仏教は、この点も、全く理解していません。単なる呼吸法とは、わけが違うのです。仏教の実践的な修行は、この安那般那念法から始まるといっても過言ではないのだそうです。「息」とは、「生き」なのです。詳しくは、阿含宗管長 故 桐山靖雄大僧正猊下 ご著書「仏陀の法」をご覧ください。実践法は、「求聞持聡明法秘伝」に書かれています。
大乗仏教は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典 阿含経を小乗仏教とけなし、以上のことを隠ぺい、黙殺し、まるで理解していません。これでは、絶対に成仏はできないのです。ノストラダムス氏が言われる通り、これらの法が、人類を救うのです。お釈迦様は、そのために、修行法、成仏法を残して下さったのですから。不老長寿、超人類社会への道は、ここに開かれているのです。すべての実践的な修行は、安那般那念法、求聞持聡明法の習得から始まるのです。
その根拠を示します。釈尊直説の経典は、阿含経しか存在しませんが、阿含経には、上記のとおり、釈尊直説の唯一の成仏法、「七科三十七道品」が書かれています。 さらに、阿含経には、いつの世でも、どんな如来でも、如来は弟子たちを、「七科三十七道品」によって、修行させ、成仏させると書かれた経典が存在するのです。
「雑阿含経 石柱経」 です。
「過去にあらわれた仏も、未来にあらわれる仏も、また、いま現在あらわれている仏も、仏はすべて、五つの煩悩の心を断滅して涅槃を得、仏になったのであり、 仏は真実の智慧をみがく能力弱くして、自ら涅槃を得ることができないものたちをして、七科三十七道品の修行をさせて、阿耨多羅三藐三菩提を得さしめ、それによって成仏させるのである。」
「中阿含経・七宝経」 です。
七宝とはなにか? それは輪宝・象宝・馬宝・珠宝・女宝・居士宝・主兵臣宝の七つである。
同様に、如来・無所著・等正覚がこの世に出現するときには、 七覚支(法という)宝が、まずこの世に出現するのである。 なにをもって七覚支法とするのか? 念覚支(という)法をはじめとして、択法覚支・精進覚支・喜覚支・息覚支・定覚支・捨覚支(という)宝の七つが七覚支法である。
Buddhism is an abbreviation for "Buddhism". It means "teaching and law to become a Buddha". Here, I would like to pay attention to the concept of "law," which is different from "teaching." Law and Buddhist law mean training law and Buddhist law. Academic "teaching" is a different concept.
Then, what kind of training method and Buddhahood method did Shaka-sama preach?
Mr. Shaka left behind a number of training methods and Buddhahood methods. Among them, I would like to introduce the most important training method, the Buddhahood method.
The most important training method is "Shichikasanjushichidohon" or "Three" written in the only scripture "Agonkyo" of Shason's theory. It is a training method called "Seventeen Bodhipakkhi" (Sanju Shichibo Daibunpo) or simply "Dobonho".
The Buddhahood method is a training method that allows a person to become a Buddha. Other practices can elevate people, but they cannot even become Buddhas. This is the difference between the mere training method and the Buddhahood method. The Buddhahood method is written only in the only scripture of the Shason direct theory, "Agama Sutra". There are 37 types of training methods in 7 subjects for "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin". For details, please see this page of Agon Shu.
It goes without saying that this Buddhahood method is of paramount importance to Buddhism. It's the law itself to become a Buddha. However, Mahayana Buddhism concealed this Buddhahood law and silently killed it.
In order to popularize Mahayana Buddhism in posterity, Agama, which describes the true Buddhahood method, was despised as "Hinayana Buddhism", and the strict and difficult training methods were deleted steadily. .. In the end, I created the concept of a bodhisattva, and even the concept of this application that training is unnecessary if I follow the mercy of the bodhisattva. Mahayana Buddhism has become the center of today's Japanese Buddhism. Of course, esoteric Buddhism and Zen Buddhism are not limited to other power applications, so I think there is an opinion that they are a little different, but even so, they hide the Agama sutra, silently kill it, and the only essential Buddhahood written in the Agama sutra. There is no difference in not practicing the law. In this way, Mahayana Buddhism became a fake Buddhism that concealed the Buddhahood law and silently killed it in order to popularize it.
How the "Buddhahood Law" was created and how it came about are also properly written in Agama. In Agama, the situation in which Shaka-sama created the "Buddhahood Law" is described in Katsuaki. I will introduce you.
This sutra is a scripture in which Buddha explained the history of his own career.
<Naka Agama Rama Sutra>
Shaka changed his mind and left the penance of hemp for six years, and received a memorial service for the village chief's daughter Sujata's milk gayu on the Nerangjara River, and the Pippara tree (Bodhisattva tree) in the sanctuary Gaya. I have set up a seat of meditation under. Here, Buddha becomes enlightened and becomes a Buddha, but the situation at that time is described.
"I, that is, I came to get an exhaustion without releasing the seat.
I seek a disease-free and peaceful nirvana, that is, obtain a disease-free and peaceful nirvana.
No old, no death, no melancholy, no filth, no filth, no filth, no mercy, no mortality, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy
It gives rise to knowledge, gives rise to seeing, and establishes the "Doshin Law".
I have already run out of life, I have already stood up, I have already spoken about my actions, and I do not know the truth without receiving further existence. 』\
"Under the Bodhi tree, I continued to meditate for dozens of days (nearly 50 days), and finally I was able to get rid of the leak.
I was able to get nirvana.
As a result, wisdom was generated, and the awareness of liberation (dissolution knowledge) was raised.
In addition, the system of training methods for the Buddhahood, the Buddhahood Law (Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways) was decided.
By gaining nirvana and becoming a Buddhahood, I knew clearly that this life would be the last and that I would never be born again in this world of wonder. "
This sutra is, of course, very important. The reason for this is that, as you can see from the reading, Shaka-sama knows that he has established the "Buddhahood Law" on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood.
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It says, "Determine the Dobonho." Buddha-sama organized and completed the Buddhahood Law on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood. He wonders how humans can become Buddhahood, because at this time the training method had already been decided and completed. Therefore, the Buddhahood Law can only be established at this time, this "Doshin Law". There is absolutely no Buddhahood method other than this "Seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines" of Agama.
In addition to this, there is no way for the Buddha to add two or three Buddhahood laws later. If so, it's definitely a forgery of posterity. I think Buddhists have to think about this first.
Unless you practice this Buddhahood method, you can never become a Buddhahood.
The Pali sentence "Naka-Agama", the 103rd kinti sutta, states as follows.
"Here, Bhikkhu et al., The law is understood by me and preached to you. That is, Satipatthana, Four Right Exertions, Iddhipada, Indriya, Five Strengths, Seven Factors of Awakening, Noble Eightfold Path. Therefore, all the Bhikkhus have to learn this without conflict and reconciliation. "
It says, "I have to learn." It means that you should definitely practice. Mahayana Buddhists do not understand this meaning.
"Zoua Gongyo (Ousetsukiyo)"
In, it is stated as follows.
"Sakuson: Things that cannot be achieved even if you practice using various methods, but all the troubles are exhausted and you want to get liberation in your heart, but those practitioners finally get liberation. Can't.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I haven't practiced.
