TIME誌によるPERSON OF THE YEARは、プーチンだったみたいね。個人的には、東国原であってほしかったけど、あまりにもドメスティックだったみたいね(汗)それか、沢尻エリカ。是非インタビューであの、伝説の名返答を期待したかった・・・あれ、皆さん、「別に~」興味ないですか?
ところで、人それぞれの身近にも、そのcounterpartがあるかと思います。みなさんにとってのperson of the yearはどういった方でしょうか?
私吹越にとってのperson of th year2007は
I appreciate your kindness from the bottom of my heart. But for your being,It would be impossible for me to endure my fucking working environment. You did make me easy,and did give me comfort.
You also seem to face some difficulties, judging from what you've told me on the phone,even though other menbers of us do so,indeed.
So,I will tell you what my senior,equivalent to a Q, told me: KEEP THE DISTANCE FROM YOUR WORK.
Next year,let's make as good effort as we could; not better than we could.!!
ところで、人それぞれの身近にも、そのcounterpartがあるかと思います。みなさんにとってのperson of the yearはどういった方でしょうか?
私吹越にとってのperson of th year2007は
I appreciate your kindness from the bottom of my heart. But for your being,It would be impossible for me to endure my fucking working environment. You did make me easy,and did give me comfort.
You also seem to face some difficulties, judging from what you've told me on the phone,even though other menbers of us do so,indeed.
So,I will tell you what my senior,equivalent to a Q, told me: KEEP THE DISTANCE FROM YOUR WORK.
Next year,let's make as good effort as we could; not better than we could.!!