- - The place where I was born - -

Iro-zaki Lighthouse

2021-10-10 | MINAMI-IZU
Around 1955 (left)
Present Iro-zaki lighthouse(right)

Iro-saki (or Iro-zaki) Light-house is located at the most southern tip of Izu peninsula (Cape Iro-zaki), the eastern coast of Japan. October 5th,2021, is the 150th Anniversary of the lighthouse after its first lit in 1871. The lighthouse has been watching for the safety of the ships passing off the Izu peninsula for 150 years. It is one of the important lighthouses in the east coast of Japan and, when I was young and was at sea as a navigation officer, Iro-zaki lighthouse was very helpful for the safe navigation of my ship. Thanks, for 150 years ! Even in the age of GPS, the lighthouse is still useful and important for any ships.

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