Disciple: What are you not practicing?
Shason: This is because he has not practiced the so-called seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
Disciples. If there is a person who practices the seven departments and thirty-seven arts and fulfills them, the practitioner will naturally obtain the extinction even if he does not want to do it.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I practiced.
Disciple: What did you practice?
Shakuson: It is a so-called seven departments and thirty-seven items. (Omitted) "
It is said that unless you practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines of Agama, which is useless even if you make full use of various methods, you will never be able to become a Buddhahood.
Therefore, all Buddhists must practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. There is no other way. No matter how strict or how many times you are reborn, there is no other way but to practice the seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
As Mahayana Buddhism preaches, you may be able to go to the dark soil just by abandoning the practice and following the mercy of the Buddha, but you can never become a Buddhahood.
As mentioned above, the Buddhahood Law has only seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. However, it is a fact that this bodhipakkhi is a professional training method for priests, and as Mahayana Buddhism says, it is strict and difficult.
However, Shaka-sama also prepared a training method that would serve as a bridge to the Buddhahood method, which led to the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. One of the training methods is the breathing method and meditation method called "Anapanasati". This meditation method can be considered as one of the meditation methods in the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines.
Shaka-sama is called "the best breathing and meditation method".
This law is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist priest Gumonji Someiho, which is said to be a secret method that makes people a genius, which Kukai Kobo Daishi told us.
The acquisition of this method will be a stepping stone to the Buddhahood Law, the Seven Departments and the Thirty-Seven Ways. The Anapanasati method is a breathing method and meditation method from the beginning to the highest secret, which is written in "Samsati Anapanasati". Over a dozen types of breathing and meditation methods are explained.
Furthermore, the four breathing methods of "winning breathing, strange special breathing, upper breathing, and no upper breathing" are explained in "Samsung Sutra", and "these four breathing methods are used in all breathing methods. , The best way to breathe is nothing more than that. " These four breathing methods are the best of the Anapanasati method. Since Shaka-sama is said to be the "best breathing and meditation method," it goes without saying that the Buddhahood cannot be achieved without mastering this breathing and meditation method.
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It's not just a breathing exercise. It is no exaggeration to say that the practical training of Buddhism begins with this Anapanasati method. "Breath" is "living". For details, please refer to the book "The Law of the Buddha" by the late President Agon Shu, Seiyu Kiriyama, Hisashi Eminence. The practice method is written in "Gumonji Satoshi Homeiho Hidden".
The Anapanasati method is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism, the yoga chakra awakening method, the Taoist Qigong method, and the Shinto breathing method. Nostradamus also predicts that these laws are the ones that save humanity. That is also written in this "Buddha's Law".
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand the only scripture of Shason's theory, Agama Sutra, as Hinayana Buddhism, concealing the above and silently killing it. With this, the Buddhahood can never be made. As Nostradamus says, these laws save humanity. For that reason, Shaka-sama left behind the training method and the Buddhahood method. The road to immortality and superhuman society is open here. All practical training begins with the acquisition of Anapanasati and Gumonji Satoshi.
I hope it will be helpful for you to know the law.
In Mahayana Buddhism, especially in the Lotus Sutra denominations, there are denominations that solve the teachings that the training method and the Buddhahood method change with the times. It is said that the Buddhahood method changes depending on the principal image and the times (correct, statue, last three o'clock).
However, this is also a complete fabrication. The truth is always one in the world, and the method of learning the truth, the Buddhahood method, cannot change. Mahayana Buddhism has created various simplified Buddhahood laws, all of which are forgery.
I will show you the rationale. There is only Agama sutra in the scripture of Shason Nao theory, but as mentioned above, the only Buddhahood method of Shakuson Nao theory, "Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos," is written in Agama. In addition, there is a scripture in Agama that states that in any world, in any Tathagata, Tathagata trains his disciples by means of "Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Doshin".
It is "Samsung Sutra Stone Pillar Sutra".
"The Buddhahood that appeared in the past, the Buddhahood that appeared in the future, and the Buddhahood that appears now, all of them broke the hearts of the five worldly desires and gained nirvana and became Buddhahood. Weakened the ability to polish the true wisdom, did those who could not obtain nirvana by themselves, trained the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines, and obtained the Ayatara Sansho Sanbosho, which To make the Buddhahood. "
Therefore, all Buddhas, including the past Buddhas, the future Buddhas, and the present Buddhas, practice the "Seven Buddhas and Thirty-Seven Doshin" to become Buddhahoods, and also train their disciples to become Buddhahoods. The Buddhahood method does not change depending on the principal image, the positive, the statue, and the difference between the last three o'clock. There is only one law.
There are also the following Agama sutras.
It is "Naka Agama / Cloisonne".
"Remember well. When Chakravarti appears in this world, the cloisonne first appears in this world.
What is a cloisonne? There are seven treasures: ring treasure, elephant treasure, horse treasure, jewel treasure, female treasure, resident treasure, and main soldier treasure.
When Chakravarti appears in this world, this cloisonne first appears.
Similarly, when Nyorai, Musho, and Issei are appearing in this world, the Seven Factors of Awakening (called law) treasure first appears in this world. What is the Seven Factors of Awakening? Including the method of consciousness

