- - The place where I was born - -

------- Flowers in Izu -------

2009-04-03 | *FLOWERS IN IZU
Flowers in Izu
Izu peninsula is a mild climate region in Japan. There is little snow fall even in winter time.Throughout the year, there are many kinds of flowers and we can enjoy seeing their full bloom.
In this site, I like to show as many flowers as possible, which we can see in Izu peninsula.

Please enjoy seeing the beautiful flowers in Izu Peninsula !

( Note ): At the bottom of this page, click Japanese word ”<前のページ”
there, and you can see more photos of flowers in next page.

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Minami Izu

2009-04-03 | MINAMI-IZU
Welcome to Minami-Izu ( the southern part of Izu Peninsula ).
Minami-Izu is a place which faces the Pacific Ocean and there are lots of scenic spots.
The climate is warm throughout the year.
Visitors can enjoy eating of fresh marine products, such as Ise lobsters, top shells(SAZAE),abalons(AWABI), and various kinds of fishes. Visitors can also enjoy hot-springs in Minami-izu.
And, there are many kinds of beautiful flowers !
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