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Mikomoto-shima Light-house

2020-12-03 | MINAMI-IZU

(This picture was taken from Ose province
of Minami-Izu, in Nov.2015)

150th anniversary of Mikomoto-shima light-house is coming soon.
Mikomoto-shima light-house, located about 6 miles off Minami-Izu,the southern part of Izu peninsula, is one of the oldest Western-style light-house in Japan, which was constructed in Meiji era under supervision of Mr., Richard Henry Brunton(Scottish), known as “Father of Light-house”. It first lit on January 1,1871.
For 150 years, many many ships, coastal, international and fishing vessels, have used this lighthouse as a very important navigation aid for safe passing off southern sea area of Izu Peninsula.
Privately speaking, I also used this lighthouse for many many times when I was an officer of a ship, and even when the master of the ship.
I would say thanks to Mikomoto-shima lighthouse for long long years’
working, and congratulation 150th anniversary !
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