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2023-12-29 16:14:57 | タブレットPC

- 仏教の成仏法は「七科三十七道品」が最も重要であり、阿含経に記載されている。
- 大乗仏教は成仏法を隠ぺいし、他力本願の概念を強調しているが、これは阿含経に反するものである。
- お釈迦様は成仏法を「阿含経」において直接説かれており、それが修行者が仏陀に成るための唯一の方法である。
- 大乗仏教は成仏法を理解せず、異なる時代や宗派によって修行法が変化するとする主張は根拠のないものである。
- 成仏法の根本は「安那般那念法」であり、これを修行しない限り絶対に成仏できないとされている。
- 大乗仏教が強調する他力本願や異なる時代ごとの成仏法の変遷は、真理に反するものであると主張されている。
- 七科三十七道品は出家者向けのプロ用の修行法であり、それを修行することで真の理解が得られるとされている。
- 文中の引用によれば、過去仏も未来仏も現在仏も、すべて「七科三十七道品」を修行して成仏するとされている。
- 大乗仏教の理解が不十分であり、真理を追求するには阿含経に基づく成仏法の理解が必要であると主張されている。

Buddhism is an abbreviation for ``Buddha teaching method''. It means "teachings and laws for becoming a Buddha." Here, I would like to focus on the concept of ``law,'' which is different from ``teaching.'' Dharma or Buddhism means the method of training or the method of attaining Buddhahood. Academic "teaching" is a different concept.
- The most important Buddhist method for attaining Buddhahood is the ``Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways,'' and they are described in the Agon Sutra.
- Mahayana Buddhism hides the method of attaining Buddhahood and emphasizes the concept of the Original Vow, which is contrary to the Agon Sutra.
- The Buddha directly preached the Buddhahood method in the Agon Sutra, and it is the only way for a practitioner to become a Buddha.
- The claim that Mahayana Buddhism does not understand the Dharma of Buddhahood and that the Dharma practices change in different eras and sects is baseless.
- The basis of the method of attaining Buddhahood is ``Annahanna Nendharma,'' and it is said that unless one practices this, one will never be able to attain Buddhahood.
- It has been argued that Mahayana Buddhism's emphasis on the Original Vow of Self-Reliance and the changes in Buddhahood methods from different eras are contrary to the truth.
- The Thirty-Seven Dohons of the Seven Sciences is a professional training method for monks, and it is said that true understanding can be gained by practicing it.
- According to the quotation in the text, past Buddhas, future Buddhas, and present Buddhas are all said to attain Buddhahood by practicing the ``Seven Sciences and Thirty-Seven Ways and Principles.''
- It is argued that there is an insufficient understanding of Mahayana Buddhism and that in order to pursue the truth, it is necessary to understand the Buddhahood method based on the Agon Sutra.
最も重要な修行法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)に書かれている「七科三十七道品」(しちかさんじゅうしちどうほん)あるいは 「三十七菩提分法」(さんじゅうしちぼだいぶんぽう)あるいは、単に「道品法」(どうぼんほう)と呼ばれている修行法です。
成仏法とは、人が仏陀に成ることができる修行法のことです。他の修行法は、人を高めることはできますが、仏陀にまでは成ることはできません。ここが、単なる修行法と、成仏法の違いです。成仏法は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典「阿含経」(あごんきょう)にしか書かれていません。 「七科三十七道品」は、7科目37種類の修行法があります。詳しくは、阿含宗のこちらのページをご覧下さい。
「成仏法」が、どのようにしてできたのか、そのいきさつについても、きちんと阿含経に書かれています。阿含経には、お釈迦様が「成仏法」をお作りになられた状況が、克明に記載されているのです。 ご紹介します。
<中阿含経 羅摩経>
お釈迦さまは、心機一転して、それまでの六年麻麦(まばく)の苦行を離れ、ネーランジャラー河において、村長の娘スジャータの乳ガユの供養を受け、聖地 ガヤーのピッパラ樹(菩提樹)の下に瞑想の座を定めました。ここでお釈迦さまは、悟りを開き、仏陀と成なれるのですが、その時の、状況が記されたお経です。
生すでに尽き、 梵行すでに立ち、所作すでに弁じて、更に有を受けずと如真を知りぬ。』
さらに、成仏するための修行方法の体系、 成仏法(七科三十七道品)を決定した。
大乗仏教は、この点を、全く理解していません。  「道品法(どうぼんほう)を定む」とあります。お釈迦さまは、成道後、即座に、その場で、成仏法を編成し、完成させていたのです。人間がどうすれば成仏することができるのか、このとき、すでに、修行法を、決定、完成されていたので す。したがって、成仏法は、この時、確立された、この「道品法」以外にはあり得無いのです。阿含経のこの「七科三十七道品」以外に成仏法は絶対に無いのです。
パーリ文「中阿含」第百三の kinti sutta につぎのように述べられています。
「 ここに比丘らよ、われによりて法は悟られ、汝らに説かれたり。 すなわち四念住・四正断・四神足・五根・五力・七覚支・八正道これなり。 それゆえにすべての比丘らは相和し相欣び、争うことなくして、これを学ばざるべからず。」
「雑阿含経(ぞうあごんぎょう) 応説経(おうせつきょう)」
いろいろな方法を駆使しても無駄である、 阿含経の七科三十七道品を修行しない限り、絶対に成仏できないと説かれています。
大乗仏教が説くよう に、修行法を捨て、仏の慈悲にすがるだけでは、冥土などにはいけるかもしれませんが、絶対に、成仏はできないのです。
しかし、お釈迦様は、この成仏法 七科三十七道品へ至るまでの、その橋渡しとなる修行法も、きちんと用意してくださっていたのです。その修行法の一つが、「安那般那念法」(あんなぱんなねんほう)と呼ばれる呼吸法、瞑想法です。この瞑想法は、七科三十七道品の中の瞑想法の一つと考えてよいと思います。
この法の習得が、成仏法 七科三十七道品への足がかりとなります。安那般那念法とは、「雑阿含経 安那般那念経」に書かれている、初歩から最高奥儀に至るまでの呼吸法・瞑想法のことです。10数種類の呼吸法・瞑想法が説かれています。
さらに、「雑阿含経 止息経」には、「勝止息、奇特止息、上止息、無上止息」の4つの呼吸法が説かれており、「この4つの呼吸法は、すべての呼吸法において、これ以上のものはない最上の呼吸法である。」とお説きになられています。この4つの呼吸法は、安那般那念法の最上のものということです。お釈迦様が、「最上の呼吸法・瞑想法」であるとおっしゃられているのですから、当然のことながら、この呼吸法・瞑想法をマスターしなければ成仏はできないということです。
大乗仏教は、この点も、全く理解していません。単なる呼吸法とは、わけが違うのです。仏教の実践的な修行は、この安那般那念法から始まるといっても過言ではないのだそうです。「息」とは、「生き」なのです。詳しくは、阿含宗管長 故 桐山靖雄大僧正猊下 ご著書「仏陀の法」をご覧ください。実践法は、「求聞持聡明法秘伝」に書かれています。
大乗仏教は、釈尊直説の唯一の経典 阿含経を小乗仏教とけなし、以上のことを隠ぺい、黙殺し、まるで理解していません。これでは、絶対に成仏はできないのです。ノストラダムス氏が言われる通り、これらの法が、人類を救うのです。お釈迦様は、そのために、修行法、成仏法を残して下さったのですから。不老長寿、超人類社会への道は、ここに開かれているのです。すべての実践的な修行は、安那般那念法、求聞持聡明法の習得から始まるのです。
その根拠を示します。釈尊直説の経典は、阿含経しか存在しませんが、阿含経には、上記のとおり、釈尊直説の唯一の成仏法、「七科三十七道品」が書かれています。 さらに、阿含経には、いつの世でも、どんな如来でも、如来は弟子たちを、「七科三十七道品」によって、修行させ、成仏させると書かれた経典が存在するのです。
「雑阿含経 石柱経」 です。
「過去にあらわれた仏も、未来にあらわれる仏も、また、いま現在あらわれている仏も、仏はすべて、五つの煩悩の心を断滅して涅槃を得、仏になったのであり、 仏は真実の智慧をみがく能力弱くして、自ら涅槃を得ることができないものたちをして、七科三十七道品の修行をさせて、阿耨多羅三藐三菩提を得さしめ、それによって成仏させるのである。」
「中阿含経・七宝経」 です。
七宝とはなにか? それは輪宝・象宝・馬宝・珠宝・女宝・居士宝・主兵臣宝の七つである。
同様に、如来・無所著・等正覚がこの世に出現するときには、 七覚支(法という)宝が、まずこの世に出現するのである。 なにをもって七覚支法とするのか? 念覚支(という)法をはじめとして、択法覚支・精進覚支・喜覚支・息覚支・定覚支・捨覚支(という)宝の七つが七覚支法である。
Buddhism is an abbreviation for "Buddhism". It means "teaching and law to become a Buddha". Here, I would like to pay attention to the concept of "law," which is different from "teaching." Law and Buddhist law mean training law and Buddhist law. Academic "teaching" is a different concept.
Then, what kind of training method and Buddhahood method did Shaka-sama preach?
Mr. Shaka left behind a number of training methods and Buddhahood methods. Among them, I would like to introduce the most important training method, the Buddhahood method.
The most important training method is "Shichikasanjushichidohon" or "Three" written in the only scripture "Agonkyo" of Shason's theory. It is a training method called "Seventeen Bodhipakkhi" (Sanju Shichibo Daibunpo) or simply "Dobonho".
The Buddhahood method is a training method that allows a person to become a Buddha. Other practices can elevate people, but they cannot even become Buddhas. This is the difference between the mere training method and the Buddhahood method. The Buddhahood method is written only in the only scripture of the Shason direct theory, "Agama Sutra". There are 37 types of training methods in 7 subjects for "Seven Departments Thirty-Seven Doshin". For details, please see this page of Agon Shu.
It goes without saying that this Buddhahood method is of paramount importance to Buddhism. It's the law itself to become a Buddha. However, Mahayana Buddhism concealed this Buddhahood law and silently killed it.
In order to popularize Mahayana Buddhism in posterity, Agama, which describes the true Buddhahood method, was despised as "Hinayana Buddhism", and the strict and difficult training methods were deleted steadily. .. In the end, I created the concept of a bodhisattva, and even the concept of this application that training is unnecessary if I follow the mercy of the bodhisattva. Mahayana Buddhism has become the center of today's Japanese Buddhism. Of course, esoteric Buddhism and Zen Buddhism are not limited to other power applications, so I think there is an opinion that they are a little different, but even so, they hide the Agama sutra, silently kill it, and the only essential Buddhahood written in the Agama sutra. There is no difference in not practicing the law. In this way, Mahayana Buddhism became a fake Buddhism that concealed the Buddhahood law and silently killed it in order to popularize it.
How the "Buddhahood Law" was created and how it came about are also properly written in Agama. In Agama, the situation in which Shaka-sama created the "Buddhahood Law" is described in Katsuaki. I will introduce you.
This sutra is a scripture in which Buddha explained the history of his own career.
<Naka Agama Rama Sutra>
Shaka changed his mind and left the penance of hemp for six years, and received a memorial service for the village chief's daughter Sujata's milk gayu on the Nerangjara River, and the Pippara tree (Bodhisattva tree) in the sanctuary Gaya. I have set up a seat of meditation under. Here, Buddha becomes enlightened and becomes a Buddha, but the situation at that time is described.
"I, that is, I came to get an exhaustion without releasing the seat.
I seek a disease-free and peaceful nirvana, that is, obtain a disease-free and peaceful nirvana.
No old, no death, no melancholy, no filth, no filth, no filth, no mercy, no mortality, no mercy, no mercy, no mercy
It gives rise to knowledge, gives rise to seeing, and establishes the "Doshin Law".
I have already run out of life, I have already stood up, I have already spoken about my actions, and I do not know the truth without receiving further existence. 』\
"Under the Bodhi tree, I continued to meditate for dozens of days (nearly 50 days), and finally I was able to get rid of the leak.
I was able to get nirvana.
As a result, wisdom was generated, and the awareness of liberation (dissolution knowledge) was raised.
In addition, the system of training methods for the Buddhahood, the Buddhahood Law (Seven Departments, Thirty-Seven Ways) was decided.
By gaining nirvana and becoming a Buddhahood, I knew clearly that this life would be the last and that I would never be born again in this world of wonder. "
This sutra is, of course, very important. The reason for this is that, as you can see from the reading, Shaka-sama knows that he has established the "Buddhahood Law" on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood.
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It says, "Determine the Dobonho." Buddha-sama organized and completed the Buddhahood Law on the spot immediately after the Buddhahood. He wonders how humans can become Buddhahood, because at this time the training method had already been decided and completed. Therefore, the Buddhahood Law can only be established at this time, this "Doshin Law". There is absolutely no Buddhahood method other than this "Seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines" of Agama.
In addition to this, there is no way for the Buddha to add two or three Buddhahood laws later. If so, it's definitely a forgery of posterity. I think Buddhists have to think about this first.
Unless you practice this Buddhahood method, you can never become a Buddhahood.
The Pali sentence "Naka-Agama", the 103rd kinti sutta, states as follows.
"Here, Bhikkhu et al., The law is understood by me and preached to you. That is, Satipatthana, Four Right Exertions, Iddhipada, Indriya, Five Strengths, Seven Factors of Awakening, Noble Eightfold Path. Therefore, all the Bhikkhus have to learn this without conflict and reconciliation. "
It says, "I have to learn." It means that you should definitely practice. Mahayana Buddhists do not understand this meaning.
"Zoua Gongyo (Ousetsukiyo)"
In, it is stated as follows.
"Sakuson: Things that cannot be achieved even if you practice using various methods, but all the troubles are exhausted and you want to get liberation in your heart, but those practitioners finally get liberation. Can't.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I haven't practiced.
Disciple: What are you not practicing?
Shason: This is because he has not practiced the so-called seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
Disciples. If there is a person who practices the seven departments and thirty-seven arts and fulfills them, the practitioner will naturally obtain the extinction even if he does not want to do it.
Disciple: Why is that?
Shason: Because I practiced.
Disciple: What did you practice?
Shakuson: It is a so-called seven departments and thirty-seven items. (Omitted) "
It is said that unless you practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines of Agama, which is useless even if you make full use of various methods, you will never be able to become a Buddhahood.
Therefore, all Buddhists must practice the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. There is no other way. No matter how strict or how many times you are reborn, there is no other way but to practice the seven departments and thirty-seven dojos.
As Mahayana Buddhism preaches, you may be able to go to the dark soil just by abandoning the practice and following the mercy of the Buddha, but you can never become a Buddhahood.
As mentioned above, the Buddhahood Law has only seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. However, it is a fact that this bodhipakkhi is a professional training method for priests, and as Mahayana Buddhism says, it is strict and difficult.
However, Shaka-sama also prepared a training method that would serve as a bridge to the Buddhahood method, which led to the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines. One of the training methods is the breathing method and meditation method called "Anapanasati". This meditation method can be considered as one of the meditation methods in the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines.
Shaka-sama is called "the best breathing and meditation method".
This law is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhist priest Gumonji Someiho, which is said to be a secret method that makes people a genius, which Kukai Kobo Daishi told us.
The acquisition of this method will be a stepping stone to the Buddhahood Law, the Seven Departments and the Thirty-Seven Ways. The Anapanasati method is a breathing method and meditation method from the beginning to the highest secret, which is written in "Samsati Anapanasati". Over a dozen types of breathing and meditation methods are explained.
Furthermore, the four breathing methods of "winning breathing, strange special breathing, upper breathing, and no upper breathing" are explained in "Samsung Sutra", and "these four breathing methods are used in all breathing methods. , The best way to breathe is nothing more than that. " These four breathing methods are the best of the Anapanasati method. Since Shaka-sama is said to be the "best breathing and meditation method," it goes without saying that the Buddhahood cannot be achieved without mastering this breathing and meditation method.
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand this point at all. It's not just a breathing exercise. It is no exaggeration to say that the practical training of Buddhism begins with this Anapanasati method. "Breath" is "living". For details, please refer to the book "The Law of the Buddha" by the late President Agon Shu, Seiyu Kiriyama, Hisashi Eminence. The practice method is written in "Gumonji Satoshi Homeiho Hidden".
The Anapanasati method is also closely related to the esoteric Buddhist esoteric Buddhism, the yoga chakra awakening method, the Taoist Qigong method, and the Shinto breathing method. Nostradamus also predicts that these laws are the ones that save humanity. That is also written in this "Buddha's Law".
Mahayana Buddhism does not understand the only scripture of Shason's theory, Agama Sutra, as Hinayana Buddhism, concealing the above and silently killing it. With this, the Buddhahood can never be made. As Nostradamus says, these laws save humanity. For that reason, Shaka-sama left behind the training method and the Buddhahood method. The road to immortality and superhuman society is open here. All practical training begins with the acquisition of Anapanasati and Gumonji Satoshi.
I hope it will be helpful for you to know the law.
In Mahayana Buddhism, especially in the Lotus Sutra denominations, there are denominations that solve the teachings that the training method and the Buddhahood method change with the times. It is said that the Buddhahood method changes depending on the principal image and the times (correct, statue, last three o'clock).
However, this is also a complete fabrication. The truth is always one in the world, and the method of learning the truth, the Buddhahood method, cannot change. Mahayana Buddhism has created various simplified Buddhahood laws, all of which are forgery.
I will show you the rationale. There is only Agama sutra in the scripture of Shason Nao theory, but as mentioned above, the only Buddhahood method of Shakuson Nao theory, "Seven departments and thirty-seven dojos," is written in Agama. In addition, there is a scripture in Agama that states that in any world, in any Tathagata, Tathagata trains his disciples by means of "Seven Departments and Thirty-Seven Doshin".
It is "Samsung Sutra Stone Pillar Sutra".
"The Buddhahood that appeared in the past, the Buddhahood that appeared in the future, and the Buddhahood that appears now, all of them broke the hearts of the five worldly desires and gained nirvana and became Buddhahood. Weakened the ability to polish the true wisdom, did those who could not obtain nirvana by themselves, trained the seven departments and thirty-seven doctrines, and obtained the Ayatara Sansho Sanbosho, which To make the Buddhahood. "
Therefore, all Buddhas, including the past Buddhas, the future Buddhas, and the present Buddhas, practice the "Seven Buddhas and Thirty-Seven Doshin" to become Buddhahoods, and also train their disciples to become Buddhahoods. The Buddhahood method does not change depending on the principal image, the positive, the statue, and the difference between the last three o'clock. There is only one law.
There are also the following Agama sutras.
It is "Naka Agama / Cloisonne".
"Remember well. When Chakravarti appears in this world, the cloisonne first appears in this world.
What is a cloisonne? There are seven treasures: ring treasure, elephant treasure, horse treasure, jewel treasure, female treasure, resident treasure, and main soldier treasure.
When Chakravarti appears in this world, this cloisonne first appears.
Similarly, when Nyorai, Musho, and Issei are appearing in this world, the Seven Factors of Awakening (called law) treasure first appears in this world. What is the Seven Factors of Awakening? Including the method of consciousness

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脳の開発 brain development 気道の舞台裏: 仏陀の穏やかなエネルギー覚醒の秘訣"

2023-12-29 11:04:25 | タブレットPC
- 仏陀のクンダリニー・エネルギーの使用方法は、クンダリニー・ヨーガの手法とは異なり、完全にコントロールしながら使います。
- 仏陀はクンダリニーを「行らせる」手法を用い、クンダリニーを穏やかに目覚めさせます。
- 仏陀はピンガラとイダーと呼ばれる気道を使用し、これをクンダリニーの代替として活用します。
- 道教はクンダリニーを知らないが、超常的な気のエネルギーを呼び起こす経穴を知っており、これを利用します。
- 仏陀の気道は道教の最極秘伝であり、これを知る者は非常に稀であるとされています。
- 仏陀の気道はピンガラとイダーと呼ばれ、それぞれアクセルとブレーキの機能を果たします。
- ピンガラ気道はクンダリニー・エネルギーを発動・昂揚させ、イダー気道は沈静・凝縮させます。
- 仏陀の法では、腹部スシュムナー管を通る二本の気道を使い、クンダリニー・エネルギーをコントロールし各チャクラを開発・覚醒させます。
- 仏陀の修行法はクンダリニー覚醒、チャクラ開発、ピンガラ・イダー気道開発の三つから成り立っています。
The Buddha's method of using kundalini energy differs from the method of kundalini yoga in that he uses it in complete control.
- The Buddha uses the technique of "activating" the kundalini to gently awaken it.
- The Buddha uses the airways called Pingala and Ida, which he utilizes as an alternative to Kundalini.
- Taoists do not know Kundalini, but they do know and use acupuncture points that evoke supernatural Qi energy.
- The Buddha's airway is the most secret teaching of Taoism, and it is said that those who know it are extremely rare.
- The Buddha's airways are called Pingala and Ida, which serve as accelerator and brake respectively.
- The Pingala airway activates and arouses Kundalini energy, while the Ida airway calms and condenses it.
- The Buddha's method uses two airways running through the abdominal Sushumna channel to control Kundalini energy and develop and awaken each chakra.
- The Buddha's training method consists of three parts: kundalini awakening, chakra development, and pingala ida airway development.
、仏陀のクンダリニー・エネルギーの使いかたは、クンダリニー・ヨーガの 手法とまったく異なり、クンダリニーを完全にコントロールしつつ使うのである。つ まり、クンダリニー・エネルギーを「行らせる」という手法である。 それはどのようにして、なされるのだろうか?
いい気持で眠っているゴジラを叩き起こすようなバカな真似はしないほうが賢明で あろう。
仏陀の法では、怪物クンダリニーを、ごくおだやかに、上機嫌(?)に目ざめさせ るのである。 どのように? 道教はクンダリニーを知らない。しかし、クンダリニーには到底およばないけれど も超常的な強い「気」のエネルギーを呼び起こす経穴(ツボ)を知ってこれを使っている。
これは道教の最極秘伝になっていて、これを知る人はごく稀である。(アンリ・マー スペロがその著書で、ちょっとこれにふれている)
この経穴(中国でツボと呼ぶ部位は、チャクラの一種であるとわたくしは考えてい る)は、クンダリニーのチャクラから、少し離れたところにある。道教は、いまいっ たように、このチャクラを使って強い「気」を呼び起こすのである。クンダリニーの 代わりといってよいだろう。クンダリニーそのものは、知らないのである。
いつしか消えてしまったのであろうかと、わたくしは考えている。いうならば、クン ダリニーという巨大モーターを起動させるための始動用小型モーターだけが、道教に 伝えられたと考えるわけだ。
クンダリニーという過激きわまるエネルギーを、みごとにコントロールして使う仏 陀のこの秘法には、ただただ感嘆するしかないのである。
だが、仏陀の秘法はこれだけではないのである。さらにおどろくべき秘技を、 仏陀はわれわれに教示するのである。
それは、ひと口にいうと、ピンガラとイダーの気道を、アクセルとブレーキに使う のだといったらよいであろう。ただし、これが、クンダリニー・ヨーガのピンガラ、 イダーそのものであるかどうかは、わからない。
或いは、仏陀があたらしくつくり出した気道であるのかも知れない。というのは、 クンダリニー・ヨーガのピンガラとイダーは、前にのべたように、脊柱を通るスシュ ムナー管の両側を上昇するのであるが、仏陀のこの二つの気道は、その反対側の、腹 部を上下するからである。しかし、わたくしは、この二つの気道の果たす機能からし
て、やはりこれはピンガラとイダーであって、仏陀がこのように変えられたのであろ うと思っている。したがって、この二つの気道を、やはり、ピンガラとイダーという 名称で呼ぶことにする。
いま、この二つの気道の機能からして、といったが、どういう機能を持っているの か?」 ピンガラ気道は、クンダリニー・エネルギーにたいし、発動・昂揚の機能を持つ。 イダーの気道は、沈静・凝縮の機能を持つ。 つまり、さきにいったように、アクセルとブレーキの役目を果たすのだ。 それは、つぎのように使われる。
仏陀の法では、スシュムナー管がもう一本ある。つまり二本あるのだ。クンダリニ ー・ヨーガと正反対、尾祇骨から会陰を通って、腹部の正中線を真っ直ぐ、臍輪を経 て咽喉に至る気道である。目ざめたクンダリニーは、背部のスシュムナー管とともに、 この腹部スシュムナー管をも上昇する。(上昇するというより、上昇させるのだ)
この腹部スシュムナーのクンダリニー・エネルギーを、コントロールしつつ、各チ ャクラを開発、覚醒するのが、仏陀のピンガラ、イダーの両気道である。 つまり、臍輪から約五ないし八センチ(人によって個人差がある)ほど下の辺で、 腹部スシュムナーから分岐し、各チャクラおよび関連臓器、神経を行って上昇し、ま た、下降する。あるいは、咽喉からさらに脳の内部を、鼻柱の奥ふかく、眉間の深部 へと上昇し、脳のチャクラ、神経経路等を行り、延髄の小脳部分で、背部スシュムナ ー管と合流する。
この二つの気道の技法は、チャクラの開発・覚醒にぜったい必要で、これなくして チャクラの完全な開発・覚醒は不可能といってもいいであろう。殊に、視床下部、間
脳の辺の神経経路の増強には、不可欠の技法である。 まさに、神技というしかない微妙きわまる技法である。 では、この神技ともいうべき仏陀の法の修行は、どのようになされるのであろうか。 それは大別して、三つの法から成り立つ。 1、クンダリニーを覚醒する修行法 2、チャクラを開発する修行法 3、ピンガラ、イダーの気道を開発する修行法 である。 それは、特殊な呼吸法、独特な瞑想・観想、マントラ詠唱、ムドラー(手印、ポー ズ) などから構成される。その一つ一つについて解説しよう。ただし、本書は教習書 ではないので、実技の詳細については、著者の別の本(『求聞持聡明法秘伝』その他) を参照、または、著者に就いて実際に習得してほしい。
Therefore, the usage of Buddha's kundalini energy is completely different from the method of kundalini yoga, and it is used with complete control of kundalini. In short, it is a method of "making" Kundalini energy go. How is it done?
Buddha's secret method using Pingala and Ida
He would be wise not to make a stupid imitation that would provoke a sleeping Godzilla with a good feeling.
In Buddha's law, the monster Kundalini is awakened in a very gentle and good mood (?). How? Taoism doesn't know Kundalini. However, although it is far from Kundalini, he also knows and uses acupuncture points that evoke paranormal strong "Qi" energy.
This is the most secret of Taoism, and very few people know it. (Henri Marr's Spelo is a little touched on in his book)
This acupuncture point (I think that the part called acupuncture point in China is a kind of chakra) is a little away from the Kundalini chakra. Taoism, as he is now, uses this chakra to evoke a strong "Qi". It's a substitute for Kundalini. I don't know Kundalini itself.
I am wondering if it has disappeared someday. In other words, Kun thinks that only a small starting motor for starting a huge motor called Darini was passed on to Taoism.
The Buddha's secret method of using Kundalini, a radical energy that is brilliantly controlled, can only be admired.
However, this is not the only secret method of Buddha. The Buddha teaches us even more surprising secrets.
In a nutshell, it's his use of the Pingala and Eider airways for accelerators and brakes. However, I don't know if this is Kundalini Yoga's Pingala, Ida itself.
Or it may be the airway newly created by the Buddha. For Kundalini Yoga's Pingala and Ida, as mentioned earlier, ascend both sides of his Munner's canal through the spinal column, but these two airways of the Buddha are on the opposite side. This is because the abdomen goes up and down. However, I am due to the function of these two airways.
And again, this is Pingala and Ida, and he wonders if the Buddha was changed in this way. Therefore, we will call these two airways by the names of Pingala and Ida.
Now, from the functions of these two airways, what kind of function does it have? ”The Pingara airway has the function of activating and raising the kundalini energy. Eider's airways have the function of calming and condensing. In other words, as I said earlier, it acts as an accelerator and a brake. It is used as follows.
Two Sushmuner tubes
According to Buddha's law, there is another Sushmuner tube. In other words, there are two. Opposite to Kundalini Yoga, it is the airway from the caudal bone through the perineum, straight through the midline of the abdomen, through the navel ring to the throat. The awakened kundalini ascends this abdominal Sschmuner's canal as well as the dorsal Sushmuner's canal. (Rather than rising, raise)
It is the Buddha's Pingala and Ida airways that develop and awaken each chakra while controlling the kundalini energy of this abdominal sshmuner. That is, about 5 to 8 cm below the umbilicus (depending on the individual), it branches off from the abdominal sushmuner and rises and falls through each chakra and related organs and nerves. Alternatively, it rises further from the throat to the depths of the nasal column and deep between the eyebrows, follows the chakras of the brain, nerve pathways, etc., and joins the dorsal Sushmuner canal at the cerebellum part of the medulla oblongata.
These two airway techniques are absolutely necessary for the development and awakening of the chakra, and without it it would be impossible to fully develop and awaken his chakra. Especially in the hypothalamus, between
It is an indispensable technique for enhancing neural pathways around the brain. It is a delicate technique that can only be called a divine technique. Then, how is the practice of the Buddha's law, which can be called this divine technique, done? It is roughly divided into three laws. 1. A training method to awaken the kundalini 2. A training method to develop chakras 3. A training method to develop the airways of Pingala and Ida. It consists of special breathing methods, unique meditations / ideas, mantra chanting, mudra (hand marks, poses), etc. Let me explain each one. However, since this book is not a training book, please refer to another book by the author ("Kumon Mochi Satoshi Hosekiden" and others) for details of the practical skills, or ask the author to actually learn it.
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運命のパズル: ソンディの視点で見る家族と遺伝子 P

2023-12-29 08:21:59 | タブレットPC
- 精神分析学は、無意識の過程が存在し、行動は無意識によって左右されるという仮説に基づいている。
- フロイトはヒステリー治療中に意識できない欲望が無意識に抑圧され、神経症の症状となると考え、治療仮説を提唱した。
- ユング心理学では個人的無意識と共に集合的無意識を扱い、夢分析や能動的想像法を重視している。
- シャドウは自覚したくない自分の側面で、集合的無意識に共通するテーマが存在する。
- レオポルド・ソンディは運命分析学を創設し、家族的無意識という概念を提唱し、ソンディ・テストを開発した。
- 集合的無意識はユングによって提唱され、個人的無意識よりも深く、元型が基本的な形を構成している。
- ソンディは家族的無意識が運命に影響を与えると考え、強制運命と自由運命の対立を論じた。
- 衝動感情は祖先から受け継がれる意識であり、ソンディは人生の選択を運命観として理論化した。
- ソンディの運命分析法では、8つの遺伝子が運命の要因とされ、心理テストでその傾向やバランスが分析される。
- ソンディの運命分析学の最終目標は、個人的無意識と家族的無意識と集合的無意識の統合である。



ハンガリー出身の心理学者レオポルド・ソンディ(Leopold Szondi,1893-1986)は、運命分析学という深層心理学の学派を創設したり、『ソンディ・テスト』という人物写真を利用した投影法の心理テストを開発したことで知られる。日本語での名前表記は、レオポルド・ソンディ以外にも、英語読みで『リポート・ソンディ』という風に表記されることも多い
集合的無意識(Kollektives Unbewusstes)」
とは、偉大な心理学者カール・ユング(Carl Gustav Jung)によって提唱された。
集合的無意識に共通する基本的形を「元型(Archetyp )」と呼び、この元型から集合的無意識が生じ、原始心像が意識化され、元型そのものが意識化されることは決してない。

ソンディ・テストで知られる精神医学者のレオポルド・ソンディ(Léopold Szondi)は







Psychoanalysis is based on the basic hypothesis that humans have an unconscious process and that human behavior depends on the unconscious. Freud, in the treatment of hysteria (currently dissociative and somatic symptom disorders), can unknowingly suppress desires that are painful for humans to change shape and neurosis. I thought that it would be expressed in the form of symptoms such as. Therefore, we made a treatment hypothesis that the symptoms can be resolved by being aware of the content of the conflict suppressed in the unconscious area, exposing it to the surface, and being aware of it.
Carl Gustav Jung
Jung's psychology (analytical psychology) is similar to Freud's psychoanalysis in that it analyzes the individual's consciousness and unconsciousness, but it is not limited to the individual unconsciousness, but is common to all humankind beyond the individual. It also includes an analysis of the collective unconscious (universal unconscious). Psychotherapy by Jung Psychology also incorporates the Active Imagination. The active imagination is a psychotherapeutic method that waits for the image from the unconscious to appear in the consciousness. In addition, Jung Psychology emphasizes dream analysis in clinical psychology more than other groups. Dreams are said to be a "phenomenon in which the archetype image is expressed on a daily basis" as a collective unconscious, and also a manifestation of the personal unconscious.
What is a shadow?
As I explained above, I call myself a "shadow" that I don't want to admit, but I will explain what a shadow is in the first place.
A shadow is a "shadow" that everyone has, and each person has a self that he or she does not want to admit.
The stronger the feeling of not wanting to admit, the darker the shadow and the stronger its influence.
Also, in the myths and legends of the West and the East,
Since there are many things that deal with common themes,
Deep in the hearts of mankind, regardless of the ocean
I thought that there was a common "collective unconscious".
As shown in the figure, in a layer deeper than consciousness or personal unconsciousness,
It exists universally regardless of ethnicity, nation, or race.
Leopold Szondi
Hungarian psychologist Leopold Szondi (1893-1986) founded a school of deep psychology called fate analysis and developed a projection psychological test using portraits called the Szondi test. Known for doing. In addition to Leopold Szondi, the name notation in Japanese is often written in English as "Report Sondy".
"The Collective Unconscious (Kollektives Unbewusstes)" was advocated by the great psychologist Carl Gustav Jung.
The concept is that there is a personal unconscious in the depths of human consciousness, and there is a collective unconscious in the depths.
The collective unconscious is connected not only to the individual but also to the group, the people, the entire human race, and even the consciousness of the universe and the universe beyond time and space.
The basic form common to the collective unconscious is called the "archetyp", and the collective unconscious arises from this archetype, the primitive image is conscious, and the archetype itself is never conscious.
Léopold Szondi, a psychiatrist known for the Szondi test, proposed the concept of a family unconscious, which lies between Freud's personal unconscious and Jung's collective unconscious.
Sondy was a rare figure in the world of psychiatry, putting a scalpel into the field of "fate analysis," which has not yet been recognized for its academic value.
"Family unconscious" means that the fate is inherited by the offspring, with the idea that the suppressed consciousness of the ancestors has a significant impact on the fate of the offspring. The fate of illness and debt, which is called "the cause and effect of the parent rewards the child," is called "forced fate," and is always in conflict with the "free fate," which is born from the free will of the individual.
But the unfortunate life under the control of forced fate is not just due to ancestors.
By being born as a descendant of such an ancestor, the karma of the past life has been eliminated, so we must understand and accept it well and steer our lives toward free destiny.
The best way to eliminate karma is to learn how to look at yourself as a third party.
Sondy calls the consciousness (impulse) that offspring inherit from their ancestors from generation to generation, "impulsive emotion (impulsive consciousness)," and says that "human destiny is a choice." Based on the impulsive emotions (impulsive consciousness) inherited from our ancestors, human beings make important choices in the four fields of life: marriage choice, occupation choice, disease choice, and death form choice. Sondy's theory.
L. Sondy's view of fate has two elements: "elements that he chooses independently" and "elements that are determined by the consciousness and emotions of his ancestors." ) The following eight types of genes are considered to be factors. A psychological test called "fate analysis method" is said to be able to know the trend (strength) and balance of the functions of these eight types of genes.
Sch (ego impulse) …… p (existing gene), k (owned gene)
C (contact impulse) …… m (dependent gene), d (acquired gene)
P (emotional impulse) …… hy (moral gene), e (ethical gene)
S (sexual drive) …… s (attack gene), h (love gene)
The unconsciousness inherited from Leopold Szondi's envisioned ancestors is called the "family unconscious", wider than Sigmund Freud's "personal unconscious" and more than CG Jung's "universal unconscious (collective unconscious)" The range is believed to be narrow. The ultimate purpose of deep psychology, which brought Sondy's fate analysis to the fore, was "the empirical and theoretical integration of the personal unconscious, the family unconscious, and the universal unconscious."
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2023年12月29日 九星  無料 今日の運命

2023-12-29 08:08:25 | タブレットPC

望み事を持った人が来訪する。思い掛けない事が起こる。善因善果。神、親、社会、衆生、物のご恩をかみしめ精神本位で行動すべき日 今まで9日間の行動の善悪によって思いがけない吉凶が生じます。
躍動の週 壊の日
不動明王 破壊と再生を司り、悪を滅する

12月29日 (金曜)月齢
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"Nirvana aims for wisdom and compassion."
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2023-12-28 08:40:49 | タブレットPC
  1. 近代心理学において、フロイトは個人的に抑圧された無意識の層を、ユングは集合的な無意識の層を提唱しました。
  2. 対照的に、ソンディは家族的無意識の層を発見し、個人と群衆の間に存在する「宗族」を明らかにしました。
  3. ソンディは「家族的無意識」の中で特殊な抑圧意識を見出し、これが恋愛、友情、職業、疾病、死亡における選択行動に影響を与え、個人の運命を形成すると説明しました。
  4. ソンディ理論によれば、これらの選択行動は無意識的であり、衝動的なものによって動かされ、抑圧された祖先の欲求が影響を与えるとされています。
  5. ただし、密教占星術によれば、運命の「時期」までが決定されており、これには祖先の抑圧意識以外の要因も影響しているとされています。
  6. ソンディ理論は「平面彬成」の理論であり、これに加えて「立体構成」の理論も存在し、時間の側面も考慮されています。
  7. 因縁に関して、仏陀は「業」によって異なる因縁が生じると説明し、基本的には「タテの因縁」(祖先から受け継いだ業)と「ヨコの因縁」(前生でなした業)が存在し、これらが交わることで自分の因縁が形成されるとされています。
In modern psychology, Freud proposed a layer of the individually repressed unconscious, and Jung proposed a layer of the collective unconscious.
In contrast, Sondhi discovered the layers of the familial unconscious and revealed the "tribes" that existed between the individual and the crowd.
Sondhi identified a special sense of oppression within the ``familial unconscious'' and explained that this influences choices in love, friendship, career, illness, and death, and shapes an individual's destiny.
According to Sondhi theory, these choice behaviors are unconscious, driven by impulses, and influenced by repressed ancestral desires.
However, according to esoteric astrology, the "timing" of one's destiny is determined, and this is said to be influenced by factors other than the ancestor's sense of oppression.
The Songdi theory is a theory of ``plane pakisei'', and in addition to this, there is also a theory of ``three-dimensional configuration'', which also takes into account the aspect of time.
Regarding karma, the Buddha explained that different karma arises, and basically there are ``vertical karma'' (karma inherited from ancestors) and ``horizontal karma'' (karma done in a previous life). It is said that when these things intersect, one's fate is formed.
「種の差別は業に由る」 とおっしやっておられる。
ヨコの囚縁とはなにか? 自分が前生でなした業である。
Vertical and horizontal ties
Vertical and horizontal ties
I have described most of the human ties.
You must also have some of these ties,
Then, where did these fate come from?
Buddha is in the scriptures
"Species discrimination depends on karma," he said.
In other words, he says that each person is born with a different cause depending on the "karma".
Then, how does karma work against fate?
Basically, it appears as "vertical fate" and "horizontal fate".
What is the cause of the vertical?
It is a system received from ancestors.
What is a horizontal prisoner? It was a work that I did in my previous life.
I am the intersection of this vertical and horizontal connection.
Illustrated, it is as follows.
Vertical fate
(Business received from ancestors)
Horizontal prisoner
(The work that was done in my previous life)
Where they meet
(I am)
In other words, it is my connection that was caused by the work of my ancestors and the work of my predecessor. In other words, I was born and existed in this world by the ancestor's ancestors and the ancestor's ancestors. Consists of these two systems
I am the one who is.
Any person would not exist without parents-ancestors. This means that we are accepting various things from our parents and ancestors. It accepts face shape, personality, constitution, and much more, which no one can deny.
Professor Masahiro Yasuoka, a famous Confucian university scholar, mentioned in the lecture of his book "University" (the title of the book).
Fate of spiritual disorder
As mentioned earlier, there are several causes of spiritual disorders.
"Fate of Suspicious Death"
"Fate of the decline of family luck"
"Fate of relatives and kinship"
"Fate of pornography"
Most of the time, the spiritual disorder of Hotoka is seen.
○ Suspicious death prisoner
○ Prison ties
○ Reverse grace
○ Relatives and blood relatives
○ A prisoner who damages her husband's luck
○ The prisoner of grudges
○ Cancer prisoner
○ The prisoner of the decline of family luck
○ Prison ties
○ Frustrated prisoner
○ The prisoner of sexuality
○ Prisoners of circulatory system disorders
○ Fortune and book ties
○ Prisoner of physical disability
○ Prisoner of brain damage
○ Marital relationship disorder
[Five-minded prisoners
○ Reverse grace'
○ Thin fate of hand-carrying
○ The prisoner of grudges
○ Marital relationship
○ The cause of digestive diseases
○ Prisoners of misery
○ Fate of pornography
○ Squared personality prisoner
○ Frustrated prisoner
○ The cause of the decline in family luck
○ Prisoners of gynecological diseases
o Fate of dual personality
○ Fortune and water prison
○ The prisoner of grudges
o Thin fate of hand-carrying
○ Fate of pornography
○ Causes of circulatory system disorders
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2023年12月28日  九星  無料 今日の運命

2023-12-28 07:55:01 | タブレットPC

躍動の週  成の日

大日如来 すべての生き物の根本となる仏

12月28日 (木曜)月齢

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Buddha Japan journal
日本の仏教を発信しますSend Japanese Buddhis
新のゲーム PC カメラ 家電 健康
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"体の建築士:タンパク質が教える健康な食生活""The architect of the body: Protein teaches us about a healthy diet"

2023-12-27 19:13:18 | タブレットPC
外科なわち体外から物質を摂取し、これを同化して成長し、生活力を維持するこ と。また、その摂取する物質。
この物質を栄養素とい 種類別に大別すると次のようになる。
ミネラル ビタミン
これらの栄養素は多量・量ともに)約四十種類ほどあり、 必要量はみな違うが、それぞれ必 要量の一〇〇パーセントを満たさなければならない。この必須栄養素は1つも
な十種類を「必須栄養素」 と呼んでいる。
このうち一つでも必要量に満たないと、他の三十九種類が すべてそろっていても、健康状態はその足りない栄養素のレ ベル以下に止まってしまう。 必須栄養素を一つでも不足・欠 落させないこと。これが健康を保つための最低条件なのであ (図1参照) る。
多量栄養素のうち、特に重要なのが、われわれの体を基本的に構成しているタンパク質である。 このタンパク質について、わたくしは、『阿含仏教・超奇蹟の秘密』(平河出版社刊)で、次のよ うに述べている。
さきにのべた通り、炭水化物、脂肪、タンパク質が、「三大栄養素」 とよばれているのは御承
なぜ、タンパク質を主体とするかというと、理由はかんたんで、われわれの身体の構造を基 本的につくっているものが、タンパク質だからである。
鏡にうつっている自分の姿から見えるものとして、皮膚、髪の毛、筋肉、瞳など、これらす べて、タンパク質でできているのである。 直接、見ることのできない血液やリンパ液 心臓 肺、脳、神経は、いずれもタンパク質からできているか、あるいは、タンパク質にその機能の 多くを頼っているのである。
食物としてとり入れられたタンパク質は、タンパク消化酵素によって、アミノ酸にまで分解され、小 腸の内壁から血液中にとり入れられる。 そして 「門脈」という名の太い血管を通って、肝臓にたどり つく。
肝臓はそれを、自分自身の組織タンパクに同化する一方、血清タンパクを合成する。 あまっ アミノ酸はそのまま肝臓をはなれ、血中アミノ酸として全身をめぐる。 そしてその一部はア ミノ基をうばわれて、糖質や脂質となり、あるいはエネルギー化するのである。
われわれが、牛肉を食べて、その牛肉のタンパク質がそのまま体内にとり入れられて、筋肉 になるのではない。牛肉のタンパク質は消化管内で、構成成分であるアミノ酸にまで分解され たのち、体内に吸収されるのである。
生物の体は、これらとり入れたアミノ酸を、自分の持つ遺伝情報 (DNA) に従ってつなぎ 合わせ、自分固有のタンパク質を合成するのである。だから、虎の肉を食ったからといって、 虎のように強い筋肉や心を持つことはできないし、コブラやハブをいくら食ったからといって、 コブラやハブの力を持つことを期待するのはナンセンスなのである。要するに、虎もコブラも、 そのアミノ酸を活用するだけのはなしである。
このように、食品のふくむタンパク質は、アミノ酸にまで分解して血液中に入り、さまざま な形ではたらくのであるが、その分解作用をするのが酵素である。まさに、酵素がなくてはは じまらないのだが、その酵素がまたタンパク質なのである。
よく酵素がなによりも大事だという人がいるが、酵素はタンパク質でつくられている。 タン パク質さえ十分に撮っていたら、たいていの酵素は不足しないのである。
抗体をふくむ免疫組織というのは、風邪の原因であるウイルスの猛攻撃とか、侵入してくる バクテリア(細菌)にたいする体の中での防御体制である。
私たちの周囲を何十億という有害な微生物がとりまいており、抗体はつねにたたかってい るのである。
Protein is the basis of nutrition
macronutrients and micronutrients
Proteins are a type of biomolecule that are made up of amino acids that form polypeptide chains. These act as antibodies in the immune system, promote biochemical reactions as enzymes, and participate in information transmission within the body as hormones. In the immune system, antibodies are responsible for detecting and eliminating foreign substances, and enzymes catalyze chemical reactions and thus support metabolic processes. Hormones send signals to various tissues in the body and contribute to the regulatory functions of the body. The diverse roles of proteins are important for their functioning in the body.
Protein comes from food. Major protein sources include meat, fish, eggs, soy products, and dairy products. It is important to maintain a balanced diet and consume protein from different sources. This allows the body to effectively obtain the amino acids it needs.
"Kojien" (published by Iwanami Shoten) defines nutrition as follows.
The vegetative organisms are the external malleolus;
Surgery involves ingesting substances from outside the body and assimilating them to grow and maintain vitality. Also, the substances they ingest.
These substances are called nutrients.They can be roughly classified by type as follows.
Macronutrients (three major nutrients)
mineral vitamins
Macronutrients are the source of heat, but only if sufficient micronutrients are consumed.
Essential nutrients essential for life support
There are approximately 40 types of these nutrients (in both quantity and quantity), and although the required amounts are different, each must meet 100% of the required amount. None of these essential nutrients
Must not be missing
The ten essential nutrients are called ``essential nutrients.''
If even one of these nutrients is insufficient, even if he has all of the other 39 nutrients, his health will remain below the level of that missing nutrient. Avoid deficiency or lack of even one essential nutrient. This is the minimum requirement for maintaining good health (see Figure 1).
Among macronutrients, protein is particularly important as it is the basic constituent of our bodies. Regarding this protein, I wrote the following in ``Agon Buddhism: The Super Miraculous Secret'' (published by Hirakawa Publishing).
As I mentioned earlier, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are known as the "three major nutrients."
Let's look in the mirror.
As you know, my practical nutrition consists mainly of protein.
The reason why proteins are the main ingredient is simply that proteins are the basic structure of our bodies.
What we see when we look at ourselves in the mirror, including our skin, hair, muscles, and eyes, are all made of protein. Blood and lymph, which cannot be seen directly, the heart, lungs, brain, and nerves are all made of proteins or rely on proteins for many of their functions.
In addition, enzymes that catalyze chemical reactions essential to living things are also made of proteins.
Proteins ingested as food are broken down into amino acids by protein-digesting enzymes, which are then taken into the bloodstream through the inner wall of the small intestine. It then travels to the liver through a large blood vessel called the portal vein.
The liver assimilates it into its own tissue proteins while synthesizing serum proteins. Amino acids leave the liver as they are and circulate throughout the body as amino acids in the blood. Some of them lose their amino groups and become carbohydrates, lipids, or converted into energy.
When we eat beef, the protein from that beef is not directly taken into our bodies and turned into muscles. Beef protein is broken down into its constituent amino acids in the digestive tract, which are then absorbed into the body.
The body of a living organism synthesizes its own unique proteins by linking these amino acids together according to its own genetic information (DNA). Therefore, just because you eat tiger meat, you cannot have strong muscles and mind like a tiger, and no matter how much cobra or habu you eat, you cannot expect to have the strength of cobra or habu. is nonsense. In short, both tigers and cobras are simply making use of their amino acids.
In this way, the proteins contained in food are broken down into amino acids, which enter the bloodstream and function in a variety of ways, and enzymes are responsible for the decomposition. Nothing can happen without enzymes, and those enzymes are also proteins.
People often say that enzymes are the most important thing, but enzymes are made of proteins. He says that if you have enough protein, you won't run out of most enzymes.
Antibodies are also an important function of proteins.
Antibodies are important proteins in the blood that protect us from infection and disease.
The immune system, which includes antibodies, is the body's defense system against the onslaught of viruses that cause colds and invading bacteria.
Billions of harmful microorganisms surround us, and antibodies are constantly fighting against them.
In addition, many hormones are proteins.
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